D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 11, 2001 M0LS0N INDY 2001 Getting the green flag to go racing in Toronto the back straight. O pposition to the plan cam e from three groups: 1) residents close to Exhibition Place who feared the noise and crow ds w ould disrupt their neighbourhood; 2) M osport Park, w ho at the tim e felt their business w ould suffer; and 3) those w ho opposed the use o f a public facility by a private com pany. A lthough m any believe that racing didn't com e to Toronto that year because o f governm ent resis tance, the proposal had in fact w on approval from each governm ent level. It w as a threat by the local ratepayers' association to seek a court injunction that persuaded B assett and H unt to scrap their plans. T he idea o f racing at the Exhibition grounds resurfaced in 1975, ironically lead by M osport Park. M osport was the prom oter o f the Canadian G rand Prix at the tim e and felt that the m agnitude and cost o f staging the event had outgrow n their facility. A race in dow ntow n Toronto was an attractive proposition. Like Bassett and H unt before them though, M osport's m anagem ent ran sm ack into the local ratepayers' association. The Form ula O ne race left Southern O ntario for the M ontreal's E xpo site in 1977, w here it has rem ained. In 1984 M olson B rew eries acquired the rights to stage CA RT races in Canada. T hat year they sponsored the S aner M olson Indy ju st outside o f M ontreal on Sagria's 1.2 kilom etre tri-oval. Plans for staging a race in Toronto at Exhibition Place also began. D eterm in ed to learn fro m the p rev io u s attem pts, the M olson group addressed the co n cerns o f local residents and gained the necessary approval from all levels o f governm ent. O n N ovem ber 26, 1985 a press conference w as held to announce that Toronto w ould finally host a m ajor league auto race. T he first M olson Indy took place on July 20, 1986 before a sold-out crow d o f 60,000. T he phrase that w as m ost often used to describe that first M olson Indy in 1986 w as "an idea w hose tim e had com e." But perhaps Toronto Star sportsw riter Frank O rr put it best in an article for that year's program describing the event as "an idea that took a very long tim e to get here." Jo hnny B assett's vision and efforts w ere ack n o w led g ed by the M olson Indy B o ard o f T rustees in 1988 w hen they created the Jo h n F. B assett Jr. A w ard to "recognize a C an ad ian in d iv id u al, o rg an izatio n o r ev en t w h ich has m ade a sig n ifican t co n trib u tio n to the d ev elo p m ent and gro w th o f C an ad ian m o to rsp o rt rac ing." T he first recip ien t - Jo h n F. B assett - w as p resen ted the A w ard posthum ously. T he M olson Indy enters its 16th year as one o f the country's prem ier annual sporting events. A uto racing through the streets o f Toronto has becom e a sum m er tradition, but this event could be celebrating its 30th birthday if his tory had unfolded differently. In 1968 the late John F. Basset Jr., w hose father ow ned the Toronto Telegram , and form er Sun Publishing executive D on Hunt, w ho w as then in public relations, announced that they w ere going to create a race circuit on the E xhibition grounds and stage Indy car and Form ula One events on an annual basis. A n appropriately nam ed com pany, Lakeshore Raceway, was form ed. T he proposal called for a 3.7 kilom etre circuit (the current layout is 2.90 km ) w ith the start/finish line and pits located in Exhibition Stadium and using Lakeshore Blvd. as There's a whole new world out there. discover it today. www. a a division of HaItonSearch.com llebeaver.com connecting you to your community The fastest event of the summer N charities th ro u g h o u t Toronto. o thing m oves you faster than the M olson Indy! J u l y 11 -- G reg M oore G o lf C lassic -- w w w .w oodE xperience w h eel-to-w heel action at speeds o f ensticks.com 230 m ph w hen the fastest ev en t o f the su m m er hits July 12 -- B lack & W hite G ala D in n er -- W estin the streets o f E xhibition P lace in T oronto on July 13, 14 H arb o u r C astle H otel and 15, 2001. C anadian racing superstars P aul Tracy, July 12 -- M olson Pit P arty -- T oronto E ntertainm ent P atrick C arpentier and A lex 'Tags' T agliani, jo in an inter D istrict, John Street national field o f w orld-class drivers, including M ichael July 13 -- D rivers' V IP Party -- W ayne G retzky's A ndretti, C hristian F ittipaldi, D ario F ranchitti, H elio C astroneves and the F edE x C ham pionship Series 2000 F o r fu rth er d etails visit the M olson Indy w ebsite at cham pion, G il de Ferran. www.molsonindy.com/toronto/. T h e M olson Indy w ill celebrate its 16th A nniversary this year and has set its goal to surpass last year's record attendance o f 168,353 ov er the three-day event. O ne o f Which vacation picture will you be in this summer? Past winners Adrian Fernandez, Michael Andretti, and Paul Tracy stand on the podium. C anada's largest annual sporting events, the M olson Indy is a total celebration o f sum m er, and it lasts all w eek long until the ch eckered flag w aves. A t the M olson Indy there is ju s t as m uch action o ff the track as on. See the schedule below for details (schedule subject to change). T he M olson Indy is set to deliv er three days o f p ure high-octane fun. H ere are ju st a few o f the highlights: It may be time for a cooling system check-up! Keep your cool this summer! W e/ll Straighten You Out. 10% off a Volkswagen wheel alignment. Is your Volkswagen out of line? O ur ladorytrained technicians will straighten it out in no lime. W s ll balance and rotate you tires and rest your suspension to precise Volkswagen specs. And we'll do it all for a special price. Don't delay. Come straight here. Volkswogens love Real Volkswagen Parts. Serving the Oakville community for over 32 years 573 Chartwell Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 4A8 Tel: (905) 844-9641 Fax: (905) 8 44 -7172 N E Q.E.W. S. SERVICE RD. u *| CORNWALL RO. U ! i « -h f s S i SPEERS B0. *" Keepin' it real. V O L K S W A G E N PARTS & SERVICE O akville Volksw agen 557 Kerr Street, Oakville (905) 844-3285 Coupon must be presented prior to service write up. O ff-track action in T h u n d er Alley In betw een the racing-action, fans can take a w alk through T hu n d er A lley featuring racing exhibits, ca r d is plays, race m erchandise, beach volleyball, racing sim ula tors and d riv er and celebrity autograph sessions. O r kick back and sip a cool one in the T hu n d er A lley B eer G arden, w here the M olson Indy rocks w ith hot live bands on the T h u n d er A lley Stage. T he best-kept secret o f race w eek end is the C A R T P addock, located in the h eart o f T hunder Alley. It is in the P ad dock (garage) that race fans can get up-close to check-out the C A R T drivers and crew , as they analyze an d adjust their m illion do llar m achines - terrific photo o p p ortunities aw ait! W heel Cool - M otorfest F o r air-co n d itio n e d , in d o o r fu n , be sure to visit M otorF est, in the N ational T rade C entre. M olson Indy fans can check-out the support race garages, driver and celebrity autograph sessions, race m erchandise, 'A rtFest', b eer gardens and lots o f interactive fun. Try y o u r skills in the all new A ction Z one and K idS port Zone. WE SPECIALIZE IN V.W. AND PORSCHE REPAIRS AKO HIGH PERFORMANCE TUW NG S TR E E T AND RACING PARTS AVAILABLE The C A R T P addock T h e best-kept secret o f race w eekend is the C A R T P addock, located in the heart o f T h u n d er Alley. A nd it is in the P ad dock (garage) that race fans can get up-close to check-out the C A R T drivers and crew , as they analyze and adjust th eir m illion do llar m achines - terrific photo op p o r tunities aw ait! T he team s use their spectacular transport trailers as their race shop, w ith the C ham p C ars parked in full view. C ham p C ars are am ong the m ost sophisticated four-w heeled m achines in the w orld. W ith a top speed o f 230m ph, these m ethanol-fuelled, turbo-charged th o ro u g h breds can hit 0-60 in tw o seconds flat. THE SUPPO RT S E R IE S G A R A G E is located in the N ational T rade C entre. G et up real close and check out the C A R T A tlantic Series, Indy L ights S eries, C A S C A R S uper Series, F I 600 Series an d B arber D odge team s, w hen these aw esom e racing m achines are not co m p eting on the track. D R IV E R AND C E L E B R IT Y A U TO G RA PH S E S S IO N S are scheduled throughout M olson Indy race w eekend in the C A R T P addock. M otorF est and T h u n d er Ally. C heck the O fficial M olson Indy P rogram for tim es an d locations an d /o r listen for details o v er the track P.A. system . PENCIL Jjpa APPROVED PORSCHE CLUB SAFETY INSPECTION STATION B osch |BQSQi| A u thorized S e rvice Oil, Lube & Filter Service Castrol Oil & Fram Filter - u p to 5 litres - c h e c k flu id levels - c h e c k b e lts & hoses - c h e c k tir e pressures A /C System Check M easure A/C efficiency - check belts & compressor - check for Freon leaks * j a q c $ ^ / § 9 5 ^ * V ( m0st cars) (most cars) mcinti> Racing Inc. 1029 SPEERS ROAD, UNITS 5 & 6, OAKVILLE. ONTARIO, L6L 2X5 (905) 844-5219 www.mantisracing.com fMoone s `lire Centre 2 8 0 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6K 2E9 8 4 2 - 2 2 0 1 A f C M 30 Audi A6 2.8: Race-bred 200 hp A6 2.7 T: 250 hp biturbo' A6 4.2: Potent 300 hp V8' Full-time quattro- all-wheel drive ! e 2for S 8,350 Refundable security deposit S 750 first month's payment S 6S9 Amount due at lease inception $9,799* ·Pius applicable taxes and foes. lea Owm payment M olson IndyFest T oronto's ow n M olson IndyF est is the best w eek o f racing action an y w here in the w orld. A n entire w eek o f pre-race festivities geared to getting the co m m unity revved up fo r the big event. R ace fans, sponsors, C A R T d ri vers, celebrities and the com m unity enjoy w orld class events ranging from the prestigious G ala D in n er and the D riv ers' V IP P arty, to free S tre et P arties, all in support o f children's R ight brain: the pow er, the style, the luxury. Left brartmatlTBiprice, the price, the price. L O W 3 . 9 % A P R F I N A N C I N G A V A I L A B L E V. 4 .9 % 8 6 9 9 / 3 6 M O .' F O R P U R C H A S E A U D I A D VA N TA G E O R 80,000 K IL O M E TR E S N O -C H A R G E S C H ED U LED M A IN TEN AN CE 4 YEARS t 3 . 9 % A P R available o n ail A 6 se d a n s throu gh Ju ly 3 1, 200 1 , to qualified c u stom e rs for u p to 4 8 m o nths. ' Lease for $699 p e r m o nth for 3 6 m o nths e x clud e s taxes, licence, registration a nd P D L D o w n p a ym e nt or tra de -in of $ 8 ,3 5 0 required plus refundable security dep osit of $ 7 5 0 a nd first m o nth's p a ym e n t of $6 9 9 . A m o u n t d u e at lease inception is $9 ,7 9 9 , 3 6 -m o , c lo s e d -e n d lease offered to qualified c u stom e rs b y A u d i Fin ance through participating dealers. M u st take delivery b y J u ly 31, 2 0 0 1 . Rate ba se d o n $ 5 5 ,0 6 5 M S R P of 2001 Au d i A 6 2 .8 sedan including quattro. Celebration pk g. a n d $ 6 0 5 destination cha rge . M o n thly p a ym e n ts total $2 5 ,1 6 4. Le a se requires dealer contribution, w h ic h co u ld affect final negotiated transaction. Lesse e responsible for insurance a nd m a y have s o m e financial liability at lease e n d. Lesse e responsible for $0.25/kilom etre o ve r 2 0 ,0 0 0 kilom etres p e r year. Le a se rate is b a se d o n annual interest rate of 4 .9 % for 3 6 m o n ths. Dealer se ts actual prices. S e e dealer for details. "A u d i," "quattro," "A 6 " a n d the four rings e m b le m are registered tradem arks o f A U D I A G . "Au di A d v a n ta g e " is a service m ark of A u d i of A m e rica, lnc.© 2001 Au di C a n a d a , to find o ut m ore ab ou t A u di, call I - 8O O -F O R A U D I or visit u s at: w w w .a u d i.c o m Oakville Audi 557 Kerr Street (South of th e q ew ), Oakville 905. 8 4 4 .3 2 8 5 Audi