continued from p.16 Raitt pointed to the Mental Health Commission of Canada and the #308conversations, a federal initiative that requires MPs to convene with their communities and host discussions about mental health and suicide prevention. She also said signs with 1-800 numbers have been placed near rail lines in the GTAH. The meeting shifted to infrastructure improvements, with Ajax Mayor Steve Parish calling on the federal government to act like more of a partner when it comes to dealing Halton mayors to lead trio of working groups with municipalities. He cited chronic gridlock, traffic problems, road repairs and other huge challenges in the GTAH and demanded more than just a ribbon-cutting ceremony by Ottawa to honour its commitment. Raitt said the federal government's $53-billion commitment to infrastructure projects over 10 years should signify its willingness to be a partner with municipalities. "We're all on the same side here," she told Parish. The meeting came to a close with an hourlong discussion about increasing GTAH representation at the provincial level and efficiently streamlining information between the municipality and the Province. Attendees opted to create three `working groups' that would include political representation from each region of the GTAH -- transit and transportation, planning and growth for infrastructure, and economic growth. Mayors of Milton, Burlington and Oakville split up the workload, with Krantz volunteering for economic growth, Burlington's Rick Goldring opting for transit and transportation, while Oakville's Rob Burton joined the planning and growth for infrastructure. The motion for the `working groups' was passed unanimously and will await approval from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and 23 | Thursday, April 16, 2015 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | A fusion of JApAnese & Chinese Cuisine in the heArt of oAkville! come in & join us as we ceLebrate sPrinG at auGust 8! Dine in for All You cAn eAt lunCh or Dinner www.August8.cA Saturday, April 25th 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Wednesdays 9 am OPEN HOUSE 7 DAYs A week 4 Locations to serve you better! oAkville 280 north service road W. @ Dorval 905-338-6228 BurlinGton 834 Brant Street We Do tAkeout! hAMilton 1 Wilson Street stoneY Creek 835 Paramount Drive 10% off Dinner only. Cash only & with this ad. Creating Dream eam Kitchens Since 1977, we've been creating dream kitchens, baths, closets and wall units with balance, function and beauty. We manufacture our own cabinets. Made In canada Family OwneD anD OperateD FOr 35 yearS SHOwrOOm 111 Brockley Dr. Hamilton, Ontario 905.573-2311 Visit our showroom online @ Mon.-Fri. 9-5pm, Sat. 10-3:00pm, Sun. & Evenings by Appointment