Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2000, p. 21

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Sunday, December 10, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 21 Group Life & Health & Mutual Fund Administrative Assistant Brokerage specializing in group life & health benefits, retirement pcogrammes, requires a full-time, mature, reliable, intelligent administrative assistant. Please note that this is an entry level developmental position. · Must know: Windows, Microsoft Word & Excel. · CEBS, FLMI, LOMA or CLU an asset. · Salary $13./hour. Please send resum es to: Retirement Benefits Insurance Agency Ltd. Fax: 905-847-9791 Employment Opportunities C a re e rT ra in i A well established Ford dealership has an · immediate opening for a CLASSIFICATION INDEX REAL ESTATE 100 houses for sale 105 townhouses for sale 110 apartments&condoskxsale 115tarms(orsale, rents wanted 120 out of town properties 125 property outside Canada 130 houses wanted to buy 135 lots & acreages 140 investment/business prop. 145 ndustriafammerica! space 150 office & business space 155 stores for sale, rent & wtd 160 business opportunities 161 franchises 165 mortgages, loans RENTALS 170 apartments &flats for rent 172 rentals 175 apartments & flats wanted 176 duplexes for rent 180 condominiums lor rent 185 houses for rent 186 housing wanted 190townhouses for rent 191 housing wanted to rent 192 rooms for rent & wanted 193 room& board avail & wtd 194 shared accommodation 195 retirement living 196 halls & lodges LEISURE UVING 200 vacation properties 205 vacation rentals 210 mobile hemes & parks 215 campers, trailers, sites 220 campers, trailers 225 cottages for rent 235 boats & supplies 240 snowmobiles 245 pools & supplies 250 resorts, camps 255 travel 260 hobbies 4 crafts 261 health & fitness 265 self-improvement 366 women's column MERCHANDISE 300 market basket 303 industrial equipment 304 antiques 6 art 305 baby needs 306 computer/electronics 307 camp/sports equipment 308 musical instruments 309 pools S supplies 310 articles for sale 311 swap & trade 312 articles wanted 315 vendors wanted 319 craft sales 320 garage/yard sales 325 auctions, sales 326 liquidation sales 327 antique/flea markets 330 firewood 335 Christmas trees 370 pet, supplies 371 kennels-boarding 372 horses, livestock 373 equestrian 374 hay & feed 375 photography/video 385 tickets for events AUTO 400 cars for sale 405 cars wanted 410 trucks lor sale 415 trucks wanted 420 vans, 4 wheel drive 425 sports cars 430 antique cars 435 motorcycles 436 snowmobiles 440 autoparts, sippies&iepais 445 auto leasing, rentals 450 auto care 451 auto insurance 455 garage &storage space 458 driving schools 460 employment wanted HELP WANTED 500 career training 501 career councelling 502 resumes 505 careers 506 professional 507 employment agencies 510 general help wanted 511 telemarketers 512 hair, beauty salon help 515 skilled & tedrnical help 520 computer/data processing 525 office/clerical help 530 sales help & agents 535 hospital, medical, dental 536 health care 540 hotel restaurant r 545 teaching opportunities 549 janitorial services 550 domestic help wanted 555 domestic help available 556 home health care avbte 558 senior living 565 volunteers COMMUNITY NOTICES 600 tenders 605 legal notices 607 bankruptcy 610 public notices 612 health research/study 615 births 620 adoptions 625 engagements 630 forthcoming marriages 635 marriages 640 anniversaries 642 retirements 645 deaths 655 in memoriams 660 card of thanks 662 prayers f 665 funeral directors 668 monuments 670 cemetery plots 675 announcements 678 graduation 680 coming events 682hayrides 685 personals 686 family services 688 ticket winners 690 birthdays 692 amusements, dubs 693 companions 694 transportation wanted/avail. 696 lost and found SERVICES 700 home improvements 701 household services 705 handyman 710 painting & decorating 715 moving istotage 720 drapes & upholstery 725 dressmaking tailoring 9 730 flooring carpeting 734 top soil 735 gardening landscaping 740 snow removal 741 swimming pools 745 catering 746 services t 750 rentals 751 house/pet sitting 755 music, dancing & dramatic 757 fitness instruction 760 private tuition/schools 761 tutorial 765 nursery schools 770 daycare available 775 daycare wanted 780 mother's helpers/nannies 781 health services 790 insurance 791 business services 792 paralegal services 793 chartered accountants 794 tax & financial directory 797 consultants 800 business directory CaU: 632-4440 Of337-5610 Fax:632-6165 LEASING CLERK email: bpatterson@retirementb.com R E C E P T IO N IS T / A D M IN IS T R A T O R An excellent opportunity to work in a friendly team environm ent. You are an energetic, outgoing person with 1-2 years experience in a clerical position, with working knowledge of Word and Excel. Start your year off right working for a great company! Please fax resume to (905) 528-7289 Duties will include preparation of leasing contracts and documents, account journal entries, A/R and col lections. Fleet sales paper work & other miscellane ous duties Must have knowledge of Microsoft Office, Excel and Word and solid computer back ground. Must be able to type. We offer competitive salary and benefits package for the right applicant. Interested applicants please forward or fax resumes to attention Roger Duffy, Oak-Land Ford Lincoln Sales, 570 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville, L6J3J2 h f d I wnAn or fax 905-844-4472 Mo phone calls please. Only those selected lor an interview w ill be contacted. Previous applicants need not apply. ·M f Packaging Machine Mechanics H u n te r A m e n itie s In te rn a tio n a l L td ., is lo o k in g fo r e x p e rie n c e d P a c k a g in g M a c h in e M e c h a n ic s fo r its n e w fa c ility in Burlington. W e re q u ire s o m e o n e w ith P a c k a g in g L in e M a in te n a n c e a n d tro u b le s h o o tin g skills. You will take on a leadership role in im p ro vin g and m a in ta in in g p a cka ging lin e e ffic ie n c ie s . In lin e p a c k a g in g m a chine experience will be an asset. If you are a m otivated person w ith these s k ills a n d w o u ld lik e to jo in o u r te a m , please send your resum e to: a Accounting/Micro Computer Office Administration M edical/Legal Office Ass't. Call Now fo r Free Dental Reception ....... ........ Information Interview J^ T a m u Police Foundations HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE -ias2.jp.. f l , Express Personnel Services C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E Tues. & Fri. 9:30-5:30pm. Come work with a group of talented & dedicated people. A mid size company, we need someone with a great phone manner, a love of detail, plus a basic working knowledge of computers. Apply to: Rockwood Casual Furniture 1273 North Service Rd. E., Unit 2 Oakville, ON L6H 1A7 637*3415 · w w w .hbico llege.com Jackie Stewart Hunter Amenities International Ltd. 1205 Corporate Drive Burlington Ontario L7L 5V5 TRAIN TO BECOME A POLICE, FIRE ORAMBULANCI DISPATCHER Public Safety Communications Certificate Program Considering a future in the Emergency Services? Do you have a strong interest in training for a rewarding, challenging career? This is a full-time, eight-m onth program offered by the C a n a d ia n C e n tre fo r E m e rg e n cy P re p a re d n e s s in cooperation with Mohawk College, to provide training for th o se p la n n in g to p u rs u e c a re e rs in p o lic e, fire , a m b u la n c e , 9-1-1 a n d o th e r em erg en c y serv ice Communications Centres. Program graduates are employed throughout the province. T he n ex t p ro g ra m co m m en c es J a n u a ry 15, 2001 in Hamilton at the Wentworth Campus of Mohawk College. F u n d in g o p tio n s m ay be av a ila b le to you. P rio r to re g iste rin g fo r p re-en try te stin g , you m u st rea d th e program inform ation at www.ccep.ca under Emergency Management Courses. Call Terry Hubbard, Program Co-ordinator at 905-524-0983 to register f for pre-entry testing. ^ O A K V IL L E B E A V E R A T H LE T E S W ANTED! ELITE ATHLETE MANAGEMENT is looking for athletes of all ages for TV/Commercial/Film assignments. Make money in the sport of your choice. Must be athletic! For s creen in g call (4 16 ) 733 -1 88 8 www.eiiteathletemanagement.com Circulation Department P /T D riv e r/ D elivery Person 15-20 hours per week To deliver individual papers to customers, carriers & pick-ups as required. Must be reliable with own vehicle and valid drivers license. P lease fax resum e and a v a ila b ility s chedule to Lisa M eecham , A ss is ta n t C ircu la tio n M an ag er 9 05 -3 37 -5 55 7 No telephone calls please! M ECH AN ICS Due to company growth, Allied Systems, North America's biggest carhauler, requires licensed truck and coach mechanics. Welding experience an asset. Pay rate is $23.84 per hour + shift premium with an excellent benefits package and pension. Please inquire within between the hours 9am-4pm: ^ MON V0NHALT0N Urgently requires: 1090 South Service Rd. E., Oakville Ask for Dave Gipp RN 's · R P N 's ·PSW's · H CA 's · HSW 's To w ork in institutions and the com m unity for the Halton Region. Fax resum e to: CHOOSE A CAREER CHOOSE THE COLLEGE M ohawk THAT TAKES YOtl WHERE THE JOBS A8E w w College w .m o h a w k .c o m , Students Wanted Delivery Crew In Oakville and Burlington J o an n e o r W en d y (9 05 ) 827 -2 16 2 ·Wed & Fri-after school ·Saturday-after 9am-4pm Apply in person to either: Sandy Coles, Oakville Beaver Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville or Lauri Simpson Burlington Post 4057 Fairview St., Burlington (East Entrance- Glegg Class Building) ATTENTION If you are a Licensed Sales Rep , or currently enrolled in PHASE 1,2 or 3 of pre-licensing program... F/T SECRETARY A mature, well organized individual with excellent communication and interpersonal skills Is required to manage all the office duties of Chisholm Academy, a small private high school. WE NEED TO TALK! Royal LePage offers... P/T EVENING RECEPTIONIST Chisholm Centre a busy educational and assess ment service, requires a Receptionist from 4pm to 8pm, Monday to Thursday. Please send detailed resume, stating the position you are applying for, to: Ruth Smith, CHISHOLM CENTRE 1484 Cornwall Rd,, Oakville, ON L5N 7W5 Fax: (905) 844-7321 e-mail: info@chisholmcentre.com a COMMISSIONS-UP TO 90% NON-COMPETITIVE MANAGEMENT NO DESK FEES ^TRAINING For More Information contact a Royal LePage Office: F IT N E S S / P E R S O N A L T R A IN IN G D IR E C T O R F o u r F o rty F itne ss F or W o m e n is a sm all, e x c lu s iv e c lu b o p e n in g in B u rlin g to n in Janu ary. O u r fo cu s Is hig h ly p e rs o n a liz e d h e a lth & f it n e s s r e g im e n s f o r o u r m e m b e rs w ith an e m p h a s is on persona l trainin g. W e require a D ire c to r to m a n a g e o u r p e r s o n a l t r a in in g p r o g r a m a n d c o m m it to p ro v id in g th e fin e s t fitn e s s e x p e rie n c e fo r o u r m e m b e rs. T h is is an e x c e lle n t o p p o rtu n ity fo r a n in d iv id u a l w ith a proven, su cce ssfu l tra c k record in th e fitn e ss in d u stry lo o kin g to m ove to a m ore re w a rd in g e nviro nm e nt. Rebecca Ryder, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 3060 Mainway, Burlington · 335-3042 Duncan McLeod, Area Manager, Associate Broker 2072 Lakeshore, Burlington · 634-7755 Adrienne Lake, Area Sales Manager, Associate Broker 251 North Service Rd. W., Oakville · 338-3737 Laurie Panchyshyn, Area Manager, Associate Broker 326 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville · 845-4267 ^ ^ M lllllllllllllllllllll H ELP W A N TE D ·M A IL R O O M IN S E R TE R S * -S a fe ty shoes required Tuesday to Saturday Different shifts available Applications available at: r o y a l lepage M ^ M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII How You Find a Great Real Estate Agent. P le a s e te le p h o n e fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n : L in d a B u rd e n (9 0 5 ) 3 3 2 -7 7 8 3 q a k m u ji ©i a w i ® Unit 21 - 427 Speers Rd., Oakville 9am -5pm Mon-Fri No phone calls please! Career Training...

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