Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, March 15 , 2000 professional professional THE OAKVILLE BEAVER SR. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT OAKVILLE R eportin g to the P re s id e n t, this position r e q u ir e s a d y n a m ic in d iv id u a l w ith e x c e p tio n a l o r g a n iz a t io n a l and interpersonal skills. An individual w h o is m otivated, w orks w ell un d er pressure and u s e s th e ir o w n in itia t iv e . E x c e lle n t renum eration package. P R IM E R IC A F in a n c ia l Services seeks in dividual for unique opportunity. No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . High income potential. Call (905)-681 -5515,Ext.62 Halton Healthcare Services represents the blending of two well established, communityoriented health carefacilities, Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Milton District Hospital. LITTLE CAESAR'S C O M E IO IN A W IN N IN G TEA M NOW ! G R O W W IT H T H E 3RD LARGEST P IZ Z A C O M P A N Y IN T H E W O RLD B ECO M E P A R T O F T H E LARGEST L IT T L E C A E S A R 'S F R A N C H IS E E IN EASTERN CAN ADA . ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY BURLINGTON Able to supervise this busy office repo rting to th e G e n e ra l M a n a g e r m u s t have ex c e lle n t "people" skills, a legal or real estate background an asset. If this is "YO U ", call today for a confidential interview . · · · · · · · NOW HIRING!!! Docutech Operators Warehouse Workers Forklift Operators Assemblers Packagers Shippers/Receivers Order Packers S H O P W o o d w o rk e rs re quired. Will train, call Lar ry 905-336-1296, Shipway S ta irs , 1795 Iro n s to n e Drive, Burlington. T E L E M A R K E T E R S and S a le s D e a le rs N e eded. W ork from hom e. F ull or p a rt-tim e . C a ll Avon, (905)336-0477___________ BU SY B u rlin g to n flo w e r shop is looking for full-time Floral Designer. 3-yrs min im um e x p e rie n c e . C a ll 632-6309_______________ STORE C lerk needed full or part-time in Bronte. Call T h e B ro n te G ift G a lle ry , (905)825-1896___________ M R. SUB- re q u ire s P arttim e c o u n te r h e lp . C a ll 905-337-7066. drop in 620 Ford Dr./ Royal Windsor. Adm inistrative Assistant · Financial Services Reporting to the Chief Financial Officer, you will be supporting various board committees of the hospital and Charitable Corporation. You will provide highly organized, detail oriented, and creative input to coordinate meetings and prepare agendas, minutes, reports, and mailing materials. Your excellent communication and interpersonal skills are essential in our fast-paced environment. Your post-secondary education focused on accounting is combined with a minimum of three years' administrative experience at a senior level, preferably in a financial environment. Your knowledge of accounting practices and procedures is coupled with the ability to transcribe dictation and computer proficiency. Please apply to: Human Resources Halton Healthcare Services 327 Reynolds Street H alton Healthcare Oakville, ON L6J 3L7 S »K · R · V * 1 , C * E * S Fax: (905) 338-4137 Caring Today, Growing for Tomorrtnv e-mail: hr@otmh.on.ca We Uuink all applicants; however, only those to be iiUenneu'ed will be contacted. M ANAGERS IN TRAINING R e c e iv e p a id t r a i n i n g e a r n $19,700$22,100 to s ta rt. E a rn u p to $35,000 p e r y e ar in 12-18 m onths. For leading companies in Burlington, Oakville and Milton V IS IT OUR JOB FAIR Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Location: Hoppedale Mall (Rebecca/Thirdline) Date: Friday, March 17, 2000 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Location: Appleby Mall (Appleby/NewSt.) Please bring resume HIGH-ROAD PERSONNEL 632-5870 562 M aple Avenue B urling ton, Ontario L7S 1M 6 Fax your resum e to: Little Caesar's (416) 620-0583 Or send to: Little Caesars Attn: Samira Seif 460 Renforth Ave. Etoljicoke, Ontario M9C 2N2 I I I telem arketers W e are the San Francisco G roup, operating 175 stores under nine banners, including N r o rtn Am erica's largest w specialized swim wear chain. W ith the continuing expansion o f Bikini V illage boutiques in O nta rio (16 stores today and counting), w e are presently seeking qualified, dynam ic candidates to fill the positions described below at our new store opening soon at O a k ville Place. or call 1-888-GO-4-KELLY 1-888-464-5355 U L T R A M A T IC re q u ire s mature, flexible individuals to s e t a p p o in tm e n ts fo r g ro w in g team of consu ltants. G uaranteed $9.00/hr. + bonus, leads & training provided. Mon-Fri., 5p m -1 0 p m . C a ll M rs. C ra n e a fte r 1pm o r S a t. 10am-1pm 333-1737. RAMADAINN & CONVENTION CENTRE Oakville Our newly renovated hotel with 120 guest rooms with three food and beverage outlets, and banquet facili ties for up to 30 0 people is currently seeking hospi tality professionals to fill the following positions: · DRIVER FULLTIME. With G Lie. std + auto, trans. Able to drive 1 ton van into Toronto. Able to lift 50 lbs. Must have good knowledge of Oak, Miss, Burl, M il. Call: Mark Malloy 2pm -4pm , Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oak. (9 0 5 )- 8 4 5 -2 1 1 8 A S S IS TA N T-M A N A G E R : Your profile As an Assistant M anager, you w ill be accountable for achieving sales objectives w ithin your store, as well as key o ther perfo rm an ce in dicato rs like sa lary ratios a na shrinkage, ensure p roper training (sales and technicalproduct knowledge) o f your staff, proceed in recruiting staff, ensure the highest level o f mobilisation and dedication of your employees, ensure development a nd implementation of m erchandising strategies at store level, a lig n yo ur employees to the newly implemented management and sales processes and performs other tasks typically related to that sort of position. You have a minimum o f one y ear experience as M a n ag er or Assisstant-Manager o f a clothing store (for M a n a g e r position), a relevant experience in retail ana working with the public. You have highly developed sales abilities and possess management skills. You are a ble to recruit, motivate, develop and train a team and have a natural sense for customer service. WEEDMAN requires Lawn Care Technicians for sea sonal lawn care Plus winter e m p lo y m e n t (a s k fo r de tails). Full training provid ed. Drivers abstract req'd. A p p ly in p e rs o n : U n it 5 2400 Wyecroft Rd. Oakville WANTED: Gardener/M ain tenance Person for private O a k v ille E s ta te . On s ite house available. Apply with re s u m e to: T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r, B o x # 6 2 5 0 , 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 P/T Teleservices, AM/PM. Do you have a good phone v o ic e ? E n jo y ta lk in g to people? No selling. Profes sional environment. 20 hrs/ wk. $8-$10/ hr + bonuses. Must have own transportation. Call (905)608-9244 P/T Teleservices, AM/PM. Do you have a good phone v o ic e ? E n jo y ta lk in g to people? No selling. Profes sional environment. 20 hrs/ wk. $8-$10/ hr + bonuses. Must have own transportation. Call (905)608-9244 LANDSCAPEM aintenance/ C onstruction firm requires both maintenance and con struction personnel. Experi en ce an a s s e t. C a ll: (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -5 5 5 5 ; Fax resume: (905)849-5565 AZ Drivers wanted. Home e v e n in g s and w e ekends. Boom experience an asset b u t w ill tra in . T o p ra te s paid. Group insurance. Call (9 0 5 )6 9 3 -1 8 0 0 o r 1-800268-3973________________ SUPERINTENDENT couple for cleaning and sm all re pairs in elegant Burlington building. Quiet, refined ten ants. S alary + 2-bedroom apartment. (905)522-3326, after hours: (905)317-3401 DR IVER needed to tra n s port products in a car/ van across the border. Must have a valid drivers license, part-time afternoons. $8.00/ hr. To apply fax resume to Angela at 905-825-2163 LANDSCAPE maintenance c o n s tru c tio n com pany based in Dundas looking for hard working individuals for u p -c o m in g s e a s o n . C a ll (9 0 5 )6 2 8 -1 2 6 4 o r fa x resume to (519)647-3404 P A R T -T IM E C le a n e rs needed im m ediately, Oak v ille / B u rlin g to n a re a s , $7.50/hr. Call Jaim e after 1pm (9 0 5 )-5 6 1 -9 9 9 0 , or fax: (905)-561-8224 EXPERIENCED swimming po o l s e rv ic e te c h n ic ia n . O wn vehicle an asset but not essential. Please call Bill or Sherry @ Vinyl Pro Pools, Oakville. 825-9276 LIG H T P a c k a g e rs / W are hou se positions availab le im mediately. Oakville. $10/ hr. Call (905)333-2692 S H O P P E R S D ru g M a rtO a k v ille P lace re q u ire s H ead C a s h ie r M a n a g e rF u ll-T im e . Fax 9 0 5 -8 4 2 5598 attn: Arthur Cheung ELECTRICIAN Journeyman or Apprentice familiar with industrial plant wiring. P lease Fax resum e to: 905-335-1116 TOWER Riggers / Erectors Growing international com pany. Competitive wage & benefits package. Prefer ence g iven to th o s e w ith microwave & cellular install experience. D-class drivers lic e n s e , w e ld in g tic k e t. Send resume to: Westower Communications, P.O. Box 187, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6 ROOFING Depot has two positions; 1)-DZ Driver- full time. Boom or sellick ex p e rie n c e an a s s e t. For O ak v ille and surro unding areas. 2)-W arehouse as sistant- full-tim e. Fork-lift e x p e rie n c e an a s s e t. Heavy lifting involved. Fax resumea to 905-825-9606 JR.CARPENTERS- Individ uals with woodworking ex perience to work outdoors for the summer in the Oak v ille / B u rlin g to n a rea; Should have own tools and transportation; please con tact Tim Fowler, Signature D e c k s at 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -8 4 0 4 (message)_______________ ELECTRICIAN and Electri cal Apprentice for commer cial work in Burlington. Du ra tio n a p p ro x im a te ly 5 m o n th s . F ax re s u m e : (705)743-6990___________ C A B IN E T M a k e r - w ith m in im u m 3-5 y e a rs expe rience. W orking with h ig h p re s s u re la m in a te re q u ire d . P le a s e c a ll D. Norman Q(905)822-0068 HO M E R e p a ir S p e c ia lis t (carpentry, drywall, painting etc.) Benefits, Year round work. Call (905) 689-8616 AUTOBODY Repair Person (licensed) required fulltime for busy Burlington flat-rate shop. Clean, well equipped! C all Brian K err's Collision Centre, (905)335-1094 L y L l office-clerical FU LL-TIM E R e ceptionist/ S e c re ta ry w a n te d fo r a sm all law practice in Oak ville. Candidate must have good c o m p u te r s k ills , in c lu d in g e x p e rie n c e w ith Windows and Word Perfect. P le a s e fo rw a rd y o u r re sum e to: S u san D ryden , 250 Wyecroft Rd., Unit 11, Oakville L6K 3T7_________ O AKVILLE print shop re quires a Person Friday with an attention for detail to fill an e n try le v e l b in d e ry / c o u n te r p o s itio n . E x p e ri ence an asset but willing to train. Good verbal and writ ten com munication skills a m ust. Fax resum e: (905) 825-8313________________ RECEPTIONIST- required to answer phones, book ap pointments & general office work. Part-time evenings & w e ekends. M ust possess p le a s a n t pho ne m anner, Fax q u a lific a tio n s (905)639-3771________________ OFFICE/ Accounting Clerk re q u ire d fu lltim e by local HV AC co. D u ties in clude reception, A/R, A/P, payroll, experience with New Views an a s s e t. Fax re s u m e : (905)825-2094___________ SE CRETARY/ Adm inistra tive Assistant for Psychiatric practice in Oakville. Profi ciency in computer. Start ing part-time. Fax Dr. Treyvaud, 905-842-0453 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Admin Assistant- (8+m o s)............................. Etobicoke A/R C le rk ......................................................... Mississauga Bilingual C S R ................................................ Mississauga Data Entry / Financial In d u stry............... Mississauga Admin Supervisor..........................................Meadowvale Financial Operations (6 m o s )................. Mississauga Int Accounts Payable C le rk ......................Airport Area Jr B u yer.......................................................... 4 0 1 /H w y 10 Parts Coordinator (6 m o s )...............................401/427 Reception / Office A ss ista n t............................ Weston Reception / A ssis tan t............................... Airport South Int. Acct/ Payroll Coordinator Mississauga Sr A/P (AccPac-D O S)........................................... Concord Sr A/P C oo rd in ato r...................................... East Oakville W arranty Clerk (1 y r ) ....................................... 401 / 427 R e c r u itm e n t & S ta ffin g S e r v ic e s 9 0 5 -2 3 8 - 1 3 0 0 o r fa x 9 0 5 - 2 3 8 - 0 7 5 3 · · · · · Guest S ervices R e p res en tatives B anquet Servers B artend ers / S ervers H o u sekeep ers/ Day C lean er Lifeguards- Certified Please submit resumes to: Attn: Human Resources, 360 Oakville Place Dr., Oakville, On L6H 6K8 or Fax (9 0 5 )-8 4 5 -9 4 5 0 B E N N Y 'S R e s ta u ra n t re q u ire s fu lltim e C a s h ie r & f u lltim e C o o k. D a ys & Evenings. A pply in person after 2pm, 586 Kerr Street, (at Speers)_______________ ESKIMO Joe's Sports Bar, O a k v ille . A ll p o s itio n s & shifts available immediately. Fax resum e to: (905)8456054____________________ T H E H a n g in g T re e , 484 Plains Rd.E., Burlington re quires P art-tim e W aiter's/ W a itre ss's S ta ff. A p ply in person. CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers. bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / ch a ir accesso rie s. C all Sherry, 634-6706._______________ W fi f r i services TWICE THE FUN requires P/T SALES PERSON ' Very flexible/ reliable Learn all aspects of re tail. Knowledge of kid's products an asset. ·Average 25hrs/ week 460 Brant S t(B url) CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST CGC Inc., a building m aterials m anufacturer, is searching for an experienced C ustom er Service Specialist. Responsibilities include receiving and processing telephone and fax orders, customer billings, custom er fo llo w -u p , price ad justm ents and o th e r related duties. The position is a t o u r O akville p la n t w h ich is on Fourth Line. CGC Inc. offers com petitive salary and benefit plans. If you have the qualifications and are interested in this opportunity, please submit your resume (stating salary expectations) to: SALES C O N S U LTA N TS : Your profile As a Sales Consultant, you w ill be accountable for achieving y o ur personal sales objectives a nd ensure the implementation o f merchandising strategies at store level. Your understanding o f sales techniques allows you to deliver high levels of customer service. You have a keen sense o f style and extensive knowledge of fashion trends; you have the ability to communicate clearly and listen to people; you are a fast learner; you are also very much team dedicated. If you are interested in a challenge commensurate w ith your individual level of talent, please send us your resume b y fax o r e-mail with the job offer number BVOP 0 2 as soon as possible. IN T E R N E T S E C R ETS Y o u 'll Be Blown Away By W hat Your Com puter Can R e a lly D ol 1 -9 0 0 -6 4 3 111 2 ext. 293 8 $2.9 9 per min. Must Be 18+ yrs. Ser-U (619) 645-8434 I daycare available E C E , a ll a g e s w e lcom e, near Clarksdale school. Hot lu n c h e s , d a ily a c tiv itie s , TLC. Registered w/Halton Region. 331-9147._______ Q U A L ITY hom e daycare. F ulltim e spaces available fo r 1 -y rs + o r s ib lin g situation. R egistered with H .C.C.S. O utings to book c lu b s , re s o u rc e centre, crafts'. Hot lunches. Much more. 632-7365__________ VERY lo v in g , c a rin g d a y c a re from one who loves children. Non-smoker. M any re fe re n c e s . R e a s o n a b le ra te s. Fun o u tin g s , w a lk s , w ell balanced meals. All ages. P a lm e r a re a . ( 9 0 5 )3 3 5 4171____________________ LOVING care in my River O a ks hom e. F u ll-tim e or p art-tim e, all ages, references. (905)842-0636 PRIVATE hom e childcare; e s ta b lis h e d 17-years. Q ualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af ter hours, evenings, night tim e c a re , o v e rn ig h ts & weekends available. 6 3 2 8575, 632-5735__________ LO VIN G m oth er of 2 has spaces available- Reliable, fu n , c ra fts and ou tin g s. Full/ part-time, before/ after school. B urloak/ New St. 333-4642 I daycare wanted PA R T-TIM E caregiver re quired in our home for 8mo & 5yr.old. ECE or equival e n t. R e fe re n c e s , nonsmoker. 905-257-4761 K ILB R ID E / C a rlis le - fu ll tim e c h ild c a re re q u ire d (M o n -F ri) fo r 2 ch ild re n ages 2 & 5. Your home or ours. Call 332-7774______ R E L IA B L E , responsible , m ature person required to c a re fo r 2 sch o o l aged children in my home. 3rd L in e B rid g e Rd. O akville irregular hours. 905-6371401____________________ S T A Y -a t-h o m e M om s! W ee W a tch (u n d e r new m a n a g e m e n t). U rg e n tly se e k in g P ro v id e rs in O akville. Imm ediate. 3379221 Donna_____________ CARING energetic person required for our 2 & 5 yr old girls. In our SE O akville home. 2 days/week. ECE an asset. Flexible hours. call 905-849-4936________ R E Q U IR E D fo r 6 m onth old. (2), 12-13hrs. per day. O cassional weekends be g in n in g la te A p ril. 905257-5812_______________ S U M M E R h e lp fo r 2 c h ild re n (to d d le rs ). MayA u g. O u r hom e. Nonsm oker. D riving required/ car provided. References. After 6pm. (905)336-7510 639-9105 CUSTO M ER Service Representative- Part-tim e- re q u ire d fo r M a p le v ie w Shopping C entre. M ature person, m ust be available day's and weekend's. Pick up Application's from Cus tomer Sen/ice... 900 Maple Ave., Burlington. No phone calls please!!!____________ ALDER SH O T G reenhous es Ltd. requires general la bourers in our shipping as w e ll as in our p ro d u c tio n facilities. If you are an ener getic and enthusiastic per son please fax in your re sume to 632-4022, or drop it off at 1135 Gallagher Rd., Burlington. LA N D SC A PIN G com pany requires: C rew C h ief with 3-5years experience.; Also r e q u ire d s e v e ra l C re w m e m b e rs fo r g e n e ra l g ro u n d s m a in te n a n c e . Leave m essage (24hr re s p o n s e ). C a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 6 3 6 0 3 , o r fa x re s u m e to: 905-336-7285____________ P R O D U C T IO N M a c h in e O perators required by Bur lin g to n m a n u fa c tu re r. 2shifts. Experience an asset. S e n d re s u m e : N ix o n In te g ra te d M a c h in in g D esigns Ltd., 3291 M ain way, Unit 5&6, Burlington, L7M 1A 6________________ DRIVER Wanted- responsi b le , d e p e n d a b le , in d e pendent, with border cross ing experience. For expe d ite d d e liv e r ie s . G u a r a n te e d p a y , n e w d ie s e l cargo van. C all 416-5731137 or fa x resum e 905845-9541________________ L O O K IN G fo r a chan ge? W o rk no n ig h ts and no w e e k e n d s . R e lia b le , m a tu re , fu ll-tim e p o s itio n s . Benefits/ training/ transpor ta tio n p ro v id e d . D .L. re quired. C all M olly M aid, 905-681-7484 PART-TIME housekeeper light cleaning and care for to d d le r. M o rn in g s o n ly. G le n A s h to n , O a k v ille . References. (905)842-0151 M rs . D . D e e CGC Inc. P .O . B o x 4 0 3 4 , S tn . "A " T o r o n to , O N M 5 W 1 K 8 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 8 0 3 -5 6 7 4 · e -m a il: d d e e @ c g c in c .c o m E X P E R IE N C E D c le a n in g p erson a v a ila b le to clean y o u r h o m e . P le a s e c a ll (905)690-4710___________ DOM ESTIC housecleaning available. Please call Anna. References. 338-5437 ^U LA G E Fax: # 1 -877-447-9924 E-mial: careers@bsf.ca Job offer number BVOP 02 ORDER DESK Milton Lum ber Yard L u m b e ro r construction e x p erie n ce an asset. C om pu ter kn ow ledge an d people skills required. C all K athy @ 1-877-517-7335 or fa x res u m e to: TRAFALGAR G O LF & CO U N TR Y CLUB H as the following seasonal full and part tim e positions available: Back Shop W a it S ta ff H o rtic u ltu ris t/G ro u n d s C re w If you are a te a m player w ith excellen t com m unication skills an d w an t to w ork in a fun fast paced environm ent, p le a s e forw ard your resu m e to: P .O . Box 56, M ilton, O ntario L 9T 2 Y 3 or Fax: 9 0 5 -8 7 8 -1 6 9 9 or E-m ail: o ffice@ trafalgargolf.com Part-Time RPN Registered Practical Nurse req. for retire ment residence. Must have current m e d i c a t i o n QUALITY- Treatment yields qua lity results. Keep your seniors mobile and am bul ant. Spoil them with once or tw ice weekly private exer cise therapy sessions. An expe rienced O ntario R eg istered Therapist available. F o r a s s e s s m e n t and a p po in tm e n t c a ll (9 0 5 )6 3 4 0636, evenings I personals (905)693-9475 EX P R E S S INC. Expanding w h olesale lum ber com pany in M ilton area pre sently accepting resum es for the fo llow in g positions: Experienced Transborder Dispatcher also Experienced Salesperson T ransportation Industry experience a m ust. Call Karen 905-829-4444 or Fax 905-829-8018 certificate. CPR and registration with the College of Nurses. Advanced assess ment skills with a minimum of 3 yrs' exp. in long term care & the ability to work independently is req. Fax resume to: (905) 842-9229 or drop off resume: Sylvia Scott The Kensington 25 Lakeshore Rd West., Oakville We appreciate all applications, however only those chosen for an interview will be contacted #1 LOVE PSYCHICS!!! T ell all b y p h o n e . 24 h rs 1 -4 1 6 -9 7 6 -2 2 8 8 $15/call 1 -9 0 0 -4 5 1 -3 3 8 9 $3.99/min. be 18-t- www.yogi.com DON'T you deserve to meet som eone nice? C all M isty River Introductions, Burling to n /O a k v ille 's tra d itio n a l m a tc h m a k e r. (4 1 6 )7 7 7 6302 LIANNE! We met in Chapt e rs , b u t I'v e lo s t yo u r number. Please call me at work 815-8197 or at home 639-0716, Jim____________ ARE you Single? The New est M e e tin g P la ce . www. Dream Mates .com Exp. Lift Truck Operators · Building material background an asset · Full-time/part-time Yard/Warehouse Labourers · Order Pickers · General Help Full/part time Summer E HI J ,a sales help » agents sales help & agents Fax resumes to:(905) 854-3259 Experienced Automotive Sales Person required by Oakville's largest retail Chrysler dealer. Competitive remuneration program, company car and benefit program availab le to the right candidate. M UST HAVE A VALID SALES LICENSE. SECURITY GUARDS Required immediately F u ll-tim e p o s itio n s in H am ilton, Dundas & Burlington V e h ic le & s h ift w o r k a m u s t. W e otter excellent benefit package. F a x re s u m e t o (9 0 5 ) 5 6 1 -8 3 0 1 Please fax resume to: VERA PAYNE NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN OF SALONS REQUIRES A SALON MANAGER and Experienced HAIRSTYLISTS IN O A K V IL L E A N D B U R L IN G T O N W e o ff e r g r e a t c o m m is s io n s ; c a re e r a d v a n c e m e n t th r o u g h o u t N o rth A m e ric a ; flexible w ork hours and a solid benefit program. TO A R R A N G E FOR AN IN T E R V IE W , PLEASE CA LL K Y M : (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -8 8 0 8 ®L0gp 0D © 175 W yecroft Road, Oakville fax: (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -9 1 0 9 , Ph: (90 5)8 4 5 -6 6 5 3 SAKHO, Spiritual medium, s p e c ia liz e s in re u n itin g H C A 'S, P S W 's . N u rs in g S tu d e n ts & H o m em akers . loved ones, remove nega tivity, total protection, luch, re q u ire d fo r th e O a k v ille b u s in e s s , etc. 4 1 6 -7 8 5 Burlington area. Apply to: 3499 W e C a re H o m e H e la th S e rv ic e s , 789 B ra n t St. Burlington, ON L7R 2J3 or lost & found Fax 634-6066____________ EXPERIENCED and outgo in g D e n ta l H y g ie n is t re quired part-tim e in Burling ton for Tuesday and Thurs da y e v e n in g s and S a tu r days to start. Fax resum e to: (905)332-5240 EM TELESALES "CLOSER" Start A.S.A.P. Hours 5-30pm -8:30pm Mon-Thurs, 10:30am -1:30pm Saturday.. Package includes hourly & commission. Experience needed. Phone work and sales. Lawn care an asset · Evenings Spring and Summer TECHNOLOGIST · Design Draftsm an · Using Solid Edge, you will develop new products and improve existing products. Nor-am is an Industry leader in the design and manufacture ot bathing sys tems and transport aids. If you are a self starter and able to work to deadlines and enjoy constant chal lenges please apply to: LARGE reward: Lost Michel Herbelin watch with 4 gold rin g s : o ld w e d d in g ban d date inscribed; Square cut ru b y rin g ; d ia m o n d rin g h e a v y rid g e d b a n d ; d ia m ond ring squa re setting. Bronte GO station. Enor m o u s s e n tim e n ta l va lu e . 905-847-5333____________ LO ST: B ik e , R e w a rd ! Red M ongoose m ountain bike, 21 speed, front shocks lo st e a rly J a n u a ry . 3 3 6 8814 Chris or Debbi LOST: Orange female cat2yrs. old. 3rd Line, Speers Rd., area. C all 4 6 9 -0 3 5 6 Reward._________________ F O U N D : se t o f 4 ke ys. Shore Acres Rd. & Spruce. Please call to identify. 3333406 Nor-Am Patient Care Products Ltd. 2388 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6L 5M2 o r F a x 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 - 0501 C u s to m m a c h in e s h o p lo c a te d in M ilto n requires: BURLINGTON BOWL requires F/T personnel for entry position in SALES & MARKETING Strong knowledge of 10 pin bowling an asset. Must have outgoing personality & ability to work with minimal supervision. Call for appt 681-2727 INSIDE Sales Rep needed to qualify leads and make appointments. Must be out going. frie n d ly , sales-o riented. $10./hr., Full-tim e/ d ays. To a p p ly c a ll Michelle at 905-827-8230 R E A L E s ta te S a le s . L i cense d or not. Train ing. Free com m ission advanc es. Retirem ent Plan. Call Lloyd, Exit Realty Negotiators, (905)465-1010 PART TIM E Position/ Re ta il Hours. Requirem ents: dependable, solid worker, ke e p s b u s y , p le a s a n t, helpful m anner, interested in s a tis fy in g c u s to m e rs needs, fa s h io n sense , knowledge of fabric. Light s to re c le a n up. H a lto n Linen. Apply Edith or Terri (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 o r fa x (905) 847-2274. Call or fax resume c/o Jim Watson N U T ftM A W N Ph # 632-2077 Fx# 632-1522 EcologyFriendlyLawnCare Excellent TELEMARKETING CNC H ORIZONTAL BORING M ILL OPERATORS Positions E x p erien ce d in T O S o r T o sh ib a M achines · P/T evenings, Saturdays · March to May 31 · Great working environm ent!!! -Starling $7.25 /hour +bonus -Training provided -Non-selling -Be Part of a Fast Growing team "S u ita b le for homemakers and seniors CNC VERTICAL M AC H IN IST S alary to com m en su rate w ith ex p erien ce E x cellen t benefits. A ir co n d itio n ed environm ent. ECG TECHNOLOGISTS KMH Cardiology & Diagnostic Centres prides itself in a philosophy and tradition that emphasizes efficient, high quality and caring diagnostic health services. We currently require part-time ECG technologists to join our progressive, multi-centred diagnostic imaging team and perform cardiac stress testing and holter hook-ups. It is preferred that candidates have minimum 1 year cardiac stress testing experience and computer literacy. CSCT registration required, CTAO recommended. HARVEYS RESTAURANT SERVING SWISS CHALET Requires F/T & P/T staff for Oakville Location at Bronte & Lakeshore. Premium starting rate + bonus. Call (905) 572-9 000 or fax (905) 572-9002 POSITIONS of Buspersons, Host/ Hostess, Servers and L in e C o o k s - p a rt-tim e . A va ila b le im m e d ia te ly for right individuals with strong se n s e o f te a m c o n c e p t. M u st h a v e e x p e rie n c e . C a ll now . Q .B . S p o rts Eatery, 4460 Fairview (Ap pleby Ln). or call- 905-6379797____________________ W ATERSTREET C ooker and Em m a's Back Porch N ow H irin g S o u s C h e fs, Kitchen Supervisors, Food Prep, D ishw a shers, fu ll & p a rt-tim e . T o p w a g e s Great place to work. Apply to S c o tt, 20 8 4 O ld Lakeshore Rd., Burlington CHAPTERS C afe requires a m ature, perm anent parttime day person. (Not suit a b le fo r s tu d e n t) P le a se a p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re sume: O akville Town Cen tre I. 3 1 0 N o rth S e rv ic e Rd.W.___________________ TURTLE Jack's Now Hiring Drivers & Cooks, full & parttim e . A p p ly in p e rs o n to 4155 Fairview St. (between W alker's & Appleby) or to 255 Hamilton St., (at Dun das), Waterdown. LIN E C o o ks- fu ll-tim e or part-tim e. Experience pre fe rre d . R u s s e ll W illia m s R e s ta u ra n t. A p p ly in pe rso n , 20 P lain s Rd. E. (Waterdown Rd), Burlington. TH E R u de N a tive B istro Bronte location, looking for experienced wait staff. Fax resume: 905-465-0681 MARY Poppins wanted for fun household- 2 great kids (a g e s 3 & 7 ), 2 dogs, p a re n ts fu n to o . Glen A b b e y, liv e -in p referred, n o n -s m o k e r, d riv e r's license, routine house work. D a ys; 4 :6 -9 6 6 -6 5 5 4 , evenings; (905)825-8301 LIVE-OUT nanny for-6-mo. old. Light housekeeping, can start immediately. Near O akville GO. References. 905-337-0506___________ N A NN Y to p rovid e TLC 9, 6 and tw o 3 year olds. First Aid/ CPR/ Driver's Li cense/ R e ference s. (416)420-6704 Call or fax resume c/o Jim Watson N U T R I' L A W N EcologyFriendlyLawnCare Ph# 632-2077 F* * 632-1522 Phone (90 5) 8 7 6 -4 73 9 or Fax resum e to (90 5) 876-4451 o ffic td e r ic a l office-clerical K ITC HEN & Bath renova tio n s - plum bing, painting, c e ra m ic s . G u a ra n te e d satisfaction. (905)849-4152, (905)823-2328 . (905)4038487____________________ ELECTRICAL repairs, w ir ing, service and fuse box u p -g ra d e , pot lig h ts ,ect. Lie. E 3 45 C a ll A le x (905)821-2332___________ C E R A M IC T ile - S la te R o ck W o rk - M a rb le & G ra n ite T ile s - (9 05)8261474, (416)720-5745. PART-TIM E SEASONAL WORK W e need m en, wom en & kids to fill a variety of roles available in: catalogues & flyers, fashion shows & hair shows, m agazines & brochures, T V. Com m ercials & extra work, film work etc. B e g in n e rs w e lc o m e . If a c c e p te d a g e n c y agrees tc cover full training & reg. costs. Front Line Representative Publisher in Burlington requires a proactive self starter to assume basic office tasks with determina tion and zest. This person will handle our incoming phone calls and proactively ensure that the daily rou tines of the office operate smoothly. This is a junior position with long run potential. W e need a person who is a reliable team player that wishes to accept new challenges and turn them into a career. Premium hourly rates ranging from $15-$20 (based on experience level) Interested candidates are invited to fax a cover letter and resume to the attention of Jenny at (9 0 5 )8 5 5 -1 8 6 3 100% Q uality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction gua r anteed. In te rio r/ exte rio r. (9 0 5 )2 7 7 -1 7 9 3 or (416)793-3339___________ PAINTER/PROFESSIONAL committed to excellence! All types o f painting. For no o bliga tion quote, call Dan on m o b ile 41 6 -9 1 8 -0 3 6 6 . You w o n t regret it! moving & storage O A K V IL L E M o v e rs - E x p e rie n c e d , lic e n s e d , in s u re d . Tw o w e eks fre e s to ra g e . F ree e s tim a te s . S e nior's discount. Q uality Service. 337-9063________ PRO M overs. S h o rt/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 I painting & decorating M O N E Y P roblem s? G ar nish e e s? Too m any pay m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 MISSISSAUGA 9 0 5 -8 0 3 -9 0 4 0 Online: W W W .sh o p c a n a d a .c o m /z a id i.h tm l e-m a il: zaid i @ sh o p ca n ad a .co m . LOST & FOUND R esp o n ses should be faxed to: "Front Line R ep.": (9 0 5 ) 6 3 4 -2 2 3 8 or e-m ailed to: km@industrialsourcebook.com Burlington Post R EQ UIR ES Administrative Assistant Required at our head office in Burlington. This position reports to the VP of Purchasing. If you crave a fast paced, busy environment and posssess excel lent PC Skills and are bilingual (French to English/ English to French both w ritten and ve rb al) then please forward your resume to: M E D IC A L R e c e p tio n is t/ S e c re ta ry p a rt-tim e re quired for Oakville surgical practice. Experience with OHIP billing, MS Word, and dictatyping. Must be good with detailed work. Fax re sum e to 416-597-2912 or e m a il: w w w .ru d d c linic@ruddclinic.com_______ D E N TA L A s s is ta n t- f u ll tim e , o u tg o in g , e x p e ri en c e d , H A R P c e rtifie d , needed im m edia tely. Fax resume: (905)278-5973 Driver/Medical Gas Technician Wanted Busy Home Healthcare Centre requires a front line person to provide delivery of hospital equipment and home oxygen to our clientele. The ability to perform heavy lifting on a regular basis is required. On-call ro tation required. Please submit resume along w/Driver's Abstract to: A D U L T CAR RIERS to deliver the B urlington Post d o o r to d o or in M apleview area G as allow ance. Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 D. MacM illan; S O D E X H O M A R R IO T T S E R V IC E S 3350 South Service Rd, Burlington, ON, L7N 3M 6 Please call 632-0588 Ryan, ext. 299 F a x : 9 0 5 -6 8 1 -3 0 2 1 Ludlow Medical Products 595 Speers Road, Oakville, O N L6K 2G4 Only candidates selected will be notified.

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