B2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday N ovem ber 21, 2001 PICKOrTHEC R O P TOYS B O O K S AUTHORS & BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON SATURDAY 2 4 NOVEMBER 2:00 Jean Little The well kmvn children's author will be talking about & signing Ottello's Banquet Hall 2273 Royal Windsor Drive, Oakville ESTATE SALE Sunday, November 25th, 1:00 Start "LIQUIDATION SALE" "ALL ITEMS MUST BE SOLD" THE SALE W ITH LOTS OF ANTIQUES PearCanada: Orphan at my Door. Her other gneat boot will be available tod ? S . Curious George ® will be visiting from 10 to 11:30! SATURDAY 1 DECEMBER 10:30 -11:30 (fljStl (diMiii fcfflfiii (KSpP IbS^e II ttaaMI iK ? n ? w ffk tm m m rtk Peter C. McCusker · O akville Beaver DOWNTOWN TREE LIGHTING: H undreds filled Tow ne Square on Friday night for the annual Tree L ighting C erem ony sponsored by the D ow ntow n O akville BIA. A BO V E : A drienne Tanur and L aura R ichards o f the O akville T rafalgar H igh S ch ool W oodw ind O rch estra p lay trad itional m usic. BELO W , N athan and L uke Q uennell talk to Santa C laus. Plum Lind Johnson author of the charming _ Simbo of Olde Oakville & The Antique Christmas Music Box K,'y will be a t POC. c SATURDAY 8 DECEMBER 10:30 Dennis Lee will be reading from and signing the whimsical The Cat and the Wizard. a ll to reserve signed copies if you can't attend. And please pre-register! SATURDAY 15 DECEMBER 10:30 -11:30 Richard Rhodes Com earvi meet Richard Rhodes, editor of Canadian Art magazine,' who will be signing his book Y O U N A M E IT IT W ILL BE SOLD! " B r in g y o u r t r u c k , v a n , t r a i l e r , lo a d a n d g o " The First Book of Canadian Art. 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE 844-5363 SAVE H U N D R ED S! S AVE TH O U SA N D S! Terms: Visa, M/C, Amex, debit card, cash. No registration fee - 10% buyers premium C t o u it t n & i Garden Gallery has a great selection of #1 Quality Canadian grown Christmas trees for your home. This Festive S< All Candles Canadian Hearing Society golf success Is there any better w ay to spend a gorgeous, sunny and w arm Septem ber day than out on the links supporting the Canadian Hearing Society? The w eather was perfect for the so ciety 's Fifth A nnual C harity G o lf Tournam ent held at G ranite Ridge G olf Club in Milton. The tournament drew 65 registered golfers w ho had the chance to win a `lo ad ed ' Ford Focus Wagon pro vided by M eadowvale Ford. The tournament realized net rev enues o f $7,800 w hich is alm ost double the amount raised last year The C anadian H earing Society thanks to all par ticipants including golfers, hole spon sors, prize donors, auction item donors, volunteers and the staff at G ranite Ridge G o lf C lub, with Special thanks to the Bank of M ontreal, Certas D irect Insurance, W idex C anada, Entific M edical System s, BCE E m ergis, and M eadowvale Ford. #1 Quality Scotch Pine Bring the warm aroma of the holiday season into your home with our festive holiday candles. Each. 6'- 8' tall Also available: · Douglas Fir · Balsam Fir · Fraser Fir See in-store fo r pricing. Everlasting Silk P o in se tti|^ Enjoy the beauty of this traditional Christmas plant year after year with its beautiful, vibrant colour. May not be exactly as shown. Mixed Pine Rope Add the festive aroma of cedar to your home. Perfect for decorating the inside and outside of your home. Also available in Balsam, Pine and Cedar Rope. Reg. 9.99 t 25 ft. ew trees arriving daily corate Your New Tree with our unique collection of fantastic Christmas decorations, e have something for every taste om Traditional to Contemporary. 2 0 Nordic Pine* Wreath Hurry in before they are gone! Take 4 advantage 3 of this \^< terrific Fresh Boughs Available in Balsam, W hite Pine, Hemlock, BC Cedar, and Noble Fir. 99 Bunch #1 Florist Quality Poinsettias Time to think poinsettias, the always welcome gift that lasts and lasts and Garden Gallery ha: a dazzling selection. Choose from w hite\ pinks, marble varieties and traditional re 18" diame?t5 x ' v jg j Priced From Correction for Twin Oak golf tournament Decorating Accents Make a lovely vase arrangement or add to potted poinsettias for a new look. Great for outdoor decorating in urns and planters. Choose from Cut Dogwood, Curly Willow and White Birch branches. See in-store for pricing. Holland Park Earn $20.00 cash bonus certificate when you accumulate $400.00 in for the GREEN purchases. See in-store for complete details. 7 DAY FLORAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE AT BOTH LOCATIONS DUNDAS 294 York Rd. BURLINGTON 2243 Fairview St. 628-8562 Mon. - Wed. 9am-6pm Thurs.-Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 9am-6pm Sun. 9am-5pm | Visit us mi www.holh 639-7740 Mon. - Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 9am-6pm Sun. 9am-5pm >arcana Tinsel Wreaths and Garlands Decorate your home with cheerful tinsel wreaths and garlands. Available in gold, silver and multi-colour. O l& e flo ta Full Service Floral. W e accept: r 75% off Our regular prices. While quantities last. feet November 21 to November 27, 2001. y f t f Qarden Qallery Qift Certificates. The Perfect Qift Every Time! m I In the Nov. 14 ed itio n o f the O ak v ille Beaver, in the Focus sec tion, the am ount raised from the T w in O ak G o lf T o u rn am en t fo r the U nited Way o f O ak v ille sh o u ld have read $1,600 plus $2,000 from co rp o rate d o n a tions. A nd, the refer ence to go lfer and B ig B ro th er to Joan S krins' son should have read Bill Dem ytruk. The B eav er ap o lo g izes for th ese erro rs and an y e m b a rra ss m ent th ey m ay have caused.