A4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday June 6 , 2001 Police still don't know location of local woman (C ontinued from page A 1 ) had passed since Sutton disappeared on May 23 -- her birthday. H ow ever, by early this w eek, Deportee captured A day after Halton Police assist ed the Toronto Police Fugitive Squad in arresting a man here in Oakville who fled the U.S. justice system, they arrested another man who escaped custody as he was being deported. While the first arrest was made on May 28 at Oakville Place, the second arrest, o f a 30-year-old man, was made at a Glenashton Drive home on May 29. Halton Regional Police Sgt. Larry Brassard said the two arrests were unrelated. Thirty-year-old Tajinder Pal Ji Singh had escaped from Citizenship and Im m igration Canada (CIC) officers on the night of May 20. Singh gave the officers the slip at Pearson International Airport where he was being put on a return flight to India. By this past Tuesday, CIC offi cers, assisted by Halton police, converged on the Glenashton Drive home to take Singh back into cus tody, however, Singh once again attempted to flee. The man didn't get far and was arrested without incident and turned back over to CIC officers. S u tto n 's fam ily had apparently received a letter from her and passed it on to police. "We now have inform ation that leads us to believe that she's alright and that she's m issing because she wants to be," said Det. Sgt. Norm Ryall yesterday. How ever Ryall noted, "W e've yet to confirm that to our own satisfac tion." Ryall said Sutton's fam ily m em bers are "greatly relieved." "T hey're pretty confident that it's their m other's handw riting and that there's nothing in it to be concerned about," said Ryall. Sutton's fam ily had at first told police their m om 's disappearance was "out o f character." "We (the police) can 't quite let it go at this point but our inquiries will be far more discreet (than a public appeal)," explained Ryall. "O ur concern for her safety is greatly dim inished," adm itted the detective. Ryall said that the content o f the letter was to the effect, "I 'm alright. I 've met some nice people. D on't worry about me." Yet police can 't really tell where Sutton is, based on the letter, adm it ted the detective. Ryall said police still want to hear from any m em ber o f the public who may have spotted Sutton or her m aroon coloured, 1992 Pontiac Transport van which bears licence plate num ber 863 ZFT. The m edia in northern Ontario were notified last week since Sutton is said to have friends in Barrie, Rice Lake and M anitoulin Island. Yet, there haven't been any sight ings of either Sutton or her van. Sutton was last in contact with her fam ily on the day o f her birth day. "W e're still interested until such time as w e're reasonably satisfied," said Ryall. No clear funding for texts but MPP defends Province Continued from page A 1) The trustee said it's unclear how much new provincial funding is coming in. Downs noted a recent provincial subsidy to help with rising fuel costs has not been included in 2001-02 grants. Another concern is high school cur riculum funding. There'll be $325,000 · for the new Grade 11 timetable, half of what was provided earlier when new Grade 9 and 10 courses were intro duced. `T here'll be no funding for text books when the ew year is introduced," said Downs. "It's a difficult pill to swal low. There's no clear funding for them." The trustee said some grants weren't announced until mid-May, making it difficult to obtain public input prior to budget approval. "That's a pretty fast turnaround." The board's business services super intendent also expressed concern about provincial funding levels. "It's going to be awfully hard to set a budget with so much riding on the $100 per pupil," said Carla Kisko. "It is difficult to balance a budget of that kind." She said additional pupil funding represents a 1.6% hike, half the increase of the Consumer Price Index. "That difference is significant," said Kisko. "They haven't met inflation by any stretch." O f the $360 million extra the province is providing to school boards, $120 million will address enrolment growth, she noted. The superintendent was still await ing regulations for spending of increased funding on local programs like remedial help. Burlington MPP Cam Jackson noted the combined funding increase for Halton's public and Catholic boards is $12.3 million. "The government is keeping its promise to invest in quality education," he said. "Education continues to be a priority and we've increased funding yet again to help Halton schools ensure our children receive the education they need to succeed." He noted the province has increased spending each year since introducing student-focused funding in 1998. Last year, H alton's public school board received an extra $10.9 million, while the Catholic school board received an additional $11.8 million. This year's province-wide increase represents a 2.8% hike over last year's education spending, said Jackson. The MPP also cited $50 million Sears stores close to you, close to home Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: announced recently for boards to address local priorities. He said this will provide greater flexibility and resources, providing students with bet ter access to support programs, such as remedial help. "We continue to move forward with improvements to the education system, including a rigorous curriculum, clear and understandable report cards, stan dardized testing and an emphasis on performance-based accountability." Halton's Catholic school board offi cials praised the province for providing flexibility in funding. "Our board is pleased the province has chosen to provide school boards with a few options on how the funds can be utilized," said chair A 1 Bailey. Fred Sweeney, education director, said additional provincial funding prob ably w on't be sufficient to cover increased costs. "However, the opportunity to apply funds to meet the board's identified needs should be of substantial help in balancing the budget," he said. The board officials expressed disap pointment the Intensive Support Amount will be held at 2000-01 levels, but were encouraged the education ministry is addressing the problem. North Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 O F T H E S IA S O > Bookers Bookstore, 172 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville ·844-5501 · bookers@sympatico.ca now 899 99 MAYTAG® 18.6-CU. FT. FRIDGE WITH TOP FREEZER 3 full-width 'spillproof glass shelves. 3 full door bins. #80982. Sears reg. 999.99. 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