Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 Jun 2000, p. 25

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Sunday, June 11, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 25 International Truck and Engine Corporation Canada, N o r th A m e r ic a 's le a d in g m a n u f a c t u r e r o f q u a lity , h e a v y d u ty a n d m e d iu m t r u c k s is s e e k i n g a b il i n g u a l ( E n g l i s h a n d F r e n c h ) T e c h n ic a l P a r ts S u p p o r t A n a ly s t a t o u r B u r lin g t o n P a r ts D is tr ib u tio n lo c a tio n . T h e in c u m b e n t w ill b e r e s p o n s ib le f o r r e v ie w in g , in te r p r e tin g a n d a n a ly z in g te c h n ic a l tr u c k - r e la te d d a ta in o r d e r to a n s w e r in q u ire s f r o m t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e a l e r O r g a n iz a t i o n , c u s t o m e r s a n d in te r n a l c o m p a n y p e r s o n n e l. T h e in c u m b e n t w ill in te r fa c e w ith d e a le r s , c u s to m e rs a n d in te r n a l T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t S e r v ic e s . C a n d id a te s s h o u ld h a v e a T e c h n ic a l o r P a rts C o u n te r C e r tific a te fr o m a n a c c r e d ite d c o lle g e a n d b e a b le t o in te r p r e t e n g in e e r in g s p e c ific a tio n s , c o m p o s it e s , b lu e p r in t s a n d p a r ts c a ta lo g u e s . A d e m o n s tr a te d c u s to m e r s e r v ic e fo c u s in a n s w e r in g in q u ire s is a m u s t a lo n g w i t h a n a g g r e s s i v e w o r k a t t i t u d e . S o u n d c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills , b o th w r it te n a n d o r a l, p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r ( A p p le & IB M ) a n d s y s te m s b a c k g r o u n d w ill b e im p o rta n t. A c o m p e n s a t io n p a c k a g e t h a t in c lu d e s s a la r y , p r o f it s h a r in g , h e a lth a n d p e n s io n b e n e fits m a k e th is a n a ttr a c tiv e o p p o r tu n ity w ith In te r n a tio n a l T r u c k a n d E n g in e C o r p o r a tio n C a n a d a . F o r c o n fid e n tia l c o n s id e r a tio n , p le a s e t o w a r d y o u r r e s u m e b y J u n e 2 3 r d to : SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE Experienced couple required as Resident Superin tendent for a newly constructed luxury highrise con dom inium . Duties include: cleaning, maintenance and repairs and general supervision. Weekend work and a medical exam required. A competitive salary and 1 bedroom apartment in cluded. Couples with Condominium experience pre ferred. Send resume with experience. Employment history and references to: W ils o n , B la n c h a r d M a n a g e m e n t In c . 7 0 1 M a in S t. W . S u ite 101 H a m ilto n , O n t L 8 S 1 A 2 ,fa x 9 0 5 - 5 4 0 - 4 4 5 0 A tte n tio n : M . M u lle n (N o T e le p h o n e C a lls ) H a n d le W ith C a r e 1! O u r S c h o o l B us D riv e rs c u rry p r e c io u s ca rg o e v e ry d a y . I f y o u , cure, se e k in g a , re w a rd in g c a re e r,jo in , o u r te a m , In , o u r d r iv e r s s e a t, y o u , ca n , m a k e , a , d iffe re n c e , in , a , c h ild ' s life* Only applicants to be interviewed w ill be contacted. >9 I Z? £ . J * § V LAIDLAW EDUCATION SERVICES SERVICE CASHIERS Busy General Motors Dealer requires C all our R ecru itin g H otline, to d a y! 1 - 8 7 7 - 9 K I DS L m AUmtU m . BpuU Opportunity Employer International Truck and Engine Corporation Canada Attention: Lynn Legeny 120 King Street W e s t , 9th Floor Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3S5 Fax: 905-526-3014 We will reply only to those applicants chosen fo r the final interview process. International Truck and Engine Corporation Canada is an E qual O pportunity Employer. ONE F/T & TWO P/T SERVICE CASHIERS Must be dedicated, hardworking team players who enjoy customer service and able to multi-task. Computer literate and mathematically inclined. ROSELAND PARK COUNTRY CLUB requirement for C ontract Services This social and recreational club, located in Burlington, is seeking housekeeping, groundskeeping, & bartending services on a contract basis. This is a part-time service with irregular hours & would be ideally suited for a couple wishing to enhance their lifestyle w hile working in pleasant surroundings. Remuneration is neg. Reply In w riting to: Fred Armitage, Secretary P.0. Box 85025 Brant Plaza Outlet Burlington, ON L7R 4K3 Executive Receptionist Winston Churchill/QEW $38K-$40K+ An amazing opportunity exists with a wonderful international engineering firm. This professional Individual will be w illing to work In an outstanding environment where he/she can pul their sound c o m p u te r s k ills , m e rid ia n expe rie nce and positive altitude into practice. Great benefits and growth potential stem from this role. Contact Dale Cogswell (905) 845-1681, ext. 228 or fax (905) 845-4394 A T T E N T I O N SH IP P E R /R E C E IV E R We are seeking an experienced self-motivated person for our Shipping /Receiving Dept. Responsible for packing orders, traffic mgmt. and assisting in inventory control. Please forward your resume in confidence to: If you are a Licensed Sales Rep , or currently enrolled in PHASE 1, 2 or 3 of pre-licensing program... WE NEED TO TALK! Royal LePage offers ... COM MISSIONS - UP TO 90% NON-COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT NO DESK FEES CJTRAINING For More Information contact a Royal LePage Office: Interested candidates should fax resumes to Wade Kirkpatrick 905-276-0258, or email jobs@permanentsearch.com For more interesting opportunities, please visit our website at www.permanentsearch.com Duncan McLeod, BA, CRA, SIOR, Area Manager, Associate Broker 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington · 634-7755 Rebecca Ryder, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 3060 Mainway, Burlington · 335-3042 Adrienne Lake, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 251 North Service Rd. W ,, Oakville · 338-3737 Laurie Panchyshyn, Area Manager, Associate Broker 326 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville · 845-4267 Process & Steam Specialties Mississauga Fax: (905) 828-9716 Email: sales@processandsteam.com Are You looking for an exciting and fulfilling career in cu stom er service? Do you like people who like clothing? We do to o . How You Find a Great Real Estate Agent. B ^^llllllllllllllllllllll r o y a l lepag e ^^m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Part-time Cash No selling! You'll love the freedom of working from your home. Earn great commission. We guarantee the more enthusiastic you are, the more you'll get out of it. Become the 2uHomeCARE Dis tributor in your local area. Don't miss the opportunity to be in on the ground floor of a great new home shopping industry. Training and materials supplied at no cost. Must have a car, 10- 15 hours/ week and a phone. Phone Phil for more details WS HomeCARE Direct Shopping Inc. (905) 823-2033 PHASE® C lo th in g In c . Interm ediate Accountant Mississauga/Oakville border $43K-$48K Canada's industry leader in biotechnology is looking for a qualified Intermediate Accountant. Experience with balance sheet reconciliation, general entries, processing expense reports, G S T, QST, monthly forecasting and budgeting is a must. Candidates must be enrolled in a Level 4 or 5 CGA/ CMA course. If you are an analytical thinker with the skills for problem solving this position is lor you. Interested candidates should fax resumes to Phase 2 Clothing quality brand nam e recycled clothing. All o f our recycled clothing is professionally c le a n e d a n d pressed for your personal assurance. C onveniently lo c a te d in D ow ntow n Oakville. We have Lorrie Clark 9 0 5 -2 7 6 -0 2 5 8 , or email: jobs@permaoentsearch.com For additional opportunities, please visit our website at www.permanentsearch.com mal MAXCESS TECHNOLOGIES INC. Rapidly expanding light manufacturer requires: S u p p o rtin g an in d e p e n d e n t life s ty le fo r th e e ld e rly PART TIME And FULL TIME pe rm an en t positions available w ith lots o f op po rtunity for grow th an d increases. Flexible schedules, regular retail hours. 'd P r National Elder Care has immediate openings for Construction Project Coordinator Good interpersonal skills. Able to do site inspections, quantity take-offs, blue-prints, co-ordinate labour. Experience preferred. Univ. degree required. read RN'S and RPN'S We otter excellent hourly rates, incentives, 6 hour shift minimum Administrative Assistant · Exp'd Good computer skills, M S. Office 2000. Self-starter. Fax resumes 905-842-6616 or call 905-337-2290 or 1-800-804-5885 "NEC is an equal opportunity employer Reception/Data Entry · Exp'd For busy switchboard, data entry. Good typing skills. Apply to: APPLY TO: Controller 1081 South Service R d.W ., Oakville L6L 6K3 No phone calls please. Only interviewees w ill be contacted. WE'RE GROWING, WE'RE HIRING Expansion of our operations in the Hamilton/ Burlington area requires SALES CONSULTANT/ INTERIOR DESIGNER Burlington's most respected custom window coverings retailer requires a fulltime Sales Consultant who possesses an In te rio r Design diplom a. The successful candidate w ill provide in-store and in-hom e consultations in the local area and demonstrate a particular flair for drapery design, pattern coordination and colour matching. Experience preferred but not essential. ·Store Manager · Licensed Class "A" Mechanic · Apprentice Mechanic Excellent working conditions Flat rate shop with guarantee for Technicians. Store Manager salary & bonus. P H ASE© C l o t h i n g In c . 260 Lakeshore Rd. East, Downtown Oakville. Or fax resume to (905) 337-1803. Please ca ll (905)681-6933 Contact Jay (905) 572-7444 or Peter (416)580-0256

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