Wednesday June 13, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 G R O W L 'N G A T O R F A T H E R 'S M Y m I D C A S MEN'S SURFERS SHORTS MULTI POCKETS MEN'S POLAR FLEECE VEST Reversable, waterproof GREAT FOR HUNTfllG OR FISHING (orange, yellow, Mack) (Navx Khaki, Beige) ^ 9 .9 9 $24.99 MEN'S SOCCER SHIRTS ^ $9.99 $4.99 DESIGNER MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TOOL MEN'S BELT HOLSTER LEATHER BELTS WITH Great tor camping, ATHLETIC $9.99 "" hiking, fishing $19.99 SHO ES O $9.99 R2 F O R $15.00 Hows Dad on the Dance Floor? You always said he had tw o left feet-- and Mom agreed. W hy not give him the chance to prove you both wrong?The dance profession als at Fred Astaire Dance Studios can teach the hound dog some new tricks! He'll have a great time, gain confidence and coordination and get a great w orkout too. Gift Certificates Available ; DANCE STUDIOS, SWISS ARMY SUPER NEW BUY HIGHWAY EMERGENCY KIT STYLE Polo Frames POCKET KNIFE S h irts (13 (unctions) Small - XXL 2 FOR Si 9.99 $15.00 *! . 905-337-2474 Photo Albums 61U»»«* $1 O P Brag Books (Speers Road and 4th Line O p e n in ginB a rrieso o n ! Beside Tim Hortons) 1029 Speers rd. (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -3 7 9 7 225 L akeshore R oad East, 2 n d F loor · D o w n to w n O akville 1 b lock w e s t o f Trafalgar Rd. (E ntrance from b o th Lakeshore Road and parking lot o f f C hurch Street) MON-WED 10-6; THURS 10-8; FR110-9; SAT 10-6; SUN 11-5 Visit our Kitchener swamp room a t : 1780 King St, E. 519-585-2273 See & talk to all your friends around the world 0 VGA S U P B I VG A CAM $29" $39 if f 1EUDAD BACKTIME. tril W r ' treat himto one on Fathers Day For all the meals he' s treats you to, tnsa Rids under 10 eat FREE! ^ (with purchase of even *»ult entree) O M can win fabulous prizes! CHp. Crop. Customize. Edit all your snapshots and videos with great applications. 2 Videochat with friends and family Xn A m erica n Ita lia n Eater? Providing Canadians with computer products since 1976 EdiTIPUEEnTBE ,-& e rriMDi ircwToc is a registered Trademark of Multimicro i_ ® COMPUCENTRE Inc. ~ OAKVILLE PLACE MALL, 240 Leighland Avenue 849-1291 ROSEWOOD GALLERIES FINE FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES OAKVILLE FINAL CLEARANCE SALE ON'T MISS IT! / i t f a M M M M W |i---- ...r FARMER'S MARKET S HO P P I N G CENTRE CIVITAN yw Comunty...yourCadre. 1515 Rebecca Street, Oakville, ON SATURDAYS - MAY 5 thru NOV. 24 481 North Service Road West, Unit A35 (West of Dorval) Oakville Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 8:00 a.m . - 4:00 p.m . (905) 847-3999 AIM Funds M anagem ent Inc. A rte k C o n s tru c tio n Ltd. Bot C o n s tru c tio n Ltd. D &N A u to C entre Forbes- H e w le tt T ransport Inc. THIS WEEK S FEATURE: FRESH ONTARIO STRAWBERRIES Featuring: Fresh Fruit & Produce Flowers/Shrubs & Plants Roots/Bulbs & Seeds H oney & Maple Syrup Breads/Pastries & Pies Cut Flowers C heese & Eggs Perogies & Cabbage Rolls Roasted Mixed Nuts Come fo r the Freshness Stay fo r the Fun S a tu rd a y Ju n e 9 th 1 0 :0 0 a m O a k v ille Entertainm ent Centrum (W in sto n Park Drive) The Soap box Derby h as been brought to Oakville to help fulfill two important goals; lo help raise funds for the Big Brothers of Halton an d Big Sisters of Oakville an d to give 24 girls and boys a d ay of fun, race-filled excilemenll · M acLachlan C ollege M o rd e n S e rvice ntre Ltd. N o rth Star E lectric O w l-L ite Rentals, Sales & M a n u fa ctu rin g P e trie 's Q u a lity T opsoil & C o n tra c tin g S ta rfle e t C o n s tru c tio n Total Travel Trafalgar Lodge R etirem e nt Lodge V ision T ra n s p o rta tio n System Inc. THE ROTARY ^ j^ S is te r s ' CLUB OF OAKVILLE Sponsored by: NORTH A BIG BROTHERS OF HALTON INC. ,