Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Nov 2016, p. 22

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, November 4, 2 0 1 6 | 22 The biggest souvenir of trip is a new perspective continued from p.19 "You can make due with so much less," he said, noting he reminds himself every day not to take for granted his lifestyle. Caleb and Connor admit it has been surreal returning to school and their regular life. Connor, 10, said so much happened to them, and yet, nothing has really changed at home. During the trip, Caleb recalls thinking it was going to take a long time to return home. "Yes it was fun and then there were parts that weren't so fun, but once we got back, it just seemed like it passed really quickly," he said. Reflecting on the whole experience, the family said it was fun trying new foods, experiencing new adventures and learning about different cultures together as a family. Clay noted the biggest misconception about year-long trips around the world is that it's a vacation or a holiday -- but it really isn't. "You're ju st continuing on with your life in a different location," he said. There's still homework to be done, tasks that need to be completed and challenges that need overcoming. Barb said, for the most part, they were F a v o u r it e m o m e n t s Caleb -- whitewater rafting in Equador and visiting the Louvre in France and other art galleries in Europe because he enjoys drawing and painting. Connor -- treetop trekking in Australia because he had never gone ziplining before. He also enjoyed boogie boarding on the Gold Coast in Australia and hiking along a mountain range in Nepal. Barb -- volunteering at a school in Kenya, connect ing with students and teachers, many of whom have rarely experienced meetingforeigners. "It gave us an appreciation for the things we have and what lives are like in other places." Clay -- visiting an orphanage in Chennai, India, af fected by extremeflooding at Christmas. Bearing gifts, they played games with the local children. "Sometimes the language is a bit of a barrier, but when you get playing with the kids, that didn't really matter and we said to the boys, `y ou know, this time of the year, its not about getting presents, its also about giving things to other people'...." Vachon Insurance Group -I ! 200-546 8 D u n d as St. W, Toronto, ON 1-800-76 6-8662 va ch o n in sce .co m "J~J` As independent insurance brokers, we have freedom of choice. So should you. W e 'll p re s e n t y o u w ith m o re o p tio n s d e s ig n e d to b e tte r m a tc h y o u r p ro te c tio n a n d b u d g e t ne e d s. Don't settle for one quote from your insurance agent. Let us help you get your money's worth. Ho liday M arketplace F in e A r t i s a n s A n d C r a f t e r s Oakville rates have been discounted. Call us for a quote today and start saving. IROQUOIS RIDGE H igh S c h o o l INVITESYOUTO CELEBRATE THE SEASON AT OUR An n u a l Ho l id a y Sa l e Sa t u r d a y · No v e m b e r 5 10a m - 4 p m O VER 80 ARTISANS A N D C R A F T E R S JEW ELLERY · H O M E D ECO R · GIFTS F O O D · CLO THIN G · CO LLECTIBLES DRIED FLO RALS · PAPER PR O D U C TS A N D M U C H M O RE D u n d a s St. (H ig h w a y 5) 1 Glenashton Rd..{^ i Iroquois ShoreRc U p p e r M id d le Rd. Ir o q u o i s Hig h Sc h o o l 1123 Gl e n a s h t o n Dr iv e Oa k v il l e , On t a r io 905.845.0012 A d m i s s i o n Is Fr e e QEW extremely fortunate their journey came with little hiccups. Some typical hurdles they faced were getting oriented to a new location, staying on budget and getting all the necessities one needs, such as a sim card for their phones, maps and other items to help them navigate. The family also faced som e altitude sickness and food poisoning, but Clay said, "We were very fortunate we didn't get a major illness." The family added although it was a lot of work in preparing to take the trip -- from downsizing their home into a 600-sq.-ft. room in their basement so they could rent out the rest of their home -- it was well worth it. Clay said he can't help but think back to being in Kenya, where he met a man who was drilling for water -- not just for the school he was building, but for the whole community. Clay said as life gets busy, he tries to pause and reflect instead of getting caught up in it all. "We're very blessed to be here, so we need to learn to take things in stride and not worry about all the little things," he said, adding North Americans often get caught up in their daily lives and worry about "First World problems." Barb said she's in awe of the kindness that is shared all around the world. "We found a lot of strangers who were incredibly kind, helpful, gave us suggestions, asked us if we needed anything, directed us on the right path, I was just really amazed at how kind and thoughtful people were and ready to reach out and help," she said. "I think we often get these ideas in our head about a whole country based on one or two pieces we see in the news, and as we all know, those generalizations are not representative of everyone there and every country we went to, we ran into som e really great people." For more on the places they visited, visit tanedventure.com. 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