11 | Friday, M arch 3, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com C all: 289-293-0661 em ail: m m arychuk@ oakvillebeaver.com Forward announcem ents o f non profit local events fo r Commu n ity Update to the O akville Beaver, 5046 M ainway, U nit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z1; em ail mmarychuk@ oakvillebeaver.com or call 289-293 0661. Free. Community Update TU ESD A Y M A R C H 7 "Connected to your Community" incarnationchurch.ca. Admission by dona tion at the door. Angela Bruce Chapter IODE meeting at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., 1:30 p.m. Speaker is Robyn Clark, manager of major/corporate giving at Habitat Canada. Celebrate Recovery, a support and F R ID A Y M A R C H 3 recovery program runs every Tuesday eve Oakville's World Day o f Prayer, 1:30 p.m. at Munn's United ning in Oakville. Email judytravisa49@ gmail.com. Church 5 Dundas St. E. For more Four-week Self-esteem Workshop, info, call Tina Driscoll at 905-825 The Women's Centre, runs until March 21. 3369. Fish Fry, Royal Canadian Explore your self-worth and boost your self esteem. No fee. Call 905-847-5520. Legion, Branch 486, Bronte, 79 W EDNESDAY M ARCH 8 Jones St., $10, Fridays 5-8 p.m. T rafalgar Township H istorical Karaoke is free 7:30-11:30 p.m. Society holds its annual meeting, 7 p.m. at Music will be provided from 7-11 the old Palermo school house, 2431 Dundas p.m. All welcome. St. W. Historian Collins presents Suffer us Wings at Royal Canadian Legion, Not to be Driven Off. Branch 114, Oakville, $1/wing, carCanadian Lutheran World Relief rot/celery sticks, 4.30-8 p.m., 36 event, Grace Lutheran Church, 304 Spruce Upper Middle Rd. St., Oakville is sponsoring an event for SATURDAY M A R C H 4 A Grand Latin Evening by Canadian Lutheran World Relief at 7 p.m. Admission is a non-perishable food item for Canadian Central American Relief Kerr Street Mission Food Bank. Effort, Lambton Golf and Country Targeting resumes and cover letters, Club in Toronto. Reception at 6 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, call 905-849-8350 or 289-242-4605. www.canadiancamre.org. 10:30 a.m.-noon, Oakville Career Centre, Halton Green Screens Unlocking the Cage, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905 the fight for legal protection for animals around the world, guest Dr. Jackie Prime, founder of Prime Earth 257-8856. Interview Skills, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Education., 7 p.m., Film.Ca Cinema, 171 Speers Rd. Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd. - Unit B5. Free event. Call 905-257-8856. TH U R S D A Y M A R C H 9 Life Skills Workshop, The Women s Centre, 10 a.m.-noon. No fee. Register at 905-847-5520. Networking Club, 10-11:45 a.m., Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257-8856. Oakville Toastmasters, 7 p.m., holds a club launch meeting, 7 p.m., Joshua's Creek Arenas, 1663 North Service Rd. E. Register at ghow08@gmail.com. Join as charter mem bers. Veterans' Luncheon, Bronte Legion, Branch 486, 79 Jones St., every Thursday at noon. Lunch is free to veterans, $6 for guests. Job Fair 9 a.m.-noon, Goodwill - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257 8856. Dr. Arun Narang D.D.S. Dr. Ulyana Romanyuk D.D.S. TheFutureofDentistry: Digital S m ileD esignand Dental Im agingTechnology The field o f cosm etic dentistry is constantly changing and im proving, and one o f the m ost exciting dental digital advances is D igital Sm ile D esign (D SD ). D SD is an innovative system that com bines high definition im agin g technology, and advanced m odeling techniques to develop a precise plan, for a w ide array o f procedures including im plants, veneers, crowns, and overlays. Part o f w hat m akes D SD so exciting is that patients can "try on" their sm iles before starting treatm ent. O nce you and your dentist have agreed upon the final aesthetics, a digital m ock-up can be printed out for you to view -and even to wear. The 3D printed m odel can be w orn over your natural teeth to give you the m o st realistic preview possible. Additionally, videos can be created to further help you visualize every detail. The m eticulous pre-treatm ent process can provide you with an enhanced peace-of-m ind, and reduce any concerns that the outcom es will be different than what you h oped for. Thus com plex procedures like a Sm ile Facelift can be visualized before starting the treatm ent. We w ould be happy to see you for a com plem entary consultation if you feel you are a g o o d candidate. 1 3 4 4 C o r n w a ll R o a d · O a k v ille , O N A p p o in tm e n ts 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -3 5 1 1 Sowing Native Plants free workshop, 2-4 p.m., Freedom Centre, 4343 Regional Road 25. Space is limited. Pre-registration required: www.eventbrite.ca. MONDAY M ARCH 6 Coffee and Conversation at the Women's Centre, Monday morn ings 10 a.m.-noon; Saving Circle from 1-2 p.m. No fee. Call 905-847 5520. Tots and Us program for pre schoolers and their caregivers, 10-11 a.m., at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St. Free. Belonging: An Adoption Support Group, meets at Compass Point Bible Church, 1500 Kerns Rd., Burlington, 7 p.m., contact themcdonalds@sympatico.ca. Monday evening legal clinic at the Women's Centre, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call 905-847-5520 to register. Support Group for Spouses o f Persons with Dementia today and March 20, 1:30- 3:30 p.m. Call Acclaim Health Alzheimer Services at 905-847-9559 register. KITCHENS O F O A K V IL L E AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST Benefit Concert for Rosie Long, 7:30 p.m. by The Incarnation Festival Choir, 1240 Old Abbey Lane. Call 905-825-2851 or email office@ AYAOAKVILLE.COM A dental experience that w ill make you smile