Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Nov 2001, D3

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The Oakville Beaver. W ednesd ay N ovem ber 21, 2001 D 3 MOHA house league report (Nov. 18) M INOR PEE W EE N AIRN SALES & M ARK ETIN G LU M B ER JA CK S 2 (goals to Carson Sm ith. Ryan M allough. Assists to R o b ert M cL eod. Jam es S avelli, K yle W atkinson, M atthew O zim ec); FRON TIER GATORS 1 (goal to Chris C anham . A ssist to A lex Huras). ACC EN TU R E W O LFPACK 2 (goals to A ndrew N ovakow sky, A lex B oum a. A ssists to D avid M cCam us, Daniel C udm ore. Kevin Harper. Stephen C raw ford. Shut out to Liam A rm strong); DATEX BILLING W R A N G L ER S 0. A CROBAT RESULTS V IK IN G S 2 (goals to Justin Peel, G regory M cKay. A ssists to Zachary M cRae 2, G regory McKav. Ryan Lai): TECH SPA N A U TO M OTIVE H O U N D D O G S 2 (goals to A ndrew Lypko 2. A ssists to K irk Johnson. Tyler Liptok, Jeff Bingham. Scott Zeron). TIM H O R TO N 'S W INGS 5 (goals to R yan Foley, Rory Stack, M ichael Robinson, Pat Torrance. Neil Revell. A ssists to L uke S ullivan 2, R evell, T orrance, Jo n ath an S w eeney-B ergen, N ick M artel); ST. H ILD A 'S EA G LES 3 (goals to Brandon Sm ith, Jeff Hartford, Rob B arsev ich . A ssists to A ndrew Lupton, Brett West, Robin Funk, Chris M acD ougall, Smith). Com eau. A ssists to Com eau, Rusheleau, Daniel K eresteci, Brad Savelson). TE C H SPA N A U T O M O T IV E H O U N D D O G S 4 (goals to A kshay A nand 2, A ndrew Lypko, Jeffrey B ingham . A ssists to M athew G runw ald 2, Jason Im brogno, A nand, Bingham ); N AIRN SALES & M A R K E T IN G LUM BER JA CK S 3 (goals to Jason Buckley, C arson S m ith, R obert M cLeod. A ssists to Taylor M acLellan, Adam D avidson, M cLeod, Edm und K-B.. Sm ith, Jam es Savelli). (Nov. 11) Blades are finally bested by Blues By Sarah Elliott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER The Oakville Blades held the edge in play in last F riday's m uch anticipat ed re-m atch w ith the B ram alea Blues in provincial ju n io r A hockey action. But it was the host Blues w ho ended up dom inating where it counts the m ost -- on the scoreboard, 5-2. The tw o team s had tied 4-4 the previous Sunday in Oakville w hile the Blades had w on the first encounter, 6-3. "It's tw o good team s, so that's the type o f hockey you're going to get," said Blades coach Jay Anderson. "You'd like to win all o f them, but you can 't." The Blades played last night (Tuesday) in M ilton against the M erchants. The gam e w ent beyond our press deadlines. Catch the Blades at hom e this Friday night, w hen the M ississauga Chargers pay a visit. G am e tim e is at 7:45 p.m. at Ice Sports. O akville also plays this Saturday in G eorgetow n at 7:30 p.m. A fter a scoreless first period. B ram alea got on the board with a pair in the second period and then padded their lead to 4-0 w ith tw o more early in the third period. It w asn 't until midw ay through the final fram e that the Blades gunners, w ho had previously been firing at an alm ost seven goals per gam e clip in the previous seven gam es, were finally able to solve B ram alea goalie M ike Ella, cut ting the lead to 4-2 on goals by Evan M cG rath and T.J. M anastersky. Bram alea closed out the scoring on an em pty netter with 20 oz five seconds rem aining. 28 oz "It was a com bination o f bad luck and good goaltending," said coach A nderson. "We had enough scoring oppor 45 OZ tunities to win, but their goalie played great. I thought he 52 oz w as the difference." A dam D ennis was back in goal for Oakville after being out for a few w eeks with a broken hand. H e had a good gam e com ing off his injury, stopping som e great B ram alea chances. 26 oz The gam e was quite physical, especially as the clock rolled on in the latter periods. B lades' forw ard Kevin 36 oz H arvey played his typical instigator role, getting under the 40 oz skin o f the B ram alea players, as he does so well. · Com plete Blades stats pack, see p age D 5 50 oz PROVINCIAL JUNIOR A - west conference T OTL GF GA Pts GAA PIM GP W L 124 74 BRAMPTON 24 19 5 0 0 38 3.08 17.66 HAMILTON 18 6 1 0 37 3.12 24.89 25 126 78 BRAMALEA 24 4 13 6 1 111 90 31 3.75 21.94 114 110 26 4.23 21.82 GEORGETOWN 26 11 11 3 1 OAKVILLE 21 12 8 1 0 104 82 25 3.90 31.05 MILTON 11 10 1 1 89 104 24 4.52 20.65 23 MISSISSAUGA 24 9 84 10 2 3 75 23 3.13 25.25 STREETSVILLE 24 8 15 1 0 85 126 17 5.25 25.87 BURLINGTON 14 0 21 7 0 81 107 14 5.10 22.81 2 18 1 BUFFALO 22 1 54 128 6 5.82 22.45 * does not include Tuesday games: Oakville at Milton: Burlington at Streetsville. M ID G ET RED TE A M #7 6 (goals to Josh Ranells 2, A .J. M acM illan 2, M ike Indovina. G raham V owels. A ssists to A ndrew Battiston 2, Vowels 2, G ary R ookyard 2, A dam Lem ay, R yland M acD onald, Fraser N ew berry 2, Sean Foley, Toby S im pson); REM A X - JEN N Y K O TU LAK 4 (goals to G reg W hetstone 2, Richard G raham , Jam es Wood. A ssists to C raig H enderson 2, Andrew K otulak 2. M ike S am ardzick, G raham , B rendan Jones). TE A M #6 4 (goals to Randel Palo, Louis Beaudoin, Ryan A ndrew s, Ken Thom son. A ssists to D avid C orbett 2, G rant Jackm an, Jeff M acFarlane, Josh Poirier, Shaun D akin); BA NK O F M O N T R E A L 3 (goals to Craig M acM illan, M att H anson. M ike Zwir. A ssists to Dave C aicco 2, Brayden M iddleton, Brent Von Hagen). STEL LA R STARS 5 (goals to M ike W oloschuck, K ent R ahm an. A ndrew C zettisch, Ryan H annigan-D aley. A ssists to D ennis Field 2, G reg Barsevich 2, R ahm an 2, M att C ard, C zettisch, W oloschuck); O P T IM IS T C L U B 3 (goals to Ben N ease, M ark Francis, Shaun Sinclair. A ssists to Ben W illiams 2, M ark F edeyko, S inclair, A ndrew Bow m an). K ER R C A D IL L A C 3 (goals to Jam es B elliveau, D on H artt, Justin Daley. A ssists to Hartt, B elliveau, M ike K ranz, B rent S pivak. Jam ie Logan); A LPH A CO N STR U C TIO N 2 (goals to A lex Pryde, A dam W adsworth. A ssists to Ken Long. A dam Oliver, D avid Probyn). (N o% \ 10) CARPETING Berber Berber Berber Berber S I.39 $1.69 $2.19 $2.29 per per per per square square square square foot foot foot foot installed installed installed installed Don't Pay for 1 Year M ID G ET RED TE A M #6 5 (goals to Randel Palo 2, Shaun Sturgeon, D avid C orbett. Josh Poirier. A ssists to Corey Low ry 2, Palo. Poirier. Ryan A ndrew s, Shaun Dakin, Lo u is B eau d o in , S turgeon); A LPH A C 0 N S T R U C T I8 0 N 2 (goals to Alex Pryde, Taylor Stevens. A ssists to Jordon K aitting, G eo ff M iller, M ike Scinocca, Chris Hanson). R EM A X - JEN N Y K O TU LA K 3 (goals to M att Linton, B rendan Jones, M ike S am ard zich. A ssists to Jam es W ood 2, M ike B iteznick, R ichard G raham ); K ERR C A D IL LA C 3 (goals to Jam ie L ogan. Ju stin B row n, G reg R odgers. A ssists to R odgers, Jam es B elliveau, Justin Daley). O PT IM IS T C LU B 5 (goals to Shaun Sinclair 2. A dam Beck 2, Jason M iconi. A ssists to M ichael Ball 3, Darin Kubicki. M iconi, Ben N ease, Beck): TE A M #7 5 (goals to A ndrew B attiston 2, Joshua R anells 2, .Adam Lem ay. A ssists to G raham Vowels 3, Jo sh B rodie 2, R anells, Chris Reinhardt, Lemay, Fraser N ew berry). BA NK O F M O N TR E A L 5 (goals to C raig M acM illan 2, M att H anson, G eoff Fairer. C avan Usher. A ssists to D ave C aicco, Trevor B um s, Brent Von H agen, Brayden M iddleton, M ike Zwir. Shut-out to Peter O 'D onnell); STEL LA R STARS 0. Berber Carpets Installed Over Underpad Cut Pile Carpets Installed Over llnderpad Carpet Carpet Carpet Carpet 60 oz Carpet v $1.69 $1.89 $2.09 $2.49 $2.79 per per per per per square square square square square foot foot foot foot foot installed installed installed installed installed M INOR NOVICE RED TORONTO STA R LUM BER JA CK S 6 (goals to M ike Blake 3, Josh Prinsen 2, Parker M cK ibbon. A ssists to M cK ibbon, C hris P laneta 2, C ole M unden, Billy Bryer, Blake. M atthew G ittings); SC O T IA CA PITAL V IKIN G S 3 (goals to Spencer Pecar. Ryan M orris 2. A ssists to Ryan Sloane. Jason French, C olin Dickson). A M C O R EA G LES 1 (goal to Adrian S kakie. A ssists to D avid L ipton); A SSESSM EN T IM PA C HOUND D OG S 1 (goal to Cody W alker. A ssists to Scott M cLaughlin, K ristofer Burnside). DIX IE O PT IC A L W IN G S 6 (goals to Joseph O zim ec 2, D ylan W elfle, Evan W ebster, Brendan M cFarlane, Boulton D oolittle. A ssists to D oolittle 3, O zim ec 2, W ade W ilhelm , Jak e C ussen, M cFarlane); TE LU S GATORS 4 (goals to Jerem y H eersink 2, D aniel N icholl, Drake W ilton. A ssists to Taylor Young, B rendan M ills, W esley Lei, D aniel M ahony, Jonathan W.. Jam ie M.). O A K V IL L E HYDRO W RAN G L E R S 2 (goals to A ndrew K wast, A aron Jervis. A ssist to Brett Blaszko. Shut-out to B lair W eyersberg); NORTH STAR ELECTRIC W O LFPACK 0. MINOR OAKS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. 1026 SPEERS RD. UNIT 8-8 (905) 338-9220 · FAX: (905) 338-9677 SPECTRUM FLOORING INC. (Nov. 17) M INOR NOVICE RED DIXIE O PT IC A L W IN G S 1 (goal to D ylan W elfle); S C O T IA C A PIT A L VIKIN G S 1 (goal to Spencer Pecar). TORONTO STAR LUM BER JACK S 9 (goals to Billy B ryer 3. M ark M cIntyre 2. K yle K avanagh 2, Evan Form osa. Brendan M aloney. A ssists to Jo sh P rinsen 3, C o le M unden 2, M aloney, K av anagh, M ike Blake, M cIntyre, Evan H udakoc); T E LU S GATORS 4 (goals to Jerem y H eersink 2, Taylor Young, M ark Kvasni. A ssists to Wesley Lei, Jerem y Heersink). N O R TH STA IR E L E C T R IC W O LFPACK 2 (goals to C onnor Piszel, Jo n ath an Z d ero . A ssists to M atthew Jackson, A lex T assielli, M atthew M cLaughlin, Ryan Ruprecht): IMPAC A SSESSM EN T GROUP HOUND DOG S 1 (goal to Jonas H erckson. A ssists to D aniel G ian ias, Ryan G oodhew ). A M C O R E A G L E S 4 (goals to M ichael S tevenson 2, C had Sm ith. Kyle H untington. A ssists to John Testa, Lucas M ichie, B ry an C ole. Sm ith): O AK V JLLE H Y D RO W RA N G LERS 1 (goal to A ndrew Kwast. A ssist to Zack Falcioni). (Nov. 11) c m x n o a b d ra w fo r OCTOBER, 200* 1 . 0 0 0 .0 0 Call: (905) 332-9735 Out off Town: 1-877-226-7861 ATOM W H ITE -- EAST P R IN T M A N A G E M E N T S O L U TIO N S LU M B ER JA C K S 2 (goals to Rhett W ibbing, Rhs M cK endry. A ssists to M cK endry, Colin Sm ith 2, Jordan M cD onald); C O M S T O C K CA N A D A LTD. W O LFPACK 1 (goal to Daniel Tom linson. A ssists to Blake Spurrell, D avid Stewart). C O X A U T O M O TIV E VIKIN G S 7 (goals to Ryan Pignatelli 3, Ryan Dyson 2, A ndrew Spicer, Phillip Cox. A ssists to D yson 2, Spicer, M acK enzie Jackson 3, B. B otha, D illon L iptrap. A drian Connolly. M ason Peebles): HAYWARD SEC U R ITIES H O U N D DOGS 4 (goals to Alex G abriel 2, Bradley Bell, Tom Cooper. A ssists to Gabriel, Bell 2, Tom M andel 2. C had Saunders). W IN G S 3 (goals to D avid Jensen 2, A dam Russell. A ssists to D avid Collins, G eoff K raw iec, Landon Bailey, Clayton N ellis); AECO N EA G LES 3 (goals to J eff Tinianov, Patrick M cA nuff. Tyler M cH ugh. A ssists to P hillip Zelazny, M itchell Cook, Ben K em an, M atthew Lom e, Christopher Keating). · M ore reports, see pa g e D 5 Mike Slacer Sandra Cross Maria DeMarchi Peter Blake Lynne James Jenkin Family Debbie Leeming Brett Blaszko Trudy Bickerton Kjis Walkinson-Tyre Jeff Robertson Mike Pescod Andrew Sinclair Brenda Hilson Steve Fairclough Gavin Whelpdale Eileen Sweeney-Bergen Andrea Chiang Pat Silano Michael Sholty Gary & Shirley Walker Mohamded El Boury Pat & Gary Searle Mitch Houlahan Sarah Magee Gord Statham David Pike Blair Zilkey Helen Wills Tom Weber Harold Fischer 30.00 30.00 30.00 200.00 30.00 30.00 270.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 j 200.00 *S e e sales re p re s e n ta tiv e fo r d etails . S o m e c o n d itio n s apply. 5 $ $ $ U $ M IN O R PEE W EE RED TIM H ORTON 'S W IN G S 2 (goals to N ick M artel 2. A ssists to Robbie M urray, Jo n ath an S,weeney-Bergen. Shut-out to G ordie Frenke); FRON TIER GATORS 1 (goal to Alex H uras. Assist to M ichael Zavarella). ST. H ILDA'S EA G LES 2 (goals to Rob Barsevich. Brandon Spiith. A ssists to Jesse H erm an 2, A ndrew Lupton, B arsev ich ); A C C E N T U R E W O L F PACK 2 (goals to Brad Rusheleau, Philip 30.00 30.00 700.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 « 200.00 S 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 < t 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 200.00 « 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 250.00 - j ; isjsi T r U U li Close one over Burlington The Oakville Rangers atom AAA rep team edged Burlington 2-1 at Glen Abbey on Nov. 18. Oakville built up a 2-0 lead on goals by Tyler Stothers and Patrick Marsh. Assists went to Matt Lorito (2), Adam DiMarco and Stothers. Connor O'Kelly had a strong game, highlighted by magnifi cent leg saves in the first and third periods. Glen Abbey was host to one of the finest games of the season by the Rangers as they bested the Halton Hills Hurricanes 3-2. A fast paced first period ended without a goal but noted for some remarkable play by Ranger goalie Conor O'Kelly who made two early saves from close in. After the Hurricanes opened the scoring on a second period power play, Patrick Readshaw evened matters on a backhand. Readshaw's second of the night gave the home side a 2-1 lead and his hat trick mark er late in the third finalized matters at 3-2. Honours on the goals went to Grant Kozlik (2), Jake Legein, Jonathan Brand, Mark Borcsok and Max Mihaichuk. Special kudos to goaltender O'Kelly who faced 33 shots on the night several of which would make anyone's highlight reel. The Rangers had a four game win streak halted Nov. 12 with a 2-2 tie with Burlington Eagles. After Burlington opened the scoring, Oakville took a brief 21 lead on goals by Patrick Marsh and Steven Guzzo. Assists went to Bull Stothers, Matt Lorito and Patrick Readshaw. 17 To join our delivery team tail 905-845-9742 You could become a carrier of the week? Winning Carriers receive a large 3 topping pizza courtesy of: C O s iJ Crystal-dear savings. Save up to $750 on a dazzling flat-panel display Buy a Power Mac G4 and any Apple flat-panel display between October 26 and December 31,2001, and get a picture-perfect deal. You'll save up to $750 on your choice of a 15-inch o r 17-inch Apple Studio Display or the breathtaking 22-inch Apple Cinema Display. Canadian Computer 414 Speers Road Oakville, L6K2G2 (905) 849-0737 *Via mail-in rebate. © 2001 A pple C o m p u ter, Inc. .Ml rig h ts rese rv e d . A pple, th e A pple logo, A pple C in em a Display, :yid A pple S tu d io D isplay a re trad e m a rk s o f Apple C o m p u ter, Inc., re g is te re d in th e U.S. a n d o th e r c o u n trie s. P o w e r Mac is a tra d e m a rk o f A pple C o m p u te r, Inc. T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r ( ( Authorized Reseller OAKVILLE Friday Nov. 23 at 7:45 p.m. DES A i m Friday Nov. 30 at 7:45 p.m. MISSISSAUGA CHAAGCAS vs .y * BAAMOTON CAPITALS OAKVILLC ALADCS OAKVILLE B IA D « at Oakville Ice Sports Centre ^ at Oakville Ice Sports Centre WVluJ EAVER U G H T

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