Wednesday, August 22, 2001 School is starting in less than 30 days and thousands of dollars in grants are still unclaimed It's not too late to visit W ith less than 30 days left until the start o f the 2001-2002 university and co l lege school year, m ost students and parents are scram bling to pull together the neces sary funds for tuition, books and residence. W ith the cost o f post-secondary education continuing to rise, w w w .studentaw , can provide funding relief to Canadian students. A verage increases in tuition for 2000/01 across Canada rose betw een three and seven per cent from the previous year. O ne year o f study aw ay from hom e in C anada can cost more than $13,000. So even if a student has w orked two sum m er jobs or, even if m om and dad have invested into an RESP, it m ay not be enough. As the average undergraduate debt load continues to increase, it becom es increasingly difficult to get a degree debt-free. O ne way o f funding post-secondary studies is through scholarships. Studentaw is the m ost com prehensive online database o f scholar ships, bursaries, grants and other form s o f finan cial aw ards for students entering or enrolled in post-secondary studies. T he site is bilingual, the service is free and the aw ards are updated on a daily basis by a dedicated team o f researchers. "There are tens o f thousands dollars that go unclaim ed every year," says Joe F reedm an, F o u n d er and C h ief E xecu tiv e O fficer o f Studentaw ards Inc. "We provide the m ost com prehensive online resource to thousands o f schol arships." Financial aw ards available online range from $100 to $50,000. Scholarships are aw arded based on hobbies, sports, interests, heritage and field o f study, n ot solely on academ ic perform ance. T here are also aw ards for students o f single par ent homes,, for m ature students, part-tim e stu dents and seniors. To register, students com plete a detailed online registration profile that outlines their archaeology; $5,000 if your passion is anim ation; Visiting has also led to interests and fields o f study. Studentaw invaluable opportunities. "B ecause o f stuand $1,200 if neither parent has a university has developed the m ost advanced and reliable , I found out about the Jeunesses degree. But regardless o f the criteria, you won't M usicales vocal competition. I qualified to audi get any m oney if you don't apply. Visit www.stusearch engine technology available, enabling users to find inform ation on relevant aw ards in a tion in Vancouver early this spring and I was one dentaw today - it's never too late. m atter o f m inutes. T he softw are autom atically o f the three selected from Vancouver to m atch es th eir p erso n al p ro file ag ain st the com pete in M ontreal at the semi-finals. detailed criteria for thousands o f scholarships, This was an awesom e opportunity for &n tie -M a rie % hnardeil aw ards and bursaries in the database. m e and I was able to score a big audition C o n s e r v a t o ir e d e P a r is Studentaw delivers a list o f aw ard w ith a university there where I have P ia n o - T heory m atches to the student's personal, passw ord-pro since been accepted into their prem ier tected m ailbox - com pletely free o f charge. Then opera program," says Layla Ingraham. Classes taught in English and French Awards found on the site are as the student can choose w hich aw ards to apply for. d iv erse as: $2 0 ,0 0 0 fo r am ateu r · R egistrants w ill receive notification em ails astronom ers w ho discover a com et; about any new relevant aw ards that have been $3,000 to study turf grass agronom y; $2,000 if you are a disabled student; added to the system since they registered. 3 indoor riding arenas. Classes available for Is it w orth filling out the application? H ere's $4,000 to study A egean B ronze Age children, teenagers and adults all year round. w hat som e aw ard w inners · Weekday Lessons 4/S 107 or $3Q/Lesson have to say. "I found out · Friday Hoof-Pick Club 6pm-8:30pm about th e M illen n iu m $35 (Children 5-10 yrs.) S ch o larsh ip s an d the · Saturday at Farm 10am-3pm R utherfo rd S ch o larsh ip s $40 (Children 5-12 yrs.) · Summer Day Camps S 195/Week or 550/Day really early, and as a result, I Canada's Largest English Riding School · Summer Overnight Camps $401.25AVeek now have over $20,000 in 3445 Dundas W. (Hwy. #5) Oakville (11/2 mi. W. of Hwy. #251 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -4 6 7 8 scholarsh ip s!" says G reg w ebsite w w w e-m ail: bertin<s> Carrier. O ther successes include B R IN G O N T H E A D V E N T U R E ! M ichelle Clayton w ho says, Scouts Canada Registration Schedule "I qu alified fo r several Scouting G roups in Oakville have Beavers 5 -7 years. sch o larsh ip s and on e o f Cubs 8 -1 0 years, and S couts 1 1 -1 4 years. 1 5 % OFF UNTIL LABOUR DAY those scholarships has m ade an enorm ous difference in S o m tra e also have en turers and in in g is pV ro v id e d . 1 4 -1 7 years and Rovers 4012 New St.,(at waikefs Ln) Burlington cnm iTc r « u * n A 18 -2 6 years. V o lu n te e r o p p o rtu n itie s are available m y school year. I received 5 Group 1 U U I5 L A H H im Area . Served f r o in in n io nrnuiW arl Name and Registration Location Open Sundays, Noon-5pm from Aug. 26 - Sept. 9 the Petro Canada O lym pic 1st Bronte West of 12-M ile Creek to Burloak Drive. 7 p.m. Mon-Fri: 10am -8pm , Sat: 10am-5pm Scholarship for my partici Sept. 4 & 5, at Walton Memorial United Church pation in the M aster's o f 2nd Oakville South of QEW between 16-M ile Creek & Chartwell Rd. 7 -9 p.m. Sept. 10, at St. John's United Church C oaching P rogram at York 7th Oakville Clearview. 7 p.m. Sept. 11, at St. Luke's School University. I now have the 8th Oakville Glen Abbey/West Oak Trails. 7-9 p.m. Sept. 10, at Glen opportunity to study w ithout Abbey United Church the constant w orry o f finan 9th Oakville Between Bronte Rd. and Third Line. 7 p.m. Sept. 11 at cial burdens." St. Dominic's School (905) 337-0070 BERTIN STABLES Dancewear & Shoes for Ballet, Tap, Jazz & Highland dance time A ® 2 2 6 3 7 -2 6 6 2 s m j ljou Reserve tnu5tc j cferThe R oyal We invite you to come and enjoy the truly unique Michael's Health & Beauty Spa experience. since 1959 ·0 in your life,! *0 Music C onservatory 11th Oakville 12th Oakville 19th Oakville Michael s K u ty newest talent, students can enjoy a haircut & style by Daniel & Patrizia |n c e l e b r a t i o n o f o u r of for only Spa refer 3 friends and your next cut & style is for women F* for men Discover the magic of music this fall a t The RCM in Mississauga Sing Play an instrument Join an ensemble Give your young child a Sm art S t a r t Infants to Seniors Beginners to Advanced 20th Oakville 38th Oakville 1st Trafalgar 3rd Trafalgar 4th Trafalgar " . 7th Trafalgar 9th Trafalgar FREE *10% o f your purchase will be donated back to your school. 'Student cud or other hxm of student identification squired. Please mention special when booking appointment - Free makenip toudwps with appointment N. of QEW between Trafalgar Rd. and 9th Line. 6:30 p.m. at the Falgarwood and Sheridan Schools family BBQ's - date tba West of 3rd Line and North of Rebecca St. 7 p.m. Sept. 11, at Gladys Speers Public School River Oaks/Oak Park. 7 pm, Sept. 11, atOur Lady of Peace School L.D.S. Chapel, North Oakville. 7 p.m. Sept. 12 & 18 September - call 844-3113 after Sept. 4 North of QEW, South of Upper Middle Rd. between Trafalgar Rd. and 6th Line, Sept. 10 & 1 1 ,6 -8 p.m., at St. Michael's School South of Upper Middle Rd. and West of 6th Line. 7 p.m. Sept. 11, Sunningdale P.S. East Oakville, Wedgewood Rd. to Winston Churchill Blvd., 7 p.m. Sept. 13 & 14, & 10 a.m. Sept. 15 at Maplegrove Village Mall Kerr St. to 4th Line/Speers Rd. South to Appleby College area. 7 -9 p.m. Sept. 12, at St. Paul's United Church South of Speers Rd. between 3rd and 4th Lines. 7 p.m. Sept. 10, at Hopedale Presbyterian Church. H elping our yo u th to become b etter citizens! 1735 Lakeshore Rd. W. g 11 Mississauga, Ont. 8 O X X *V 1 IX If you r e q u ire fu r th e r c la r ific a tio n , p le a s e c a ll th e lo c a l S c o u ts C a n a d a o ffic e a t 8 4 4 - 3 1 1 3 . b e g in n in g S e p t. 5 th . Call: 9 0 5 - 8 9 1 - 7 9 4 4 8 5 0 Enola A venue. Mississauga (Lakeshore Rd & Cawthra R d.) ww Dare to Dream Classical Ballet (R.A.D & Cecchetti) General Division Professional Division Pointe Pas de Deux O A K V I L L E CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Discover the M p H fiB · · · · Fall Registration Adults & Children Qualified Instruction Basic to Advanced Difference! " w m m s D L 3 m HHF NRC M .W CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 8 L&SStfUS *185 A U G U S T 2 2 -3 1 Ballet |azz Tap H ip H o p B a llro o m S w in g Latin Lyrical Irish Pilates · M o d e rn · A c tin g · M u s ic a l · T heatre · V o ic e · In strum en tal · P ain ting · D r a w in g · C la y · P ottery Excellence in Education for JK to Grade 8 · Small Class Size · Programs in Music, French, Art and Athletics · Character - Folk Dance Spanish Dance Modern/)azz Pilates Body Conditioning Adult Classes (Daytime & Evening) Students perform with the Oakville § Ballet Company in Oakville' s own "The Nutcracker". The school is ' registered as an Educational Institution with Employment and Immigration Canada. Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers from professional backgrounds. Registration for 2001/2001 Season August 13 to September 8* Monday to Friday, 4:00 pm-8:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ·Closed September 1-3 (905) 821-0419 · Dedicated and Caring Teachers Full day and Junior and Senior Kindergarten Before and After School Care In stru c tion tor all ages. D ay, e v e n in g & w e eken d classes. N o w acc e p tin g registrations. Year ro u n d instruction. M a r c h B rea k & S u m m e r C a m p s ^ J-a Ll JZ cq istv a licn Enjov Group, Semi & Private instruction by our qualified, professional instructors in: Limited Openings for September2001 mm i Tutoring: · All Subjects IK-O.A.C. ri O AK V I L L E C H R IS T IA N SC HOOL O akville C h ristian Sch o o l 112 Third Line O akville iiiillto i Established I960 O a kville ScfiooC o f D a n cin g Amanda Anderson, Principal Frank Bayliss, Administrative Director 260 Robinson St, Oakville ON L6J 1G6 ^STUDIO /WAS CALL US TODAY 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 5 2351 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit l. Mississauga w w w .s tu d io p a v a s .c o m s tu d io p a v a s @ h o tm a il.c o m fax: 905-825-3398 Nurturing Excellence In A Christ-Centered Academic Environment 905 - 825-1247 905 844-7035 -