|OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, October 13, 2016 |10 I'm inviting everyone over. JEAN PRESTON, AT C H A R TW ELL SINCE 2012. If y o u 're lik e J e a n , y o u n e v e r m is s an o p p o r t u n it y to g e t to g e t h e r w ith fr ie n d s a n d h a v e fu n . T h a t's w h y y o u 're all in v ite d to o u r w e e k ly O p e n H o u s e . J o in us a n d le a rn w h y o u r re s id e n ts fe e l so a t h o m e a t C h a rtw e ll. CHARTWELL.COM www.insideHALTON.com MoeThiyagarajah (left), owner of Mo's Family Restaurant on Speers Road, shakes hands with Gary O'Neill, executive director of the Kerr Street Mission (KSM) outside the restaurant where lineups formed awaiting the start of the Kerr Street Mission Thanksgiving Dinner. Thiyagarajah served free turkey dinners to clients of KSM on Thanksgiving Monday - a good deed that has become a tradition forThiyagarajah and his restaurant. | Thomas Surian photo % BRITISH GROCER % Now Open! O a k v ille 's only B ritish store The biggest & BEST selection of all your favorite British products and hand made, award winning butchery & bakery items in store! B iggest selection and cheapest p rices Heinz beans Jacob's Cream Crackers $ 2 *9 J CHARTW 6II Huge r f l ^ e ° f Christm as'stock arriving soon! ^ OAKVILLE re tire m e n t residence Like us on Facebook! facebook.com/britishgrocer I Opening Week Prize Draw to win a huge hamper of goodies Seniors Day! 10% D IS C O U N T EVERY M O N D A Y if you are over 60! Make us part of you r story. 180 O a k P a rk B lvd ., O a k v ille 2 8 9 -6 4 4 -2 9 6 0 Conditions may apply. 5 Like Monday to Saturday 10am- 5:30pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm · (905) 845 2748 259 Lakeshore Road East (Opposite the Church), Oakville, ON L6J 1H9 www.britishgrocer.net