Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 29 Mar 2000, C5

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Wednesday, March 29 , 2000 general help wanted general help wanted IJ general help wanted TH E OA KVILLE BEAVER C5 T he B u rlin g to n P ost, a d iv isio n of M e tro la n d P rin tin g , Publishing and D istributing Ltd. is accep tin g resum es for the position of AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED North American Leader in Automotive Die Cast Manufacturing- SPECIAL FEATURES W R I T E R R e p o rtin g to th e D ire c to r o f A d v e rtisin g , th e S p e c ia l F e a tu re s W rite r is re s p o n sib le fo r th e e d ito ria l c o n te n t and layout of in-paper features, as well as any publication created by the B urlington Post. The ideal c a n d id a te will have stro n g w ritin g a n d e d ito ri al skills and a proficiency in M icrosoft W ord an d Q uark. F a m ilia rity w ith a M a c in to s h - b a s e d p la tf o r m is p r e ferred. The position req u ires a p erso n ab le individual w ith excel lent o rg an izatio n al skills a n d the ab ility to w ork well on deadline. A fla ir fo r c o r p o r a te c o m m u n ic a tio n s a n d fa m ilia rity w ith p rin t advertising w ould be an asset. C reative in p u t is encouraged. The ab ility to w ork w ith m in im al su p e r vision as well as in a team environm ent is essential. Please fax o r m ail resum es to the atten tio n of: SKILLED TRADES Automotive parts supplier located in Burlington cur rently has openings lor the following positions: L ic e n s e d M a c h in is t : W o rk in g in a te a m e n v iro n m e n t, m u s t b e a s e lf-s ta rte r fa m ilia r w ith C N C m a c h in e s a n d w ill be c a p a b le o f d o in g s e tu p s . C N C P r o g r a m m e r: M u s t h a v e e x c e l le n t p ro g ra m m in g k n o w le d g e a n d th e a b ili ty to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly . M illw r ig h t : A t le a s t 5 y rs . e x p e rie n c e w ith tr o u b le s h o o tin g , h y d r a u lic s a n d p n e u m a tic s . R o b o tic e x p . is an asse t. A C C O U N T A N T - Im m ediate opening in a m anu facturing company to be re sponsible for daily A/P, A/R and other accounting trans actions, in a computerized env iro n m e n t. A ssist c u s tom er service staff during peak periods. Reply with resume and salary expec tations to: W illpak Industries Fax: 905-827-2357 RECEPTIONIST/ Spa Cordinator, experienced, with c o m p u te r and g ra p h ic skills. Must be highly moti vated, extremely organized. G reat custom er relations. Works well under pressure. Also required.... mature, ex p erie nced A e s th e tic ia n & part-time experienced Hair s ty lis t. Fax · re su m e (905)849-7093____________ R E G IS T R A T IO N C le rk , part-tim e, 3-5 days/ week. Must have: good communi cation skills: pleasant per s o n a lity in d e a lin g w ith puolic; excellent w ritten & oral English; ablity to read and c o m p re h e n d g o v e rn m e n t re g u la tio n s ; c o m p u te r e x p e rie n c e ; a c c u ra te k e y b o a rd in g ; mathematical skills. Fax resume: (905)637-7726 CU STO M ER S e rv ic e R e p re s e n ta tiv e . Busy O a k v ille a u to m o tiv e d e a le rs h ip re q u ire s a motivated individual with a s tro n g c u s to m e r s e rv ic e a ttitu d e and e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills . S uccessful cand idate will have strong organizational and computer skills. Please fa x resum e to: 9 0 5 -5 4 8 0399 ATTN: Rose Gryfe R E C E P T IO N IS T / S e c re tary, Full time, with BV Ac counting and MS Word 6.0 an asset. Must have excel lent telephone manner. Fax resume with salary expectations: 905-625-3804 REAL Estate ReceptionistP a rt-tim e, 2-3 fu ll days a week. C o m pu ter literate, R/E experience preferred. Fax re su m e to A d ria n n e Gordon 905-335-4661 SELDRUM CORPORATION A Densigraphix Company M ACLACHLAN COLLEG E requires experienced INSIDE SALES A major distributor of copier parts has an immediate opening for a dynamic, energetic sales representa tive for our Burlington office. The successful candidate will be responsible for increasing sales in their existing territory as well as developing new accounts. Strong telephone skills and a minimum of two year's experience in sales are required. Salary plus bonus incentives. CHILD CARE WORKER for our After School Programme Mon. to Fri. 3:30pm-6pm Send resume & references to the school, Attn: Mrs. P. Hargreaves, Head of Lower School 337 Trafalgar Rd.,Oakville, ON L6J 3H3 ph: 905-844-0372 fax: 905-844-9369 E.C.E required for daycare in M ilto n . E x p e rie n c e an asset. S ubm it resum e to: 258 Commercial St.. Milton, or fax resume to: (905)8787552, Attn: Dianne ORDER DESK Our very busy desk handling more than 4,000 parts requires an organized, efficient customer service representative to provide customer support and enter orders. A computer background that includes data entry is preferred. Previous experience in customer service and / or order desk would be an asset. The ability to thrive in a fast-paced environ ment is a must. Fax resumes to Sales Manager at 905-335-5986 or email to sales@seldrum.com Kim Slessor, New H om es & Real Estate M anager c/o B urlington Post 2321 Fairview Street, B urlington ON L7R 2E3 Fax: (905) 632-1121 M A T U R E R e ta il s to re c le rk w a nte d. P a rt Tim e. Apply Box #2098 The Oak v ille B eaver, 467 S p eers Rd. Oakville. Ont L6K 3S4 LE ADING food service company requires experi enced staff for Burlington cafeterias. Food prep and g e n e ra l h e lp . M o n -F ri.. Days only, Full/ Part-tim e. B e n e fits p a c k a g e . G rea t starting pay. Fax resumes to Food S e rv ic e D ire c to r 905-632-1332_____________ SUPERINTENDENT Assis tant couple for high-rise in B u rlin g to n . P o s s e s s in g cleaning, maintenance and pe o p le sk ills . Two bed room lakeview apartm ent, salary and benefits provid ed. F ax re s u m e to 905 529-1833__________________ B U S Y C o u rie r/ E x p e d ite com pany requires fulltim e Brokers with own van or 5 ton truck. Excellent wages. E x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . Please call Doug or Julie at Power Link. (905)693-1143 or fax re sum e (9 0 5 )6 9 3 __________________ 9272 P/T Teleservices- AM/PM. Do you have a good phone voice? Enjoy talking to peo ple? No s e llin g . Professional environm ent. 20 /h rs /w k . $ 8 -$ 1 0 per hr plus bon uses. M ust have ow n tra n s p o rta tio n . C a ll (905)608-9244_____________ JU B IL E E Fruit M arket re q u ire s fu ll-tim e C a s h ie rs and P ro d u c e C le rk s , a v a ila b le to w o rk fle x ib le hours including weekends. Starting Salary $9 - $ 10 ./hr. A p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re s u m e : 104 A lle n S t.. Oakville (905)842-0378 W A L -M A R T n o w h irin g F u ll-tim e N ight C rew and ov ernight cle aners. Must be a v a ila b le w e e k e n d s . A p p ly at c o u rte s y d esk. Hwy.5/ Trafalgar Rd.. Oak ville H E LP w anted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Needs workers for mornings. 8am12noon to m uck out stalls on w e e k e n d s . A sk for Heather (905)466-4421 PA IN TE R S needed. Must be knowledgable in all as p e c ts o f th e tra d e N eat, clean appearance and own tra n s p o rta tio n . C a ll 905634-4600__________________ CAMEO Cleaners Now Hir in g P re s s e rs . fuff & parttim e. for new dry cleaning location in the Fortinos pla za on Hamilton Street. Call (905)690-0444____________ P R IM E R IC A F in a n c ia l S e rvices seeks in dividual for unique opportunity. No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . High income potential. Call (905)-681-5515,Ext 62___ SEW Q u ic k Inc. re q u ire s experienced Full-tim e and p a rt-tim e A lte ra tio n p e r sons. Call Laura 905-6328081______________________ SEAMSTRESS/ Tailor, with experience, wanted. Must be sincere and com mitted. Call (905)847-6515________ O F F IC E c le a n in g p e rson required for Burlington o f fice. Fax resum e to: 905332-5240 I telemarketers U L T R A M A T IC re q u ire s app ointm ent setters M on day to Friday. 5pm -10pm . $9/hr + bonus. Leads/train ing p ro v id e d . C a ll M rs. Young 333-1737 after 1pm. This non-union environment allows lor a wide variety ot duties lor all maintenance personnel. Amcan provides and excellent Health Benefit Plan. Only those individuals chosen lor an interview will be contacted in response to this ad. S e n d R e s u m e to : S. A rm s tro n g P .O . B o x 4 4 6 , L C D 1 H a m ilto n , O n t L 8 L 7 X 3 (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -3 3 7 2 h u m a n re s o u rc e s @ a m c a n c a s tin q s .c o m 1A- All Moving & Storage, Big Small, insured, reliable, fast local or long distance. Free boxes, storage & esti mates. 634-3721 O A K V IL L E M o v e rs - Ex p e rie n c e d , lice n se d , in su re d . Two w eeks free sto ra g e . Free e stim ates. Senior's discount. Q uality Service. 337-9063 A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Phone 637-6974.__________ 10 years exp e rie n ce . Eu ropean c le a n in g lady w ill clean your house or office. R e fe re n ce s. For fre e e s tim a te c a ll U rszu la (905) 822-2636 I personals No Phone Calls Bath and Kitchen Showroom Sales We are currently looking for a career oriented HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED C o m m is s io n + g u a r a n t e e d h o u r ly E x c e lle n t b e n e f it p a c k a g e S o m e m a n a g e m e n t p o s it i o n s a v a ila b le E q u ip m e n t p r o v id e d B u s ie s t lo c a t io n s in t h e a r e a ! · N o c lie n te le r e q u ir e d __ ' A d v a n c e d tra in in g p ro v id e d _ ? O A K -L A N D FORD LINCOLN R equires Im m ediately Full-tim e S alesperson Who is enthusiastic, dedicated to superior customer service. You will enjoy working with a dynamic group of people and having fun in a professional atmosphere. Salary +commission to commensurate with exp. Fax your resume to Robert Woodstock 905-639-3581 #1 LOVE PSYCHICS!!! T ell all b y p h o n e . 2 4 h rs 1 -4 1 6 -9 7 6 -2 2 8 8 $15/call 1 -9 0 0 -4 5 1 -3 3 8 9 $3.99/min. be 18+ www.yogi.com E S T A B L I S H E D p r o fe s s io n a l, e a r ly 4 0 's , good appearance, seeking u n iv e rs ity , c o lle g e e d u c a te d , n o n -s m o k in g , fir s t m a te fo r s h a rin g e x p e rie n c e s ; s a ilin g , g a rd e n in g , s k iin g , o th e r pleasures of life. Young at h e a rt/m o d e s tly a c tiv e . Reply: Box 6258. c/o Oak v ille B e aver. 467 S p eers Rd.. Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 ARE you Single? The New es t M e e tin g P la c e . www.DreamMates.com A b e a u tifu l s p rin g da y is that much better if you have someone special to spend it with. Misty River Introduc tions, Burlington's traditional matchmaker (416)777-6302 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / chair accesso ries. C all Sherry, 634-6706. · 2 LICENSED FORD TRAINED TECHNICIANS for repairs to drivability, electrical & Air conditioning (1 tech days & 1 tech nights) · SERVICE ADVISOR Must have previous Ford and Reynolds & Reynolds experience. Applicant should be self motivated, customer driver & have some mechancial knowledge. R .J. M ac Lawn Maintenance. Lawn cutting. P h o n e (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -1 8 0 7 , (905)637-6693, (905)6810811 I tutorial IS your child falling behind in re a d in g or sp e llin g ? P rivate tutoring by caring e le m e n ta ry te a ch e r. 825-9990 I daycare available ECE w ith 3 years expe ri en ce - B e lye a St Hom e D a ycare F acility. Spaces a v a ila b le , a ge s 2 years and up. (905)465-1833. PRIVATE hom e childcare; e s ta b lis h e d 17-years. Q ualified expert care. We love children. Full days, af ter hours, evenings, night tim e ca re , o v e rn ig h ts & weekends available. 6 3 2 8575, 632-5735___________ LAUGHING, playing, learn ing, fun. Moms, is that what you want for your little one? 331-9936_________________ MOTHER of 1 (primary age child) has spaces available in hom e fo r fu ll/p a rt tim e c h ild re n . P le a s e ca ll 825-8845_________________ Y O U R c h ild d e s e rv e s a caring family atmosphere to play and learn with others. Baking, crafts, stories, out ings, social skills. Burloak/ Appleby. (905)639-9580 R E LIA B LE Daycare avail able full/ part-time. 6 years e x p e rie n c e . R e ference s available. Headon Forest/ Headon Rd. (905)332-7870.___________ LO VING care in my River Oaks home. Full-time. Oyrs. to pre-school, references. (905)842-0636 I daycare wanted P A R T-TIM E child ca re re quired for 4 & 7 year olds. West Oak Trails area. Call 905-469-9802 i i * FT & P/T, flexible work hours ` Call Robert or Brenda at (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 -3 1 5 5 T e le sale s O p portu nity Rapidly expanding Oakville based company has an immediate opening for an accomplished Telesales Representative. The ideal candidate will possess: · Excellent High Tech specific track record · Motivation & initiative · Solid follow-up skills · A working knowledge of the internet · An articulate and professional telephone manner · Strong negotiation skills Attractive compensation package includes base salary plus com m ission. Interested candidates should submit their resumes by fax or e-mail to: · Also Required for Lube Dept. P A R T / F U L L T IM E L A N D S C A P IN G Ideal for 0AC or MAC Students Local landscaper is looking for help from April to Nov. $10/hr (Starting) with flexible hours. Our company has put 5 students through MAC with summer work. Join a team that supports higher education while en joying summer work! QUALIFICATIONS: · Willing to work hard · Be physically fit C a ll 634-0 095 fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r fa x a o n e p a g e re s u m e to : 6 3 4 -3 4 5 7 Mature reliable person to work and help manage busy lube department. For a confidential interview call rO a k - Gerry M anning or John Trebble at 905-844-3990 or fax resume 905-844-4472 5 7 0 T ra fa lg a r R d., O a k v ille U S k - SURFACE ·P R E P A R A T IO ATTENTION !! GENERAL LABOURERS Required by a leading industrial manufacturer tor its facility located in Oakville, Ontario. Preference will be given to secondary school graduates with prior experience working in a steel-based manufacturing environment. Individuals interested in joining a com pany dedicated to quality and continuous improve ment are invited to forward a summary of their qual ifications in confidence to: T E C H N IC A L S A L E S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E M P F E ng in eere d F ilter Products, lo ca ted in M ilton, O ntario, is lo oking fo r an individual w ith a b a ckgro und in d u st collection. Y o u r p r im a ry r e s p o n s ib ilit y w ill b e to e x p a n d o u r O E M b u sin e s s an d to fu rth e r d e ve lop niche m a rke ts fo r ou r high -q ua lity c a rtrid g e filte rs . Y o u a re a u n iv e rs ity or c o lle g e g r a d u a te w ith e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s s k ills a n d e x p e rie n c e in e ith e r sale s o r service. Please forward your resume to Fax 905-876-2702 or _ ^ rn a il_ u s fiU e r m £ f @ 2 |£ t) < jJ s e r v e jT e t_ SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS Establishing marketing company is looking for highly motivated people to promote clients in the sports & entertainment industry 18+. Start im mediately. Communica tion skills a plus. Call Angela for interview 905-385-3362 COMMISSION Sales Repre s e n ta tiv e fo r new B u r lington business to conduct outside sales calls, develop new accounts. Be an inde pendant w o rker. Able to c lo s e s a le s in e ffe c tiv e manner. Vehicle essential. C o m p u te r/ sa le s e x p e ri ence an asset. Fax resume Russ 905-627-2778, email: ra.dyment@sympatico.ca SA LES Rep- required for A th le tic E q u ip m e n t Co. s p e c ia liz in g in C a nadian educational m arket. Can d idate m ust have e x p e ri ence in atheletic equipment sales. Looking for energe tic, self m otivated person. Salary, com m ission. R e sume to: P.O. Box 81146 R.P.O. Fiddlers Green Ancaster, Ont L9G 4X1 M ATU RE Satespers'on for jewellry store. Experience not necessary. Hours in clude some days & some evenings. Apply: Manning Jewellers, 125 Cross Ave., Oakville. R E T A IL G o lf S a le s P/T Sales Associate For major g o lf re ta ile r in O a k v ille . Evening and weekend on a seasonal basis. Please fax to 905-338-9204 J.P. Hamilton Fax 905-639-6817 email: m za@ halisp.net · V i a l lost & found WEST 49" Box ^257, c/o The O akville Beaver 467 Speers R d ., O akville, ON L 6 K 3 S 4 A clothing and equipment store specializing in the snowboard and skateboard culture is recruiting now for our location in F O U N D : w h ite & bla ck m a le cat. B ra n t & U p per Middle. We call "Forester", 637-7325__________________ FOUND: black mature cat, C la ir/L o n g m o o r area. We call "Kiran" 637-7325 FOUND: gray & white male cat. Brant & Fairview. We call Peter 637-7325________ FOUND: large, white dog. Lakeshore & Maple. W e call ' Murray" 637-7325.________ FO UND: Camera, on King Rd. C a ll to id e n tify , · (905)643-1445_____________ F O U N D : M a tu re o ra n g e long hair cat. Warwick area. "Pam". 637-7325__________ LOST: Tame Pea Hen and two w hite geese. Kilbride/ Low ville area. Please call (905)331-0680____________ LOST: white gold Diamond ring. Please call (905)6898639______________________ FOUND: Male gray & white cat. Francis Rd. area. We call Elmo. 637-7325. FOUND: Cat, tortoise shell short hair. C a nnin g Court area. Call Lee 331-6920 or 385-2704. M apleview M a ll, Burlington We are looking for responsible, motivated, enthusiastic individuals to become part of our team. Experience an asset. Immediate positions for R o na - C a s h w a y NOW HIRING AN EXPERIENCED SHIPPER/ DZ DRIVER tor our Oakville location. Forklift experience and knowledge of building materials an asset. Please submit resume in person or by fax: M ANAGER Fax your resume 519-848-5699 West 49 Attn: Human Resources ·Please note only applicants considered will be called, but thank you for your resume! Attn: Heather Felker, Store M anag er 2311 Royal W indsor D r., O akville F a x :(9 0 5 )3 3 7 -1 5 3 8 LEASH Tiger Lease Inc. is looking lor hard working people who strive lor excellence. Now hiring: · T ruck Mechanics · 3rd year Aprentices · Service W riters · Parts Personnel P o s itio n a v a ila b le a t fo llo w in g lo c a tio n s . B e n e f it s a n d p e n s io n p la n a v a ila b le . P le a s e fa x r e s u m e to : 5 1 9 - 6 3 4 - 5 0 5 2 A T T N : M k e B o le n d e r SALES OPPORTUNITY Our Mountain Saturn Retail Facility requires a special person to join our team. If you are friendly, full of life, positive person, eager to learn we have a position for you. Automobile sales experience is a plus. Clje Canadian Champion requires a rural m ail box DELIVERY PERSON in the South Milton area for Tues & Friday distribution. Fax your resum e to 9 0 5 -3 8 9-8 9 9 0 Attn: Sales Manager Must have a reliable car or small van. Please call Bob 6 3 2 -0 5 8 8 , Ext. 264 A leading fitness club requires · AEROBIC INSTRUCTORS · Childcare Attendants ·MEMBERSHIP COORDINATORS · Cert. Personal Trainers Apply in person with resume, ask (or Mark, orcal 842-2366 Premier Fitness Club, Iroquois Shore Rd.Oak Brand N|W . ASME Code Fitter/ W elders Required Oakville Pressure Vessel Fabricator M E T R O L A N D IN T E R M E D IA T E S A L E S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E W e h a v e a n im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r an e x p e rie n c e d s a le s re p re s e n ta tiv e w h o is h ig h ly m o tiv a te d a n d c a n a c h ie v e re s u lts ! B e p a rt o f a n a w a rd w in n in g s a le s te a m w ith a n a ttra c tiv e c o m p e n s a tio n p a c k a g e , in c lu d in g s a la ry , c o m m is s io n , b o n u s e s a n d g a s a llo w a n c e . Your resp on sibilitie s include: -s e rv ic in g a n d g ro w in g e x is tin g a c c o u n ts -p ro s p e c tin g fo r a n d a c q u irin g n e w a c c o u n ts -p re p a rin g fo rm a l w ritte n a n d v is u a l p re s e n ta tio n Your qu alificatio ns include: -2 y e a rs + p ro v e n s a le s re c o rd -a k e e n d e s ire to s u c c e e d a n d a d v a n c e -th e a b ility to m a n a g e s e v e ra l p ro d u c ts c o n c u rre n tly -g o o d c o m m u n ic a tio n , o rg a n iz a tio n a n d te a m s k ills LIVE-IN/ out help required im m e d ia te ly fo r c h ild re n * 7yrs. & 6m os old. Please call 849-4170____________ NANN Y required full-tim e live-in/ live out. North Oak ville family with 1 young inf ant. Start Aug/ Sept. 2000 tra in in g / experience/ nonsmoker/ legal only. Fax re sume to: 905-634-7378 or contact 416-690-2462 T H E R A P IS T nee ded A .S .A .P . for 2 fam ilies to work with autistic 4-1/2 & 3 year old boy & girl in Oak v ille . C a r n e e d e d . C all Karen 338-7539. Linh 905825-8862_________________ LOOKING for live-out Nan ny, fulltime, for 17-mo. old boy with dog. Light house k e e p in g . W a te rd o w n . (905)689-2965____________ LIVE in F ilipino speaking Nanny required in Burling ton for 2 children call after 6pm 905-637-3188________ FULL-TIME Live-out Nanny w ith 11 yrs. in ch ild c a re . Lots o f T LC , a c tiv itie s . CPR. References Oakville/ Burlington area. 847-6595 I mother's helpers/nannies B u rlin g to n M a ll 7 7 7 G u e lp h L in e Applications presently being accepted Part-Time: · Restocking-Overnight ·Restaurant Personnel ·(Wait-Staff-Cooks) Apply: @ Customer Sen/ice Desk requires experienced, qualified individuals for custom ASME fabrication. Fax resum e (905) 827-1600 PLUM BING Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a s e m e n t d ra in s , b a th rooms, drywall, framing, til in g . No J o b T o o S m a ll. · Frank, 639-3874. I handyman BOB'S Junk Removal: Mat tresses, furn iture , general junk! Brush removal. Rea sonable. B u rlin g to n / O ak v ille : (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -0 8 1 1 , (905)637-6693, (905)6811807 RPN office-clerical 525 office-clerical w /M eds Permanent Part-time Evenings Smaller Burlington retirement home. Excellent reputation in the community. Great working conditions. Competitive rates & good benefits. Resumes: Attn: Sue Alexander CHRISTOPHER COURT Retirement Home, 392 Pearl St., Burl, ON Fax: (905)639-9171 S e n io r A c c o u n ta n t (M ilton Location) A large distributor is looking for a senior accountant to manage high volume customer rebates and revenue accounts, analysis ot miscellaneous income, prepare month end accruals, and balance of same. Good com munication, organizational skills and computer knowledge a must. 2nd or 3rd level CGA or equivalent with a minimum of 3 years experience required. Send resume to: FLORAL DESIGNER PART-TIME Must be experienced and have retail background. (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 -6 4 4 3 100% Quality Pro Painters100% s a tis fa c tio n g u a r anteed. In te rio r. E xterior. (905)277-1793 or 416-7933339______________________ PAINTER/PROFESSIONAL committed to excellence! All types of painting. For no o bliga tion quote, call Dan on m obile 41 6 -9 1 8 -0 3 6 6 . You won't regret it! Tim Horton's Opening Soon Now Hiring Full-Tim e Positions & Janitorial s ta ff for food core Apply at: 671 Appleby Line Burlington or Fax resume Robin Evans905-639-8831 A n `ZngCisfi Qarden jUrwer Shoppe Ltd. H A IR S T Y L IS T & E sthetician required. Full or parttime. Please call Hair Crafters (905)845-7671 M anag er- Financial Accounting P.O. Box 7 0 , M ilton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 or fax to: (9 0 5 )8 7 5 -4 7 4 4 Reply in confidence to: DRIVERS Fulltime & Part-time Earn $80 to $150/shift take-home! Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm: BURLINGTON/ DELUXE TAXI 1364 Plains Rd.E. Burlington IN S ID E / O u ts id e S a le s Representative. A person a b le c a n d id a te w h o can work und er p re s s u re and deal with deadlines as well as h a v e g o o d te le p h o n e m a n n e r, c o m m u n ic a tio n and o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills would do well in this entry level print media sales position. Fax:905-632-8165. AE R A TO R S for O utdoorA p ril to June . P h y s ic a lly d e m a n d in g , lo n g h o u rs a e ra tin g law ns. T ra in in g provided. Must have valid D river's License. $8./hour + bonus. Possible employ m ent into July. Send/ fax re s u m e to K e v in M ik e t: # 1 5 -4 0 8 7 H a rv e s te r R d.. B u rlin g to n . O N. L7L .5M 3 905-632-1522_________ SP O R TBA LL C o a c h O u ts ta n d in g S p o rts P ro gram for children ages 3-8 years, looking for an ener g e tic p h y s ic a lly a c tiv e coach who lo ves w o rking with children. Full training p rovid ed. M ust be a v a il a b le W e d n e s d a y . F rid a y and S a tu rd a y in O akville. Burlington area. Fax 905882-8453_____________ FU LL-TIM E position avail able for team leader. Qual ifica tions: 1-yr experience as team s u p e rv is o r w ith re sid e n tia l c le a n in g c o m pany. Good people skills a must. Drivers license need ed. C o m p e titiv e w a g e s . M on-Fri.. 8:30am -3:30pm . P le a s e c a ll D u n c a re Cleaning, 681-7600 A U TO D e ta ile rs re q u ire d im m ediately no experience required but autom otive & rust proofing exp. an asset. Full-time, permanent. Dun das & W in s to n C h u rc h ill a rea. S9 to s ta rt. A p p ly 6 5 4 0 G o tta rd o C t. o ff Pacific Circle near Courtney Park/ Tomken intersection. (905)790-3377 Cotswold Precision Co. Ltd. u rg e n tly re q u ire s ADM INISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Self-starter with good people skills, who would enjoy a challenge in a small corporate office, where a dayto-day 'seamless' operation is essential! You are highly motivated and always well organized. Minimum 5 years previous experience in a similar po sition Excellent communication skills, Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (on-off-site training in other other computer packages as required. Basic accounting ability. Excellent health/ dental benefits. Non-smoking envi ronment. Downtown Oakville location - Oakville Transit nearby Apply in writing. Include resume /references to: CLINICAL RESEARCH NURSE A progressive Urology Medical Practice requires an RN to join its research team. Ideal candidate will have research experience and a positive attitude. Fax resume to Vilija @905-338-3150 by March.30/00 FU LL-TIM E Dental assis tant required for busy Oak ville practice. We are look ing for an individual who is e n th u s ia s tic , s e lf m o ti vated, frie n d ly . M ust be H A R P C e rtifie d . P le a s e fo rw a rd re s u m e s to: Dr. S im o n Pong 187 C ross Ave. #6 Oakville L6J 2W7. Attention Kelly_____________ DENT'AL R e ceptionist re quired immediately for busy g e n e ra l p ra c tic e lo c a te d downtown Oakville. Prefer experienced, com puter lit erate. Must be personable, team player with good ver bal skills and ability to deal w ith p u b lic . P le a s e ca ll 845-1031 or fax:905-337-8518. SEEKING part-tim e Dental Receptionist for extended h o u rs in a m odern progr® f3G ` ve office. Abel c o m p u te r e x p e rie n c e e s s e n tia l. R e p ly to Box 2 33 8. c/o T he C a n a d ia n C h a m p io n , 191 M ain St. Milton, ON L9T4N9 BU SY B u rlin g to n fa m ily p r a c tic e / w a lk -in c lin ic lo o k in g for e x p e rie n c e d part-time Receptionist. Must be able to work evenings w eekends and occasional day shifts. Send resum e: Box 1744, c/o The Post. 2321 F a irv ie w S t., Burlington, Ont. L7R 2E3 TO RO NTO Regional Den tal Education C e ntre re quires experienced Dental Hygienist immediately for 6 m onth m a te rn ity le ave. Possibly leading to a parttime position. Send reply to Sofra fax # 905-829-3072 CO M P A N IO N needed for elderly lady. Ideal for m a ture & semi retired person in North B u rlin g to n . 3359921 4-9pm le a v e m es- In-store Receptionist Looking for a wellgroomed individual with good English skills, retail experience an asset. Training available. Please drop o ff resume in person at 790 Guelph Line (at Fairview).______ SKILLED MACHINIST o n la th e s a n d m illin g m a c h in e s . P le a s e ca ll: Days: (905)335-2887 Evgs: (905)637-3760 CABINET Maker with mini mum 3-5 years experience working with high pressure lam inate required. Please call D. Norman. (905)8220068 Director of Advertising 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 no phone calls please PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 M O N EY P roblem s? G a r n ish e e s? T oo m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 For FU LL-TIM E Certified Dental A ssista n t- M inim um 3 years experience. Please contact Dr. R. Peeling 905681-7791________________ DENTAL A s s is ta n t & D ental H ygienist required fo r B u rlin g to n o ffice. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240 The O akville B eaver, Box# 6256 467 Speers R d., Oakville ON L6K 3S4 We are presently accepting resumes for a full-time 9-5pm ·C O O K S · W AIT STAFF · BARTENDERS Apply: CLASS AZ DRIVER Oakville mobile mix con crete/ top soil co. 5-6 days weekly. Min. 2yrs experience w/clean abstract. Mechanical ability an asset. Able to handle physical work. Wage depends on ex perience. Call (905) 338-2550 Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper required by president of small Burlington company. Knowledge of Simply Accounting and WordPerfect required. Wage negotiable. Mail resume to: J. Earl 1235 Fairview, Ste 321 Burlington, Ontario L7R 2K9 A dm inistration Position Applicant must be responsible, work accurately and quickly with a minimum of supervision, be highly organized and enthusiastic. Position entails all gen eral functions of a real estate office with specific tasks and deadlines. Must be literate with MS Word, Excel or related software, possess excellent interper sonal skills and enjoy working with people in a fastpaced environment. Competitive salary/ benefits. Please forward resume to Bocco Caffe Italian Eatery GENERAL KITCHEN HELP Permanent Part-time Mon.-Fri., between approx. 10am-3pm Mount Royal PlazaBurlington FAST FAX service, your classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save tim e. Use the Burlington P ost/O akville Beaver fax line. Approx 30 hrs/wk Energetic, hardworking, team oriented individual with min. 1 year related experience. Apply in person 3-4:30pm, Mon.-Fri., 3245 Harvester Rd., Unit 17, Burlington Fax: (905) 275-7791 SEARCHING for fun loving energetic W aiter/ W aitress @ C e dar S p rin g s H e lath Club. Must be interested in a healthy lifestyle, attitude #1, will train for skills. Fax resum e to: M eghan 905632-4041 L IT T L E C a e s a rs ---N o w H iring- D a ytim e in -sto re help. Mon-Fri. Please ap ply at 4055 New S tre e t.. Burlington or call 905-6322311, ask for Teresa NEW restaurant opening in O a k v ille . E x p e rie n c e d W a it S ta ff, E x p e rie n c e d Cooks also Dishw ashersCall (905)-845-0729 Im FU LL TIM E- Kitchen Help needed immediately. Some h ea vyin g liftin g re q u ire d A p p ly in p e rs o n w ith re su m e - M o n -S a t., 11 am 5pm. Thistle Fish & Chips 3455 Fairview St.. Burling ton________________________ JU D G E & J u r y - re q u ire s K itc h e n M a n a g e r. M ust have min. 5 years manage ment experience & be able to work in fast paced envi ronm ent. W e also require experienced Line Cooks for evenings & weekends. Call Kevin 319-1655, for interview.______________________ D IN IN G room S e rv e rs Part-time. Minimum wage plus tips. Also Kitchen Help, , wages vary. No experience necessary. Apply within 24pm Fri/ Sat, Swiss Chalet, 549 Kerr St, O akville, or call Govanna/ Shirley. 8444606______________________ INDIAN W eils Golf Club in Burlington requires experi enced Sous C hef & Short O rder Cooks. Drop off re sum e a ttn : B la ir, or fax to(905)335-1021___________ S E R V E R S (e x p e rie n c e d ) part-tim e, day or evening, and . C o n tra c t D riv e rs , evenings. Apply in person: First Choice Kitchen. 2405 Fairview, Burlington. Sears INDOOR CLEAN AIR SERVICES REQUIRES DUCT TECHNICIANS & HELPERS Experience preferred but will train. Call Mr. James: 905-681-8103 A CUT ABOVE Lawn and Garden Maintenance (Oak ville) is looking for an indi viduals. Permanent posi tion Mature and Responsi ble applicants. Valid drivers lic e n s e re q u ire d . M ark (905) 601-1316 Receptionist/ Office Clerk required for busy pavng co. located in Burlington. Summer employment from Apr. to end Sept. Customer service, WordPerfect & Simply Accounting experience required. Please fax resume to: (905)336-9319 RECEPTIONIST- Full-time days, Microsoft knowledge. Fax resume with salary ex p e c ta tio n s to A ttn. C indy 905-842-9899 c£ r RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc., 720 Guelph Line, Burlington, L7R 7E2 or fax to 9 0 5 -3 3 3-3 6 1 6 DATA ENTRY CLERK Self-starter who would enjoy a challenge in a small corporate office. You are highly motivated and well organized. Minimum 3-5 years previous experience in a similar position, good communication skills, verbal & written, computer skills- Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (on-site training for our trans portation package) Excellent health/dental benefits, non-smoking envi ronment, downtown Oakville location - Oakville Transit nearby Apply in writing, include resume/references to: FAX: The O akville B eaver, Box# 6256 4 67 Speers R d., Oakville ON L6K 3S4 632-8165

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