Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 May 2000, Community Update, B3

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Wednesday May 10, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 CFUW ends anniversary year with dinner at Otello's The Canadian Federation of University Women - CFUW Oakville will hold its 50th A nniversary Celebration on Friday, May 12th, at O tello's Banquet Hall. All current and past members of CFUW Oakville and individu als interested in the group are wel come to attend this 50th anniver sary dinner and catch-up on the memories. CFUW O akville's archives will also be available for viewing. There will be entertainment by past and present members, a wishing well - try your luck for $5 or $10. Bob Tootikian of the Imperial Rug Gallery on Lakeshore Road has donated a Persian carpet for a draw. Draw tickets are $10 each or three for $20, available from Lilia Amm (338-8834) or at the dinner. Silent auction items include: dinner for two at Summit Gardens; dance lessons from Arthur Murray; one batch of wine from The Wine Place; tickets for Shakespeare in the Park; ticket to anywhere Canada 3000 fliesin North America; a Michael Hitchcox numbered print of St. Andrew's Church; tapestries; a day of sailing; garden items from May busy month for Big Sisters There are several opportunities to lend fundraising support to the Oakville Big Sister Association this month. Pick up your gardening essentials at one of three Terra Greenhouse locations (Hwy. 6 in Waterdown, Hwy. 5 in Burlington, Britannia and Trafalgar in Milton) and request a donation be made to Big Sisters of Oakville at the cashier's desk. Terra will donate 8% of your total pur chase to the agency, to June 1st. From May 11th to 14th at Oakville Place's 2nd annual M other's Day Gift Wrap takes place just outside The Bay on the upper level. The cost depends on the size of the item (small to extra-large) and ranges from $2 to $10. On Saturday, May 13th between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m, drop by the Big & Little Sister Bake Sale at Domain Kitchen and Laundry Solutions at 203 North Service Rd. W., just east of Dorval next to the Dairy Queen. Don't forget to buy a ticket for the Lions Club of Oakville Fantasy Travel Draw taking place at the Burloak Canoe Club on May 25th. Five cruises will be raffled off. All proceeds will go to Oakville Big Sisters. Bob Tootikian o f the Im perial Rug Gallery, donated this Persian carpet to the raffled at Friday's 50th anniver sary dinner of CFUW Oakville. Sheridan Nurseries; food basket from Bruno's; flower certificate or arrangement from Bloom 84; col lector's doll; cashmere shawl; gold attire; garden sculpture from Bulow's; $50 certificate from Cove Classics; plus gourmet appetizers CFUW - Oakville has more than 250 members, and awards $5,000 in scholarships annually. This year an additional Past President's Scholarship for $1,000 be awarded in honour of the club's 50th anniversary. The cash bar opens and view ing of silent auction items starts at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $40 per person, and are available from: Mary Lloyd (845-4312), Jennifer Chong (8497149), and McLaren-Barnes Gallery, 133 Reynolds St. (8497702). No tickets will be sold at the dinner. Community Update An Oakville Beaver Feature Contact Wilma Blokhuis: 845-3824 Ext 250 Fax: 337-5567 Email: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Please fo rw a rd a n n o u n cem en ts fo r Update to W ilm a B lo kh u is, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L 6 K 3S4; call 8453824 Ext. 250, F ax 3 3 7 -5 5 6 7 or em ail to blokhuis@ haltonsearch .com B E F O R E N O O N Monday. Fabulous Prizes - Oakville Parent Child Centre raffle. Choose your prize. Prizes include dinners for two for a month by Catered Fare, fleece vest from H iker's Haven, Sony Cordless Phone donated by Battery Plus, and more. Tickets $3 each or three for $5. Tickets on sale to May 11 th. Draw May 12th. Call 849-6366. ed in breastfeeding babies invited to Oakville La Leche League meeting, 8 p.m ., at 2190 Carpenters Circle. Call 842-5983 or 849-4138. SSO Family <£ Friends Support Group, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at CM HA Oakville office, 488 Kerr at Speers. Call Bonnie Grant, 815-0070. SATURDAY M AY 13 Plant Sale, St. Jude's Church, 160 W illiam, King Street entrance, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Shrubs, perennials, herbs, ground covers, ivy, ornamental grasses and more. Hosted by Garden Guild of St. Jude's. distinctive wines with hors d 'oeuvres, custom prepared pasta dishes, grilled foods, salads and desserts. Tickets $100 each, call 844-4402. M other' s Day Weekend Wildflower Walk, Bronte Creek Provincial Park, May 13th and 14th, 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. Meet at Spruce Lane Farm, Parking Lot F, and enjoy walk along Trillium Trail. Pre-registration required, call 827-6911 Ext. 402. Greater Grace Ministry of Oakville has free gospel concert, 7:30 p.m., River Oaks Community Church, 2435 M unn's at Sixth Line north of Upper Middle. Call Pastor Mario, 842-8705. C alling all Pope John Paul II A lum ni for evening of memories, danc ing and good tim es at M illennium Reunion, May 13th, marking 16 years since school opened and 12 graduating classes who include Juno Award win ners, professional athletes and MIT graduates. Call the School at 416-3935531, or check out the web site http://www.jp2reunion.sites.cc/ M E Association o f Halton & Hamilton-Wentworth, support group, 7 p.m ., Tansley U nited Church, 2111 W alkers north o f U pper M iddle, Burlington. Call 319-7966. TD Canada Trust/Oakville Firefighters Association Car Wash at TD C anada Trust, T hird L ine and Upper Middle, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All proceeds to C hildren's M iracle Network. M &M Meats holds 12th annual Charity BBQ Day for C rohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 635 Fourth Line and 2163 Sixth Line . For $2, enjoy hamburger or hotdog, snack and drink - all proceeds to C rohn's and Colitis research. W. H. Morden School, 180 Morden, hosts 3rd annual Fun Fair. Garage sale, plant sale, crafts, bouncy castle, face painting, BBQ lunch, tickle sticks, prizes, raffles. H alton Central Chapter, B N l, - W EDNESDAY M A Y 10 HeartSmart Women' s Symposium Heart & Stroke H otflash on m eets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, 399 Dundas W,, 7 to 8:30 a.m., visitors welcome. For information and reservations, call John Seaga, 2579463. Menopause. Learn about your increased risk of heart disease and stroke and be empowered to m ake HeartSmart deci sions during menopause, 6:30 p.m. at 707 G alaxy Banquet Hall, North Service Road East. Speaker: Dr. Patricia Barry, family physician and psychotherapist. Call 338-4379. FRID AY M AY 12 Barra MacNeils play Living Arts Centre, M ississauga, for Child Find O ntario, which assists in search and recovery o f m issing children, 8:30 p.m. Tickets $60, call Child Find, 842-5353; or Living Arts Centre, 306-6100. Final Frame IV , annual exhibition and sale o f w ork by OAC students from all Oakville high schools, at Abbozzo Gallery, 179 Lakeshore. Opening, 7 to 10 p.m. Show continues to May. 17th. Call 844-4481. C anadian C ancer Society, Acton branch, holds 3rd annual Antique Show & Sale at Acton Arena, 415 Queen St. E., Acton, M ay 12th, 6 to 9 p.m.; May 13th and 14th, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with 30 dealers featuring antique glass, china, furniture, estate jewelry. Acton on Hwy. 25 north o f M ilton at Hwy. 7. Bereavement Self-Help Group for parents grieving loss o f a child, meets Fridays, 9 to 11 a.m., at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. Call 8453152 or 844-0573. Oakville Parent-Child Centre offers Cabin Fever, a drop-in program for parents and caregivers every Friday, 10:30 to noon, at 337 Kerr St. Call 8496366. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room , Church and Navy. A dm ission $10. Proceeds through B ranch 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. Dress code. Call 845-6271. Giant Garage Sale and Bake Sale, 8:30 a.m., at 1315 and 1321 Cleaver Dr., east o f Cairncroft, to raise funds for Youth Drop-In Centre. Sale sponsored by Oakville Youth Advisory Committee and Oakville Trafalgar High School. MONDAY M A Y 15 M others and expectant m others interested in breastfeeding their babies, are welcome to attend the Oakville La Leche League meeting at 9:30 a.m., at 1033 Glenbrook. For more information call 339-2290, 849-7720 or 337-3501. Living With Cancer, 7:30 p.m ., Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 52. Call 845-5231. Secrets o f Discipline, 7 to 8:30 p.m ., Heritage Glen Public School Library. Ron Morrish, author, presents strategies for teaching children to be responsible and co-operative. Admission, one twoonie. MADD Halton general m eeting, oakville Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., in Trafalgar Room, 7:30 p.m. Call 844- O akville-Burlington Anaphylaxis Parent Group, for families living with life-threatening allergies, 7:30, St. C hristopher's C hurch, 662 G uelph Line, Burlington. Call 829-0786. Halton-Peel C om m unications Association Network, 6:30 p.m ., speaker Jody Urquhart, 7 p.m. Bridge the gap betw een perform ance and potential, at the O akville Enterprise Centre, Hopedale Mall (Third L ine at Rebecca Street). Use outside entrance no access from mall. HPCA m em bers free; guests $5. D onna Papacosta at 844-7645 or email hpca@ istar.ca Fibromyalgia Support Group, St. Dom inic's Parish Hall, 7 to 9 p.m. Call Annette at 257-1841 or Cathy, 8270243. Bereaved Fam ilies o f O ntario, Halton-Peel, Share and Support Night, 7:30 p.m., at 190 Britannia Rd. E., Unit 11, Mississauga. Topic: M other's Day. Call 507-2200. A nnual M other' s Day Carnation Campaign May 12th and 13th. Carnations and bouquets o f flowers will be sold at local malls. Call 681-8770. G rief in the Context o f Our Lives, workshop, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., W omen's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. In addition to bereavement, losses such as marriage breakdown, ill health, job loss may precipitate feelings of grief. Facilitator, Betty M cNaught. Cost: $5. Call 847-5520. Health and Wellness Fair at Oakville Dynamic Martial Arts Centre, 1040 Speers Rd just west of Fourth Line), featuring local practitioners in Tai Chi, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, and more, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Door prizes and a BBQ lunch. Free admission. Call 337-1753. Flea Market & Rummage Sale, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., 9 a.m. to noon. Good used clothing, household goods, books and more. Gairloch Vintages, 7th annual fundraising gala, 7 to m idnight, at Gairloch Estate and Gardens. World of Marion Scott, walkathon co ordinator at Oakville Christian School, clowns with fel low teacher M ark `Billy Bob' Jolin as he reels in the fish, in preparation for the school's annual walkathon on Saturday May 13th. Event theme is `Going Fishing for O C S.' The walk starts at the school, 112 Third Line at Lakeshore Road, at 9 a.m., and follows a 10-kilome tre route. This year's goal is to raise $75,000. To spon sor a walker, call 825-1247 Ext. 221. GOING FISHING: 00% . First official m eeting of £ r ii0 , u Burlington/Hamilton Area Chapter o f the Thyroid Foundation o f Canada, at Bodkin A uditorium , Joseph Brant H ospital, B urlington, 7:15 p.m. Speaker: Dr. R. Singer, ophthalm olo gist. Aim is to raise public awareness of thyroid disease, to lend moral support to thyroid patients and families, and to assist in fundraising for research. Free parking. Call Don Pennell 634-5409 or Arlene at 637-8387. Oakville Fibromyalgia Support Group meets every W ednesday at 1 p.m., at a different location, to walk the trails of Oakville. Call Annette at 2571841 or Cathy at 827-0243. Available all summer fi^--^ . gp English Riding School BERTIN STABLES 3445 Dundas W . (Hwy. #5) Oakville (1 -1/2 Miles West of Hwy. #25) THURSDAY M A Y 11 Mothers and m others to be interest 8 2 7 -4 6 7 8 website www.bertinstabies.com e-mail: bertin@webtv.net JUST M OVED ? r ' BRIDE-TO-BE? N EW B A B Y ? F o r f r e e in fo r m a tio n a n d g ifts.. CALL 1. S O U T H E A S T A n n e P h illip s 8 4 2 -2 3 8 5 2. SO UTH W E ST C a ro l H a g en 3 3 8 -3 4 5 6 3. N O RTH EAST P a t F a irfie ld 8 4 2 -1 5 6 0 4. G LEN ABBEY C ath y W o lo schu k 8 4 7 -9 1 5 7 M O T H E R ' S D A Y SUNDAY, MAY 14 O r call toll free: 1-800-301-1104 Toronto Area: (416) 497-8111 Internet: www.welcomewagon.ca Laurie McLachlan J e w e l l e r y S in c e C O M Em A G O N ltd . 1930 A N e ig h b o u r h o o d T ra d itio n S in ce 1930 Miller Mews, Unit 10, 129 Reynolds Street, Oakville 338-8475

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