www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, D ecem ber 2 3 , 2 0 1 6 118 Every week we showcase much discussed topics around town, as witnessed through the eyes of our devoted readers. That's you! SEND US YOUR PHOTOS: If you happen across an interesting topic relevant to your community, and you have a good picture to prove it, email it to ahlackhurn@oakvilleheaver. com, along with your name and a brief paragraph to let us know why you would like to share it with our readers. Letters to the Editor Fare Share Food Banksays 'Thanks O akville' for the donations to holidaydrive While the official Christmas Food Drive is over, Fare Share Food Bank continues to collect food and financial donations well into 2 01 7 . This Christm as season, the citizens, busi nesses, schools and religious institutions have been extremely caring in helping Fare Share stock their shelves into 2017. We, a t Fare Share, would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who donated, supported and helped us sort the grocery donations. We couldn't do what we do to help our cli ents without the help of everyone in Oakville. The Food Bank is for the people, by the people, a truly community institution that has been operating, run totally by volunteers, since 1988. Since Jan. 1, 2 01 6 , we have had 1 55 new fam ilies come to us for assistance. This is a total of 3 5 0 people who are new to the food bank system. Because o f community support, no one who has need, has been turned away. While some of our regular clients have moved or stopped attending because they have come upon better tim es, our calculation at year end is trending for a small increase in clients served. We want to stand prepared to help all who qualify and the citizens of Oakville have put us in a favorable position going into 2 01 7 ; but we ask you not only think of the less fortunate during the Christmas season but throughout the year and especially into the spring. This is when our supplies begin to run low. Thank you Oakville for your on going sup port and caring. Happy Holidays to all. Nancy Bromberg, volunteer president, Fare Share AtlasCare shows howit cares W hen th e tu rkeys fe ll through on Dec. 2 0 fo r th e holiday m eal ham pers, S a fe tyne t w a s in a bind. M ore th a n 2 5 fa m ilie s w ere de pending on th e ch arity fo r th e ir holiday m eal. W hen M ichael G rochm al Presi d e n t a t A tlasC are heard th e news through S a fe tyne t v o lu n te e r (and his w ife) Sofia G rochm al, A tla s Care decided to m ake a huge dif ference fo r th o s e in need and do nate th e 2 8 tu rkeys d esp e ra te ly in need. Finding 2 8 tu rkeys on Dec. 2 1 is no sm all challenge. Som e grocery s to re s had lim its (no m ore th a n six) A tlasC are ended up g e ttin g all 2 8 Turkeys a t W alm art. S a fe tyne t is so g rateful fo r lo cal heroes like our v o lu n te e rs and d on o rs like A tlasC are, w ho enable us to s u p p o rt m ore than 5 0 lo cal fa m ilie s and 1 0 0 children th is holiday se aso n. They really cam e through fo r local people in need. Bill Shields, executive director Safetynet, Oakville Hats offfor leading byexample W hole Foods Oakville has quietly em ployed my son Julian (who is d ea f with a cognitive disability), fo r eight years. It has m odified th e jo b fo r him , treated him w ith care and respect and above all, given him a place in his com m unity. He proudly te lls all he has a jo b he loves and he has only m issed one day o f w ork (when he w as throw ing up). His only regret w as his Grandma died ju s t before he w as hired. He know s how thrilled she would have been. W hole Foods always gives back to th e com m unity. It is my hope in th e n ot to o dis ta n t future, th e ir leadership will se t the standard fo r other co m panies in Oakville to em ploy people w ith intel lectual d is a b ilitie s (who have a lot to contribute). The entire store -- m anagers, te a m leaders and s ta ff are th e best. Thank you W hole Foods fo r leading th e way in th e field o f disa bility em ploym ent and s e ttin g an exam ple fo r O akville's inclusive com m unity. Vicki and M ichael M cC allum , Oakville INSURE YOUR FUTURE TODAY Preferred rates for accident free drivers. Save up to 40% on your policy.Ask us how. New drivers & hard to insure drivers also welcome. 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