WIEN SHE LOST 281k She Gained Energy This young woman'? method of reducing overweight is evidently as beneficial as it is effective, and a let ter she writes is therefore worthy o f publication:-- " I am 24 years of h ge ; height 5 ft. 5% ins-; and a short time ago my weight was 28 lbs. above normal- I was listless and without energy. Now after taking lvruschen Salts reguiarly I have lost 28 lbs. in weight, and have much more vitality. Also I have a very good complexion and I do not have face blemishes o f any kind. Surely this must be due to my having pure blood, and I attribute the fact to my taking Kruschen Salts." -- (Miss) M. S. Kruschen combats the cause o f fat by assisting the internal organs to throw o f f each day those waste pro ducts and poisons which would other wise be converted by the body's chemistry into fatty tissue. tV V E L lljri\f55IOl/5 Tobacco y0v the Money/ and POKER HANDS, with too TH E EN CH AN TM EN T OF ENGLAND Knows Onions Mess Sergeant Explains H e's Biological Instructor Oaldwell, Idaho,-- Mess Sergeant Cornelius T. Cramer o f headquarters troops, 116th Cavalry, Idaho National Guards, knows his onions as well as Ms cabbages and vitamins. Major John Hood was giving the organization its annual examination. " Do you believe in feeding your troops on salads and greens?" he injuired o f Sergeant Cramer. Yes, sir. " " W hy?" " Because green stu ff contains Vit·min C. " Name some disease this vitamin prevents," directed the major. " Scurvy, sir" " Do you know what a sacrimiso-tervkia is?" " Yes, sir" " How do you happen to know that" " I'm biological instructor o f the Co!ege of Idaho here sir." We are visiting the British Isles this summer and the prospect has a glamour and allurement that it is difficult to put into words. We enter a different world, full o f the romance and history o f the past; un believable castles, hedges along the winding roads, green fields that merge into the landscape, the quaint villages with the steepled church do minating the whole, thatched cottages -- you can see this all in no other country but England. There is no other country where you can take scenic beauty as a matter o f course; where pageantry fits into the picture and where dreams come true. Thousands o f years have made these Islands what they are; there is a continuity which, in spite o f mod em improvements, definitely links the past with the present. You are in a foreign country and yet you are Home -- quite a paradox. C a th edral Citie* TURRET FINE CUT! THE B R IT IS H IS L E S . Legal Quirks From English Courts W ife at Willesden. M y husband has strangled me many times, since we have been married. Nottingham reveller: 1 was not drunk, my legs just failed to carry me. J u d jfc C ra n fo r d at S u o th en d : Is there a woman who can \ie\d her tongue. Defendant after a plaintiff had gi ven evidence at Bow County Court: He does not usually tell lies, but you cannot help it when you come into these courts. Witness at Highgate of a motorist T he R a re O ld C ity o f C hester The defendant flung out the clutch Chester, the City o f the Legions, which hit the car immediately behind. has been well described by this quaint Man at Willesden. I f my wife bit o f verse: " I doe love this ancient citie, wants a separation let her have it. We never tread upon it but we When she wants a thing she always set gets it in the end. Our foot upon some reverend Willesden magistrate: Do you real historie." ly want to pay these taxes? Defen Memories o f Chester cannot, with dant, enthusiastically: I do sir. certainty be carried back further than 47 A.D-, when the Romans ad vanced from the Midlands to attack Wales. Recently, however, two j stone axes have been found in an old section o f the townIt is one o f the rare examples o f a walled town and, even today, one can make a circuit o f the old city on the top o f what is the most perfect structure o f its kind in Britain. A history HERE ARE THE SIG N S; o f the Wall would be an article in Nervousness Frequent Headaches We shall visit some 21 Cathedral cities this summer. T shall refer only to two o f these. Winchester, the old Capital o f England was a tribal capital in Ro man days; a long line o f kings were crowned and buried here and, as late as the time o f Henry III, the citi zens o f Winchester disputed with the citizens o f London over the right o f precedence. No factories foul the air or mar the outlines o f her streets and the Romans, in planning the system o f roads, had them radiate like the spokes o f a wheel, so that the city is the natural county town. Water meadows stretch fo r miles to the north and south and, thanks to the foresight o f its builders, Win chester has probably more open spaces than any town o f its size in the Kingdom. Henry Ward Beecher proclaimed the Cathedral to be the most beauti ful in Europe and recently, in talk ing to a prominent Catholic Church dignitary, he told me that he con sidered Winchester Cathedral to be the finest ecclesiastical edifice in the British Isles. Here is the tomb of William o f Wykeham, founder o f the church, William Rufus and others Mary was married to Philip o f Spain in this Cathedral. The nave is the longest in the world, with the excep tion o f St. Peters' at Rome. Won derful carvings in sttfoe and wood give artistic grace to the interior -- it is history in a form which charms the eye and spirit. England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales--just think of visiting them for the first time, or, i£ you have been there before, think of renew ing your previous experience. It is worth while to build up an estate of memories for the future: It is worth while DOING IT NOW. Captain Reid's all motor, all Brit ish tour sails on the "Empress of Australia" on June 2Jst. You can take 31 days, 45 days or continue on the whole trip for the 52 days. It costs nothing to enquire--It is a wonderful opportunity. Or, if you want to go to the Con tinent or the Passion Play, there are seven itineraries available, ran ging from 27 days to 57 days and in price from 1341 to 1778. Write to Captain F. H. Reid, C. P. R. Building, Toronto, or tele phone WAverley 6646. itself and some time I may write about this. The Rows are a remarkable fea ture o f Chester and are unique in that there are rows o f shops one over the other; the sidewalk o f the upper shops being immediately on top o f the stores on the street level. The main street o f Thun in Switzerland more nearly resembles the Chester Rows than any other street. This idea might be adopted, in modified form, to overcome our traffic prob lems o f the future -- who knows! The Cathedral associations go back over 1000 years and bring recollec tions o f King Alfred's daughter, Ethelfleda; and the grim Earl Leofric o f Mercia, husband o f the celebrated Lady Godiva. He and succeeding rulers made notable additions to the building, the latest change being made about 1880. Of interest to Canadians is a cor ner o f the trancept where, hanging near the ceiling, is a tattered battle flag and, in the comer under it is a picture o f the Plains o f Abraham. The flag is tip. f ,1 1(i|«»giment and was used to Cover the body o f General W olfe when he lay mor tally wounded at QuebecThe medieval streets, with their half-timbered houses are being judi ciously maintained and the character o f the town preserves its old time atmosphere. Wise smokers who " roll their own'- cigarettes are mak ing 10c do a bigger job than ever before; They're us!$g Turret Fine Cut-- the mild, cool, fragrant tobacco that gives them more and better smokes for the same money and Poker Hands to exchange for free gifts; turn to Turret Fine Cut is a turn in the right direction i : ; greater economy, greater pleasure and the extra value of Poker Hands. Don't wait! Save Poker Hands to get Better Cigarette Papers FREE--Everybody agrees that "Chanteclcr" and "Vogue" are the best papers--you can get 5 large books o f either brand--free for only one complete set o f Poker Hands, from your nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by mall from P.O. Box 1380, Montreal. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET : f in e THE c u t C IG A R E T T E T O B A C C O S A V E P O K E R H A N D S Imperial Tobacco Company o f Canada, Limited Here's the Perfect Beauty Routine A perfect nightly beauty routine and one which every skin needs, re gardless o f its age or type, makes use o f the four essential cosmetic preparations-- complexion soap clea nsing and tissue creams and skin tonic. Today we'll concentrate on a regular home treatment First, wash youi face and neck with soap and water, rubbing with the palms o f your hands as well as with a rough wash cloth. Then rinse several times with tepid water and finish with a very cold rinse. Cleansing cream comes next. Using upward and outward strokes cover the skin with a thin layer o f the quick-melting cream. Let it stay on for two minutes and then with soft cleansing tissues remove every trace o f it. Skin tonic is the third step. Pour a bit o f it on a cotton pad and pat throat face and forehead with the pad. Use brisk upward movements that stimulate and strengthen saggin f muscles and lazy tissues. Let the tonic dry into the skin before you put on a very thin coat of tissue oi- nourishing cream. Tissue cream should be patted into the skin and the spot under the chin deserves a few extra vigorous slaps. See that there is plenty of cream ar >und the eyes and across the fore head where fine lines have a tenden cy to form. When you have finished, wipe o ff the excess and go to bed. L IG H T C H O C O L A T E C A K E Herbert Nigel Gresley, chief mechan ical engineer of the company and the school in locomotive design. If Past 45 Neuralgia Feeling o f Weakness Indigestion Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite M outh Acidity Nausea Sour Stom ach A uto-intoxication and "Low" and Upset Look CorAdd Stomach Work 6 tablespoons butter and % cup fruit sugar to a cream. Then add IV* cups flour and the yolks o f four eggs one by one, with a table spoon grated chocolate. Whip the whites o f the eggs to a stiff froth and stir them lightly in. Four the mixture into a well-buttered mould and bake in a moderate oven. When quite cold pour chocolate icing all over it. Doncaster, England-- A new " hush hush" locomotive, believed to be the largest in the United Kingdom, is nearing the stage of construction at the London and North-Eastern rail way's shop here, it was Earned last week. The engine will have eight coupled driving wheels, each six feet, eight in. in diameter. It is understood it will be used on the London-Scotland run. The locomotive was designed by France's Exports Up France's exports to the United States jumped nearly 50 per cent in » recent month. Classified Advertising ROSTATE GLAND SU FFER ER S-- P Free Inform ation regarding a treat ment from which I have received amaz ing relief. No obligation is hereby Im plied at all. " Freely ye have received, freely give." A lfred Beadle, 1649W Min nehaha, St. Paul Minn., U.S.A. B A X G A IN S I N F I S K P U M P S few low priced belt drive yower pumps, 1033 models. T o be sold quickly at greatly reduced prices. W rite today fo r prices, and state depth o f well. Mr. Anderson, Beatty Bros., Lim it ed. Fergus, O nt, B ox 238W. * OFF COLOUR? How Is Your Liver? Wake up your Liver Bile -- Without Calomel Tour liver s a very sm all organ, but It certainly can put your diges tive and elim inative organs out o f kilter. B y refusin g to pour out its daily tvfo pounds o f liquid bile into your bowels. You won' t com pletely correct such a condition, by taking salt^, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chew ing gum, or roughage When they' ve moved you r bowels they' re through--and you need a liv er stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills w ill soon bring back the sunshine into your life. They're purely vegetable, Safe, Sure. Ask fo them by name. R e fuse substitutes 25c at all druggists. WHAT TO DO FOR I T : TAKE-- 2 teaspoonfuls Of Phillips' Milk of Mag nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. OR --T ake the new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets -- one latUI lot each teaspoonful as di rected above. Are You WEARY? Do you find it bard to dcrthings some days? Days when body and brain feel oppressed? Incomplete elimination of body wastes is prob ably the reason. It Is most likely tha reason even though you are as regular as can be In your daily habits, beoause regularity is no guarantee of completeness. Follow these sim ple health rules: Eat moderately, sleep suffi ciently, get lots of fresh air and exercise-- and once or twice every week take a bracing, Andrews Liver Balt. An--------your wCU »'glass -- of and a invigorate S S w 'w n purify whole system and help Nature end those tired. tired, `beadachey" days. Get Andrews liver Balt from your druggist. 85o and 60c in Una. Tfio for the new, large bottle. Bole Agents: John A. Huston Co., Ltd., Toronto. J Kennedy & Menton 421 C olle g e St T oron to H arley-D avidson D istributors and Used Parts If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about tt. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk oi Magnesia acts at once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Tty it. You'll feel like a new person. But--be careful you get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, or Phillipst" Milk of Magnesia Tablets when you buy-- 25c and 50c sizes. ALSO <N fABUEl FORM equivalent Ot a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milt of Magnesia. Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles. Terms arranged. J & yM MAP OF CANADIAN M IN ES A n arrangement has been made with the copyright owners to distribute a limited quantity of Lloyds* Map of Canadian Mines. AUTHORITATIVE * EDUCATIONAL - INTERESTING -- T hi Map shows over 600 Mining properties; the most important producing mines; some of the world's most famous mining camps; abbreviations o f mines listed on the Stock Exchanges. For those interested in the great mineral discoveries and development of Canada, this map is indispensable. Ask M otherShe Knows Mother took this medicine be* fore and after the babies came; It gave her more strength and energy when she was nerv ous and rundown : : kept her on the job all through the Change. N o wonder she rec ommends it. DOCTORING VOUR DAIRY HERD Cows aren't machines. They can get sick or hurt. But Minard's Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs. Thos. Bulmer o f Lardo, B.C., found one o f her herd with a lump in her udder. " I rubbed it with Minard's Liniment" , she says, " and it soon got better.** Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Distemper, etc., and equally good in stable or in house. Well named " King of Pain", '« Eacft tiny tablet is tht MAOE IB CANADA # G R A N T M AHOOD & COM PAN Y, T O R O N T O , CANADA ^ LY D IA E PINKHAM ' S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Issue No. 20-- '34 I Without cost or obligation, ' Canadian Mines. rinail copy o f Lloyd's Map