R SOUND HEALTH WATCH YOUR DAILY DIET CAREFULLY A liatthew Properly Balanced Diet W ill Keep Disease A w ay -- There Is No Happiness W ithout G ood Health. By " Bon Sante" Woman's Chatter... By Mali M. Morgan G O L D E N T E X T . -- W e m ust all be made m a n ifest before the judgm ent seat of C h rist.-- 2 Cor. 5:10. TIME-- Tuesday, April 4, A.D., 30, three days before the crucifixion. PLACE-- The Mount of Olives. PAR ALLEL PASSAGE-- There is " But when the Son of man shall come in his glory." What a contrast Mary Pickford, who was born at No. 211 University Avenue; to the lowly guise in which the Son Toronto, and left the home town to become America's Sweetheart, of man first presented himself to the world. " And all the angels with him." returned to pay a visit in this, Toronto's centennial year. The vast host o f his messengers, re An undemonstrative crowd greeted her, but there was no splendent and beautiful, singing his doubt that everyone was cordially and sincerely pleased to see the praises. " Then shall he sit on the famous star. Her welcome to the city of her birth was in extreme throne of his glory." The kingdoms of good taste. No wild outbursts-- only a quiet murmur-- "There she the world, falsely promised him by is" as her car drove through the streets, the sidewalks packed Satan in the temptation, will then in deed belong to him, and the king with her fans and friends. Toronto may be congratulated on the restraint shown and dom o f heaven as well. " And before him^shall be gathered Miss Pickford must have found it a pleasant change from the wild all the nations." In the last hour of scramblings of the crowds and persistent questions of the news his earthly ministry, Jeusu of Naz papermen of other cities. areth commands the view o f an im * * * * * * measurable horizon~ " And he shall separate them one CONSIDERATE from another, as the shepherd separ- " The Here is an idea that might be copied the world over. The ateth the sheep from the goat1 British Pos.t Office, in a campaign to popularize the telegraph ser Scriptures often employ sheep to de vice, has brought into use the night telegraph letter with bright note those who trust in God, and so green envelopes so that recipients of such letted will know at the goats or kids are here naturally taken to represent the worst side. once they do not contain bad news. " And he shall set the sheep on his I think that is one way of overcoming the feeling we all have, right hand, and the goats on his left.' don't you? How many times have we all experienced that awful The first lesson we learn from this thumping of the heart while we'stare at an unopened telegram, parable is then, that we shall all be expecting direful tidings And when we tremblingly scan the julged when we die by the Son o f man message `we find mother has left her `diamond ring on the and the second, that we ought to be very glad that we shall be judged, shelf in the bathroom, will we please put it in safe keeping? and judged by him. * H e * * * " Then shall the King say unto them JO LLY M OURNERS on his right hand." Christ has rep resented himself as a shepherd; and Last week two hundred friends of one Peter D. Post, of Bad now he represents himself as a king A x e , Michigan, who died a year ago, met at a banquet. then shall he sit on the throne o f his It seems Mr. Frost was an optimist and asked his friends not going back to his opening sentence, glory. " Come ye blessed of my Fath to mourn his death. In his will he made provisions for the banquet, stating in the er." Our Lord in the last judgement document "I do this for the boys, to have a good time in my will be acting as the agent of his Fa memory, desiring that they leave their long, sober faces at home ther, and will bestow his award of blessing only upon those whom his and be sociable and jolly." into eternal life." God is not onlyFather hold blessed. " Inherit the the first declare truthfully. * * * * * * . " Then shall he answer them." In benevolent, he is righteous and holy kingdom prepared for you from the H O W W O U L D Y O U FEEL? foundation o f the world." The plan terms such as he used for those on and true; and if his truth and holi of salvation has its roots from the his right, but how fearfully changed ness require the everlasting punish James Kemper, widely known character actor; who special by that one word; `not'. " Verily, I ment of sin, his benevolence will nfft dawn of time. izes in the portrayal of sinister roles, is undergoing treatment ,, f " For I was hungry, and ye gave me say to you, inasmuch as ye did it not prevent it. .from two psychiatrists in New York because of a growing tend- j to eat." He lived JSI the grateful gifts unto one o f these least, ye did it not " The truest end of life is to know ency to live the parts he plays! o f those to whom he had ministered, unto me." Nothing great required of I have often wondered that there were not more cases of those to whom he had given new life. them, only ministrations to " one of 4he life that never ends."-- William these least." They had not been ask Penn. this nature. Acting an intense role night after night, it seems to " I was thirstv. -^.nd ye gave me to drink. " We have one instance, the Sa ed to go beyond their easy powers me, would eventually have an effect. and simple resources. But if they had A SMILE · Kemper, when interviewed; was reluctant to discuss the mat maritan woman, at Jacob's well from done what they could, they would Mrs. Foe-- How are you, Mrs. Perwhom he begged a drink of water. " I ter as he feels people might be inclined to think him crazy. would have been doing it to Christ kinson? was a stranger and ye took me in." It seems two weeks ago he was doing a gunman skit in which they would have won thereby the et Mrs. Perkinson-- Oh, I've nothing Remember our Lord's pathetic say to grumble at. he killed his girl and is cornered by the law.. When he finished ing about the foxes that had holes ernal life. Mrs. Poe-- Mr. Perkinson away, " And these shall go away into eter he went to his dressing-room and continued the act. He attacked and birds that had nests, while the his dressing-table and went into alternate fits of ferociousness son o f man had not where to lay his nal punishment: but the righteous then? and fright. head. " Naked and ye clothed me; 1 was About twenty minutes later he was found cringing in a corner, still apparently believing the law had him trapped. He sick, and ye visited me; I was in pri soon recovered his normal senses but the two nerve specialists are son, and ye came unto me." <Ve enter the kingdom of heaven, not by say watching that he does not have another relapse. ing, Lord, Lord, but by doing his will, A ll righ ts rcsci not by repeatisg prayers in his name Most of the illustrations used in Lesson No. 7 new method of identification through so much as by feeding the hungry In lesson 4, Exercise 6, we suggest these lessons are known as " Still the analysis o f human hair, which clothing the naked, visiting the sick, ed drawing three cubes on top o f L ife" subjects. Figs. 42 and 43 are they have divided into more than and the imprisoned. one another placed at the left side of still life objects used in story illustra " Then shall the righteous answer T h ro u g h o u t the w orld today, more 21,000 classifications. a cylinder. The top cube tc be white, tions, and Fig. 44 was used in an ad The only domestic animal that is him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee the second cube to be grey and the vertising design, note the use of the rice is consum ed than any other hungry and fed thee? or athirst, and bred profitably in the Artie regions kind o f food. third cube to be the darkest. Fig. 40 spread lines. is the reindeer, because it requires gave thee drink? This homely excel illustrates that problem. Compare You will find many objects around T h e larg est und erground " city " in neither hay for food nor shelter. lence, thus sublimely rewarded, is of the hom e from which excellent still the results with your own sketch. the w orld is the W itwatersrand Gold There are m ore than 125,000,000 of an uncounted and unconscious kind. Fig. 41, is an illustration of a hol life drawings may be made. Mine, near Johannesburg, South them, and it is not uncommon for They who have it 'r e surprised at a low hexagon, and A fter making som e real good stu exemplifies the Africa, which has m ore than 4,000 hich they never thought of, single breeders in A rctic Siberia to praise, effect of reflected light and cast dies from still life objects you should miles of subterranean shafts, streets, own herds of 10,000 at a time. and feel that there mu*t be some mis and avenues, and employs, under take about it. normal conditions, about 190,000 ` And when saw we thee a stranger, workers. etc," There is some mistake, they feel Ja p a n believes that it has preserv and they will not take advantage of ed for 10,000 years a com plete record a mistake, even to gain entrance into of its 1923 earthquake. The docu the kingdom of heaven. They will not ments are encolsed in fused-quartz Materials Treated, Including enter under the cloak of some one bottles filled with argon gas and en Houses Then Can Burn else' s good deeds. They are far too cased in thick coverings o f asbestos, honest fo r that. W ithout Flame lead, and carborundum. " And the King shall answer and M usk, the world's stronges and say unto them, Verily I say unto NEW YORK -- Experiments to pre most penetrating odour, is so power you." The principle is so important ful that when a man opens a musk- vent combustion o f such inflammable that it receives one o f Christ's char material as cloth, wood and the like gland it frequently causes his nose acteristics emphases. " Inasmuch as were performed successfully at the to bleed. ye did it unto one of these my breth Royal University o f Genoa, Francesco D u rin g a radio con versa tion across ren, evc.i these least, yet did it unto Vitale, New Y ork lawyer and Am eri the Atlantic, the voice has to be me." The King o f Glory unites his can representative of the patentamplified ten million billion times by cause with that of the lowest of his ow ning firm has announced. the station that receives it. The inflammable material was sub followers. FIG. 4 0 " Then shall he say also unto them M a x M a n n iso n , of Denver, snapped mitted to a fireproofing process which shadows. The upper side is illuminat be ready to sketch from nature, a on the left hand." Here followss per his fingers and said: " When I die lim ited its combustion to carboniza haps the most terrible o f all word3 ed by direct light and the darkest subject which will be taken up in our I want to go just like that." There tion, thus preventing the violent spoken by Christ. " Depart from me side is next to the light side. You next lesson. upon he did. spreading of the flame, Vitale said. Ex. No. 12. If the weather permits, ye cursed, into the eternal fire wTiTch will see that this tone is not uniform, M e d ica l h is to ry records more than Experiments conducted at Genoa but that it is darker at the end near go out o f doors and make at least is prepared for the devil and his an 200 cases o f reversed body construct recently with two wooden doors, one gels. Eternal fire is a vivid picture est the eye and along the edges, three still life sketches, if not you ion in w hich from one to nearly all of which was submitted to the fireo f the endless consequences of unre gradually becom ing lighter as it re may make three sketches in the home. o f the vital organs-- such as the proofing, gave tangible results. cedes. W atch for a special announcement heart, liver, and stom ach--were on Flames projected on the unpro pented and unforgiven sin. The third bide is strongly illuminat with the next lesson. 1 " For I was hungry, and ye did not th « w rong side. The condition did not cessed door caused immediate burn ed by reflected light from the white Questions w ill be answered in this give me to eat, etc Sins of commission interfere with the health o f the in ing. The treated door carbonized ground and is joined by the cast department. Anyone wishing to re are as deadly as sins of commission. slowly, flamelessly. dividuals. shadow; the extreme dark is along ceive a personal reply, may have " Then shall they also answer, say Th* world's record for the fastest Experiments made with artificial the line of conjunction. The edges of same if a 3c stamped addressed <en. ing, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, top speed of an aeroplane propeller silk cloth gave identical results. Not shadows are the strongest near the velope is enclosed with the request is 1,500 feet a second, or a mile in only the processed cloth carbonized These also, like those on the right eye and decrease in strength and The Art Director, Our Sketch Club less than four seconds. slowly, hut the projected flame failed hand of Christ, declare unconscious- intensity as they go away from the Room 425, 73 Adelaide St. West. To n ess; but thev declare falsely, while eve. C rlm fijb lo g is ts have developed a even to perforate the canvas. !_ ronto. T O R O N T O W ELCOM ES M A R Y Health! In that small word is em bodied most o f the joy and happiness o f this world, and most o f it3 mis eries. With good health there are no heights o f peaceful and joyous achieve, while the whole record of humay not aspire and frequently achieve, while hte whole record o f hu man history is strewn with the wrecks o f promising lives broken and ruined through ill-health and disease. As it was in the past, so it is today. Is there a remedy? I f so, what is it? There is a main remedy, and that remedy is diet. All other measures, important though they may be in keeping the body strong and healthy, are subsidiary and complementary to the one main factor, what we eat. I f we are eating properly our chances o f enjoying good health are fairly sure, but if we fail to observe sound dietetic laws illness and disease are sure to follow. No amount of exercise fresh air, domestic sanitation and health laws can withstand a persist ently faulty diet. There is no gainsaying the truth o f the above. Our hospitals are filled to overflowing with victims o f faulty diet, as practically the whole gamut o f human disease can be traced directly or indirectly to a wrong diet. When it comes to incorrect eating the strong are bowled over the weak, and it is only the timeliness o f medi cal action and the perfection o f mod ern medical science which is saving thousands o f people annually from an early grave. Many there are who cannot be saved since the extent o f ther dietetic indiscretions are too much fo r medical scence to cope with. So, it behooves all o f us to look into the question o f our diet and and correct our dietetic errors, such as they may be. The subject is a very broad one, which many books have failed to cover completely, but is worthy o f the closest study. Bread, fo r instance, has beer known all down through the ages a; the staff o f life. But, bread is only a baked product o f grain, so we must understand that grains o f various kinds, mainly wheat, are the principal foods with which life is sustained. All other foods are only supplement ary in providing the body with the minerals, salts and sugars requirec to keep the body in complete work ing order. Since grain is such an im portant item in our daily food w« make no unsupported statement when we suggest that we should eat the whole grain, not a refined product such as is represented in white flour. Therefore, for sound health eat wholemeal bread and wholemeal pro ducts. The indications o f the broadeed viewpoint on whole wheat is seen in the great number of wholi wheat products which have come oi the market recently. But, if we stuck to wholemeal and ate nothing else we would be rathei ponderous nidividuals. We would be strong in bone and tissue, but we would lack the lithenes and buoyancj o f body and spirit which gees "ritfr sound health. So, to have balance tc our diet we must add bruits and vege tables. They are absolutely essentia and should be eaten lavishly. Nevei a day should pass without them. Milk, butter and eggs should alsc occupy a place and there need be nc ban on the great variety o f other wholesome foods in general use, but all such foods should be eaten in the greatest moderation, . particular!) meat, fish, nuts, etc., otherwise the organs o f the body would be over worked in trying to digest a greater quantity o f food than is required to sustain life. " Bon Sante" will be pleased to answer questions. Simply address " Bon Sante" care o f this newspaper, enclosing self-addressed stamped en velope. Q ^ S k e tc Ii C lu b Curious Facts Fireproofed