Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, a2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 1, 2000 C O M E TO THE SOURCE Lotto win worth $140,000 to Oakville man An O akville m an has won $139,825.90 as the second prize w in ner in the Feb. 23rd Lotto 6/49 draw. T h irty -fiv e-y ear-o ld D avid K om el d idn't realize his good for tune until M onday, when he finally checked his lottery ticket. W hen he picked up his w innings, Kom el told O ntario lottery officials that he intends to pay o ff his debts and invest in RRSPs. He purchased the w inning ticket at a Toronto tobacco store. u p to 4 8 m o n th & F I N A N C I N G o n 2 0 0 0 a MARKET VALUE PRICING T h e R e a lis tic P r ic e t h a t c a r s a n d tr u c k s o r e s e llin g f o r in t h e M a r k e t p l a c e Purse thieves active in tow n H alton Regional Police in O akville are investigating the thefts o f several purses in the O akville area. T hese are distraction type thefts have occurred during February. If you can solve these thefts, C rim e Stoppers w ants to h ear from you. T h e th efts o cc u rred w h ere the elderly victim s w ere distracted by one or m ore suspects and a second o r third person rem o v ed the p u rse from a shopping cart or the victim 's shoulder. T he victim s are ap p ro ach ed by strangers w ho engage them in casual conversation. W hile the conversation takes place, the other suspect steals the p u rse w ith o u t the victim actu ally noticing until som e tim e later. T he distraction includes bum ping into the victim , or loud discussion and conver sation. A total o f four o f these types o f incidents have occurred in O akville in the past few weeks. CRIME STOPPERS CaH 825-TIPS or 1-800-668-5151 S im ilar instances have been record ed in M ississau g a and B urlington. U sually the victim s are described as fem ale, o ver 60 years old and they carry their purse over their shoulder. T he thefts have occurred in grocery and clothing stores. If you have any inform ation that leads to an arrest in this or any other m atter, you m ay be eligible for a cash rew ard. You need not give your nam e w hen you tell us y o u r inform ation and you w ill rem ain anonym ous. Crim e S toppers does n ot subscribe to the telephone call display feature. C all 1-800-222-T IP S or 825-TIPS (825-8477) Civic Scene W ednesday, M arch 1st: H alton R egional C o u n cil m eets in the regional council cham bers at 9:30 a.m. at regional headquarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. L A C A C (L ocal A rchitectural Conservation Advisory C om m ittee) m eets at 7:30 p.m. in the Bronte R oom o f the O akville M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. The Halton D istrict School Board m eets at 8 p.m. at the J.W. Singleton Education Centre, 2050 G uelph Line, Burlington. Thursday, M arch 2nd: A public inform ation m eeting regarding D eane Avenue is at 7 p.m. in the Trafalgar R oom · o f the O akville M unicipal Building. M on d ay, M arch 6th: Town Council m eets at 7:30 p.m. in the Council C ham bers o f the Oakville M unicipal Building. Tuesday, M arch 7th: The regular m eeting o f the H alton R om an Catholic D istrict School B oard is at 8 p.m. at the board's com m ittee room, 802 Drury Lane, Burlington. W ednesday, M arch 8th: A public in fo rm atio n m eetin g regarding Chartw ell Storage is at 7 p.m. at the O akville M unicipal Building. T hursday, M arch 9th: A public inform ation m eeting regarding N uera M an ag em en t is at 7 p.m . at the O akville M unicipal Building. Prices deoriy displayed in all windows of new & used vehicles. Shop 24 hours a day on our lot. FORD NCO LN · Market Value Price IN C L U D E S FREIGHT 0 AIR TAX I I U K K L U S PROTECTOR PLUS W I P ANTI-THEFT ·NO ADMIN. FEES ·NO PDI CHARGE 5 7 0 TRAFALGAR ROAD, O A K V IU E at the Q .E.W , . 8 3273} O C S l/ w t l HUGE YARN v 3 0 % - 6 0 % o ff a great selection of stock PLUS incredible clearance yarns from our suppliers around the world ' B r id a l S h o w c a s e M o n d a y A p ril 10, 2000 7 :00 p .m . FREE ADMISSION FEATURES: BRAND NEW RELEASE OF SUITES F r o m B % ^ ^ ^ ^ / n c I u d e 5 Parking From * Door Prizes $160900 $160900 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 -2 8 0 0 M J Includes Parking * Gift Bag for Every Bride For your free invitation please call: Eden 827-5806 Rosemary 337-0266 Brought to you by U n til M arch 5 Hours: Monday - Thursday; 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: N oon - 5p.m. Closed Fridays Prices & Specifications are subject to change without notice. E. & O.E. t h e . 0 3 0 0 1 B f 13 236 Lakeshore Rd. E. one block west of Trafalgar Rd in Downtown Oakville (905) 845-9512 Open Mon - Sat. 10 - 5.30 * O verlo o ks S ix te e n M ile C reek Valley · Steps fro m th e G O , m in u te s to Q E W ELCOM E ^ % A /A G O N ltd . * W* : S in c e 1930 WWW.WELCOMEWAGON.CA · 9 ' c e ilin g s/b a lc o n ie s · I n d o o r pool · 5 fr e e a p p lia n ces Open Sundays during the sale Noon - 5 p.m. Le D o m e B a n q u e t Hall www.milborne.com/oakridge.html

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