www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, February 5, 2016 | 20 Kevin Nagel Sports Editor knagel@burlingtonpost.com Sports By Herb Garbutt "Connected to your Community" Oakville soccer player's path to a scholarship began with her name being pulled from a hat Dunn, who will study secondary education with a minor in French, said she was Oakville Beaver staff sold on the Division I school by the feeling Athletes have pivotal moments in their ca- of family she got from the team when she reer. visited the school and, with a senior keeper It may be working with a coach that push- graduating, there will be an opportunity to es them to reach their potential, developing play right away. a skill that sets them apart or forming chem"You don't always get that," Dunn said. "A istry with a teammate that takes their game lot of times you have to wait until your juto a new level. nior season." Mabel Dunn's soccer career took a drastic Dunn was one of seven Oakville Soccer turn when she was 11 with a stroke of good Club players to sign letters of intent Wednesfortune, even if it didn't seem like it at the day. Joining her were Sarah Mitchell and time. Until that time, Dunn had been a striker. Anya Miller, who will both attend Ursuline But when her team's goalkeeper had a con- College in Ohio; Jacquelina Preza and Rebecflict with another sport, it found itself in ca Osterlee who committed to the University need of someone -- anyone -- to guard the of Guelph; Alexis Trigiani-Kirkwood who net. When no volunteers stepped forward, signed with Algoma University; and Quintin McCleary, who will attend the University of the coach turned to a last resort. "My name got pulled out of a hat," Dunn Guelph. McCleary got a late said. start in soccer, taking And she wasn't too thrilled about up the game when he I didn't want to let the team down. going from attacking was 10, but "loved it Your mindset at that age is one net to defending from the first day," he if you let in a goal, the other. said. He quickly over"When you're 11, you've cost your team the game. came his relative lack everyone wants to of experience on the score goals," she Mabel Dunn pitch. said. "I was pretty McCleary credits terrified (about OSC senior technical becoming a keeper). I'm competitive and driector Chris Grierson with helping him deI didn't want to let the team down. Your velop his skills. mindset at that age is that if you let in a goal, "He was the best coach," McCleary said. you've cost your team the game." "He was always so positive." Playing Ancaster in her first game, she Asked about McCleary's strengths as a stopped a penalty shot that preserved a player, Grierson says, "I could be here all tie for her team and boosted her confiday." dence. "He's a good leader and technically very Over the next two seasons, she alternated between striker and keeper, but eventually proficient. His knowledge and understandthe time came to make a decision. ing of the game is outstanding. He's a smart "My coach said, `You can stay on the lower player and he leads the game very well." team as a striker, or you can move up as a That allowed him to make a seamless trankeeper." sition from centre midfield to centre back So at 13, she became a full-time keeper for this season. the first time and put that competitive nature "Building out of the back, you can see the into improving her craft. She worked with whole game," McCleary said. "You're more keeper coach Mark Twerdun. of a start to everything and at the centre of "He really stuck with me and helped me every play. develop that leadership role you need with The Abbey Park student helped the OSC's the team," Dunn said. "Without his dedicaunder-18 team win the Ontario Cup, beating tion to me as a keeper, I wouldn't be where Ottawa United in the final. I am." The victory qualified Oakville for the naWednesday night, six years after having her name pulled out of a hat, the White Oaks tional championships, where it finished Secondary student signed her letter of intent fourth. McCleary will study criminal justice and to play for the Eastern Michigan University public policy at Guelph. Eagles. Dunn deal Seven Oakville Soccer Club players signed their letters of intent to continue their soccer careers next season. Signing were (back, from left) Anya Miller, Sarah Mitchell (Ursuline College); Mabel Dunn (Eastern Michigan University); Rebecca Osterlee, Quintin McCleary (University of Guelph); (front, from left) Alexis Trigiani-Kirkwood (Algoma University) and Jacquelina Preza (University of Guelph). | photo by Herb Garbutt -- Oakville Beaver EMILLE SHOES BURLINGTON Factory Shoe outlet New ArrivAls 2394 Fairview Street, Burlington FAMILY OWNED FOR 59 YEARS! 905-632-9688 www.factoryshoeoutlet.ca 2015 Diamond Award Hours: Monday-Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 9am to 6pm, Sunday 10am to 6pm #1 SHOE STORE #1 CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE