Wednesday, May 10, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 I M V IL L E CHAM BER OF COM M ERCE To learn about becoming a "M oney Back G uarantee" member, call Lorraine I 12 Embroidered Golf Shirts with your company name only $300. I Perspective M a r k e t i n g i nc. Pre-Production Sample $35. 'There is No Box" · graphic design · web & m ulti-media I A , Alpine Promotions · strategic planning · public relations · media buying 845-6613 (ext. 22) (905) 845-0434 1 4 5 L a k e sh c x e R d . S u r e 2 C 0 A Phone 905 3 3 S 7 C 3 0 F a * 9 0 5 .3 3 S .7 2 2 5 www. perspective ca BUSINESS ADVISORY ASSOCIATES The Solution Providers · Accounting services · Business plans · Financial management advice · Taxation advice e President ism statistics iunt of time and effort your srfi..Not just in terms of our members of our Tourism imeto time - Is it worth it? ig Ltd., produced a package Ifrom 1998. We thought we ngsr : 10,000person visits in 1998 aillion d Oakville were same-day e by Ontario residents. s considerably greater for i is .for those who spend less te that Tourism is indeed a if Oakville. vn of Oakville and OEDA, t some additional support ng' the costs of our hiring thy of the support currently inaneial and volunteer time ition!. . 46"' Annual Golf Tournam ent Tired of all the talk & rock on radio? M a y b e it's tim e to listen to th e G re a t S ounds o f th e Hit P a ra d e o n sou th e rn O n ta rio 's cw fy 50+ s ta tio n Robert B. White, C.A. Business Coach SimplyAccounting Quick Books and Business Vision 2125 Grenville Dr., Suite 2 00 Oakville Tel/Fax: 9 0 5 * 8 4 4 - 8 2 5 8 Email: C h W 0 1250 ' F pdio to~ R pvew i?er Thank you to all the golfers who helped to make our Annual Tournament on May 24, 2000 at Carlisle G olf and Country Club another great success! Congratulations to the winners, pictured with Chamber Past President and Golf Sub-Committee member Doug Watson, clockwise from top left: Ray Bessette - Men's Longest Drive, Rita Davis - Most Honest Golfer, and Lily Keil - Ladies' Low Gross. Other winners not pictured were: Andrew Pigott - Men's Low Gross, Cathy Crump - Ladies'Low Net, Mike Greenhalgh - Men' s Low Net, Anushma Jaggernath, Lorraine Mueller, and Nadine James - Ladies 'Longest Drive, Bill Dodge and Tom Savoy - Men' s Longest Drive. 2 2 0 W y e c r o f t U nit 1 0 0 O a k v ille , O n t a r io L 6 K 3 V 1 (905) 829-9929 Printers of the Oakwile Chamber of Caaunerce Newsletter Tel: 8 4 2 - 4 6 6 4 F a x : 8 4 2 - 1 181 Em ail: f e r g u s o n @ v is io n o l. n e t LE W eddings ^ o u n tr y CHARM7 "A cozy stay at a comfortable price" P · Parties · C onventions Y ou'll appreciate the extras ... 71 room s 3 w hirlpool suites Free continental " plus" breakfast, w eekday new spaper, in-room coffee, local telephone calls & free parking Q.E.W. & Winston Churchill Blvd. 2930 South Sheridan Way Oakville, O ntario L6J 7J8 IS INFORM A TIO N mmerce is also hom e to the O a k v ille you. are expecting o u t-o f-to w n guests, ease stop by and p ic k up to u rist ation.on O a k v ille , H a lto n , O n ta rio rochures are co m p lim e n ta ry! c&ll > - 1F irst Com m unions C onfirm ations 1173 North Service Rd. E, Oakville L6H IA7 8 2 9 -8 0 2 0 B r ia n A . F a g a n Reservations: 800-456-4000 5(4ii) 842-8230 (411)842-8770 1-877-332-3313 FAX: 1-877-820-5888 MIKE WILSON T e l: ( 905)465-1430 F a x : 469-9124 1 -877-95-M A P L E w w w .m a p le le a frn a rk e tin gcom 75) 845-6613 ext. 21. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. year round, and open ne - labour Day. 2021 Lakeshore Rd., Suite 315 Burlington, ON L7R 1A2 RICK KEDZIORj Associate Broker Relocation Specialist Past President _____ Oakville Chamber of Commerce 2000 Oakville Business Directory... now ready! .· All O a k v ille C h a m b e r in O ak ville w ill be receiving . ,, a com plim entary c o p y o f the tSLoblaw s L Loblaws Wayne Mori Store M a n a g e r Loblaws Supermarkets Limited 2431 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville, O N L6J 1Z2 (905) 2 5 7 -4 1 5 5 FAX: (905) 2 5 7 -4 1 5 9 "Community Minded, Business Driven" From concept through finished product, in k on paper is our specialty. stationery · forms · brochures · newsletters · 4-colour process Canada's Business Printer Call me first for your Real Estate needs at 338*9000 Jane King Store M a n a g e r Loblaws Supermarkets Limited 173 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville, O N L6K 1E7 (905) 8 4 5 -4 3 4 5 FAX: (905) 8 4 5 -8 8 9 6 m em bers and registered businesses VbLoJmitbwfte, R EA LTY CORP. ZIPPY PRINT 1200 Speers Road, Unit 51 Oakville Tel: (905) 849-6380 Fax: (905) 849-7318 E-mail: 2000 Oakville Business Directory within the next few weeks. C o p ie s are also available for sale at the C h am b e r office. 67 Lakeshore Road West Oakville, Ontario L6K1C9 i f. Please drop by the C h a m b e r office o r call 8 4 5 -6 6 1 3 to purchase y o u r c o p y today! royal Le p a g e Metcore Inc. Network Solutions That Help Business royal Le p a g e Leading Supplier o f Permanent & Temporary Staffing in Oakville Area ^ ^ ^ M llllllllllllllllllllllll R o y a l L e P a g e R e a l Estate S e rv ic e s Ltd., B ro ker 1 ISA 2000 Chamber is a proud sponsor o f the vard 2 0 0 0 . To become a Kim Saxton Sales Representative Residential Real Estate Services 3 2 6 Lakeshore Road East Oakville, O N L6J 1J6 Steven Lee (Wireless Internet) (416) 891-0596 Fax: (905) 465-1580 326 Lakeshore Rd. E. 845-4267 251 North Service Rd.W (905) 845-4267 direct: (905) 8 4 5 -8 9 0 8 Fax: (905) 8 4 4 -1 7 4 7 Website: E-Mail: Adecca THt tMPtOYMEHl PfOPtE indttee member ·nom inator ^5-6613 for details. 200 North Service Rd. W. Unit 1, Suite 486 Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1 338-3737 700 Dorval Or., Ste. 111 Oakville 842-5173 \ l / An idea whose time has come.