Sunday, August 27, 2000 articles for sale TUB chair. $60. Rocking chair. $100. Sony CD & Cassette player. $95 Small cabinet. $85. V ideo's & CD's & lot's of small items. 631-5145 WEDDING gown w hite sleeveless w /ru ffle s at shoulders, veil w/pearled headpiece, size 8/9 $250 firm. 637-2227. WOODSTOVE, C rafted black cast iron, excellent condition. $250. Call 3317010. 1994 Pontiac Grand AM. SE, white. 3.1L. auto, am/ fm cassette, 139K, certified/ em issions. $7500. 338-6223 REQUIRED immediately 1F/T experienced Shipper for Oakville Aerospace Compa ny. Experienced in picking/packagmg/shipping cus tomer orders, preparation 1989 Ford Tempo- 142K, co-ordination' of courier c e rtifie d , $2,700 Good paperwork pick-ups know condition 905-332-8281 ledge of P urola to r PSS System, forklift experience 1989 Chevrolet C avalier122,000 km. 2-dr, p/s, p/b. asset but will train. Forward resume: Oakville Beaver. certified, emission tested, 467 Speers Rd. L6K 3S4 excelle nt shape. $2300. Box#2104 905-335-4487. 1996 Volkswagon Jetta GL Turbo Diesel. 5-spd. air. cruise, p/dl, ps/pb. alarm. A 1 . Reliable. Economical. Extended w arranty. (905)331-4630__________ 1994 VW Golf GTI, black, excellent condition, roof, 8speaker stereo, power locks, alloy rims, 147K. reg ular servicing. 10K left on power train w arranty. $10,900. 905-319-8169. 1989 Plymoth Acclaim. 4dr. auto. air. cassette, hwy driven, a must see! As is, $2500 (905)847-9804 1988 Nissan Sentra XW 2 dr coupe. Best offer as is. C^ll Mike (905)689-6106 I cars wanted $0-$5000.R ew ard- Cars. Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker. Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville) WANTED: Truck Driver/ Warehouseman fo r local delive rie s. Must have clean abstract & be physi cally fit. Full-time position available immediately Ex perience an asset. Good wage & benefit package Fax resume to; 905-6890990 JUBILEE Fruit Market re quires full-time & part-time Produce Clerks. Customer Service or Produce experi ence a plus but will provide on the job training. Apply in person: w/resume to Don or Katherine. 104 Allen St., corner of Allen &Lakeshore, Oakville. VALUE Village- Openings available for full-time days, part-time days, evenings & weekends. Starting wage $7.15. Excellent benefits. Please apply: 2340 Fairview. Burlington. Please, no phone calls. Fax (905)6316894 SECURITY Guards requir ed immediately. Full-time positions in Burlington. Vehicle & shift work a must. We offer excellent benefit package Fax resume to (905)561-8301__________ PHARMACY Assistant re quired full-tim e. Mon-Fri. Shoppers Drug Mart. Sher idan Center. Health Watch Shoppers Drug Mart ex perience preferred. Please fax resume 905-822-2940 BURGER King.. Now Hiring for all positions: Late Night staff, fulltime daytime staff and Managers. Apply with resume on Mon., Tues. or Wed after 2pm to 1220 Brant Street. Burlington CASH Converters requires Jew ellery Salesperson evenings & weekends and fulltime Sales Staff. Apply in person/ fax resume: 1235 F.airview, Burlington. (905)333-5284_________ PART-TIME employee re quired evenings & w ee kends for local G o-Kart Track. Fax resume to: (905)547-4401. No phone calls please HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. (No students please.) (905)3361489 HELP wanted for Hunter/ Jum per show stable. Needs workers for morn ings. 8am-12noon to muck out stalls on weekends. Ask for Heather (905)466-4421 BEAN There C a fe C ounter help required Mon.-Fri., 9:30am-3:00pm, $7./hr. Apply in person with resume. 106 Reynolds Street, Oakville LIGHT duty cleaner required for senior's facility located on B urlington/ Oakville border. Wages $8.50/hr. 6 hrs. per day. Fax resume to: Will Haws, 905-333-9646. GAS Bar Attendents need ed- evenings/ weekends. Must have own vehicle. Apply with resume: Esso, corner of Bronte Rd/ Speers. Oakville._________ COUNTER Help required, permanent part-time. Nights & weekends. Experience an asset. Apply in person: Delta Mayfair Bingo. 483 Speers Rd., Oakville. DRIVER required with small car for Oakville office. Light deliveries in Toronto area. Hourly wage + daily gas allowance. 338-52X______ CLEANING person required fo r com m unity service building, Burling ton, part time, day shift. Call (416 )-74 5 -6 2 2 7 or fax (416)-745-4073._________ PHARMACY Assistant: Full/ Part time Experience an asset. Will train. Imme diate Fax resume to: 905)-333-4334__________ DRYCLEANING outlet downtown Burlington hiring fulltim e & part-tim e. Call (905)335-5031__________ MAKE $500. to $1500. per month, part time. For Free info call 1-888-928-8867 or visit LOOKING for work? Out of work & school? We can help! Call YMCA (905)6811140 LANDSCAPE help required in the Oakville area. Call Albert at 337-0855 Oakville Beaver Weekend 23 JOURNEYMAN electrician or 4th/5th yr Appr. only. Comm/res. experience es sential. Clean driving record and good communi cation skills. Excellent fu ture with a progressive company for the right can didate. Fax resume with rate expectations to 905338-1944 QUALITY conscientious company (Milton) seeks de pendable person for assem bly work with good m echanical a bility and experience with hand tools. Wage depends on experience. Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729 GENERAL carpenter- must have valid driver's lie. Must be responsible, flexible, own tools a definite asset. Call for interview between 9am-12noon 905-332-7630 CORPORATE Paralegalwork at your home. Highest hourly or task com pen sation. email, fax & Word. Grant (905)847-9707/ DENTAL Assistant/ Recep tionist for progressive office. Full-tim e including even ings. Experienced Apply in confidence to: Box 6293, O akville Beaver. 467 Speers Rd., Oakville. Ont L6K 3S4 DENTAL receptionist & chairside assistant required for a dental office. Please send resume to: 131 Chisholm Street. Oakville ON L6K 3J1 DENTAL Receptionist- full time for maternity leave to start in Sept. Oakville office. Fax (905) 469-9855 CERTIFIED Dental Assistant required for busy Oakville dental office. Call (905)815-8888 O A K V ILLE C hristian School requires a Physical Education teacher & parttim e instrum ental Music teacher for Septem ber. Please call the Principal at 905-825-1247 ext-223 CHILDCARECentre Assis tant required 3-6pm, MonFri., students w elcom e, need transportation also Supply Teachers for occa sional work. 332-3971 PART-TIME nursery school helper & French Teacher. Please fax resume to: 6329959 PERMANENT part-time & Supply Staff in C hristian Childcare Centre. E.C.E preferred. 905-336-8648 E.C.E. needed im m e diately to join a wonderful tarn at Forest Grove Pre school Academy Full time position. Fax (905)5671307 Tel. (905)827-3085 MOTHER of 3, 8-yrs experi ence. nutritious lunches, crafts has full-time spaces available. Sept start. Upper Middle/ 8th Line area. 8420489 FORD/Devon area- 1 full time opening October 2nd infant-toddler. Experienced, excellent references, re ceipts. Call (905)338-5990 MOTHER of three return ing back after m aternity leave Has spaces for children over 1 year. Offer ing 11 years experience and many references. W eekly them es using crafts, a ctivities, games, music etc. Headon Forest area, Bur-lington 335-5980 O A K V ILLE Place A re a Reliable. responsible, loving daycare. Full-tim e open ings. references, crafts, parks. CPR (905)8447185. HEADON Forest & St. Ti mothy's. Mother of two has openings for 3 spots, parttime/ full-time. Receipts & references. 905-331-8666 BABYSITTING available immediately in my home for 2 full-time. Ages- 1 year +. A ppleby Mall location. (905)333-8519 NEEDED immediately, lov ing. reliable caregiver. St. Raphael's Area or Taylor Crescent area. Please call 905-681-1934 NEEDED im m ediately: L ive-out nanny for twin boys. 2 years old and 3 year old girl Driver/nonsmoker. Glen Abbey area. References required Ex cellent remuneration. 4692841 PART-TIME loving & ex perienced caregiver, re quired for 8 month, happy boy. 3 days/week. Our home. E. Burlington. Refer ences required 681-0032 PART-TIM E m ature re li able person required in our North O a kville home, 3 days/wk. 3 children aged 9. 7 & 4 (JK) Must drive, own car preferred Light housekeeping duties P lease ca ll evenings or weekends. (905)257-8110. CHILDCARE needed,rv*ttime for 21-month & 3 'lt2 yr. olds. Caring individual. Our Lady of Peace School. Morning JK. 257-6071. BEFORE school childcare required for boy. age 11 at tending H eritage Glen S chool (Glen Abbey) (905)847-5642._________ C AREG IVER required before school, for 3&5-yr old girls. Our home, 7:30am-8:45am plus 5-min d rive to school. 5-days w eekly begining Sept. S.E. Oakville. 829-8919 MATURE person required for after school care, twin 6 year old boys. Tues.-Thurs.. 3:30-6p.m. Vehicle an as set ^(905)631-7004._____ ATTENTION Stay At Home Moms!! Providers urgently needed for Oakville Wee Watch. Call 337-9221 to fin d out more about the many benefits of joining the Wee Watch team. 312 WANTED All-China. Silver. C rysta l, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing m a chines... Doulton, Moorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 PAINTING S, Antiques Wanted: Furniture. Glass. China. Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. E states purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington._________ 540 BARTENDERS, Servers, kitchen staff - Must be ex perienced and also needed Busperson- Host/Hostesses. Permanent Part-time/ Full-time days/ evenings for energetic, dedicated indi viduals with strong sense of team concept. Apply Q.B. Sports Eatery. 4460 Fairview (Appleby Ln), call905-637-9797 CEDAR Springs H ealth, Racquet & Sports Club is searching fo r energetic Servers to staff our growing restaurant. Experience an asset. Must be 18 yrs or older. P art-tim e days, evenings, weekends. Forward resume attention Ang, 960 Cumberland Ave.. Burlington, Fax: (905)6324041 SERVICE Staff. Join our team this fall for full and part-time positions. Training Provided. Apply in person... Emma's BackPorch and The Waterstreet Cooker, 2084 Lakeshore Rd.E., Burlington.______________ BARTENDERS & Cooksrequired immediately- Full/ part-tim e. Apply with re sume Winchester Arms, at 450 Appleby Line, Burling ton or fax 634-2778 attn. Michelle EXPERIENCED Wait Staff & Back Of The House Staff required. Flexible hours. Apply in person: 2441 Lakeshore Rd., West Oak ville. EXPERIENCED Line Cook required fu ll/ part-tim e. Busy British style pub. Drop off resume to Linda. Abbey Arms, 481 North Service Rd.W., Oakville BARTENDERS/ WAIT Staff/ part-time, immediate, experienced, outgoing, Lunches/ evenings. Oak ville restaurant/ bar Great clientele. Call 815-1515 WAIT Staff, full-time &/or part-time. Experience pre ferred. Russell W illiam s R estaurant. Apply in person, 20 Plains Rd.E. (Waterdown Rd). Burlington. LITTLE C aesars---Now Hiring- Daytime in-store help. Mon-Fri. Please ap ply at 4055 New Street.. Burlington or call 905-6322311, ask for Teresa FULL-TIME mature relaible persons required. Days/ afternoons. Apply in per son: Tim Horton's. Oakville Place Mall, 240 Leighland Ave. THE Dicken's requires Line Cooks. Call Rick between 3-5pm (905)333-4991 or drop off resum e to 423 Elizabeth St.. Burlington WAIT staff required fulltime days. Apply: Windmill Res taurant. 2238 Mountainside Dr., Burlington (905)3363954 BUS Person- required. Omega Steak & Seafood House. Kerr Str.. Oakville, or call 845-9601. BARTENDER - part-time weekends. Wait staff im mediately, evenings only. Call Bernie after 3pm. Pitchers Restaurant 1500 Sixth Une. (905)338-0804. 555 EUROPEAN cleaning lady a vailable to clean your house. References. (905) 271-0067 ______ M ETICULOUS cleaning Years experience w/fastidious clientelle. Custom serv ice- weekly clients. Thurs days. Fridays available. Louha, 634-4871________ POLISH C leaning lady a vailable to clean your home, apartment or office. Call Eva, 467-1579.______ C LEAN Tw ins! 2 E u ro pean women. 10 years ex perience. References. New powerful vacuum. Free estimates. (905)822-2636. 370 pets, supplies 525 OFFICE Assistant. Burling ton office requires assistant for senior property m an ager. Must have minimum 3 years experience, be highly organized, computer literate and be able to work with minimal supervision. Fax resume: (905)333-0613 OFFICE Administrator for multi Physicians' office. P/T hrs negotiable. Duties: Su pervising personnel, A/R, A/ P. Public relations. Sched uling. Purchasing. Strong bookkeeping skills essen tial. Fax resume to 905845-8379 FREE to loving home: male & female purebred Himalayans. Extremely friendly indoor cats. Preferably to gether 1-yr. old child aller gic. W eekdays 631-7777 ext. 231; evgs.. 639-6686 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ready to go. CKC registered and shots. Males and females. 2575927 EN R O L IM M E D IA T E L Y WEDDING Photography. 100-115 prin ts, album, negatives, other packages available. Over 20 yrs ex perience. Reliable, rea sonable. with references. Picture- Perfect Wedding Photography. 639-6710 I cars for sale JEEP YJ 1990 6.0 cyl, automatic, hard & soft tops. PS. PB. well maintained, mint condition, recent full engine rebuild w ith 12 month guarantee. Face off A lpine stereo. $6,950. OBO. Digby (905)815-9671 1994 PONTIAC Grand AM, 6 cyl. 178K, Hwy. Emission passed will certify. Excel lent shape., no rust. $6750.. Call (905)465-0445- Days. (905)828-5635 - Evenings 1990 DODGE Caravan 24(IK, Very good condition. newr"water pump, tim ing belt; roters. brakes. Call (905)465-0445 Days, (905)828-5635 Evenings 1998 SATURN SC1. 65.000K, green with tan in terior, air, Cruise, remote e n tr/H iW . 5-speed, rust proofed, Askincf $13,000. (905)849-7669._ _ _______ 1993 N ISSAN Maxima 146K. good cond itio n. $10,500. (905)847-7594. 1990 MAZDA Miata. excel lent condition. Alpine stereo, CD changer, soft & hard top. asking $8850. 540-0024 1994 LHS (New Yorker) white, fully loaded, excellent condition, 130,000 km., well m aintained, black leather. Asking $11,250. certified. 639-3639 1992 Lincoln Towncar, loaded, grey, gray leather, very clean. Emissions test ed and certifed. 125K Call (905)842-3001__________ IDEAL for retired person: Part time help wanted for lawn and garden repair I trucks for sale service for parts and sales counter. Mechanical back 1997 GMC Sierra SL Pick ground an asset. 2-4 days/ week. Must have good up, 43K, grey, immaculte communication skills. Fax co nd itio n, ce rtified and resume to: (905)-335-3437. drive clean tested. 6 mo. limited powertrain warranty. EARN $200.. $300.. $500., $14,900. Fairview Tire, or more per week. Assem days (905)632-8151, evg., bling product in the comfort (905)317-6515 of your own home. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St.. W.. Suite 541, 1991 Plymouth Voyageur Ref: 628. Mississauga. On LE, fully loaded, emission tario, L5K 2R8 test, good condition. 905332-3182 CUSTOMER Service and Office Help required, Per garage* manent Part-time. 20hrs/ storage space week (4hrs on Sat. am) Apply in Person to Pottery GARAGE for rent at 1013 Supply House1120 St. Matthew's Ave. $200/ Speers Road.. Oakville, or month. Call 333-1633 Fax 905-849-0001 I career training EXPERIENCED Groom TRAINING position avail able to start immediately. 16 Week Live-in program. M inim um 18 years old. Exposure to all aspects of a Veterinary Hospital Must be motivated and have a love for animals. Fax resume to: Ginny Demeny, (905)8447351___________________ NO Fee! C areer E xp lo r ations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you pian yo ur career. Funded by HRDC. For information/ to register call Grace (905) 333-3499/ (905)878-1240 wanted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Flexible hours a must. Accom m odation a vailable. N on-sm oking environm ent. Call 905466-4421 or fax resume to: 905-827-6333 SUPERINTENDENT- Cou ple required for adult apt. building in Burlington. Must be experienced in rental, administration and general maintenance. Reply to; 770 Browns Line, Toronto, Ont. M8W 3W2 HOUSEKEEPING Tired of working evenings and wee kends? Full & part-tim e. M onF ri., 8:30am 3:30pm - be home for the kids after school! Driver's li cense an asset. Duncare Cleaning (905)681-7600 AN IM AL H ospital in O akville looking for parttime Receptionist/ Kennel person Wed., Fri., Sat. & some evenings. For more mfo. please call (905)2577387 on Mon. Tues or Thur. Fax resume: (905) 257-6267 SEAMSTRESS, (M/F), full/ part-tim e. Bridal e xpe r ience. Use industrial sewing machine. Work independ ently. produce quality work. Call Tues - Sat.. 10am4pm. (905)842-2002 (Leave messageSun./Mon.) RVT required fulltim e for busy small animal hospital in Oakville. We are looking for team oriented individ uals with a minimum of 2 years experience as a tech. Fax resum e to Ginny Demeny: (905)844-7351 LANDSCAPERS required im m ediately, fulltim e, by Oakville based company. Applicants must have: ex p erience. va lid drivers license & Land 1 & 3 licenses. Call Chris: (905) 828-6767 FULL-TIME- Days- MonFri., Weekends off! Reli able & mature. Benefits/ training/ transportation pro vided. (D.L. required). Call Molly Maid. 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students,__ WAREHOUSE staff re quired. O a kville - $10/hr. Apply @ 533 Brant Street. Suite 201 B urlington. (905)333-2692__________ HOSTESS position avail able for weekends. Back ground in Interior Design preferable. Please fax Tra cy @905-829-2947 675 announcements 15 M o s . to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence inch computers, beautiful large country playground. 6:30AM-6:OOpm. Transportation avail. MARKETING company reqiures D em onstrators/ Salespeople to start a new and e xciting prom otion. Hourly plus commission, ex cellent income potential. Call 1-800-725-5315 or fax Floyd. (905)602-4292 REAL Estate Sales: If you are considering a career in real estate, are enrolled in the courses or hold a real estate licence, please call Lloyd at Exit Realty. (905)465-1010. DOWNTOWN O akville store requires afternoon sales help, experienced in retail. Apply: 338-0540 or (905)-515-3599 HIKERS: Hilton Falls Con servation area Britton & R obertson tra ct w ill be used Aug.27/00 for eques trian trail competition. I personals SINGLES Events: Sat. Sept 2 -S in q le s Dance. Capt. John's Boat, Toronto. Sun. Sept. 3 - Singles Dance. Oakville Golf Club $12.00, pay at door, 8pm1am. Fri. Sept 8 th Progressive Dinner/ Dance O akville C lub, ca ll to reserve. Free Info pack age. The Single Gourmet (905)827-5912 ACADEMYPreschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) 335-0515 LOVING estabilished day care has space for 2 yr. plus S.E. Burlington. Recepts References. 639-2183 FORMER Nanny (now Mom) starting home day care for September. Full/ part-time. Mapleview Mall area. (905)333-9874 AFTER school JK/ SK pick up available Glen Abbey area. 8yrs. experience. Lots of fun activities. Re ceipts. references. 905827-9809 ECE Mom providing loving, stimulating, safe daycare environment in home. Ages 2-4 available. Sixth Line/ Upper Middle. Jean 8159231 MOTHER of 2 - w ith 14 years experience to pro vide daycare. Call (905) 2 57 -5422-weekdays. Weekends (905)257-6196 SAFE, fun environment for all ages, reasonable rates, close to Falgarw ood school, Grand/Upper Mid dle. (905)844-5523. C H ILD C ARE - HOUSE KEEPER Required. Re sponsible. caring individual required to provide a*` y school childcare for 8 & 10 year old as well as house keeping duties. Own trans portation required. Hours approx. 2 - 6pm. Students welcom e to apply. C all (905)847-3168 LIVE-OUT mature experi enced nanny/ childcare provider. Full-time to care fo r our three daughters, twins. 6mos & 5yr. old in kindergarten. My home, starting Fall. Riveroaks. 905-257-3323 LIVE-IN Nannies/Housekeepers, in P hilippines seeking employment in On tario. Min.wage, no fee to em ployers. Call O.E.A.(416)699-6931 NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER required for two schoolaged girls; live-out; driver with own car preferred; south Oakville; references; immediate. Call 416-6016744. NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER, live-in. 2 young children. 21/2, 8 mos Downtown Oakville. Immediate. Refer ences required. Call (905)607-3223.______ PART-TIME Nanny needed 11am-5pm 5 days per week in my S.E. Oakville home for 21 mos old boy. Car, non-smoker, light house work. 905-338-1776 CAREGIVER required for 1 year old & 4 year old. 25/hrs per week. Must have driver's license & lot's of energy. Students welcome $7/hr. (905)690-9797 ^ GAY male, attractive. 28, looking for friendship. Call 633-7045. LAN D SC APER S! Land scape construction & main tenance people for estab lished company in Burling ton. Education and horti culture an asset. W inter work also available. Top pay for experienced per sonnel. Apply to: Green Thumb Landscaping. 3077 Guelph Line. Burlington. Mon.-Fri.. 9am-4pm or fax (905)35-2316____________ EXPERIENCED Dental Technician C eram ist to work with metal tech.. C om petitive salary, wide variety of work in estab lished progressive prosthodontic practice Fax or bring in resume/ inquiries to: Dr. M.P. Pedlar, 310 Plains Rd.E., Burlington, ON L7T.4J2 Ph# 905-6321882. Fx# 905-632-1351 REGISTERED Nurses Needed for visiting nursing, evening shifts- full & parttime. Acton/ Georgetown/ Milton/ Oakville area Men tal Health Nurse Specialist positions also available. Reliable transportation re quired. Contact SEN- Hu man Resources, Call 905522-6887 ext.-2254, Fax# 905-522-5579 RECEPTIONIST, part-time, for medical office. Entrylevel. Medical Secretary Di ploma preferred. Excellent organizational skills, willing to work some evenings and flexible duties are essential for this position. Resumes to: Box 6294, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, OakviMe, L6K 3S4 BUSY doctors office in Oakville needs a part-time Receptionist (afternoons) Experience desirable, posi tive attitude and proficency in windows software es sential. Hours negotiable. Please fax resum e 905845-8379 RPN-RN required Full-time or Part-time for Hamilton area retirem ent home. Benefits and Competitive wages. If you're relocating, temporary service dwelling available. Fax resumes: St. Elizabeth Villa. 905388-9953 R N-RPN's- Needed for O akville Senior C itizens Residence. Part-tim edays & evenings. ContactSEN- Jennifer Townsend. Call 1-800-463-6612 ext. 2146; fax 905-827-3752 MEDICAL Office requires fulltime staff. Start imme diately. Resumes to Box 1782, c/o The Post. 2321 Fairview, Burlington. ON L7R 2E3 LOST; Small black cat Fri day night. Big eyes. Third Line, Upper Middle area. Call Chris or Owen. 905469-4809 DECKMAN'S Professional Service. All decks stripped and refinished to new. Ce dar Specialist! Free Estimates. (905)632-1074 LARGE and Small Renova tions and Repairs. .. One Call Does It All! Electrical. Plumbing. Drywall, more. Professional work. Frank (905)637-5570 775 BABYSITTER $12./hr, 3-5 days/ week for 2 children, 3:30-6:30pm. Car required. Suit univeristy student, ma ture person or mother with preschooler. Glen Abbey. Call 847-8497 BEFORE and after school caregiver needed in our home for 2 children, 11&8, approx. 7am -8:45am & 4pm-6pm. E ighth L ine/ Upper M iddle area Call (905)845-9969 BEFORE and after school required for 2 girls, ages 8 & 4 (St. Bernadette's - Glen Abbey), beginning Septem ber. References requried. 847-8790 EXPERIENCED caregiver w/car needed for 5-yr. old boy, our home or yours, pick up from Brantwood School required 11:307pm. M on.-Thurs. 3 3 7 1092. SITTER needed T h u rs days. 4:30-8pm and occa sional evenings for 3-yr. & 7-yr. olds. Walkers/ Hwy.5. (9 0 5 ) 3 3 1 - 9 3 4 5 .______ MATURE student/ senior needed Wed. & Thurs. to pick-up (2) boys, ages 11 & 8yrs. from Frontenac & care for in our home. Pinedale/ Appleby Line area. Help with dinner & homework. 3:45-7:30pm some even ings 10pm. References 905-633-9512 SITTER needed fo r 7 month old. W ednesdays and Thursadays. 8am 4pm. Oakville. 469-9060 OPERATIONS Assistant. Burlington small business requires mature, reliable person to assist in a ll aspects of o perations inclu d in g operation of 1979 Corvette- white, ex folding, inserting and inkcellent condition only jetting equipm ent. Some 70,000 m iles. 350 V-8. heavy lifting. Mechanical Call 905-332-3614_______ aptitude a definite asset. Mon.-Fri., 8:30am- 4:30pm. 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT. Call Hilda a fte r 4pm: 51K, auto, red, loaded with (905)333-1898 ____ options including moonroof. drive clean tested and SPACE Age Shelving re certified, balance of factory quires Full-time/ Part-time warranty. $13,600. Fairview installer for installation of Tire, days (905)632-8151, Wire Shelving. Training is evg , (905)317-6515 provided, must have own vehicle, tools and must be 1998 Pontiac Sunfire GT bondable. Please apply in 54K. 5-spd. red, sporty, cer person Monday. August 28. tified and drive clean test 2000 between 10am-2pm ed. Balance of factory war at 466 Speers Road. Oak ranty, $12,400. Fairview ville Tire, days (905)632-8151. evg- (905)317-6515 CAP ' Brick, 2082 Oueensway Dr., Burlington. 1997 C hevrlet C avelier Ontario. One fulltime Class 39K, beige excellent condi "DZ' dump truck driver; Two tion. C ertifie d and drive fulltime General Labourers. clean tested. 6 mo., limited Forklift experience required. pow ertrain w arranty. Able to work under little $11,200. Fairview Tire, supervision. Heavy lifting days (905)632-8151. evg.. involved C all Dave. (905)317-6515 6 3 4 -7 7 0 7 , to arrange interview 1997 Saturn SL1, 4-dr. 5spd. 74K. dark green, fuel W YLDEW OOD Golf and efficient. Certified and drive C.C. 6198 Trafalgar Rd. re clean tested. 6 mo. limited quires short order cooks, pow ertrian w arranty. wait staff, greensstaff back $8,200. Fairview Tire, days shop staff until approx, mid (9 05 )6 3 2-8 1 5 1. evg. O ctober Call (905)878(905)317-6515 4848 or fax (905) 878-4760 EXPERIENCED Painter. Commercial & Residential. Interior & exterior, window cleaning/ repairs. Low rates. Troy, 634-3501_____ 100% QUALITY Pro Paint ers = 100% sa tisfa ctio n guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416) 793-3339. MATURE Telemarketer re quired for evening shift. Suit retired person. Hourly wage + bonuses. Burlington. (905)681-9000 RECEPTIONIST/ESTHETICIAN required for busy spa. Part time, experience preferred. 332-6262 Ask for Senka H AIRSTYLIST- Rent a chair or commission. Busy, great location. Downtown Burlington Salon. Call John 905-634-6632 PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Hom e/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777__________________ GOING to Move? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas, 847-0178._______ O A K V ILLE M overs- E x perienced. licensed, insured. Two weeks free storage. Free estim ates. Senior's discount. Quality Service. 337-9063________ JIM 'S Moving & Storage. 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