Friday, September 15, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 13 Province may not honour 5 0 -5 0 funding promise (Continued from page 1) When it did, it brought with it a host of improvements, including more equipment and double the prior number of Advanced Care Paramedics (ACP). ACPs are more highly trained than Primary Care Paramedics. "We're the only region in Ontario that has an ACP on every ambulance," said Halton's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal. "That's just incredibly good news." Prior to the transfer, Halton Hills and Milton had no ACPs. Also, new defibrillators -- the paddles used to treat patients suffering a cardiac arrest -- are expected be on board by December. Four new ambulances are also slated for service, possibly as early as October. In downloading ambulance operations, the Province promised to kick in with a 5050 funding split. But that may have changed, said Mr. King. "It's going to be a grant," he said. "I don't think they're calling it 50-50 now." Though word could come as early as next month, King said the Region expects to know what amount the Province plans to pitch in by January. But Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale said the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), which she recently became president of, is also lobbying for answers. · "AMO continues to work aggressively with the province. We remain guardedly optimistic that we're getting through," she said. "It's one of the priorities. We're not giving up at all." The smooth transition of the down loaded service led to praise for King and the management team that guided it "I am incredibly impressed with the job they did and the support we got at the Region from the CAO down," said Dr. Nosal. C O M PLET E P IN P C IO O SY ST E M :::: V) The following is a list of components included in the system ·A S U SP38TS y stemBad, A IXD esign, L H )M A ·MS In tern et F5/2WN 98 K eyhoad · 64 M BS D R A MS ystemR A M ·M SPS/2 In telliM o u se · 1.44PanasonicF loppyD riv e ·W indow s 98 S EM SO EMC Dw ilhm anuol · QjariumIM15G B8.5m s, ·U SR o b o ticsSportster56KV 90intend fax/m odem 512kcod*, 7200 RPM H cd D riv e · Panasonic48xD EC D R Q MO k® ·A HE xpert@ Pfay8M BA G PV ideo C ard · Getdve labs P C1128SoundB lasterP n PC ard ·V iew Sonic 15"E651.28DPIM PnPM onitor ·A ltecL ansingA C S-43A m plifiedSpeakers ·A T X cnse235WPw^r S upply, C S A · 2Y ear P artsand IdxxjrM farrarty With Intel Pentium P ill 700E MHz CPU . . . With Intel Pentium P ill 800EMHz CPU . . *1,799 *1,999 Walk-In Repair Centre Free Estimates AUTHORIZED WARRANTY CENTRE FOR · Ccron · Citizen · Quantum · Panasonic · Star Mkronics · Toshka (LCD P ro jecto rs) Phone bill scam warning Halton Regional Police are alerting area business owners to be aware of an unusu al billing situation making the rounds in recent weeks. A business receives a bill w hich is very similar in appearance to their regular phone bill. The invoice, dated for a three-month period, purports to be for a service already provided. Careful scrutiny o f the bill, however, indicates that failure to pay by the due date will "result in the de-listing o f your business information." In the cases that police have seen so far, the businesses have never ordered this ser vice and the offer is unsolicited. If the company desires to have their name listed on the Internet, then paym ent o f the bill becomes necessary. Police are warning area businesses to be aware o f all incoming invoices and bill they receive. Prices are cash discounted and do not include taxes. COM PUTER N E TW O R K SE R VIC E S C .N .S . C A N A D A IN C . 1 1 3 5 N o r t h S e r v i c e R d. E a s t U n it # 2 338-3044 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 - 3 0 4 7 PR E -C O N S T R U C T IO N S A L E is exp an d ! vehicles m ust be cleared to m ake w ay fo r th e bulldozers! Purchase ^ Financing ^ up to 48 months on all J Purchase^ Financing up to 60 months 2000 Dodge Caravan s- models. 2000 Neon Many to choose from, all colours. Immediate Delivery Our overflowing inventory is located in the Country Squire paridng lot, off the North Service Rd. F eel fre e to browse! Huge 2000 Inventory must be cleared. W e're O ver Stocked!! · C arav an s · Intrepids · C h ero k ees · N eo n s · 300 m · LHS LOCKWOOD R o a o & t e (between Kerr Dorval) C h r y s l e r w w w .lo c k w o o d c h ry s le r.c o m 8c