Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 2

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Page 2 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Thursday, July 17th, 1947 C O U N C ILLO R S' F E E S R A IS E D T H R E E D O L L A R S Burlington -- Fees o f m em bers o f the Nelson Tow nship Council w ere increased from $5 to $8 p er day, plus m ilage, a t the Ju ly m eeting o f the council. The LEARN TO FLY PIPER CUB Oakville Record-Star Member Canadian W eekly Newspaper Association Authorized as second class mail, Post O ffice Department, Ottawa. The Oakville R ecord - Star is published every Thursday at 24 C olborne Street, O akville, Ontario, by The Oakville R ecord Lim ited. T he subscription price is $2.00 p er year in advance. A dditional postage on subscriptions mailed to foreig n addresses. SALES and SERVICE For information, call . . . 323 Evenings It Seems To Me b y P. W . Thom pson George Atkins - Manager T eleph on es: Office 16; G. Atkins' residence 901 A s W e See It Several m em bers o f the CBC are Com unists, according to a charge made in the H ouse o f Commons las£ week -by N orm an Jacques, a W estern Social Credit m em ber o f the House, w ho claim s to have p roofs o f his statement. He men tioned, ,am ong others, the names o f tw o w ell-know n radio com m ent ators, E lm ore Philpott and M at thew H alton. W hether o r not Mr. Jaques has actual p r o o f th at the men he accuses are allied with the Com m unist p a rty rem ains to be seen. But in the past there has been an altogeth er too common tendency fo r people to attach the Com munist label to speakers o f whose sentiments, th ey did not ap prove. T o be a Com munist a man must belong to an organization having the spread o f Communism as its objective. M erely to criticize the institutions of, capitalism o r to praise som e particular featu re o f Communism does not make a man a Communist. There are m any people w ho attack the abuses o f the ex istin g econom ic system who are v ery fa r from w anting Com m unism introduced into Canada, but th ey w ould like to see such evils as p overty and exploitation abolished. A p ologists fo r things as th ey are fin d it v ery convenient to brand such people as Commun ists. It seem s to invalidate their criticism s. A n d am ong those on the other side o f the fen ce there is a corresponding readiness to hurl the charge o f Fascism a t those who are n ot in fu ll agreem ent with their w a y o f thinking. It is so much easier to call a man names A m on g the m ore sign ifican t so 47tf cial developm ents o f recent years is the extension o f the practice o f taking a vacation in the summer. than to refute his argum ents. N ot lon g ago vacations w ere the O f course it m ay be that the alm ost exclusive privilege o f the Social Credit m em ber from the w ell-to-do people and the " w hitew est can prove his charges against the CBC mem bers. H e should collar" class o f w orkers. Now adays fa c to r y em ployees are g ettin g their either do so forth w ith or retract w eek o r tw o weeks holidays with them. pay -- som ething unheard o f a few years ago. Some m erchants shut M ORE P L A N E S up shop fo r a week or m ore while TO G U A R D F O R E STS It w ould be interesting to know th ey g o aw ay on holidays, which h ow much good Canadian timber is also w ithout precedent. W e even has been destroyed in fo r e st fires read the other day o f a holiday due to sheer carelessness, within resort fo r farm ers, w ho in the past the last fift y years or so. The total have been virtu ally strangers to would be staggerin g. H ardly a sum m er vacations. A vacation is year passes w ithout thousands o f com in g to be regarded as an ab n ecessity fo r everyone, acres o f bush in this province g o solute in g up in sm oke as the result o f w hich in a sense it is. some cam per fa ilin g to put out his fire, or som eone carelessly tos sing aw ay a cigarette butt onto the dry flo o r o f the forest. It is im possible to prevent this sort o f thing, unfortunately. N o m atter w hat appeals < f o r caution are broadcast, there are som e persons who w ill alw ays ignore them, and here and there the bush fires w ill spring up to burn down m ore o f this country's increasin gly valu able trees. But thanks t othe development o f the airplane, it is now becom ing easier to check the fires origin ating from such stupidity and care lessness. A ccord in g to a recent news item, the Ontario Provincial A ir Service proposes to purchase 25 or m ore bush a ircra ft o f the latest type to add to its present fle e t o f 30 planes. This enlarged fo rce should greatly facilitate the w ork o f the Service in com batting bush fires in this province. The new machines w ill be able to land on small lakes and take o f f from them with ease, thereby m aking it possible to rush firefig h ters to otherw ise inaccessible spots and check fires b efore th ey g et out o f control. The airplane has added trem endously to the effectiveness o f the fir e fig h te r 's w ork. W ere it not fo r this aid o f science, the flam es w ould take a much higher toll o f Canada's forests^, F irefi m ethods in the future m ay reacn such a high level o f efficien cy that this coun try' s annual tim ber loss m ay becom e alm ost negligible. This is one direction in which ou r society m ay be said to be im proving. A life devoted exclusively to w ork w ithout time fo r proper relaxation or a b rie f change o f environm ent is not a v ery satis fa c to r y sort o f life. F or a long time it was the on ly existence possible f o r large numbers o f peo ple. But now science is beginning to lift some o f the burden o f toil from m en's shoulders. The w ork day is being cu t down. W orkers g e t a day, or at least a h alf-day o f f a w eek, besides Sunday, and a week or tw o in summer. The benefits are obvious. Tim e o f one's ow n in which to do as one pleases is a very precious thing. And the modern w orld abounds w ith oppor tunities o f em ploying that tim e to advantage. M odern methods o f transportation make it possible fo r one to travel a lon g w a y in a day or so. P eople livin g in Canda get a chance to see som ething o f their country, or their province a t least, o r to make the aquaintance o f the g rea t and interesting coun try to KEN M ARLATT the south. This experience tends to PO LICE F O IL T R Y broaden their outlook, even i f a TO ROB F A C T O R Y little. B urlington -- A n attem pt to rob It may be that the vacation p rac the o ffic e o f the G lover Basket tice is only in its infancy. Some fa c to r y at Freem an w as frustrated day the w ork o f society m ay be by a resident o f the neighborhood come organized so e fficie n tly that who called the police. One o f the annual vacations m ay last tw o or office rs fired at the intruders, three months. Travel m ay become wounding one o f them in the ankle. so cheap and easy that vacationists The man w as taken to a H am ilton w ill be able to visit any part o f hospital but refused to supply the the world they wish. The cities o f police w ith in form ation about the Europe, the mountain fastnesses o f attem pted robbery. Asia, the rem ote isles o f the South P acific -- all m ay becom e as read ily accessible to the average Ont interesting. B y intelligent co-oper ario citizen as our own northland ation people m ay in tim e be able is^ today. L ife under such condi to attain such a large measure o f tions would be im m easurably m ore freedom to explore their world. t t t t L O R N E SCOTS B A N D W IN S F IR S T P R IZ E M ilton -- The L o m e Scots R e g im ental Band, conducted b y Band m aster A . P errott, w on fir s t prize in the band com petitions at W a ter loo M usic F estival. This is the second successive tim e since the end o f the w ar that the band has captured top honors. & S fU " N On Georgian Bay GO B y BUS FARES ARE LOW R ou n d Trip Tax In cluded x k T 0 R m m " E Parry Sound Penetang Wasaga Beach Meaford -- $10.05 -- 6.65 --6.15 -- 7.90 (S u bject to change) Tickets and information at Halton Inn OAKVILLE -- PHONE 600 i £ s t E c o n o m y M IN IST E R IN D U C TE D A T A C T O N CR U RC H A cton -- Rev. Louis P ickering was inducted as m inister o f A cton Un ited church recently. The cerem ony was conducted b y Rev. G. W . P or ter o f M ilton, chairm an o f the H alton P resbytery. STARCH FACTORY ST R IK E E N D S P ort Credit -- A strike o f em ploy ees o f the St. Law rence Starch Com pany, w hich has been in p ro gress fo r ten weeks, when m em bers o f local 178, United Chemical W orkers Union, agreed to accept a w age increase o f eig h t cents an hour. b e Y o u r G / / / u i d e INSIST ON CANADA'S UMBER S / I J Dr.Chase s Ointment for Chafing, Skin Irritations and Baby Eczema . ' SAFETY M ILEA G E PERFORMANCE Charles F. Doty & Son LUMBER and PLANING MILL SOLE AGENTS FOE VALUE W hen y o u need new tires d rive in a nd let us equip your car w ith F ireston es -- y o u w ill be g la d y o u did. Brantford Roofing -- Canada Cement Johns-Mansville Insulation Frost Steel and Wire Fencing Gypsum, Lime and Alabastine Products Dundas St. North, Oakville, North o f C. N. R. Phone 76 -- Nights 670 -- 558W ADRIAN Infants' and Children's wear up to 12 years W E SPECIALIZE IN HANDSMOCKED DRESSES AND ROMPERS Mail your order or see us 393 Jane St. TORONTO LY. 2223 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Now Located in the MASONIC HALL Church and Thomas Streets PROVED ON fflf SPUDW AY FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY i Rev. LeRoy Sargant, Pastor 10.30 -- Sunday School. 7. p.m. Service Special Music A Warm W elcome HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES COLBORNE STREET OAKVILLE

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