20 Oakville Beaver Weekend Sunday, May 21, 2000 CAJiLAN LET'S DANCE an introduction to Foxtrot at Kinsmen Pine Room T~X . - * -»v r · r A 1 P r a c t i c e s ( J i e IY fa r t i a { " A m ? O ur m artial arts Sum m er Camp giues Kids: · M o re Confidence · M o re Self-Esteem · Increased Discipline · A Positive, W inning Attitude Full D ay Cam ps with instructor G eorge McDonald SPG8VS lifl ill i I (Oakville Arena) 133 Rebecca Street (Near Kerr) · Powerskating and Hockey Skills · High Performance Hockey Camps · Girls Hockey Camp Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Starting May 30th $5.00 per couple per night For Info contact: Bob & Betty Beck Toll Free: 1-877-243-9073 e-mail: bettvtop@ aol.com M O V IES ! Field Trips! Swimming! Educational! FUN! Drop off your children on the i way to work and pick them up I on the way home. S p a c e U !·» ·*» *« < * C o ll to d a y * Goalie Cam p Excellent V A LU E July - August 7 :3 0 a m - 6 :0 0 p m Y o u th Sum m er 3 on 3 League Girls Cam p with £ Oriental Martial Arts College t "W orld Renow ned Institution o f Martial Arts * M on. to Fri. with Chris Madden of the Carolina Hurricanes luly 24-28 Team Canada's Cheryl Pounder July 21-25 3495 Laird Road, Unit 22, Mississauga ONLY 828-0633 $140/week CALL TO REG ISTER 9 0 5 8 4 5 -6 9 8 9 M cM aste r University D e partm ent o f A thletics and R ecreation (905) 525-9140 ext. 24464 Summer Camps M ini-University Sport Fitness Camp B o y s' Basketball G irls' Basketball Football Swim m ing Volleyball ^a m p F o r k id s s ix y e a rs a n d u p w ith a r tis ts O _ L ittle Scholar Day Camps 257-2753 Riveroak 849-3878 East Oakville Allycia and Peter Uccello S c u lp tu re , p a in tin g , d ra w in g, c ra fts a n d science in a v a rie ty o f m a te ria ls a re e x p lo re d to c re a te a r t w o r k o f q u a lity a n d c h a rm Come and Enjoy! The Adventures this Summer Ages 5 through 12 years most welcome. Daily short trips, Super big excursions, swimming & bowling days special entertainment feature, & Qualified E.CE Staff on d u ty . Also ask about Schoolaged Camp in West Oakville Q Ages 2 + Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees!! Men / Women 16-65 years needed 0 0 for same 0 No extras. Parents call \( 4 1 6) We've Got It All!!! * 4 ' -A } OPEN HOUSE J u n e 10th & 17th ^ \ l i/fe. Complete registration information is available on our website: _Jutpj//www;athrecjncm asterca^^ Programs start J u ly 3 rd to S ept. 1st For more inform ation and registration call (905) 854-0511 825-3433 Sam We invite you to view our new modern facility. Enioy Group, Semi & Private instruction by our qualified, experienced staff in: 1Ballet · Jazz · Top · Hip Hop 1Ballroom · Swing ` Latin 1Lyrical · Irish dancing >Pilate's · Acting 1Musical Theatre · Voice 1 Instrumental · Painting · Drawing · Clay · Pottery 221-3829 CENTAURI SUMMER ARTS C a m p A RESIDENTIAL CAMP SPECIALISING IN ARTS TRAINING THEATRE DANCE (BALLET, JAZZ ETC.) CREATIVE WRITING FINE ARTS MUSIC THEATRE ACTING FOR TV & FILM ` ARTSQUEST* ADVENTURE INTERNATIONAL TOURS * Boys & G irls, Ages 8 -18 * Located in th e N iagara Region * Sessions from 10 days to 7 weeks * S E N S A TIO N A L S U M M E R F lIN ! C hildren's Choice "O ver 6 Club" Optional Weekly Enrollment or Entire Summer Attendance Our summer program consists o f exciting weekly trips with a chartered bus, organized indoor and outdoor games, arts and crafts, Nintendo, Sega, water activities including weekly private bookings at Wedgewood Pool, barbecues in the park with tennis and a wide variety o f other activities. REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER DAY CAMPS STARTING JULY 4TH TO AUGUST 25TH Weekly Sessions Available 3 yean to 14 Years OW Maximum Group Size 12 * Professional arts faculty * H ig h staff ratio * R ecreational Sports * L IT Program STU D IO PERFORminG flnD VISUAL RAIS SCHDffi CALL US TODAY · 9 0 5 -4 0 3 -9 4 3 3 2359 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit 27, Mnsissmigo A ccredited M em b er o f the O ntario C am ping Association www.centauri.on.ca Call (4 1 6 ) 7 6 6 7 1 2 4 BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND SNACK PROVIDED Government licensed facility. · Supervised by qualified and caring E.C.E. staff .|jy t A r t * 4 Cam p 'S m all W onders1 ' YSUMM 9 GREATWEEKS of summer fun! Children & youth 4 to 17 years are going to have a great summer w ith the Y M C A · Hours o f operation from 6:45 am to 6 pm · Children between the ages o f 6 and 12 yrs. ____ · Competitive weekly fee o f $149.00 ($134.00) for holiday week) j^ Presented by Kristina Small Queen's University 4th year Fine Arts Student WHEN SCHOOL'S OUT! YOU ARE WANTED!!! FOR: SUN, FUN, ART, CRAFTS, AQUATIC ACTIVITIES, GAMES AND MORE! Featuring: - Cartooning Video production - Im aginative A rt July 10-14, July 17-21, Aug. 14-18, Aug. 21-25. Ages: 8 -1 2 yrs. Cost: $ 1 0 0 .0 0 /week Location: East O akville ·Teen Adventure Tour · Sneaker Camp · New Frontiers · Counsellor in Training · Ultimate Sports & Recreation · Leadership Training · Explorers 'AdventureTour · Forerunners ' KidStience · Futurekids Computer Camp · Plus Pre-School summer programs held at theYMCA, ages 2-4 www.ymcaofoakville.com Summer Schedule July 03-July 07 - Holidays/Bowling/Swimming/YTV Tour/BBQ. July 10-July 14 - Sega City Mini Golf/Swimming/Toronto Zoo/Swimming/BBQ. July 17-July 21 - Imax/Ice Sports/Wild Water Works/Strike Zone/BBQ, July 24-July 28 - Family Golf/Swimming/Butterfly Museum/Swimming/BBQ. July. 31- Aug. 04 - Glow in the Dark Mini Golf/S.wimming/Mountsbeig/S wimming/BBQ. Aug. 07- Aug. 11 - Holiday/Snake Show/Nature on Wheels/Swimming/BBQ. Aug. 14- Aug. 18 - Strike Zone/Glow in the Dark Mini Golf/Wild Water Works/Movie Theatre/BBQ. Aug. 21- Aug. 25 - Kidsport/Railway Museum/Mountsberg/Swimming/BBQ. Aug. 28- Sept 01 - Bowling/Imax/Nature on Wheels/Swimming at Centennial Pool/BBQ. 410 Rebecca Street W e build strong kids, strong families, strong communities. 845-3417 Call Kristina at 8 4 9 -4 8 6 4 (905) 849-4769