Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Jun 2000, D6

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D6 help wanted general help wanted t *1 help wanted ELITE Renovations. We are looking for Cabinet In stallers, must have some experience We offer com petitive salary. Call Joe (905)847-5891 or fax resume (905)827-6339 STUDENTS - earn $10$15/hr in your spare time. Action Window Cleaners is looking for students. Rob (905)510-4092.___________ CLEANERS needed imme diately for retail department stores. Heavy and/or light duty experienced cleaners. Various shifts- Nights and early m ornings. Oakville area. Call Sue 1-800-5653756____________________ EXPERIENCED landscap ers required immediately for maintenance and con struction. North Burlington landscape company. Fax resume to: 336-9949 or call 336-1667._______________ WEEKENDS off! Full-time Days- Mon-Fri.. Reliable & mature. Benefits/ training/ tra n sp ortatio n provided. (D.L. required). Call Molly Maid. 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students. TOW Truck Operator re quired immediately. Some experience necessary. CAA knowledge a definite asset. Must have clean drivers abstract. Call 6892386____________________ FU LL/P A R T-TIM E jobs available at Saneili's Foods - Mon-Fri. Some experi ence working with prepared foods and food prep an as set. call 905-639-5797 or fax 905-639-0235_________ LANDSCAPERS required im m ediately, fulltim e, by Oakville based company. Applicants must have: ex perience. valid drivers license & Land 1 & 3 licenses. Call Chris: (905) 828-6767________________ PIZZA D elivery D rivers Needed immediately. Full and part-time Hourly + - not per delivery! Various locations in the Burlington & O akville areas... Call (905)979-1231____________ DRIVERS & Inspectors re quired for Toronto Auto Auction. Phone John Parm (905)875-2915, ext. 604 or fax resume to John Parm (905)875-3219___________ A LT E R A T IO N S required part-time on premises for fine ladies clothing. JulyLAugust. 15. Call 905-8441388____________________ CHIARELLI Hair Design requires an experienced Hairstyling Assistant. Busy downtown Burlington location. Call Josie, (905)637-2325___________ LOOKING for work? Are you 16-24yrs old? Out of work & school? We can help! Call (905)681-1140 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 21, 2000 A quality leader in the markets we serve, we have opportunities SHEET METAL MECHANIC, HVAC Naylor Group Incorporated, an ISO 9002 registered company, has an immediate opening in Oakville for a licensed sheet metal mechanic with a GT 1 license. All our work is in the Industrial. Commercial and Institutional markets. The position would consist of mostly HVAC installations, related ductwork & gas piping. This is a lull-time permanent position paying up to $29.43 per hour. Good benefit package. A minimum of 3 years experience doing similar work is essential. For more information, please call, deliver, mail or fax resumes to: The Mississauga News is seeking a MR. Sub- requires Counter help. Starting $8.50/hr. Apply in person Burlington Mall. Food Court. F u ll tim e I Prayers THANKS to St. Jude for fa vours granted. T.M. I personals YOU deserve to share your life with someone special. Call Misty River Introduc tions. Ontario's traditional matchmaker, at (519)658-4204. PSYCHIC, one reading will convince you. Seniors 10% off. Phone (905)639-2480 Advertising Sales Professional Qualifications include: · · · · · · previous sales, marketing or public relations experience a positive, pro-active, entrepeneural attitude a strong desire to succeed highly developed time management skills outstanding communication skills a seasoned individual who has been involved in the community *< £ o ^ & i : EXCELLENT WAGES BONUS PROGRAM AND YEARS OF SERVICE BONUS COMPREHENSIVE BENEFITS PROGRAM S - r r / ^ iic a c e d d a c v e a d . c o n t a c t : THE * ©ROUP B r ia n T o p p in g R o s e d a le T r a n s p o r t L im ite d 6 8 4 5 Invader C res. Casey Boers NAYLOR GROUP INCORPORATED 455 Nodh Service Road East, Oakville, On L6H1A5 Tel: 905-338-8000 ext 245 Fax 905-338-1909 RQSEDALE Our people make it happen M ississauga, Ontario L5T 2B7 Previous newspaper experience not required. We offer an outstanding compensation package, an exciting work environment and opportunity for advancement at one of Canada's most successful community newpapers. Please for ward your resume before July 7th to: DRIVERS ~ CLASS AZ Dry bulk experience preferred. Must have current ab stract and medical to run U.S., excellent wages and benefits. Apply in person, no phone calls please. JO h */ / LOST: Sports bag with baseball glove & knee braces.Brant Hlls area. Re w ard!! (905)335-9660, leave message.__________ FOUND: Diamond earing, Roseland Plaza on June 20th. Call (905)639-3703. or (905)308-9643_________ FOUND: Eyeglasses at Garage Sale, Sat., June 10th. South Burlington area. Call to identify 6321884____________________ FOUND: gold bracelet. S.E. Oakville. Call to identify. 905-616-4824_______ _ FOUND: Baby kitten, fe male (black with white spots) on June 10th near Pine Grove Rd. Please call (905)825-3592___________ FOUND: Beagle cross dog in the New/ Woodview area. We call Darlene. Please call (905)637-7325. FOUND: Black short haired male cat in the Lakeshore Rd./ Hampton Heath area. We call Midnight. Please call (905)637-7325. FOUND: B la c k c a t with white belly in the Lakeview area. We call Judi. Please call (905)637-7325. FOUND: Black female cat in the Nottingham Ave. area. We call Kim. Please call (905)637-7325_______ FOUND: Sports bag with baseball gear. Upper Middle Rd. area. (905)3321380 A quality leader in the markets we serve, we have opportunities \ Are you paying too much for fuel? Give us a call and $ SAVE $ cue need: cue o^^ei: - 2 years Experience - Late M odel T ractor - V alid AZ License - Clean D river's A b stra ct - P ositive A ttitu d e V : CITY AND HIGHWAY OWNER-OPERATORS G R A N T /! "(M IN | 2111 Lakeshore Road W est MISSISSAUGA, O n ta rio Attn: John Knowles The Mississauga News 3145 Wolfedale Road Mississauga, Ontario L5C 3A9 THE * ©ROUP RQSEDALE Our people make it happen - Com petitive Pay Package - Fleet Insurance Rates - W eekly D irect Deposit * Company Fuel Card ' Code - Bonus Program Sxpenienccd rfW ew contact: Brian Topping Rosedale Transport Lim ited 6845 Invader Cres.. Mississauga, Ontario L5T2B7 905-670-0057 Burlington based business forms manufacturer has opening for a jonal Supporting an PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR with a minimum of four(4) years experience on small presses. The applicant should have knowledge of papers, as well as mixing of inks. Web Printing experience an asset. Wage governed by experience; Good benefits package offered. independent life style fo r the elderly Full-tim e position now available SCHEDULER/ CO-ORDINATOR Excellent salary and incentives Agency experience and proficiency in Microsoft office preferred. Fax resumes 905-842-6616 or 'NEC is an equal opportunity employer RN/ RPNs P art-T im e For Appleby Place, a luxury retirement residence in Burlington. Experienced with long term care . residents, hold current medica tion certificate, registered with the College of Nurses, organized and work with minimal super vision. Submit resume by fax or email to Regina Holmes: Fax resumes to 905-681-9882 S e rvice Technicians W anted Busy, pro g re ssive F ord / Lincoln d e a le r ship requires licensed Techs with Ford ex perience, com m itm ent to quality and high custom er satisfaction. Positive fixed right fir s t tim e a ttitu d e e s s e n tia l. P h o n e or w rite in c o n fid e n ce to : R ich a rd B reton, Service M anager, T errace F ord/ Lincoln 900 W alker's Line Burlington, Ont L 7 N 2 G 2 (905)632-6252 LONDON TELECOM/PRIMUS CUSTOM ER SERVICE An immediate opening requires a person w ith very strong w ritten and oral com m unication skills, organized w ith a professional a ttitude to deal directly w ith customers, sales representatives and suppliers. M ust have g o o d w o rk in g knowledge o f M icrosoft Office, general medical knowledge/ term inology and telem arketing w o u ld be an asset. Please forw ard resumes by mail only to: C ustom er Service R epresentatives Oakville call centre requires experienced English and Bilingual (French) customer service representatives. Knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite, 60+wpm typing, one year or more of experience, dependable, able to work flexible shifts, and ability to work in a fast-paced environment required. Fax resume to (905) 337-6006 attention Customer Service Manager or email to ltninternet@ ltn.com . Phone calls not accepted. Only those candidates who we are interested in w ill be contacted. INTERLOCKING, fences & decks. Experienced, quality work. References. Call (905)890-4632 525 oftic«Hrical 525 office-clarical ^ painting & decorating Global Medical Products 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L5K2 An international Fluid Carrying Systems Company has an opening for a: Chemical distributor based in Mississauga is recruiting for an Administrative Assistant to work with senior managem ent. The suc c e s s fu l c a n d id a te w ill h a ve a m in . 10 y e a rs o ffic e e x p e rie n c e c o m b in in g c o m p u te r s k ills and g e n e ra l a d m in istra tio n . Know ledge o f tra ffic and custom s an asset. Please send detailed resume with salary expectations to: Box 6280, c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L 6 K 3 S 4 (905) 333-0596 ap.snc@lrc.ca Re «irc m e rt-T C "» > m u n i(iri 100 % Quality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior. Exterior. Local calls 905-777-5205 or 416-793-3339 LIFESTYLE Dell Pharmacy requires a P/T Driver and P/T Sales Assoc. Avail, to work after noons, evgs & wknds. individuals who enjoy senring the community will be welcomed into our team! Present resume with covering letter within store at: 1 -4057 New St., Eastway Plaza Burlington HOCKEY Store supervisor. O akville location, expe rience preferred. Call (905)845-6989, ext. 240 SEAMSTRESS/ Tailor, ex perienced, full or part-time. Work here or at home! Oak ville area. Call (905)3392313____________________ LUNCH C ounter help needed for golf course in Oakville. Call Lee or Mike at 905-827-7750_________ CAKE Decorator required. Call Mario or Vickie 6390319 (Burlington) f c a telemarketers ABSOLUTELY no selling. No cold calling. Just setting appointments from our Bur lington head office. $9/hr. + remarkable bonus. Perma nent evenings. 333-8180 Mrs. Lang________________ TELEMARKETING profes sional required by estab lished advertising firm. Permanent position. Ex cellent base and insentive program. Full training pro vided. Call 905-333-8840 Uniglobe Travel Consultants · Full-time & Part-time · Experience in both corporate & leisure sales · Adept at Sabre · Strong in custom er service skills W ork close to home in a sm all busy Oakville office. MEDICAL Office requires fulltime staff. Start imme diately. Resumes to Box 1765, c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7R 2E3_________________ M ED IC AL S ecretary re quired for Endocrinology Clinic & Research Center. (Oakville). Medical experi ence preferred. Fax (905)337-0044___________ DENTAL Receptionist re quired for busy Oakville of fice. Experience an asset. Fax resum e: (416)-6354406____________________ CERTIFIED Dental Assis tant, N/E Oakville, commun ity colle g e training pre ferred. Call (905)845-6023; Fax: (905)338-8523 PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too smm. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs.. 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777____________________ RELOCATORS: Excellent service, starting S45/hr. in cludes 2 professional m overs. truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. M A C H IN E REPAIR PERSO N with a MRQ/ Millwright license and minimum 5 years experience in fixture repair/ design. Background in small diameter tubing would be an asset. Shift work required. Excellent pay and benefits. O rder Entry & G en eral Support DOWNTOWN O AKVILLE You are an organized, detail oriented team player with a dedicated work ethic. You possess a basic working knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel and general of fice procedures. You also have a keen interest to learn. If you meet this criteria, we would like to hear from you. Please mail your resume and covering letter to: Box 6279, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, ON L6K3S4 In the publishing industry, nothing moves in a straight line Fax your resume in confidence to: Karen Oliver 905-827-7285 or m ail to Uniglobe Glen Abbey Travel. 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W ., Oakville L6L 5V5 T.l. Group Automotive Systems 316 Orenda Rd. E. Brampton, Ontario, L6T 1G3 FAX 905-793-3626 attention: Human Resources UPSCALE FOOTWEAR OPPORTUNITY Take pride in what you do & Join our team! EARN S12/HOUR + THE FOOT SHOPPE is looking for high energy, career oriented individuals to join our fast paced growing company. We are currently accepting appli cations for an Asst. Mgr & F/T positions. We are a high-end comfort footwear store with locations in Toronto & downtown Oakville. We are an industry leader in both compensation and training. Experience is an asset & an upbeat personality is a must. It the shoe fits. FAX your resume including location of interest: ( 905 ) 833-2261 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, comfort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab rics. table/ chair access ories. C all Sherry, 6346706. BUDDS1 BMW requires a punclural, neat & self-moiivated TUnHotteHA. NOW HIRING has the following positions available · Night shift Counter Help- full-time Little Caesars logo We are looking tor people who are ambitious and enjoy working with other people. Great advancement opportunities! We are a growing company with a great benefit package and competititve salary! Get paid while you train! Come join our management team. Send resume to: Attention: Samira Self Fax 905-631-7314 Geraldo's At Lasalle Park Banquet & Convention Facility seeks an: LOT PERSON Fulltime. Experience in the prep, of new and used cars required. Call or drop off resume: Attn: Andy Trojner 2400 S. Service RdW Oakville, ON L6L 5M9 Tel: (905) 845-3577 TREE-CONCERNS? Greenscape Tree Care quality trimming and prun ing, tree and stump re moval. Free estimates Fully insured. Call (905)469-1817 Formula Publications, an Oakville-based magazine publisher, is looking for a computer-lilerate · Mature Weekend Manager for Maplegrove store Administrative Assistant who can adapt to any situation with efficiency and enthusiasm. The successful candidate will be familiar with the Windows NT platform, specifically FilemakerPro. He or she will handle subscriptionbased data entry, customer enquiries and correspondence, as well as the occasional odd job. The position is available immediately. Send your resume, along with salary expectations, to Formula Publications, Attn: Carrie Arpa, 447 Speers, Suite 4, Oakville, ON L6K 3S7; or fax to: (905) 842-4432. · Dayshift Counter help- full time Apply in person 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/fax 338-1966 ^ halr, beauty salon help SENIOR - experienced to look after senior Shih Tzu in my home when owners are away. Requires lots of care, references. (905)8496770. f t r / r t l tutorial WANTED: Conversational French Tutor for student en tering 3rd year University in France. (905)847-2337. leave message___________ W m l i m daycare available MATURE lady will care for your children in your Oak ville home. Full-time/ parttime, Lillian 905-829-0209 REGISTERED home day care. fulltime spaces avail able 18mos-5yrs. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts. ABC's, 123's, outings, fenced yard CPR/ references/ receipts Kim (905)319-3826_______ EXPERIENCED reliable caregiver available. 1 year commitment. Will come to your home. E.C.E. certified, references. Call (905) 8421161____________________ daycare wanted WANTED...Childcare for 6 month old,.start beginning August, non-smoker with references. Your home near Mapleview Mall. Please call Christine 921-5973 ^PART-TIME DRIVER « Required to work weekdays & weekends « Suitable for a mature, outgoing student « Car required. Fax resume to: 905-632-1024 U l n k fa tto m . HAIR, Nail, Esthetic Techs. Looking for a fresh start in a trendy shop? New or experienced, full/ flex time. Put your thoughts on paper- tell us about your passion. Write Boxholder 5014 New St.. Ste. 126, Burlington, ON L7L 6E8 ESTHETICIAN, E xperi enced, required PT/FT in our busy full service spa conveniently located in Waterdown. Apply with resume: 292 Dundas St.E., W ater-dow n, (9 05 )6 8 97022____________________ HAIRSTYLIST, R.M.T. & Receptionist required to join our growing & enthusiastic team of professionals. FT/ PT. Please call (905)6812582 / S j \ V iV O akville M AZDA SALES PROFESSIONAL MALE OR FEMALE REQUIRED If you have the experience we will reward you with The Best Commission Plan. O Modern facilities. O Award winning products. O Family atmosphere. Benefit plan. Cali Steve of Ian for appointment 905-827-4242 INSIDE Sales Representa tive needed. Must be out going, friendly, sales-oriented. $10./hr., Full-time/ days, call Michelle at 905827-8230 to apply. FULL and part-time Sales Associates needed. Drop resume off to Rob McIntosh China, 2nd level, Oakville Place, Oakville. Attn: Charlene Hall Circulation Dept., Burlington Post No Phone Calls Please · C ake D ecorators ·F /T A fternoon Supervisor Call 827-5200 or 257-1294 EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER'S ASSISTANT Formula Publications, an Oakville-based magazine publisher, is leoking for an outgoing Executive Pub lisher's Assistant who understands the importance of deadlines. The successful candidate will be comput er-literate and selt-starting. He or she will attend meetings, organize events and liaise with the sales staff and clients. The position represents the pub lisher,therefore, excellent organizational skills, adapt ability and a friendly altitude are all musts. The position is available immediately. Send your resume, along with salary expectations, to Formula Publications, Attn: Janice Novak, 447 Speers, Ste. 4, Oakville, ON L6K 3S7; Fax: (905)842-4432. LEGAL Secretary. Excell ent opportunity for exper ienced legal secretary in busy Oakville office. Must have superior com puter skills; experience in one or more of follow ing: corp orate- com m ercial; real estate; wills/ estates. Salary commensurate with exper ience. Resumes & salary expectations to: oakvillelaw @hotmail.com ADMINISTRATIVE Help: needed for a leading home im provem ent company. Must be computer literate, good organization and com m unication skills, accounting and bookkeep ing a must, simply account ing an asset. Fax re sume to(905)637-0018 or drop off to 3018 New St. Burlington._______________ Burlington . sales help " 1 & agents RECEPTIONIST. Full-time days. Microsoft knowledge. Fax resume with salary ex pectations Attn: Cindy, (905)842-9899 Dispatcher BURLINGTON POST R EQ UIR ES Exp'd Banquet Manager/Events Coordinator Must have a min. of 5 years exp. in operations & events planning and exceptional organiza tional skills. Excellent salary. Fax contidential resume to the attention of Gerald Attard (905)631-8432, Burl A D U L T CARRIERS to deliver the Burlington Post door-to-door in Aldershot Gas allowance. With trucking experience required fulltime tor transportation logistics company in Oakville. Fax resume attention: T raffic Manager (905) 847-1446 LOCAL Automotive parts rebuilder looking for indi vidual with m echanical skills and abilities. This is a full-time position. Wages based on experience. Please submit your resume Box 6281, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4_____________ LABOURER with welding experience required fulltime by O akville m achine builder. Good pay. Over time & training available. Call: (905)465-2484; Fax: (905)465-2485___________ CARPENTER Wanted Full time, 1-3 years experience. Own transportation. Refer ences. Call (905)333-3186 after 6pm________________ K l V l l v office-clerical Please call 632-0588 Bob Ext. 264 BROKERS/ CONTRACTORS WITH OWN VAN REQUIRED BY Creative problem solvers with a customer focus & a patient-friendly approach. Exceptional communication skills & sound knowledge of computer-based technol ogy. Fully fluent (written/ oral) English/ French are some of the qualifications required tor the following: . Customer Care Support Specialist- F/T WORK from home parttime! Financial services dealer seeks an exper ienced telemarketer to cold call businesses and residential prospects, and arrange appoin6tm ents. Qualifiedi applicants must be highly motivbated with a strong command of the English language. Call 637-8678._______________ EXPERIENCED Sales Per so n- children's boutique. Permanent part-time, days evenings& alternate wee kends, excellent pay. Fax (905)825-3858, Phone 8258419 Deborah. WANTED: A d u lts n e e d e d to d e liv e r th e O a k v ille B e a v e r d o o r to d o o r. N o in s e rtin g o r c o lle c tin g re q u ire d W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y and Saturday. Vehicle required. Excellent pay. If interested call betw een 8:30 and 6:30 M onday to Friday and S aturday between 12 noon and 5 p.m. at A.I.S. COURIERS To deliver Postal Products in Burlington Minimum $500/week. Call (905) 276-3221 BETWEEN 2PM-5PM JOURNEYPERSON Cookform al training required, demonstration cookery an asset. Keen active promo tion position, suitable for an up & coming young chef recently graduated from cooking college. $l0/range, 5 day week, days, no w eekends. M ississauga area. Fax resume to (905) 388-8984 JUBfLEE Fruit Market re quires permanent full-time Produce Clerks & Cashiers, available to work flexible hours including weekends. $9.0 0-$ 1 0.00 per hour. Apply in person with resume: 104 Allen Street, Oakville (905)842-0378 U -H AU L Now hiring for part-time Customer Service Rep/ Counter help. Please apply in person with re sume to: 3476 Mainway Dr., Burlington. No Phone Calls Please! An equal opportunity employer.________ ATTENTION Students. Looking for part or full time summer campaign workers for Big Brothers of Halton Annual Funtastic campaign. For information call Evelyn Rea or Shannon Kelly, 339-2355. FULLTIME drivers (owner operators) with vans and mini vans required. Must have experience in courier & expedite. Average weekly earning $800- $900. Please call for interview at 6931218 or fax resume to 6939272 You will provide health information to consumers and handle direct customer interactions. RN or min. of a BSc./BSc. Pharm with 2 years of customer care experience in the medical field. You must be flexible in working hours, Oakville area. DOMINO'S PIZZA requires 25 NANNY (experienced) downtown Oakville, liveout, for 3-yr. old girl, Call 849-7758._______________ NANNY needed for twin 8mos. old boys. Northeast Oakville. Recent ECE grad uates/ experienced individ uals. 8 1 5 -0 9 0 8 .________ ENERGETIC caregiver re quired, 2 children. Must have DL and own vehicle. C rim inal clearance/ ref erences required. Burloak/ Lakeshore. 634-4951 EXPERIENCED Nanny re quired Oakville. Live-in/ out for 10-mos. & 5-yr. old. Leqals only. Minimum wage Swim m er/ driver/ nonsmoker. Local references. 6:30am-6pm., occassional evenings. (416)348-6053. LIVE-IN / OUT Nanny re quired immediately for inf ant and 2-1/2 year old. Bur lington area. (9 0 5 )3 3 t7759. between 2-4 p.m. or leave message. MOTHER'S Helper need ed 2 weekdays/ week star ting in September. Laundry, light housework, after school care. Fair pay, flexi ble hours. Glen (905)847-9034. FULL-TIME care required for 2yr old girl. North Bur lington area. Light hous'ekeeping. Non-smoker, Pet friendly, NNEB or equival ent. References. Reply Box 1764 Burlington Post. 2321 Fairview, Burlington, L7R.2E3________________ FULL-TIME, long term livein Nanny needed for 2 kids aged 3 & 5. Call weekends (905)825-4141 Customer Care Reimbursement S p ecialist- Contract You will be responsible for direct customer inter actions relating to reimbursement access. Post-sec ondary education required, preferably BSc. & 2 years of customer care experience in the medical field. You must be flexible in working hours, Oakville area. Fax or email resumes stating position applying for 905-825-9449 sandra.davidson@serono.com Only those under consideration w ill be contacted. DRIVERS Full/ part-time. Earn $8-$20/hr. Paid nightly. Apply to: 380 Iroquois Shore Rd. Oakville KITCHEN Help. all positio n s availa ble , for Emma's Back-Porch and The W aterstreet Cooker Line Cooks. C old Line Dishwashing, Food Prep Be part of the busiest kitchen in Burlington! Apply: 2084 Lakeshore Rd.E., Burlington. Fax: (905)634-1146 GATOR Ted's Tap & Grill now accepting applications for Part-time Dishwashers & Cooks. Start immediately! Experience preferred. Apply in person with resume: 1505 Guelph Line, Burlington. No Yahoo's Pleasel BENNY'S Restaurant re quires fu ll/ part-tim e C ashier, C ounter Help; part-tim e weekend D ish w asher/ C leaner. Apply: 586 Kerr Street, (at Speers) ASSISTANT Manager re quired fulltime. 1-2 years experience. C om puter litera te . C all for appoin tment, Jaguar Sports Bar. (905)847-8118___________ BARTENDER & WaitstaffFull-time, experience. Ap ply: Supreme Restaurant & Tavern. Appleby Mall, 5111 New, Burlington.__________ NEW York Fries- HiringF ull-tim e M anager and Part-time help. Apply with resume Oakville Place location.___________________ W ANTED fu ll-tim e and part-tim e line cooks and dishwashers. Apply with re sume Finnegans Wake, 379 Speers Rd.. Oakville. 845-9742 W ANTED: LO A D ER S W ednesday, Friday, and Saturday 6 a.m. Start ACCOUNTINI /MICRO ESTil COMPUTER · M O U S C e rtifie d · F in a n c ia l A id May Be A vailable wm Do you have what it takes to join an award winning sales team? To do so, you must be energetic, outgoing, enthusiastic, assertive and goal oriented. PHARMACIST Nurse Receptionist required by Burlington Family Doctor. P/T, 2-3 days/week Office exp. preferred. Reply: Box# 1763 Burlington Post 2321 Fairview St. Burlington, Ontario L7P2E3 required temporary Full-time position by Must have safety shoes Some Heavy Lifting SHOPPERS DRUG MART (Waterdown) Healthwatch exp. preferred. Fax resume Call Krithia (905)844-0577 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER HALTON BUSINESS IN S T IT U T E If you fit this description and are a marketing program graduate or have related experience, then you may be the next addition to our team. As an entry level Sales Consultant your responsibilities will include new and existing account development and servicing. As a member of our team you will receive an attractive compensation package, including salary, commission and incentives. Reply in confidence to: Mark Yesford Retail Advertising Manager c/o The Burlington Post 2321 Fairview Street Burlington On L7R 2E3 Fax: 905-632-9162 We thank all applicants for applying, however only those considered will be contacted. 905-689-7031 PHARMACY TechnicianE xperienced. part-tim e. Required im m ediately at Shoppers Drug Mart. Must be availa ble all shifts. Competitive wages. Reply with resum e to Laurie Doyle. 470 Appleby Line, Burlington, L7L.2Y2, or fax 905-639-8890 Summer Students WANTED To work Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays Shifts available 637*3415 Administrative Assistant Required F/T by mfg & distribution co. in Burlington. Computer knowledge and experience an asset. Duties inch reception, A/ P, A/R, filing, etc. Please FAX resume to: (905) 332-0251 RPRI'S R EQ UIR ED For M aternity R elief & Permanent P/T Call Krithia (905)844-0577 Vistamere Retirement ® 905-847-1413 or fax 847-1765 The Oakville Beaver FULL-TIME R eceptionist required for fast paced m edical office. Must be personable. Flexible, able to work under pressure. Fax resume with salary expec tations. after 6pm Only 905842-3625 MONEY Problems? Gar nishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee:(905) 631-0600

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