CLARKSON COMMENTARY Visitors From Argentina Bring Homeland On Film Mr. and Mrs. Russell Christian, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davis of On Saturday last, Miss Ronnie Walinsky of Toronto became the bride of Mr. John Easson, of Clark son Rd., Clarkson, at a pretty cere mony at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Erindale. THE JOURNAL. Oakrttl*-Trafalgar, Centennial Is®u«, Jtm# 27, J807 from Buenos Aires, Argentine, are Montreal were very welcome on a visit tour of Canada and the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. United States, and are, at present, guests of their son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Christian of Marigold Crescent, Clarkson. Mr. Christian Sr. has brought along some very interesting films deal ing with customs and scenery of the Argentine. Any group wishing to learn about that country, please contact Mr. Christian at 46 Mari gold Crescent, Clarkson. B. N. Robinson, Christopher Rd., Fairfields, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are Mrs. Robinson's parents. Miss Isabelle Speir, the newly appointed Minister's Assistant at Christ Church, Clarkson, will be introduced to the congregation at the 10:00 a.m. service on July 7th, and will take up her duties short ly after that date. Baptismal Service Mr. Arthur Christian, Marigold The Sacrament of Baptism will Crescent, has just returned from be celebrated at Christ Church on the Lutheran Church Conference Sunday morning next, June 30th. which was held in Chicago. On Sunday, June 23rd, Barry Mrs. Roy Gerhardt and family, Bainbridge celebrated his 11th spent the weekend with Mrs. Mun- birthday by a picnic party at the dy of Port Credit. beautiful farm of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan of Caledon East. Don't forget the garden tour on Among the twenty three guests, of June 29th, June 30th, and July assorted ages, were Dr. and Mrs. 1st. This will be your chance to Wm. Friend, formerly of Porcu see some of the beautiful gardens pine Ave., Clarkson, and their two in our area, and also to help the little sons, Billy and baby John, Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos who will be a year old in Sep pital. tember. Mrs. Colbear and family enjoyed a week's vacation at their summer Christ Church will hold morning home in Haliburton last week. worship at 10:00 a.m. during July and August. This has been arran Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Richards and ged at the wish of the congrega family of Bickford Drive spent the tion. past weekend with Mrs. Richard's parents in London, Ont. Meet Neighbors Mrs. Nellie Low, of Fairfields Mrs. Lillian Foster, news re held an informal tea at her home porter for The Telegram, was the on Tuesday afternoon last, when lucky recipient of the charming she invited several of her friends bowl presented by Mrs. J. A. in to meet her new neighbours, Hearn, of Clarkson, at the Banquet Mrs. King. Mr. and Mrs. Harold of the East Toronto Business Wo King and three children have just men's Club held at Walker House moved here from Montreal, and recently. we are pleased to welcome them All groups of the Women's Fel into this community. lowship of Christ Church have now finished their activities for the The Jalna Group held their last season, and new groups will be meeting for the season at the home formed for the 1957-58 term. All of Mrs. Etta Bodley last week. The ladies will be notified of their meeting took the form of a social groups in due course. ^ evening. Ray, Jean and Harry Gerhardt of All four little Cavan children, Clarkson Rd., Mr. Beb Small, Bill Jamie, Larry, Tommy and Ellen, Izatt and Herb Neely, all spent are confined to the house with a the past weekend together at severe attack of bronchitis. Dorset, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Reichelt, of To Miss Fanny Allingham, of To ronto, were guests over the week ronto, spent a day last week with end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. May Gerhardt, Clarkson Rd. Gooderham, Springbank Rd., Clark North. son. CAN'T BEAT gas H E A T Volunteers are still required to assist Miss Spiers at the Vacation School, for the last week in July and the first week in August. If you can help, please phone Mrs. The flowers in Christ Church M. Brooks, TA. 2-0605: last Sunday, were placed there by Around The Schools District Field day will be held courtesy of St. Lawrence Cement Company, whose plant the Minis on Wednesday, 26th of June, and the following Schools will be tak ter, Rev. Robert Oliver, B.A., D.D., ing part: Whiteoaks, Owenwood, dedicated at their Opening Cere Tecumseh, Lorne Park, Clarkson, monies on June 12th. and Hill Crest. Vacation Time On Tuesday last, June 25th, the Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerhardt are graduating class of Whiteoaks leaving this week for a short School, consisting of about twentyvacation at the summer cottage of six pupils, attended a banquet at Mr. Fred Bond, at Clearwater, the Towne Coffee Shop, Oakville, Hawkestone, Ont. followed by a visit to the theatre. · ^ Mrs. Olga Appleby has returned Mr. and Mrs. G. Hackett were their from her honeymoon, and is once guests. Mr. Hackett is School In again fulfilling her duties on the spector for South Peel. Mrs. Shad staff of the St. Lawrence Com dock represented the Home and pany's secretarial staff, at Clark School Association on this occa sion, which was sponsored by the son. parents of the graduating class. Mrs. Margaret Timmins, a secre Miss Hill, teacher of Grade Five, tary on the St. Lawrence staff, has left for a vacation in Nova represented Whiteoaks at the teachers dinner last week. Scotia. Next week the staff of White Mr. and Mrs. A. Coxhead, of Christopher Rd., Fairfields,* have oaks School will be holding a just returned from Montreal, Dinner Party at the Rockway Mo where Mr. Coxhead, who is a mem tel, when a presentation will be ber of the American Electroplaters made to Mrs. McPheeters who will Society, has been attending a Con be retiring this year. The Board of Education will be represented vention. b£ Mrs. Alan Van Every, Chair Nursery School, and Sunday man of the Board, who will make School, also choir activities, have the presentation. now ceased for the summer, but On Thursday next, the staff of it is the hope of the Minister of Christ Church, that parents will Whiteoaks School are holding a Pot bring their children with them to Luck Luncheon Party at noon, for two members of the staff who are church. to be married. Miss Law, will be Christ Church were happy to be married in a few weeks time, but able to provide a rendezvous for Miss Elliott is leaving for a trip the Principal with some members to her homeland, Ireland, at the of the Staff of Emmanuel College, close of the term, and will be and also Rev. G. W. Boyce, B.A., married on her return in the Fall. B.D., S.T.M. who brought the mes Miss Spier and Miss McNeil en sage. Mr. Boyce comes from Kildonan United Church in Winnipeg. tertained at a shower at their home on the Mississauga Rd., last The anthem " My Shepherd," was week for the following teachers: very delightfully sung at Christ Miss Elliott, Miss Prokop and Miss Church last Sunday morning, by Whale, who are being married the mixed quartette comprising: soon. Thirty-five members of the Mrs. Ray Lindsay, Mrs. Marjorie staffs of local schools attended this Homewood, Mr. Ernest Homewood shower, and all three `brides to be' were presented with Junior and Mr. Calvin Lightfoot. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taggart, of Mixers, and Good Housekeeping Springwell Rd., spent last Sunday Cook Books. This augers well for at Woodstock, when Mrs. Taggart's the future husbands! brother, Mr. Paul Vale, was orScout Papers dainW to the Priesthood by the Miss Caine, of Pines Rest Home, Bishop of London, Ont., Bishop Cody. Mis Vale received his train Mrs. and Miss Beaver, anfl Mrs. ing at the Redemptorist Seminary May Gerhardt, all spent Saturday at Woodstock. Next Sunday he will at Singing Waters, Hockley Valley, celebrate his first Mass at the Holy Ont., attending the opening of a Prayer Centre for Missionary and Faiftily Church in Toronto. Christian Organizations. Cottagers It's time to start tying up that Mr. and Mrs. T. Lightfoot, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Don MacMillan, and paper now, ready for the Scout Mr. and Mrs. Bill West, all of Paper Drive in July. The whole Clarkson, spent the weekend at the of the Clarkson area will be cover cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Glen ed again, and the exact date will Grice, Pine Needles Point. Thanks be in this column next week. are due to all the Grandparents who did a noble job of baby sitting in 90 degrees temperatures, while their young folk enjoyed a refresh ing weekend! THE ONE WITH THE BEARD IS THE PRINCIPAL When this picture of Oakville's high school population was taken, away back in 1893, two rooms in old Central School were all that were required to accommodate the older lads and lasses who sought secondary education. The bearded gentleman at the left is Principal N. J. Wellwood, who was assisted by Dr. Charles Lusk, for whom St. John's church hall is named. Dr. Lusk, a kindly physician who very often forgot to send bills to fami lies in less fortunate circumstances somehow found time to teach Eng lish. Identities of the students in the above group is known in some cases--but this newspaper dis creetly permits identification to become a guessing game for senior citizens, as some feminine mem bers of the class may be reluctant to have their school days precisely dated. Your Prescriptions compounded with PRECISION b y EXPERTS bring your prescriptions to Mrs. Vera Currie is also back from the Oakville-Trafalgar Me morial Hospital, where she under went an operation some weeks ago. David Bates, son of the Principal of Whiteoaks School, is home again from the Oakville Hospital, where he underwent a tonsillec tomy. Attention all Clarkson Guides and Brownies All Brownies and Guides are asked to remember to save all clean six and eleven quart bas kets. When you have collected two dozen or more, please contact Mrs. Stewart, Christopher Rd., Clark son, or Mrs. O. Bye, Clarkson Rd. South, Clarkson. Special Course For Bush Fire Fighters Given TRAFALGAR DRUGS LTD. " THE BIG DRUG STORE W IT H TH E F R IE N D LY F A M IL Y SERVICE" A Final Thought A Precious Memory PORT ARTHUR, Ont., (CP) -- Two special fire-fighting courses are being held this summer in Northern Ontario, for men who have to battle forest fires. The first, at St, Lawrence Corpo ration's Camp 17, nine miles east of Beardmore, will run' from July 15 to 18. The second, at the Forest Ranger School in Dorset, runs from July 22 to July 25. Since 1953, fire schools sponsor ed jointly by the Ontario Forest Industries Association and the On tario Department of Land and For ests have been held during July throughout the province. The courses are designed to standardize training in forest fire fighting between the provincial de partment and the wood industries. They are mainly for those who may be called on to organize crews of conscripted fiie-fighters, but also provide grounds for testing new equipment and new methods. OLD SAILOR Captain James Andrew, builder of the first Canada's Cup winner in his Oakville shipyard, moved his family into a home at 5 Wil liam Street in 1891. HARVEY PEARLSTON Phm.B., former Chief Phar macist at the New Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. T o w n s p e o p le D ress I n C o s tu m e s o f 1 8 4 S F o r C h u rc h C e re m o n y FRED S. STOLL, Phm.B., Gold Medal list of his graduating yiear at Faculty of Pharmacy University of Toronto. "Accuracy, Dependability, Purity plus Prompt Service is our unwavering policy" . " WE TREAT THE SI CK W E L L " Lest We Forget Every remembered word, every small kindness, every thoughtful act that you recall of your loved ones, helps to keep you from loneliness. As symbols of loved qualities, they speak to you over and over . . . help you to renewed strength . . . fortify your faith . . . and bring you peace. W hen you purchase a memorial from us you are assured of quality as well as a reasonable price. W e employ the most modern methods to enable us to offer memorials as reasonably as possible without sacrifice of quality. Manufacturers and Designers of the Finest Monuments Available Anywhere. C EM ETERY LETTERING This is how the great-greatgreat - grandmother dressed at the consecration of Trinity church at Mooretown, Ont., in 1845, and it's atoo the way the townspeople will appear at the re-consecration ceremonies of June 23. Mrs. Shirley Glass of Courtright will have dozens of companions modelling the 1845 fashions and their escorts will wear plug hats, stiff collar* and long waistcoats. COMPLETE SICK ROOM NEEDS DEPARTMENT. BA B Y SCALES and STEAM VAPORIZERS RENTED. · 2 REGISTERED PHARMACISTS TO SERVE YOU Trafalgar Drugs is staffed by two registered pharmacists of vast experience who are possessed of a complete aware ness of their great responsibility in carrying out your doctor's orders. Exactness without variation is a law at T ra fa l gar Drugs. " FAST, FREE DELIVERY SERVICE" W e will pick up your prescription at your house and deliver the medicine to you. There is absolutely no extra charge for this service -- Just Phone VI. 5-1101 Phone VI. 5-1101 CLARKSON BRONTE TO WE SALUTE YOU OAKVILLE ON THE OCCASION OF YOUR 100th BIRTHDAY ! Designs on Request For Information Call M R . M cKELLAR VI. 4-6243 OAKVI LLE MONUMENT WORKS 90 Colborne St. West Oakville Colborne SI. W. next to A&P Store / » SERVICING THE OA K VILLE / - TRAFALGAR DRUGS LTD. OAKVILLE AREA TRAFALGAR FROM