Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 19 Jan 2000, B6

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B6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, January 19, 2000 | Auction | Iii Memoriams -DENESEVICH, BorisJan. 2 0 ,1 9 9 8 Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us day by day. Unseen, unheard but always near, Still loved, still missed and still so dear. Our fam ily chain is broken & nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again. ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE W ED. JA N . 19 TH A T 6 :0 0 P .M . PREVIEW FROM 4:30PM A T T H E AG R IC U LTU R AL HALL, MILTON FAIRGROUNDS, ROBERT ST. A n e x c e p t i o n a l s a le f e a t u r i n g q u a l i t y f u r n is h in g s to in c lu d e : M a h . d in in g s u ite , s e v e r a l d in in g t a b le s , c h a ir s , d r e s s e r s , c u p b o a r d s , V ie t, c h a ir s a n d s m a ll ta b le s , e tc ., lig h tin g , q u a n tity o f c h in a , B e s w ic k f i g u r e s , s i lv e r , d e c o r a t i v e s , a n d m u c h m o re . T e r m s : C a s h , c h e q u e , w / 2 p c e s . ID , N o R e s e r v e s , N o B u y e rs P r e m iu m . F o r fu r th e r s a le o r c o n s ig n m e n t in fo , fa x or phone: Sadly missed by your wife Ida, 5 children & 13 grandchildren MATTHIESEN, Finn- In loving memory of a dear husband, father, son-in-law, brother and friend. W ho slipped away from us, on Jan uary 19, 1999. JO N M EDLEY A U C T IO N E E R ( 9 0 5 ) 8 7 8 -2 6 4 7 May the winds of love blow softly. And whisper so you can hear. We will always love and miss you, And wish that you were here. For all that life has given us. And all that's left to do. We know no greater treasure, Than the days we had with you. Sadly missed and ever remembered by Carol, John, Erick and Ryan. D eaths Photo by Barrie Erskine Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family St. Ignatius of Loyola Secondary School sent three students to Shad Valley last summer. Posing in a science lab, from left, are Rene-B Ramkhelawan, Kim Schneider, and Charlotte Fung. Loyolasends three to Shad Valley By Wilma Blokhuis OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Two went to Thunder Bay and one to Ottawa, as St. Ignatius o f Loyola Secondary School sent three students to Shad Valley this past summer. Charlotte Fung and Kim Schneider attended Shad Valley at Lakehead University, and Rene-B Ramkhelawan went to Carleton University. Each student was challenged, as part of a group, to come up with a new product that demon strated aspects of science, technology and entre preneurship - the aims of Shad Valley, a program designed for top academic students. Schneider's group came up with a water conserver for in-home use. "After water is used for washing your hands or vegetables or taking a shower, it can be drained through a filter, at the flick of a switch, for recy cling." And to make it affordable and practical, commercial filters can be used in this design. Fung's group came up with a sliding hand rest for a computer keyboard. "We decided to design something for the grow ing number of people with carpal tunnel syn drome, thinking it would be easier for them to type if they could rest their hands on a moveable rest, sliding from slide to side." The keyboard would be placed inside this device. Ramkhelawan got involved with the automatic page turner that one of the groups at Carleton University had designed. The page turner auto matically turns pages at the press of a button, and would be ideal for musicians and the physically disabled. "I helped with the business plan and the video," said Ramkhelawan. The page turner was chosen as the winning project at Carleton and entered in the Royal Bank Shad Entrepreneurial Cup awards presented in October. Fun and Schneider supported the project cho sen to represent Lakehead at the awards. "One of the groups came up with a composter with a hand crank to grate soil from compost onto a bottom shelf which slides out to remove the soil," explained Schneider. The three students found the Shad experience to be a lot of work, with lectures mixed with adventure and fun. "We had lectures on everything from the ecol ogy to earthquakes," said Ramkhelawan. "and we visited a pulp and paper mill, and spent two days at a cancer research centre." He also enjoyed canoeing and kayaking in the Rideau Canal, and participating in building `Shad City' on the beach at Mooney's Bay. "Each group took a section of beach to design and build this sand castle city." Schneider and Fung visited Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and hiked in the White Pine Reserve. "But, the best thing for me at Shad was the peo ple I met," said Schneider and Ramkhelawan. "I met well rounded people . . . really amazing peo ple . . . people who are so motivated." BEATTIE, James D. - (Former employee of Air Coils Manufacturing Company and Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and a Life member of Oakville Legion Branch #114. Served with the Lome Scots overseas for 4 years.) Peacefully on Monday, January 17, 2000 at his home in Oakville. Jim, in his 87th year. Beloved husband of Marjorie (Eastwood). Loved father of Phil and his wife Trudy, Betty and her husband Wayne McIntosh, Mary and Her husband Rick Page, Brian and his wife Lynne, Dave and his wife Linda and Heather and her husband Homer Guerrero. Dear grandfather of 14 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4pm and 7-9 pm Thursday. Funeral Service 11:00 am Friday in the Chapel. Cremation. Those who wish may make memorial contribution to Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the Kidney Foundation. DEC0U, Doreen M arie - Peacefully on Sunday January 16, 2000 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital at 65 years of age. Beloved wife of the late Paul Charles Decou. Loving mother of Brian and his wife Liza, Wayne and his wife Cathy, Sharon and her husband Ralph Yeo, Paul and his wife Charlene, Gerald and his wife Angela, and Donna and her husband Donald Cormier, Dear grandmother of Eric, Laura, Valerie, Andrew, Wayne Jr., Melissa, Lorri, Joey, Shelley, Tara, Dawn, Junie, Dale, Justin, Tammy, Brandi, Jeremy, Corey, Adam, Sherri, Amy and the late Aaron and Brandon. Loving great- grandmother of Elexus, Casandra, Tiera, December, Mikey, and Billy. Sister of Lorna and Walter Wyslouzil and Doug and Carol Brown. Visitaion was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr) on Tuesday evening. A funeral mass will be held at St. James Catholic Church on Wednesday (today) at 2P.M. followed by cremation. F O R S T E R , M .C. (D O N ) - W W II R C A F V e te r a n , S a t u r d a y J a n u a r y 1 5 , 2 0 0 0 , In h is 7 5 th y e a r , in F t. M y e r s , F lo r id a . S o n o f th e la te M r s . A . F o r s te r , h u s b a n d o f th e la te N a n c y P r ic e , fa th e r o f R o n a ld , P a u la a n d D o n n a , g r a m p a o f fo u r g r a n d c h ild r e n , b r o t h e r o f A d a P ic k e r in g o f B u r lin g t o n , B ru c e o f W o o d s to c k , C h r is C o o k a n d llle n e S p u rg e o n b o th o f O a k v ille , G le n n o f L i n d s a y , a n d K e it h o f M e s a A r i z o n a . C r e m a tio n h a s ta k e n p la c e . 56 LAKESHORE ROAD W EST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · D o n C la rk e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·D u n c a n W a y · J o h n M u rp h y 842-2252 W A R D Funeral Hom es HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville 905 844-3221 - Ann Futher Charles Gibbs Prayer___________________ Prayer to St. Jude. May the sacred Head of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world, now and forever. 0 Sacred Heart ot Jesus, pray Tor us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. Help er of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day, by the eighth day, prayer w ill be an swered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. T.B. Family Services A lc o h o lic s A n o n ym o u s If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Oursl (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Smoker asks for help in quitting ( C o n tin u e d fr o m p a g e B 1 ) And so 1 resisted the anti smoking rhetoric for a long time, resolving I wouldn't quit just because they said so. I would choose my own time. Indeed, it wasn't until the furor died down that I finally faced the issue in earnest. But a wheeze in my chest along with an inability to hold a singing note for long, and the mistaken notion that I might set an example for my chain-smok ing son, who was near and dear to me, propelled me closer to a decision. Still, I procrastinated while the guilt rode around in my brain. And then one day I read about an anti-smoking drug. Ah, that's what I was waiting for something that zoomed into the brain and soothed the source of the cravings. It made sense. I could see a painless withdrawal on the horizon. About the same time, I tore out a newspaper notice about the Region of Halton's stop smoking clinic, open every Friday. Even then, it took two weeks to gather up enough courage to attend. (SmokeStop, call 825-6060 Ext. 7887.) The clinic's Dr. Douglas Wilson explained I could smoke for a couple of weeks while the drug was percolating properly in my brain by increasing dopamine. Ah, a 14-day reprieve from the executioner! "And w hat's your quitting date?" he asked. "Uh, oh," I stuttered. "Iguess ... well, let's say Nov. 23rd???" During the next two weeks, I tried to prepare m yself for THAT DAY by mentally walk ing myself through a day with out cigarettes. What would it be like at my computer without the ashtray there? Or watching TV? O r without the anticipation of a smoke after finishing a house hold task? I had to think as a non-smoker. The day loomed like a moun tain and quickly it went. It had n't been too bad. The next day was awful, but two pills a day helped soothe the physical crav ings. However, the smoking habit remained healthy and reared its ugly head when I spied my son's cigarettes. I reasoned that three or four a day represented only a fifth of the number I smoked before. But then it was harder than ever to get back on track during the week. At times I wanted to give the whole exercise up, admit defeat and rush out and buy a package. I did - once and puffed through half a pack in one evening. Then I thought of the progress I'd made. If I started smoking again it would all be for nothing. From all this, I've concluded that quitting smoking is a com plicated business involving both body and mind. You try to pre pare for it just as you would for the certain death of a favorite friend. Yet when it actually occurs you're not as prepared as you think. There is a period of grieving for your loss. I'm also convinced quitting is easier for some than for oth ers. I've heard not all smokers develop the same level of addic tion to nicotine or experience the same level of withdrawal. True enough, I guess. Some people can push the cravings aside and treat them as inconsequential. Even though medication helps a lot, I think about them often throughout the day. Some people have the sup port of quitting with friends or relatives. I'm doing it alone. Some people have the mental fortitude to quit cold-turkey and without any quitting aids. I envy them. Yet, all the people I know who have quit have suffered the pangs of withdrawal. During the process I've heard them say: "I could kill for a cigarette." Yessir. I know exactly what they mean. I also realize they are non-smokers today who, even years after they've quit, still crave a cigarette once in a while. They're able to resist the urge and can live happily without nicotine. Who knows? This `slipper' may soon get to be as strong as they are. But I confess I could use a little help along the way. GREENE, Mae (nee Condie) - Peacefully on Sunday January 16, 2000 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Mae Greene, in her 86th year. Beloved wife of the late Gerald Greene. Dear mother of Gary and his wife June and Dave Greene. Loving grandmother of Kim Collu, and Kris, Stacey and Sandra Greene. Great grandmother of Matthew Collu. Mae is survived by her sister Janet Morgan. Predeceased by her sister Peg and Jean and brothers Tom, Bill, and Duncan. Memorial visitation at Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville from 7-9pm Tues day. A service* of Remembrance will be held at 3pm on Wednesday January 19, 2000 in the chapel. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Halton-Wentworth Alz heimer Foundation or the charity of their choice. - H ugh passed aw ay p e a c e fu lly o n S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 1 0 , 2 0 0 0 . H e w a s t h e s o n o f t h e l a t e E v e ly n E . B o lto n , b r o t h e r to T e d a n d h is w ife J a n e , a n d n e p h e w o f W in G r e e n w e ll a n d c o u s in t o D ic k G r e e n w e l l a n d f a m i l y in N e w B r u n s w ic k . T h e f a m ily w is h to e x p r e s s a s p e c ia l th a n k y o u to D r. M a n n o , w h o c a r e d fo r H u g h fo r m a n y y e a r s . W e a ls o w is h to th a n k th e n u r s e s a t th e O a k v ille H o s p ita l a n d n u r s e s a n d s t a f f a t th e S e n io r s R e s id e n c e a t 2 2 2 2 L a k e s h o r e R d . w h e r e h e w a s a r e s id e n t f o r s e v e r a l y e a r s . T h a n k s a ls o t o S h a n n o n a t t h e K o p riv a T a y lo r F u n e ra l H o m e f o r h e r k in d n e s s a n d u n d e r s ta n d in g . Notice LO S T/S TO LEN - O n T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 6 , 2 0 0 0 b e tw e e n 1 :4 5 a n d 3 :4 5 p m fr o m a s ilv e r D o d g e C a r a v a n p a rk e d o n th e n o rth s id e o f O a k v ille A r e n a , o n e b la c k le a th e r p u r s e w it h 2 z i p p e r e d s e c t i o n s , g o l d b u c k le and s h o u ld e r le n g th s tra p c o n ta in in g a ta n le a th e r w a lle t w ith c a s h , ID a n d c r e d it c a r d s , tw o c h ild r e n 's c h a n g e p u r s e s a n d c o n te n ts p lu s p e rs o n a l ite m s . R E W A R D . If f o u n d p le a s e c a l l t h e O a k v ille B e a v e r a t (9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 - 5 5 7 3 . G R IFFITH S, Hugh OTMH opens QuitCare clinic The QuitCare Smoking Cessation Program is now available to residents of Halton through Halton Healthcare Services - (Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital site. QuitCare will be officially opened on Thursday, Jan. 20th, at the OTMH lobby at 2 p.m. This program uses the latest research-proven methods for behaviour change. It will help make smoking cessation effort a positive step toward better health. In Ontario, one in every four people smokes despite indisputable medical evidence that tobac co kills more than 12,000 people every year. Up to 50% of all smokers questioned in an Angus Reid survey in 1998 said they want to quit. QuitCare helps smokers deal with both the related psycho logical issues and the physical dependence on nicotine. QuitCare is available in three formats: selfdirected, individual by telephone or in person, and group. Counselling is provided by trained healthcare professionals. All registrants receive a compre hensive handbook which includes self-monitoring records, skill development exercises, assignments, and reference readings. Use of `the patch' is not required -- that decision is between you and your family physician. The launch of this new program coincides with the Quit Smoking 2000 Contest which is spon sored by the Council for a Tobacco Free Ontario. This four-month campaign is being launched dur ing National Non Smoking Week, Jan 17th to 21st. Smokers are encouraged to enter the contest during the months of January and February. Registrants are required to remain smoke-free for the month of March to be eligible for a draw to win provincial prizes: a Caribbean cruise; a dia mond necklace; televisions; VCRs; and many local prizes. For more information, or to register for QuitCare, call 905-338-4691 or send e-mail to QuitCare@otmh.on.ca. McLAUGHLIN, Martin Samuel A t th e O a k v ille L ife c a r e C e n tr e o n S a tu r d a y , J a n u a r y 1 5 th 2 0 0 0 . Martin McLaughlin, b e lo v e d husband of W in n ifre d . L o v in g fa th e r o f T h e lm a and her h u s b a n d A lla n E llio tt, F lo y d a n d h is w ife J o a n , lle n e M c M illa n a n d H u g h M c L a u g h lin . S a d ly m is s e d by h is g ra n d c F iild re n M a r ty and h is w ife M a u re e n M c M illa n , K im b e r ly M c M illa n , C lin t a n d C in d y a ls o h is g r e a t g r a n d c h ild r e n N a th a n , K a le ig h and M a th e w . P re d e c e a s e d by 5 b r o th e r s a n d 3 s is te rs . F a m ily a n d fr ie n d s m a y v is it a t th e M c K e r s ie Kocher F u n e ra l H om e 114 M a in S tr e e t, M ilto n fr o m 7 -9 pm W ednesday. F u n e ra l S e r v ic e T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 0 th , 2 0 0 0 a t 1 :0 0 p m fr o m th e F u n e ra l H o m e . In te r m e n t a t E v e r g r e e n C e m e te r y ._________________ ZAM M IELLO, Marla Rosa P e a c e f u lly o n S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 1 6 , 2 0 0 0 a t P in e g r o v e N u r s in g H o m e , W o o d b r id g e in h e r 9 4 t h y e a r . M a r ia R o s a D i lu g lio , b e l o v e d w i f e o f t h e l a t e D o m e n ic o Z a m m ie llo . L o v e d m o th e r o f A n g ie a n d h e r h u s b a n d T o m D i R is i o a n d F r a n k Z a m m ie llo a n d h is w if e R o s a lie . D e a r ly lo v e d b y h e r g r a n d c h ild r e n R o s e m a r ie , M in a , J o h n n y , T o m m y , R o s e tta , P a s q u a le , D o m e n ic o and her e ig h t g re a t g r a n d c h ild r e n . V is it a t io n a t th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r F u n e ra l H o m e , 6 4 L a k e s h o r e R o a d W e s t , O a k v i ll e f r o m 2 - 4 p m a n d 7 - 9 p m Tuesday. F u n e ra l M a s s 12 n o o n W e d n e s d a y ( T o d a y ) a t S t. J a m e s C h u r c h , 2 3 1 M o r d e n R o a d , O a k v ille . E n to m b m e n t G le n O a k s M a u s o le u m Place a BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT in The Burlington Post 632-4440 or The Oakville Beaver and receive a Penaten Gift Package FREE Gift Certificates also available. Call fo r details. % 337-5610

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