24 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday March 4, 2006 T he O a k v il l e B eaver is p l e a s e d t o r e c o g n iz e I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n 's D ay -- T' T h e e m p l o y e e s o f t h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r IN T R O D U C E T H E LE A D E R S O F T O M O R R O W , O U R D A U G H T E R S . T H R O U G H T H IS Y E A R 'S T H E M E ! THE RIGHT TO BE ME! N ic o l e R a e D o r s e y Graduating in 2004 with a 94.7 average, top honours and the coveted Governor peneral's Award for Academic Excellence, Nicole entered Ryerson.'s Image Arts program where only 3% of applicants are "accepted.'Wicole remains at the top of her classes, as well as being the host of Ryerson's Vagina Monologues, working oa I Canadian film set and planning to work abroad this summer. N a t a l ie O l iv e r Natalie is a busy 15 year old, grade 10 student. She juggles a hectic Schedule of sports (basketball & Volleyball), school work, community Service projects, babysitting, and social life. Natalie has a passion for travelling, and is currently studying both French and Spanish. Her career interests include media, journalism and event management. H aley M o n ta g u e At 5 years old, Haley has already demonstrated that she is a born leader, able to stand on her own two feet! Active in soccer, dance, gymnastics and skating up a storm- watch out world, fiere comes Hurricane Haley! Kyaw ee R o w ley Kyawee Rowley- Like her mom, Kyawee works in the newspaper industry for our sister publication The Milton Champion. Kyawee graduated from Sheridan College with a Social Worker Diploma and is currently furthering her studies to receive her degree.'Her hobbies include garden ing, working out and snowboarding D e n is e T a v a r e s A graduate of University of Western Ontario with a BA in Business Administration, Denise alances life as the mother of busy 4 year old Frank and managing a web development business. She enjoys playing squash and skating. S har o n Harm sw o rth Sharon holds a Masters degree in Political Science from McMaster University and has tier HR Management denomina tion. Now a stay at home mom to Julia and Natalie, Sharon is heading to California with her family. B r ia n n a B a ir d A straight "A" student with a knack for tackling big time projects on her own, Brianna also plays the piano and loves to play hockey. Definitely a rising star! D a n ic a B a ir © Graduating from grade 8 this year, IfDanica has maintained an "A" averj age throughout elementary school. [ An accomplished musician, playing saxophone in her school's gold medal j winning jazz band, Danica also plays piano. She is also an impressive hockey player with a quarterback's | arm. This girl is headed to the top! C rystal C a ffr e y Recently celebrating her 16th birthday, Crystal has been dancing up a storm for 10 years. A great student, Crystal is hard working and enjoys scrapbook ing, shopping and spending time with her friends. J o s e p h in e A t t w e l l Josephine Attwell is a six month old Oakville resident. While she has not yet finalized her career path, she is consid ering becoming a high school guidance counsellor and part time microbiolo gist, a ballet dancing astronaut, or a stay-at-home mom with a penchant for snowboarding. Regardless of which ipath she takes, she is delighted to live in a time and place where the options are endless. P a ig e B l a ik An energetic young gal, 9 year old Paige enjoys horseback riding, hockey, swimming and dancing. A great helper at home, Paige also enjoys time with her friends. Patti H all Currently living in Vancouver, Patti spentjnany years working in the brokerage business downtown. Patti enjoys boating, camping and mountain treks. M ic h e l e W e l c h Mom to a beautiful 3 year old son and 14 year old step-son who takes pride in her family, Michele currently works In Downtown Toronto and enjoys lamping with tier family. D a n ie l l e W e l c h k g J S ft Danielle worked at the newspaper industry while m k acquiring her BA in Psychology from Wilfred Laurier University. I M s h e is currently a marketing and communication specialist. She is Hkmarried and mom to 3 cats. iw p l M ic h e l l e C h a r t r a n d After receiving her Honors BA in Sociology and Criminology, Michelle switched fields to complete schooling as a legal assistant. She is currently work ing in the legal field for a Toronto Law firm. She lives in Oakville with her 2 cats. J e n n if e r T a t a r e n I 13 year old Jennifer is an outgoing, natural leader. She is active in karate and football. J e s s ic a T a t a r e n H H very creative spirit, 5 year old Jessica, loves , jB'-painting antique furniture and has a great photographic eye. A M ic h e l l e D y c A graduate of Sheridan's E.C.E. program, Michelle is working with the YMCA childcare services. She enjoys sketching and music. f ^ J e n n if e r D o d o r ic o A recent graduate, Amy will be attending the millennia Institute of Aestheitics in September. Currently juggling 3 part time jobs, Ambitious Amy enjoys animals and music. Currently completing her Masters of Psychology at Cambridge University in England, Jennifer graduated with honours from Western University. She is a sweet, caring young lady who | has volunteered with many non-profit Oakville organizations. M ic h e lle M e lo j H S £ Q 10-year old Michelle will be ^ graduating from grade 5 in the L ^ J B iS p rin g . She loves bowling, f t p | :;j§#swimming and riding her j £ | bike. No stranger to the press, K B - M i c h e l l e has modeled for City Parent Magazine and enjoyed it V i c t o r ia J o h n s t o n e A grade 10, honours student, Victoria is also a competitive figure skater and studies music. Hard working and dedicated, Victoria also has great organizational skills - all the traits of a great leader! 3wm very much- J a s m in e H a r m in i Jasmine is an outgoing and ambitious 5th grader. She likes play piano, listen to music and chatting on MSN with her friends. She likes current fashion trends, adding her own punk edge. H ayley B la c k b u r n Three-year-old Hayley has an n outgoing, adventurous spirit and H lik e s books, languages, animals, I I ; f S l B sports,.drama and dance. A t - ^ . f H ieader in the making, Hayley is anxious to "graduate" pre-school T ' and head to Junior Kindergarten. B r it t a n y B e k ia r is Brittany is a vivacious, creative and very social young woman who loves spending time communicating with her friends. She is planning to pursue a career in film. J il l ia n B e k ia r is At six years old, Jillian has a wonderful sense of humour. She is artistic and fun loving and has already decided that she will be wealthy one day!