Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 May 2000, Classifieds, D5

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Wednesday, May 10, 2000 THE O A K V ILLE BEAVER & Canadian Linen and Uniform Service Canadian Linen and Uniform Service is Canada's leading supplier of quality custom uniform programs, service innovations and the latest technology. Established in Canada in 1925, today we have over 35 locations across Canada. As we continue to grow we are actively seeking personnel for the following: EXPAN DING Business re quires enthusiastic person to be tra in e d in M illin e ry te c h n iq u e s . G o o d han d sewing an asset. If you are in te re s te d in fa s h io n and willing to leam this could be an exciting opp ortunity for you. Interested candidates re p ly to : C h e ls e a 's . (905)849-8982____________ C A L IF O R N IA H air W orks is looking for a full-time As sistant or A p pre ntice with experience also a Hairstyl- ist with clientele (Rental or c o m m is s io n ). C a ll (905)634-4466. SURFACE PREPARATION SALES PROFESSIONALS REQUIRED (M e n and W o m e n ) with hard work your success is guaranteed os we provide... SUPERCUTS Come join our team! Growing Opportunities S tu d e n t w o rk $ 1 3 .0 5 to start. 77 flexible positions to fill. No experience neccess a ry . T ra in in g p ro v id e d . S c h o la rs h ip s a v a ila b le . 9 0 5 -3 8 9 -9 4 4 8 H a m ilto n , 905-949-0745 Mississauga workforstudents.com/on LIFT Installations/ D eliver ies. If you have technical apptitude, DriversLic., abili ty to w o rk in d epend ently, ta k e d ire c tio n a lo n g w ith excellent people skills. Will tra in . C a re e r o p p o rtu n ity . C a ll M rs. B a k e r at S ilv e r Cross 905-847-5504 EXCITING new retail busi ness requires enthusiastic, re s p o n s ib le S a les Person for new downtown Oakville lo c a tio n . R e ta il s a le s experience an asset. Must be interested in fashion and w illing to work w eekends. Please call Chelsea's. (905) 849-8982_________________ L A N D S C A P E c o n tr a c to r requires personnel for con struction. experience is an asset, but we will train. Call M is s is s a u g a (9 0 5 )6 0 2 7665. G e o rg e to w n , (9 0 5 )7 0 2 -9 8 7 8 , F ax resume to: (905)629-7985. E X P E R IE N C E D R e ta il S a le s p e rs o n re q u ire d . N e e d s to be frie n d ly , energetic, motivated & able to w o rk fle x ib le h o u rs . A p p ly in p e rs o n w ith resume to: Lokert Bathroom G allery, 4190 Fairview St., Burlington._________________ CLEANERS needed imme diately for retail department s to re s . A ls o lo o k in g fo r Crew leaders. Heavy and/ o r lig h t d u ty e x p e rie n c e d c le a n e rs . V a rio u s s h ifts a v a ila b le . P le a s e c a ll 1* 800-565-3756_____________ FIRE Extinguisher Service Technician wanted. Burling to n lo c a tio n . S a la ry , u n ifo rm s a n d b e n e fits provided. W ill train. Please fa x re s u m e , h a n d w ritte n c o v e r le tte r a n d d riv e rs abstract to (905)631-9558 S E A R S W a tc h R e p a irG o o d c u s to m e r s e rv ic e , m inor watch repair helpful, tra in in g a v a ila b le . Full & part-tim e. Fax resum e to: 6 0 4 -4 3 5 -6 2 2 9 o r S e a rs W atch R e p a ir M a p le v ie w Mall._______________________ GROW W ITH US U S F Surface P reparation is fo r industrial surface preparation. the w orld's leader in p r o v id in g e q u ip m e n t Due to rapid growth, we are offering excellent opportunities fo r highly motivated individuals to jo in the USF Surface Preparation Team in our new state-of-the-art 100,000 square foot engineering/manufacturingfacility in Burlington, Ontario. SALES ASSOCIATE · Dynamic self-motivated individual · Outside sales experience an asset ·MANAGERS ·STYLIST F/T P/T $350. WELCOME ON BONUS Hourly wage + Comm Excellent benefit pkg. Drug-DentalSemi-Private + · Additional Benefits ·Pay Back Student loan ·You supply the shears we supply the equipment needed at No Charge ·Enjoy our Chemically Free Environment Call Toll-Free / CUSTOMER SERVICE DRIVER · Good driving record · Neat appearance · Excellent communication skills a p ro fe s s io n a l w o rk in g e n viro n m en t / a c o m p re h e n s iv e tra in in g pro g ram m e / fu ll m a n a g e m e n t sup p o rt / an a g g re s s iv e c o m m is s io n s tru c tu re / c o m p a n y d em o p la n a v a ila b le Only people having a positive attitude, are sellm otivated and have a desire to succeed are asked to call Dob Urquhart o r Fred Kramer at 632-4335 lo r an appointment o r fax 333-4454 SERVICE & W A R R A N T Y A D M IN IS T R A T O R In this role you m ust possess good A utoC A D 14 skills, and have the ability to read mechanical drawings. Strong com m unication and com puter skills are required. I f y o u r a m b itio n is to g ro w w ith a n i n te r n a tio n a l c o m p a n y w h o se m is sio n is to be th e fo re m o s t p ro d u c e r o f S u rfa ce P r e p a ra tio n E q u ip m e n t, th e n w e w a n t to h e a r fro m y o u . P le a se fax y o u r r esu m e to: (9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 - 7 8 8 1 . E-mail: sstoduls@blastdeaning.com w w w .u s filte r.c o m PRODUCTION · Full-time/Permanent · Flexible daytime hours available MAINTENANCE MECHANIC · Responsible, mature individual · Working knowledge of pneumatics, hydraulics & electrics Canadian Linen and Uniform Service offers a high en ergy, team-oriented environment, competitive wages, incentive programs, benefits, continuous training and development and unlimited career opportunities. Interested applicants should send their resumes, via Mail, Fax or E-mail to: Attention: Bonnie Stewart A IR V IE W | C H R Y S L E R DO O G E J f f i > im i r i B WE JUST WANT TO BE THE BEST! 1-888-888-7778 EXT.1552 KATHY CEPIN EXT.1354 M ASSAGE therapist or esth e tic ia n to rent space in b e a u tifu l dow ntow n O ak ville spa. Also needed parttim e n a il te c h n ic ia n . C a ll 842-8222._________________ SPA, busy Burlington loca tion. requires Esthetician. N a il T e c h n ic ia n , H a ir R e m o v a l T e c h n ic ia n .... o th e r s e rv ic e s a ls o w e l come to contact Rosemarie or Tony, (905)634-6651 2377 Fairview Str., Burlington H ad ria n M a n u factu rin g Inc. has immediate openings for the following positions office-clerical t h» W I N E S h o p p e Canadian Linen and Uniform Service 891 Progress Court, Oakville, ON L6L 6K1 Fax: (905) 847-9182 E-mail: bonnie.stewart@cdnuniforms.org Rollform Operator/Set/up · 10 stand rollforming operation · requires knowledge ot overhead jib cranes, vernier, micrometer · Min. of 5 years experience Rosart Properties Inc., has an immediate opening tor an Accounts Administrator Responsibilities w ill include A/R, A/P, Payroll, Bank Deposits. Candidates should possess strong interpersonal communication skills, customer service experience and exceptional computer skills. The ideal candidate w ill be self-motivated, a team player who thrives in an entrepreneurial working environment. Should you meet the above qualications, please send a detailed resume to: We are looking for enthusiastic and flexible We thank all applicants tor responding, however, only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. W INE SHOPPE SALES REPRESENTATIVES for our locations in: T h e B u r lin g to n A rea We're looking for part-time Sales R epresentatives who will be willing to w ork days, evenings and/or weekends as n ee d ed . Som e p h y sic al re q u ire m ents are necessary. Please hand in your resum e before May 17th, 2000 to The W ine Shoppe at the following location: Marilu's Market, 4025 New Street, Burlington While we thank all those who apply, we will only respond to those under consideration and ask that no response be made by phone. CNC Turret Press Operator/Programer · requires basic 'G - code ability, and forklift ability · 5 years experience required Please send resume by fax at (905) 333-9234, or via e-mail to bclarfce@hadnan-inc.com AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE SERVICE ADVISOR CUSTOMER RECEPTION Must be available to work some evenings & weekends Comprehensive Benefit Plan Profit Sharing Plan 1 Full Time Position - 40 hours 1 Part-Time Position - 20-30 hours Please hand-in applications to: DZ D riv e r- p h y s ic a lly fit, heavy liftin g required. No weekends. Benefits. Fun! call 905-822-2377__________ L y L i office-clerical ROSART PROPERTIES INC. 226 South Service Rd, E,, Oakville, ON L6J 2X5 or fax (905)-845-9860 Attn: Wendy Freeland, Assistant Controller While all resumes will be reviewed, only those qualified candidates will be responded to. office-clerical office-clerical Micro Computer DIPLOMA · Full & Part-Time · Financial Aid May be Avail. a new world at work. & Canadian Tire 777 Guelph Line Burlington, On L7R 3N2 Attn: Mrs. Hilda Line A decca E xcellen t Perm anent an d C ontract Job O pportunities A decco is currently looking for the follow ing candidates imm ediately: ENROL NOW THE following positions are a v a ila b le in a fin e din in g r e s ta u ra n t & b a n q u e t (Burlington Area) for mature re s p o n s ib le p e rs o n s , H o s te s s /H o s t W e e k e n d B re a k fa s t; B re a k fa s t Servers (F/T & Weekends), B a n q u e t S e rv e rs (P /T W e e k e n d s & F /T ). F ax resum e to S uzanne (905) 634-4398. IDEAL PART-TIME SALES POSITION Part-time (approx. 30 hrs pw) sales career with the area's leading Carpet & Oriental rug cleaner. Responsibilities include attending network meetings, introducing our services to new commercial accounts, homeowners, interior designers & carpet retailers. We offer salary plus commission, mileage allowance and responsive management. No previous carpet cleaning or sales experience nec essary. We will train you. ^ o U L c u j £ y\ y : Positions available for: F/T Night Manager P/T Guest Services Agents Individuals must possess strong interpersonal skills and communication skills. Previous experience an asset. The Holiday Inn Oakville Centre offers a great compensation package & flexible scheduling. NEW Faces W anted-K ids/ T eens, all ag e s / sizes for fashion/ hair shows, m ovie e x tra s , ca ta lo g w o rk. TV. $ 2 0 -9 0 /h r. c a ll( 9 0 5 ) 336-5455_________________ SE W IN G M achine O pera to rs r e q u ire d , fu ll-tim e , even ing or m idnight shift. Some experience preferred but not necessary- will train. East O ak v ille . C a ll: (905) 3 38 -23 20. Fax: (905) 3388336______________________ HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE 637-3415 Stylists With or without clientele. Bilingual Receptionist: This candidate will have at least 2 yrs. experience as a receptionist. Responsibilities include mail, greeting clients, assisting Executive administrator & general clerical duties. Must have strong knowledge of Word, Excel, & Powerpt. 30K-35K. Accounts Receivable Clerk: Collection calls, generating invoices, preparing financial statements, bank reconciliations and general clerical duties. Must have knowledge of Word, Excel and Accpac. Ideal candidate will be working towards CGA/CMA. 28K-34K. Executive Administrative Assistant: This candidate must have at least 5 years experience with strong knowledge of Word, Excel and Powerpt. Will be responsible for correspondence, creating presentations, travel arrangements and general clerical duties. M ust be professional and have good communication skills. 33K35K E U R O P E A N la d ie s w ill help you do Spring C lean in g, h o u s e s and o ffic e . Vera. 6 9 3 -9 7 2 1 ; Katerina 631-5211. I personals YOU'R E successful, attrac tiv e , a c c o m p lis h e d - w h y a re yo u s t ill s in g le ? L e t Misty River Introductions fix that. C all O ntario's tra d i tional matchmaker. Toron to (416 )7 7 7 -6 3 0 2 , S o u th / West (519)658-4204. J v T j l lost & found LOST: Cat, thin orange tab by, m ale. W edge w ood & D e vo n a re a . R e w a rd . (905)844-3770____________ LOST: set of keys (BMW + others) Sat. May 6, Burling ton M a ll/ do w n to w n core, 632-6476; 681-6527. FOUND: sm all tri-coloured dog. Aldershot " Don- 6377325_________________ . FO UND: S paniel m ix dog. RBG area "Jake' 637-7325 painting & decorating JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY! Please mail your resume to: Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa requires Fulltime Experienced Call Paul to schedule an interview (Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm) Lakeshore Carpet Care, (905) 465-2337 Holiday Inn Oakville Centre 590 Argus Rd. Oakville, ON L6J 3J3 TEL: (905) 842-5000, Fax: (905) 842-5123 GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIMITED WAREHOUSE person with valid clean driving record required immediately full time. Start $9/hr. Apply to Box 6234, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, ON L6K3S4_________ D ELIVER Y Driver required fu lltim e b y a p p lia n c e r e ta ile r. C le a n d riv in g re c o rd re q u ire d . H e a v y lifting involved. A pply with resume: Oakville Appliance, 476 K e rr. T el: ( 9 0 5 )8 4 5 _______________ 2953 W EEKEN DS oft! Full-time D a ys- M on -F ri., B e n e fits / training/ transportation pro vided. (D.L. required). Reli a b le & m a tu re s tu d e n ts w e lc o m e d . C a ll M o lly Maid, 905-681-7484 Q U A L IT Y c o n s c ie n tio u s company seeks dependable person for assem bly work w ith m e c h a n ic a l a b ility & ex-perience with handtools. Reply by fax only:(905)8754729 _______________ GLAZIER or Glazier's Help er required fulltime by Oak ville glass company. W age com mensurate with experi ence or will train successful c a n d id a te . C a ll fo r interview, (905)847-1805 SHIPPER/ C arpenter- Must h a v e e x p e rie n c e w ith lumber, fork lift, and wood w o rk in g to o ls . S e lf m o t iv a te d a n d o rg a n iz e d . S u b m it re s u m e b y fa x to: (905) 632-7036__________ L IG H T P a c k a g e rs and General Labourers needed for O akville and Burlington areas. Call 631-9920. CASH Daily! Drivers need ed fo r resta u ra n t d e liv e ry service in Burlington/ O ak ville & W aterdown. Vehicle re q u ire d . F le x ib le h o u rs . 639-6093, 9am -11am. G AS Bar Attendents need ed- e v e n in g s / w e ekends. M u s t h a v e o w n v e h ic le . A p ply w ith resum e: Esso, c o rn e r o f B ro n te R d/ Speers, Oakville.___________ P A V IN G C o n s tr u c tio n / M a in te n a n c e C o m p a n y needs full & part-tim e em plo y e e s . D riv e r's License required. Call 689-2999 L A N D S C A P E R S & P a int e rs- F T / PT Exp. n e c e s sary. 905-690-3859 (Burl. & W a te rd o w n ) 3 3 0 -1 8 2 2 (Oakville) ____________ A V O N , J oin Now! E xp e ri e n c e a 4 0 % e a rn in g o p p o rtu ity w ith o u r new fa s t- tra c k p ro g ra m . C a ll Lynn (905)633-9717 G E N E R A L L a b o u re rs for pool installations. Students w e lc o m e ! G re a t su m m e r work! (Oakville) Call for interview, (905)849-6966 10 retired people preferred to w o rk 4 d a y s p e r w eek dropping/ picking up catalouges. Call Philip @ 3368373 for more information. JANITOR required for Oak ville locations. Experience an asset, but willing to train. Must have own transportation. (905)712-1831________ C A S H IE R - P/T -evenings/ w e ekends. P lease a p p ly / se n d resum es- S h oppers D ru g M a rt. 5 2 0 K e rr St, Oakville.___________________ NEED CASH? Start today, fle x ib le h o u rs , w o rk o u t d o o rs . g re a t fo r s tu d e n t/ homemaker, meet people, lots of fun. 693-8444. LA N D S C A P E R S required im m e d ia te ly , fu lltim e , by O a k v ille b ase d com pany. C a ll C h ris a t ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 8 6767______________________ E N T H U S IA S T IC P e o p le wanted to work with Autistic child to provide ABA thera py. W ill p ro v id e tra in in g . Fax resum e to (905) 6373995 or call (905) 637-1883 or (905) 842-7683__________ I telemarketers Receptionists Must have basic computer skills APPLY IN PERSON AT Supporting an independent lifestyle for the elderly National Elder Care has immediate openings for Position available in LIGHTING SHOWROOM P /T Showroom Sales/G eneral Help Mon.-Fri. & Saturdays, No evenings Send Resume to: Gerrie Electric W h o le sa le Ltd. 4104 S ou th Service R oad B urlington, O ntario, L7L 4X5 A ttention: Sandra N o p h o n e c a lls p lea se IMAGES Oakville Town Centre I RECEPTIONIST- Part-time Required by large real es ta te com pany. A p p lic a n t s h o u ld p o s s e s s p le a s a n t personality, real estate ex p e rie n c e , k n o w le d g e o f computers, work with m ini mum supervision. Drop off or fa x re s u m e : S u tto n G roup A bout town R ealty Inc. 1235 Fairview Street, B u rlin g to n , fa x 9 0 5 -9 0 5 681-8121__________________ F U LLTIM E C ollector posi tio n s a v a ila b le , (2 ), downtown Oakville. Hourly wage +benefits. Successful cand idates w ill be m ature and e x p e rie n c e d in collections. Contact Ted or Dianne at (905)815-8303 Oakville and Burlington Areas Interested applicants must fax their resume to the Adecco in OAKVILLE ONLY. RN/RPN/ HCA/ PSW/ COMPANION We offer-improved wages, incentives, 3hrs shift min. Qualified male practitioners are encouraged to apply Fax (905) 842-6468 __________Phone (905) 842-5173__________ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SUPERVISOR Milton Area. Large Distributor requires a minimum o( 5 years accounts receivable & supervisory experience. This intermediate position requires the ability to han dle very high volumes and be a self-motivated team player. Excellent communications skills combined with a thorough knowledge of computers is a must. Fax re su m es 905-842-6616 or call 905-337-2290 'NEC is an equal opportunity employer GENERAL LABOURERS Required by a leading industrial manufacturer to staff its newly created afternoon shift at its Oakville facili ty. Preference w ill be given to secondary school graduates with prior experience working in a steelbased manufacturing environment. Individuals inter ested in joining a company dedicated to quality and continuous improvement are invited to forward a summary of their qualifications in confidence to: P A R T -T IM E e xp e rie n ce d D ental A ssista nt required f o r b u s y g e n e ra l d e n ta l practice. PDA certification an asset. Dr. Paula Cassin, 106 W akefield Rd., Milton, ON. Fax: (905)878-0557 FO R a ll y o u r p a in tin g n e e d s ! 20 y e a rs e x p e ri ence , re s id e n tia l or com m e rcia l. C a ll M ark (905)578-5914. (416)280-6320. t S E N REGULAR PART-TIME RN/ RPN Forward resume & salary expectations to: Box 6257, c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K3S4 We are in need of DO W NTO W N la d ie s fas h io n bou tique requires fu ll & p a rt-tim e S a le s A s s o c ia te s . R e ta il experience preferred. Fax re s u m e to: 6 3 7 -7 7 2 1 or m ail to: V illa g e S p ortiq ue 375 B rant S t., B u rlin g to n L7R 2E9 Accounting Manager P.O.Box 70 Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905)875-4744 -- EMMA'S ~ Freeze & Fries Supervisory & Line Positions Applications being accepted for Seasonal Em ploym ent 1A - All Moving & Storage, Big Small, insured, reliable, fast local or long distance. Free boxes, storage & estimates. 634-3721__________ R E LO C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in c lu d e s 2 p ro fe s s io n a l m o v e rs , tru c k and in sura nce. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. PRO M overs. S h o rt/lo n g distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estim ates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 positions available in an Com m unity, Oakville Senior Health Care Citizens Residence. Experience working with the elderly in a Long-Term Care Setting, and Medication administration an asset. A well-organized friendly workplace. For an interview Call Jennifer Townsend at S E N C O M M U N IT Y H E A L T H C AR E 905-522-6888 X2146 INVENTORY CONTROL Milton area. Large distributor requires a minimum ot 3 years hands on experience in inventory tracking and reporting. This intermediate office office position re quires the ability to handle very high volumes and be a self-motivated team player, Knowledge of comput ers and Excel is a must. HEALTH CENTRE requires FRONT DESK STAFF A busy position fo r an energetic, outgoing personality. Computer skills an asset. This is a part-time position (20-25hours a week) with hours mostly in the afternoons, evenings and every other Saturday morning. Start immediately. LAWN MAINTENANCE WORKERS F/T, experience preferred & own transporta tion required. Salary to reflect experience. RPN W ITH M ED S P/T position, may lead to F/T. Competitive salary Submit resume to: LAKESHORE PLACE 5314 Lakeshore Rd. Burlington L7L1M9 or fax resume to: (905)333-3103 Forward resume w/salary expectations to: A ccounting M anager P.O. Box 70, M ilton, O N L9T 2Y3 or fax to (905) 875-4744 Be In Charge Of Your Summer! A p p l y In P e r s o n Emma's Back Porch 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. Burlington, ON BIG Buck's Mountain Lodge n o w h irin g a ll p o s itio n s . Looking for fun, energetic, e n th u s ia s tic a n d e x p e r ienced indi-viduals! Submit re s u m e to: 3 3 3 0 S o u th Service Rd. Burlington. No phone calls please_________ COOK short-order, full-time d a y s , g o o d w a g e s a ls o W aitstaff, 10:30-7:30pm, 4 d ays. No e x p e rie n ce re q u ire d . W in d m ill R e s ta u rant. 336-3954 Call/Fax (905) 8 7 8 -2 4 8 8 Henry's Lawn and Garden NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN o f s a lo n s r e q u ir e s Experienced Administrative Assistant/ Customer Service Rep. Travel accessory distribution company lo ca te d in O a kville is lo o k in g fo r an energetic individual able to multi-task in a fast-paced e n viro nm en t. M in im um 60 wpm and experience with Windows 95/98 and DOS applications is required. Forward resumes before May 17/00 to Fax: (905) 829-9942 CUSTO M -M ADE valances, draperies, sheers, com fort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab ric s , ta b le / c h a ir a c c e s so rie s . C a ll S h e rry, 634 6706. Call 905-845-1665 V HAIRSTYLISTS * - J .P . T re e F a rm . C e d a r Hedges. 3-4 ft. nursery Ce dars. Planted, sprayed-fertilized. For inform ation call (519)763-1562. I gardening landscaping n t e ' l JO IN O U R CREW Now Hiring F/T & P/T OAKVILLE, BURLINGTON & ETOBICOKE We o ffe r great c o m m is s io n s ; c a re e r advancement throughout North America; flexible work hours and a solid benefit program. TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 VON HALTON Urgently Requires SERVERS BROILER COOKS PREP COOKS & F/T BARTENDER M o n .-F ri. (Days) We offer competitive wages, gratuities and a great atmosphere. Apply in person or call (905)639 -4084 , 950 · PSW'S · HCA'S · HSW'S Halton area Flexible Hours Fax: (905) 827-3390 D E N T A L O FFIC E located in Oakville requires F/T OAKVILLE SOCCER CLUB requires P ia n o & th e o ry le s s o n s , registered teacher, RCM & p o p u la r. W a lk e rs L in e / N ew . W e n d y V e rd u ijn . 634-6852. Walker's Line, Burlington Early Morning D R IV ER S FULLTIME. With G Lie. std + auto, trans. Small car (or Burl/Oak. Able to lift 50 lbs. Consider car & driver. Call: Alex, 2pm-4pm, Halton Auto Parts Administrative Assistant We are looking for a dynamic individual for a perma nent part-time administrative position. Excellent telephone & customer service skills required. Knowl edge of Windows 98 & Lotus notes essential. Please tax resumes 905-849-3677, Attention: Business Manager LEADING FOOD SERVICE COMPANY requires exp. staff DRIVER needed for Tim Horton Stores Valid D.L.,dependable, paid training provided, M-F, 3:30am-6:30am. $8./ hr to start, Apply: 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford DrOakville or phone/fax 338-1966 (905) 637-2727 CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT Fax resume to: (905) 338-8523 or call 845-6023 DENTAL Assistant. We are searching for a special per son to join our busy general p ra c tic e in M ilton 4 days/ week. Candidates hould be personable and highly moti vated. Must be HARP certi fie d . F ax re s u m e to: (905)876-3278_____________ M E D IC A L S e cretary, fu ll time, for OBS & GYN office in Mississauga. Medical ex p e rie n c e in c lu d in g d ic ta ty p in g and O H IP b illin g e s s e n tia l. F a x re s u m e : (9 0 5 )9 4 9 -1 1 1 2 and c a ll (905)277-8959. 6pm-8pm F/T, P/T certified assistant for progressive M ississau g a / H a m ilto n o rth o d o n tic office. Car necessary. Per s o n a b le , s e lf- s ta rte r re q u ire d . E x p e rie n c e p re ferred. Fax anytime 1-905628-9315._________________ O F F IC E N u rs e : F a m ily P ra c tic e - P a rt-tim e hours with flexibility for additional hours. Responsibilities in clude nursing and clerical d u tie s . E x p e rie n c e p re ferred. Reply with resume by fax 905-632-9624 · Cafeteria Deli/ Salad Preps · General Cafeteria Staff M -F, days only full & part-tim e N o w eeken d s Benefit pkg., Incentive programs. Great starting pay. Fax to: T H E T u to r S e rv ic e , re q u ire s a m a th e m a tic s teacher grade 9 & up ur g e n tly . 3 3 7 -1 5 3 6 or emaihthetutor Qskylinc.net. daycare wanted B A BYS ITTER needed for 1 1 ,7 , 6-yr. olds. Changing schedule. In my North Bur lington home. References. 336-8361. E X P E R IE N C E D c a re giver required for 1 and 4 year old for June and July. 8th L in e / U p p e r M id d le . (905)842-4409.____________ N A N N Y : B u rlin g to n f u ll time for six month old. Call 3 1 9 -2 8 2 0 , a fte r 5p.m . or weekends only. W m liy daycare available WAREHOUSE ADMINISTRATION CLERK Strong organizational & communication skills. Essential knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite Please reply to Box 6272 c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 Wholesale pharmaceutical company seeks an JG S H O M E D A Y C A R E : ECE 13 years experience, in-home daycare. Positions available for 18 mos.-5yrs. 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Appleby/New St. 631-0093.______________ FU LL tim e d a y c a re available for toddlers. Toys, c ra fts , b o o k s , n u tr itio u s lu n ch e s. L a rg e fe n c e d -in y a rd , c lo s e to p a rk. 3rd. Lin e / R ebecca (9 0 5 )8 2 5 0978______________________ DELIGHTFUL daycare has s p a c e s a v a ila b le (6 a m 6pm) Two caring in dividu a ls o ffe r in g c a re in o u r h o m e S c h o o l p ic k -u p s / d ro p -ffs . J u ly /A u g u s t life g u a rd on d u ty , le s s o n s available. North Burlington. References 336-8218 S T O P - I h a v e th e b e st Nanny, I'm willing to share in my home. Looking for 1 o th e r c h ild 3 -5 y rs . D a ily 9am-5prfi, 905-332-9507 N A N N Y re q u ire d im m e d iately to care for 2 children (4 & 7 -y r.o ld s ). O a k v ille area. Doug. (905)827-4929 after 6pm. T E A C H E R re q u ire s c a re giver in the afternoon for 2 c h ild re n a g e d 1 2 / 29 m o n th s b e g in n in g S e p t ember. Prefer in m y home, n e a r W in s to n C h u rc h ill/ Q EW . M oth er could bring along own toddler or willing to s h a re n a n n y . R e fe re n c e s / c r im in a l c h e c k . Call 829-8222_____________ E X P E R IE N C E D N a n n ie s/ h o u s e k e e p e rs in P h ilip pines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)693-6931. N A N N Y n e e d e d fu ll-tim e M o n d a y to F rid a y , 8 :3 0 6 pm (S u m m e r p o s itio n Ju n e 1st) in o u r hom e to ca re fo r 2 y r. o ld b o y /g irl tw in s & 9 -y r. o ld boy. D riv e r's lice n se req u ire d . N o n -s m o k e r. S o u th e a s t Oakville. (905)844-7229. N A N N Y re q u ire d im m e diately for 3 children. Full time, M-F. Must have car and experience, Possibility of live-in. 632 -57 06, leave message. t Customer Service Rep. required by growing electronic repair co. in Oak. 1-yr technical experience preferred. Great benefit package. Food Service Director 905-632-1332 p h#- 905-633-3040 Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga locations DELIVERY DRIVER for local office supply company, Mon.-Fri., 8am to 4:30pm. Good knowledge of Bram./ Miss./0ak. an asset. Clean abstract/ G lie. required. $10/hr. (Some heavy lifting) Fax resume: D A T A B A S E s u p p o rt fo r MS Access. Development of new Databases to store records. R e-design of ex isting Databases. Custom ize fo rm s and re p o rts . T ra in in g and d a ta entry. Free consultation. Wallace & A s s o c ia te s . (9 05)8491425. Fax resume to General Manager at: (905) 825-2009 LANCASTER Talent Mgmt. ` Entertainment Industry Co alition" Member. Expanding roste r! S eeking, s p e c ia lty ta le n t o f a ll ty p e s . P e tite w o m e n w /y o u n g h a n d s , ch ild re n up to 11yrs.,and p ro /a m a te u r a th le te s fo r background & com m ercial w ork. C a ll (9 0 5 )3 1 2 -4 9 0 4 for an appointment.________ HEAD S c e n ic P a in te r w a n te d fo r a la rg e , fa s t paced local spe c ia l even t com pany. Set s k ills required are faux finishes, p ro p d e v e lo p m e n t and m u ra l p a in tin g e x p e rtis e . Must be hard working and a team player. Needed imme d ia te ly F a x re s u m e to: (905)844-1592. NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Must have collection experience. Communication & customer service skills & the ability to work in a computerized environment. This entry level position otters a competitive compensation package. Kitchen Supervisors & Line Cooks (Min. 2 years exp.) Flex hrs./statf benefits Apply in person Wm L ^ daycare wanted M O N E Y P ro b le m s? G a r n ish e e s? T oo m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 (905) 845-0611 O F F IC E A d m in is tra to r/ M a n a g e rM -F, 8 am 4:30pm, $9Vhr. Good com m unication/ organizational s k ills . E x p e rie n c e u sing WordPerfect, Lotus, QuickB o o ksP ro . B a s ic B o o k keeping, payroll, sales ex p e rie n ce an asse t. W ork without supe rvision. Tw o years office experience re quired. Sunsprout Natural Foods, 431 W yecroft Rd.. O a k v ille , fa x 9 0 5 -8 4 4 0797. Fax resume to 905-560-7013 Joe D og's G asbar G rill 531 Brant Street Burl. ph#-632-5110 S 9 /H 0 U R + bonusLeads & training provided. U ltra m a tic re q u ire s a p p o in tm e n t s e tte rs . 5pm 10p m , o r 6 p m -m id n ig h t M onday to Friday. Mrs. Farr 333-1737 after 1pm. Our client, a Burlington based equipment finance co., requires two Collection Reps. (One bilingual Fr./Eng.). Collection experience a must. Preference given to those with prior leasing/finance experience. CollOCtlOfl R E L IA B L E c a re g iv e r re quired for July & August in m y hom e fo r 4 & 7 -y r old. T ra fa lg a r/ U p p e r M id d le . M o n -T h u rs ., 7 :3 0 a m 5:30pm Experienced, nons m o k e r. R e fe re n c e s . (905)842-2323.____________ MY hom e- June 2 6th-end o f A u g u s t. F e m a le p r e fe rre d , non -sm o ke r, likes swimming, outdoors. $2503 0 0 /w k . M ike a fte r5 p m 825-0012_________________ BEFOR E/after school care re q u ire d fo r 2 ch ild re n in m y h o m e . L iv e -in / o u t. French an asset. 337-3692 evgs. LOST & FOUND Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 /?f?/7S-Burlington KITCHEN help- Full or parttim e. A pply w ith in S w iss C h a le t, 5 3 5 3 L a k e s h o re Road, Burlington (Lakeside Plaza/ near Burloak) BENNY'S Deli, full or parttime help. Excellent wages. M ust be a v a ila b le w e e ke n d s . A p p ly 8 a m -3 p m , 1455 Lakeshore (at Brant) Please forward your resume to: ATHAY SERVICES Fax: (905) 338-1225 · E-mail: athay@idirect.com * ---------------

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