NAV CANADA actively engaged in problem-solving continued from p.1 One option would see NAV Canada design new approaches for aircraft during the night to reduce noise impacts. NAV Canada can also design new departure procedures during the night so planes increase their altitude more rapidly, resulting in less noise for those on the departure path. The capital corporation is looking at increasing downwind arrival speeds from 200 knots to 210 knots. This will decrease the need for flap use by pilots of larger planes, which should reduce noise. Examining new technology to reduce the need for low altitude levelling by arriving aircraft is another option. NAV Canada and the GTAA are also looking at establishing weekend preferential runways. This option would see air traffic, which is less frequent on weekends, use runways whose approach paths have less noise impact on local communities -- giving residents periods of quiet time on the weekend. The GTAA is also studying alternating its nighttime preferential runways. This means nighttime noise would be shared across more communities rather than concentrated on just a few. "All six ideas discussed in the Stakeholder Roundtables have moved forward to Phase 2 Technical Analysis. Currently, the GTAA and NAV CANADA have been working together to 5 | Friday, April 15, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | NAV CANADA has heard us loud and clear and are investigating various noise mitigation initiatives. What impact they will have is not known yet, but up until a year ago, they were basically operating with their heads in the sand. Now, they are at least listening to us and actively engaged trying to find some solutions. Councillor Jeff Knoll Ward 5 Greater Toronto Area -- including Oakville. Airplane noise has been a growing issue in the north end of town since February 2012 when a downwind flight path to Pearson International Airport was moved farther south. The change was made to meet International Civil Aviation Organization standards that ensure aircraft heading away from the airport have enough room to turn back onto final approach for landing. This GTAA progress report comes on the heels of a GTAA-hosted open house held at Oakville's Town Hall on April 7. The event attracted nearly 100 people and was held in partnership with NAV CANADA and Oakville Councillor/Community Environment and Noise Advisory Committee (CENAC) member Jeff Knoll. It was attended by a number of Town councillors as well as Oakville MP John Oliver and Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff. Those who attended had the opportunity to ask GTAA and NAV CANADA officials about their Noise Management Program and their Noise Mitigation Initiatives Engagement Plan. see Residents on p.12 develop guiding principles for the study; determine the Base Cases and identifying Option Cases; identify specific analysis required for the third party noise modeling," said Desroches in an email. "The technical analysis is taking longer than anticipated due to the complexity of the proposed changes, recognizing that any changes to current operations could result in new impacts, but we continue to make meaningful progress on the items identified in our work plan." She noted once the benefits and impacts of the options have been identified, the group will proceed to Phase 3 Public Consultation, which will be held in communities across the A STEP BEYOND IN CARE Salima Kassam Reg. Chiropodist · Foot/Arch Pain? · Ingrown Toenails? · Diabetes? · Swollen Ankles? · Corns, Calluses? Do you have: Call for an appointment 905-632-1414 728 Burloak Drive New Patients Are ALWAYS Welcome CUSTOM · Evening & Weekend Appointments Available · Female Dentist Available · Same Day Appointments · Same Day Emergency · Walk-in Service · Family & Cosmetic Dentistry · Insurance Billed Directly · Digital X-Rays Call today to book your appointment Thinking of Retiring... Someday? Let's Talk. Visit our website to sign up for a free consultation. Peter Watson MBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI Jennifer Watson B.A. 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville 905-842-2100 Dr. Manchanda 627 Lyons Lane, Suite 100 www Oakville, ON 905-339-1666