Page 8 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Thursday, July 17th, 1947 Classified Advertisements All Classified Advt's. are cash with order. A dvt's. taken by tele phone will not appear if not paid for by 5.30 Wednesday prev ious to publication. Please R eport Prom ptly LO S T O R FOUND A N IM A L S to G IR L S W A N TED W e are now established in our new plant, 8th Line and Queen Elizabeth Highway, and re quire the services of a number of girls or young women to learn weaving. PHONE 808 Schlegel Co. Canada Limited Oakville Humane Society Phone 515 L ost and In ju red An-imals H um anely T reated I have money available for first mortgage loans in the Oakville dis trict at 5 per cent. I also have money for preferred loans on completed houses at 4 % per cent. I f desired, the repay ments on these preferred loans can be arranged so that the same amount will be payable each month for five or more years in order to retire the loan at maturity. Enquir ies invited. W . N. ROBINSON, K.C. Davis Bldg. Oakville Ice Is Plentiful! E xecutive o f the Brotherhood o f M aintenance o f W ay Em ployees o f the Canadian P acific R ailw ay f o r the n ext three years is shown above follow in g their election at a m eeting at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec. The n ext general m eeting o f the organization w ill be held at Vancouver in A u gust, 1948. L eft to right, sitting: A . C. Mykle, W innipeg, assistant general ,, i,» j jr · - ttawa, secretary-treasurerj J. J. O'Grady, O ttaw a, vicean; and W . K. M cKee, W innipeg, vice general chairman. | _________ cwoioiicuit general chairm an fo r western lines; G. Cochran, London, assistant general chairm an f o r eastern lin es; R . Gauthier, St. Therese, Que., assistant general chairman fo r eastern lines. H E A D C .P.R. B R O T H E R H O O D : MONEY TO LOAN Ice is no longer rationed, your ICE SERVICEMAN will gladly supply you with all your need. HILLMERS Fuel & Ice Co. Dundas St. N. Phone 23 FOR SALE 8P IR E L L A FOUNDATIONS -- Corsets, brassieres, post operative belts, maternity garments. Made-tomeasure. For appointment phone 406. Mrs. Fred Carr, dressmaker,' Sixth Line Oakville. Ic45tf FO R SA L E -- R. C. A . V ictor Portable radio, B attery elctric, $45 170 Colborne St. Phone 762-M 50p27-29 FO R SA L E -- Cabbage plants. A . Skoog. Phone 198 50p28-30 FO R SA L E -- A r c w elders, 130, 180, 200 and 300 am peres, 60 cycle. Phone T oronto E L 5394 (collect) 55p28-29 FO R SA L E Strom berg-C arlson com bination radio and record play* er, table model. Phone 232. 25p29 F O R S A L E -- L arge quantities o f the follow in g : A ir line lubric ators, V alve grinding compound, Paper tow el dispensers, Liquid soap dispensers, Stencil brushes & ink, Cylindrical m etal cases, fo r maps or plans, Oil cans, Tin sm ith's Stalte 5 ft., Tinsm ith's stake, tapered, Rubberized gloves, Paint brushes, Soldering paste, Union M elt flux,20001bs, W raplock, Soapstone sticks, 1 asbestos Flam e p r o o f suit, W ooden toys, Sodium Fluoride, Potato dust 3 % D.D.T., W estinghouse electric stove, and other articles too num erous to mention. Can be seen at Ernie Graves, 6th Line, north o f Queen Elizabeth highway. 167p29 W ill contract to build house* any plan, on choice lot, south c o r ner o f W atson and Sumner A ve. Oakville. Phone C. G. Secord 190, Oakville. 62p28-30 LOST -- Fox terrier,, female, black and white, west of Oakville. FO R R E N T -- 7-room ed house Reward. Phone 528-J-3, Chief of 7 m iles north o f Oakville. Gordon Police Derry, or Provincial Con. Robinson, phone 98R21, Milton Green, Bronte. 83p29 25p29 TO L E T -- Boarding room fo r tw o. 21 Forsyth e St.. 25p29 FOR RENT Female Help Wanted H E LP W A N T E D F E M A L E -- A p plications fo r trained social worker will be received b y teh Children's Aid Society o f H alton, M ilton, Ontario, until A u g u st 30th. A p p lic ants are required to state qu alif ications, experience and salary ex pected. 691c29 WORK WANTED CLARK'S DRUGS Phone 248 Oakville W ANTED TO RENT ROOM W A N T E D -- Furnished room fo r w orkin g man. Phone 600 H O U SE S FO R SA L E -- Three days, 296-W nights. A sk fo r " M ac" new h. mes, now under construction 50p27-28-29 ready fo r occupancy about fir s t o f W A N T E D TO R E N T -- 5 acres October. National H ou sin g A ct Loans. A p p ly b y m ail only to D. or m ore p refera bly with building, M. Cahill, 11 Paradise Rd., H am w ith the option to purchase. H ave ilton. 631c29 equipm ent fo r w orkin g same. A p ply Box 187 R ecord-Star. 98p28-30 FO R SA L E -- 1V2 H. P. F airAPARTM ENT W ANTED -- banks-M orse H opper-cooled, gas engine. E. Van Camp, Base line & Banker and w ife, no children, fu r W AN TED Gardening and AN TED ) 7® f l y in g pullets, 6th. j>5p29 nished or unfurnished, sm all or job s, flo o rs Oeanpd, waxed a i ^ E i g h - b r e d s /o r Jtocks preferred, large. A p p ly B ox 193 Record-Star. polished. P. W heeler, phorie 1 Charles Ribble, R. R. 2, Hornby. FO R SA L E -- Lot 105 Gi^en35p29 .471-.J-22, 1 1.00lc29-31 oni-on 01 I _________________ 50c29 dover survey, and quantity o f use"<? W A N T E D -- Unfurnished ap lumber. Phone 126-J. 25p29 W A N T E D -- Lady from T oron artm ent o f fo u r room s, A u g u st 30 ale Help Wanted to wishes room and board fo r A u g. FO R SA LE -- Vacuum cleaner 'by Mrs. G. R. Balloch, 142 Dunust. B ox 192 R ecord-Star. 35c29 (H oover) no attachm ents, in good das 'St. Phone 1013-W . Young man, married or single, 33p29 W A N T E D -- R aspberry pick condition. Phone 430-J-3. 50p29-31 wanted to operate rotary paper W A N TE D TO RENT -- For ers, good clean patch. Phone 998R cutting or printing machine, steady FO R SA L E -- Seed Buckwheat, August. Lady from Toronto wishes Oakville. 501c29 Rape Seed, A lfa lfa and Pasture board and room in quiet home for job, good trade, no floaters. Apply Arrow Paper Products Limited, 8th W A N T E D -- Raspberry pickers M ixtures fo r sum m er seeding. W il August. Box 197 Record-Star or Mrs. J. Osborne, phone 114-J-2. liam Couse & Sons Lim ited, phone 745-M. 57p29 Line and Queen Elizabeth high way. 1.401c29 ___________________________ 25p29 Streetsville, phone 18-W. ROOM W A N T E D -- Furnished W A N T E D -- 1st m ortgage, with H E L P W A N T E D -- Y oun g man 1.001c29-30 room fo r w ork in g man. Phone 600 or H igh school student to answer privilege o f payin g it o ff. Good days, 296-W nights. A sk fo r FO R SA L E -- 39 Plym outh phone and do m inor bookkeeping investm ent. B ox 201 Record-Star. 25p29 coupe, Serial No. 9359651. A pp ly " M ac" . and look a fter shop. Contact Brown 35p29 W illiam Reid, 29 Stew art Street., URGENT -- W anted b y a E lectric, 5 to 7 p.m. W AN TED -- Dead horses and 501c29 East, . 25p29 responsible couple, three o r fou r Cattlo. For free pick-up phone M il H E LP W A N T E D M ALE -- A v ton 210 or Cooksville 105-M. We light housekeeping room s, no erage $45.00 w eekly fo r man or pay phone charges. Gordon Young F O R SA L E -- IVz H .P.760 cycle children. Reward. Phone 1052. woman to supply fam ous W atkins m otor, excellent condition. Phone ______________________________ 29p29 Products to custom ers in Oakville. Limited, phone AD. 3636 Toronto. 30. 251c29 W A N T E D TO R E N T -- Quiet Established business, no invest ________________________________ lc2-52 F O R S A L E -- Medium size young couple u rgently require fla t ment. Start now. W rite Dept. W AN TED Quebec heater and pipes, kitchen apartm ent or sm all house. B ox 199 0 C -0 -5 A , The J. R. W atkins ComA ll kinds o f live poultry. A b cabinet, steel bed-stead. Phone R ecord-Star. 1.05-29-31 pany, M ontreal 34, Quebec. lc28-30 solutely highest prices paid. We 157-W . 25p29 -W A N T E D -- To buy or rent call fo r them . G oose and duck FO R SA L E -- M otorcycle, 350 small cottage by middle aged feathers w anted, also old feath er LOST c. c. B. S. A . Phone 1054-W Oak couple, reasonable down payment, ticks. Phone Jas. T urner, Oakville W ould the person who picked up ville between 5.30 and 7 p.m. 25p29 excellent references. B ox 185 R ec980, or phone Stan. W ood , Bronte ord-Star.______________________ 39p29 brow n w allet on June 24th, keep 25r2, or w rite M oses Z ener, 402 FO R S A L E -- Com bination gas the m on ey and kindly send the D overcou rt Rd., T oron to. 38-1943 W A N T E D TO R E N T -- Tw o or w allet to Eileen Galbraith, 7 Maple and coal or w ood range, w ater fron t, three ovens, $25. Phone 586. three unfurnished room s. B ox 200 A ve. 41p29 50p29-31 25p29 R ecord-Star. "Three Generations of Decorators" FO R SA LE -- Child's la rg e size C. C. M. tricycle, like new. Phone 841 or 49 M aple Ave.________ 25p29 FO R SA L E -- E igh t sq. yds. o f new brow n battleship linoleum PAINTER $23.00; quantity o f snow fen cin g, $8.00; Philco radio, $15.00. A pp ly -- and -- B ox 195 R ecord-Star. 45p29 DECORATOR FO R SA L E -- One child's p la y FREE ESTIMATES pen. P erfect condition. Phone 493M 25p29 P IA N O T U N IN G -- H. Grenis, 18 years with Heintzm an & Co., 7 years up to 1943 with the late C. S. M acDonald, T oron to; now in a position to take care o f any pianos needing tuning, de-m othing or r e W A N T E D -- Girl as Clerk-typairs. H. Grenis, 239 Quebec Ave., pist, experience preferred, or one Toronto. Phone LYndhurst 7363. w illing to learn. Schlegel Co., Can 541c29 Orders m ay be left at Grinham's ada Ltd. Phone 808. B ook Shop, Phone 693. Ic5tf W A N T E D -- W om an fo r res Man and w ife desire position taurant w ork 10.00 a.m. to 7 p.m., as gardener, w ife do couple hours 5 days per week. $18.00 and meals. in house. Three year old daughter A pp ly B ox 198 R ecord-Star. 601c29 Phone 867-J-12. 62p27-29 WOMEN W AN TED W A N T E D -- H ousew ork b y the Adept at hand sewing, to learn day. 50c hr. B ox 194 Record-Star. lamp, shade, making.. Five-day 35p29 week, steady work. No part-time PO SITIO N W A N T E D -- Man or. temporary, workers, wanted. and w ife w ith 12 year old son w ant Richard Singer & Sons Ltd. w ork as gardener etc., and house Phone Oakville 412 w ife in exchange fo r living ac com m odation and reasonable w age Good refei'ences. R eply B ox F196 WANTED Record-Star. ^ ^ ^ S O lq g | BEEF PORK VEAL C. L. H A N E Y KING PAVING CO. LIMITED -- OAKVILLE, ONT. PHONE 694 FRESH MEATS - and POULTRY -- FISH -- VEGETABLES Phone 51-R-33 R. R. 3, Streetsville, Ont. HARRIS MAINTENANCE COMPANY Cement Sidewalks W indow Cleaning and Painting Roofs Tarred and Shingled Carpenter W ork Of All Kinds Rock W ool Insulation Interior Finishing FREE ESTIMATES Phone 2935 Port Credit 350cl9-22 Fresh Cooked Cured Meats FILL Christian Science SUPPLIED IN ANY QUANTITY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED We Make Deliveries Every Saturday FOR PHONE ORDERS OR MAIL ORDERS TO OAKVILLE Society of Oakville DUNDA8 & RANDAL STS. Sunday Morning 8ervica and Sunday School at 11 o'clock Sunday July 20, 1947 L IF E J. W. Robertson Meats 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE PHONE 302 MILTON - ONTARIO Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. (2nd and 4th Wednesday*) Including Testimonies of ' Healing through Christian Science You are cordially invited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room Open Tuesdays 3.30 to 5 p.m. where the Bible and all auth orized Christian Science liter ature may be read, borrowed or purchased, and periodicals subscribed for. Shore Protection Work A Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SEWERS and DRIVEW AYS, CONCRETE or ASPHALT PAVING. EXCAVATIONS, ETC. ALL TYPES OF EQUIPMENT FOR RENT.