Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 4

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Page 4 N O W -------Y ou can en joy to the fu ll those delicious THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR Oak. Lions Club Bazaar Attracts Large Crowd ( Continued From P age 1) A dults and children swarm ed around the various booths, manned by mem bers o f the Club. N o less than fiv e thousand hot dogs were dispensed to hungry patrons by Phil Chambres and A l f W hitaker and their assistants. Tow ards the end o f the bazaar the buns ran out and the custom ers had to take their hot dogs on bread. Thousands o f dixie cups o f ice cream were consum ed, and innumerable bottles o f so ft drinks. Tw o bingo gam es in charge o f G eorge F letcher and Sid Fearm an, attracted patrons by the score. But perhaps the bigg est attrac tion o f all was the grand draw, made late Saturday night. W hile a huge crow d looked on th winning tickets w ere drawn by M iss Eileen H obbs, known to the public as Miss N orth Toronto, a sem i-finalist in the T oronto Police Games beauty contest. The charm ing lady was introduced to the adm iring throng by Lloyd H erridge, president o f the Club. W inner o f the fir s t prize, a 'Shetland pony, w as Miss Barbara Smith, Toronto. The winning num b e r w as 8964. Joseph Sandy, o f Clarkson, w on second prize, tw o G oodyear tires, 600x16, and L ife guards. Third prize, a kitchen ra dio, w ent to J. D. Stew art, O ak ville. W inners o f the other prizes w ere as fo lo w s: K ay Evershed, Oakville, bicycle; M. A . Litchfield, Oakville, band saw ; P atsy Izatt, Clarkson, bridge set; J. A . Dunn, Oakville, child's auto; Mrs. Riches, Oakville, fish in g rod and reel; Mrs. D. A . Smith, Oakville, pressure cooker; Mrs. C liff W ood, Oakville, Hudson Bay Blankets; Isobelle Johnson, Oakville, D isney doll; Special draw -- cooking w are set, N. Gill, O akville; electric fo o d m ix er, R eg. Smith, Oakville. F ollow in g the draw D r. E. P. Soanes, on beh alf o f the Lions, thanked the people fo r th6ir splen did patronage. The evening was brou gh t to a splendid conclusion by a m agn ificen t display o f fir e w orks, presented b y the courtesy o f the Dr. A . W . Chase Medicine Co. Ltd. SU NSHIN E A C C O U N T IS A PA SSPO R T TO BE TTE R V A C A T IO N S D eposit One-Twelth O f H oliday M oney E v ery Month The people who en joy vacations m ost are those who prepare fo r them in advance -- in fact, as soon as they g et back from their previous holidays. This sounds com plicated. It isn't, though. The p ro o f is that quite a few people do it. Th ey find that year round planning saves skim p ing on vacation fun. These folks begin by deciding how much they can a fford to spend next holiday time. Then, they open " Sunshine A ccou n ts" in the Bank o f M ontreal and each month save one-twelth o f their holiday money, m aking deposits eviery week or every fortn igh t according to their pay-day. The m oney set aside usually doesn't amount to enough to stint them in other w ays. Then, when vacations start, th ey're the ones who really relax . . . w ithout fin ancial cares. Miss Crosbie, local B o f M tel ler, urges everyone w ho thinks he deserves a good holiday next year to remember that the sooner a " Sunshine A ccou n t" is begun, the more it pays o f f ! Ic29 Thursday, July 17th, 1947 DEVON DAIRY Ice Cream Products BR ICK S -- in flavou rs o f van illa, F resh F ruit, Three F la v ours, Chocolate Special 26c each T A K E H O M E SU N D A E S -- In assorted fla vou rs -- Choc olate, Pineapple, Butterscotch, Straw berry .................. 10c each B U L K -- Vanilla.. in pint car tons .................................. 30c each FO R THE K ID D IE S -- Cones, Pies and Popsicles T hanks a M illion! The Lions Club wishes to thank the people of Oakville and district who turned out in such large numbers on both nights of their carnival. Through their generosity in patronizing this ev ent, the Lions will be able to continue to carry on their service wT ork in the community. A special thanks to The Dr. A. W . Chase Medicine Co., Ltd. for their generous donation o f the fireworks display, and to all others who assisted in any way. Again -- " Thanks A Million" -- and don't forget to reserve the second Friday and Satur day o f July 1948, when we'll be back again with a " Bigger and Better" Carnival. CLARK'S DRUG STORE Opp. H alton Inn Phone 248 The Lions Club of Oakville LLOYD HERRIDGE, President AB MORDEN, Carnival Chairman Classified Business Directory ACCOUNTANTS Electrical MEDICAL Ware and Patterson GENERAL M O R TG A G E A N D Auditors & Industrial Accountants H O U SIN G C O R PO R A TIO N TORONTO O AK VILLE W artim e H ousing Lim ited Division Telephones: 159 B ay Street, Toronto EL. 9319 - Oakville 662 Toronto, Ontario. TE N D E R S -- 38 H O U SE S O A K V IL L E p49-49-1947 BROW N ELECTRIC GORD BROWN Dr. Maurice E. Lunau PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hour A ftern oon 1.30-4-00 Evening 7.00-8.30 or by appointment PHONE 500 Church and Thomas Sts. Industrial, Commercial, Domestic Electrical Service PHONE 1059 OAKVILLE lcl4 tf WIRING COMMERCIAL INSTALLATION Sealed tenders, addressed to the undersigned, fo r the construction OAKVILLE o f 38 houses in Oakville, Ont., by General Contract, to known as our Telephones: Oakville 318 WAverley 8425. Oakville P roject No. 2, w ill be re 4.201c9-20 ceived up to 5.00 p.m . -- M O N D A Y , J u ly James M. Dunwoody Chartered Accountant Dr. D. H. DIXON M.D., C.M. 78 Dundas St. North (The former practise site o f Dr. 0. M. Oake) Telephone 101 for Appointment O FFIC E H O U R S : 1 to 3321etf 7 to 8. BRAY ELECTRIC Refrigeration Commercial Domestic 47tf 28, 1947 Contractors and Carpentry w G U S RREGER total tender. The cheque o f the, successful bidder w ill be held until V*J||P?NE OAK/VILLE 208-J-4 the com pletion o f the contract. X ' } p l8 -1 8 -'48 FO R IM M A C U LA TE A R M S A N D L E G S A n y tender not accom panied by a security deposit as described will not be considered. . The C orporation does not bind tself to accept the low est o r any tender. P. S. Secord, R egional Supervisor, O N T A R IO RE G IO N lc29 Decorating and Painting Plans, specifications and tender SH AW BROTH ERS form s etc. may be obtained on ap Builders and Contractors plication to the Regional Construc W e solicit your w ork and tion Superintendent, at the above guarantee satisfaction. referenced address. A deposit o f Phone 138 Ten D ollars ($10.00) w ill be Oakville charged f o r the necessary docu P.O. Box 391 P 52-'47 ments coverin g this tender, which will be refunded on return o f doc uments or award o f contract. - CARPENTER W O RK and REPAIRS Tenders m ust be accom panied by certified cheque or Dom inion o f Kitchens altered and modernized FR E E E S T IM A T E S Canada Bonds equal to 5 % o f the Phone 170 - Streetsville OAKVILLE ELECTRIC Industrial & Domestic W iring o f All Kinds Phone 524 ____________________________ lc37tf PHYSICIAN & SURGEON (Late Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps) Practicing with DR. J. H. STEAD Office Hours: 3-5 - 7.8 Other time b y appointment O ffice: 161 Colborne St. Phone 29 Home 480-J F. N. SPARLING, M.D. ELECTRIC WELDING No Job Too Large No Job Too Small PO RTAB LE EQUIPM ENT Dr. D. S. KOBER P H Y S IC IA N 13 W ilson St. Telephone 172-J H ou rs: 2 to 5.30 p.m. Other times b y appointm ent only t J. P. KOLLEE PALERMO Phone Bronte 25 r 21 p49-1947 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE J. E. HAYS Painter & Decorator F RE E E S T IM A T E S 43 Maple Avenue BILL ANDERSON R A D IO A P P L IA N C E S Quick Service on all Makes W . S. DAVIS & SONS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE D A V I S B U I L D I N G OAKVTLLE Telephone 41 Sleek is the Elizabeth Arden an sw e r to all o ld - ' fashioned w a ys of dispatching unwanted hair. First, it's Phone 1159-R cl8tf Phone 521-M (O pposite Bi-ewer's R etail Store) 2 8 -lc-tf LEGAL an exquisite, sweet-scented cream you'll love to use. Seco n d , it gives you perfectly sleek arms and legs in MASTER-- CRAFT Painters and Decorators INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Paperhanging Specialists Wallpaper Samples LLOYD G. MASON T. S. H. GILES REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 139 Colborne Street East Oakville Phone 532 19 Melinda Street Toronto Adelaide 2761 Evenings - Oakville 712 a few minutes. Simply smooth it on -- relax for 10 to 15 minutes -- remove with warm w ater and then rub on Elizabeth Arden Hand-O-Tonik. : . V sle e k , WHEN ADVERTISING Try The Columns o f the Oakville Record-Star! W . N. ROBINSON, K.C. .85 and H A N D -O -T O N IK , 1.25 1.25 a n d 2.25 Phone 1112-J A. MacLENNAN Painter and Decorator INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Starting in business 2402 ^ BYERS' DRUG C O M P A N Y | Dispensary 1030 YOURCHILDREN are your buiinew, 2 Kerr,St. Phone 373 lcietf BARRISTER -- SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Solicitor for the Town of Oakville. Donald J. C. Hossack OFFICE : DAVIS BUILDING Autom obile, Fire, Casualty, over Canadian Bank of Commerce L ife Insurance Telephone: Office 15; Res. 275 Toronto, 36 T oron to St., A D . 1011 Money to loan on mortgage Oak., 5 W illiam St., phone 1050 security c l8 t f ANGUS McMILLAN B A RRISTER - SOLICITOR N O TAR Y PUBLIC Office -- 139 Colborne St., E., Oakville Telephones -- Office 532 : Residence 837 Residence -- 126 Dundas St., Cor. Spruce MISCELLANEOUS DENTISTRY H. W . BOORER AT YOUR SERVICE Oakville Window Cleaning oo. Hardwood Floors Cleaned and Polished P rotect your fru it crop B Y S P R A Y IN G N O W Our m ethod is m odern, Thorough and Inexpensive F o r free estim ate call R. W . Back 108 K err St. Phone 107'4-J _____________ Oakville______________ Phone 47 Dr. A . Lloyd Lunau DENTIST O ffice Corner o f Thomas & Chureh Streets EMPIRE GARDEN TRACTORS . . . I can help you to in su re th e ir h igh er education b y means o f a Confederation Life Policy to mature at their college age. I represent Confedera tion Life Association, which has policies es pecially designed for this purpose. W hy not invite me to talk this matter over with you ? Phone 1102 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Evenings by appointment -- lc29tf HEDDLE & RYRIE DUNBAR M. HEDDLE ROSS R Y RIE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public Office: Colborne Street Telephone: Oakville 65 Dunbar M. Heddle, Res.: 701 ·R oss R yrie, Res. Clarkson 111.. OPTOM ETRY DR. S. H. BOYD DENTIST SI itfilliam St. Oakville Dr. W . A . Campbell Resident V eterinarian T ra fa lg a r Farm s Lim ited num ber o f private calls Ecccptcd Ph. 390-W O ffice 16 H erald A ve. H ou rs: 12.30 - 1.30. 6 - 7.30 ___________ p20-20-'48 Telephone 25 Dr. C. Lloyd-Jones DENTIST Office Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4 (And by special appointment) Phone 88 Office in Residence - Corner Park Ave. and Colborne Street East lc2tf OSTEOPATH Haughton C. Laird Optometrist - Optician O ffice in residence - 173 Colborne St. Gordon Bartholomew F IR E W O O D , PO STS, SA N D , GRAVEL L ow er M iddle Road P H O N E 342-W -13 _______________________ 12.00p21-'48 \ y2 H.P. - 3 H.P. - 6 H.P. from $175 up. ! Phone 1117 Eyes Examined - Lenses Prescribed 40 t f Telephone Port Credit 2768 Ideal for market gardening, fruit farming, gen eral farm purposes, estates, parks, etc. They are designed so that they are adaptable for plowing, discing, sickle bar mowing, hauling, snow plowing, as well as a stationary engine for driving saws, grinders, pumps, etc. Try Oakville Refinishers Specialists in F U R N IT U R E R E F IN IS H IN G R E P A IR S and U PH O L ST B R IN G Before you insure, consult G. D. M0RDAUNT Queen Elizabeth Highway at 6th Line Phone 66, Oakville Confederation Life I Association HEAD OFFICE TORONTO LAKESHORE O ST E O P A T H 21 Division Street FLOOR FINISHERS A n y evening by appointment. New Floors Laid and Finished W ed. afternoons, all day Saturday Old floors refinished - our specialty and Sunday. P.O. Box 69. 8 Oakwood Ave., S. PHONE 826 papr5|47 PORT CREDIT lO tf Oakville Plumbing & Heating D. CARR, Prop. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CONTRACTS and CARLTON GREEN Phone 893-w 27 CH ISH OLM SO U TH ________ 121ctf ALBERT C. FALL PIANO TUNER Formerly o f Nordheimer firm , Tor onto, has open dates for piano tun ing in Oakville. Arrangements can be made by w riting --69 Westminster Avenue, Toronto Phone Toronto LL. 3577 Reconditioned pianos for sale Plumbing & Heating -- and -- L. L. THIRSTON District Organizer -- Bronte 88 Church St. - Tel 383w Sheetmetal W ork C liff Hawes & Son Phone 203W

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