TR> AKVULE IEAM SPORTS Special pull-out Mercedes-Benz A Metroland Publication V dl.38N o.92 L e s s o n s th a t s a v e liv e s PHOTO SECTION INSIDE Focus 52 Pages 75 Cents (ph isC S T ) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2,2000 Joyce Savoline seeking to retain Regional Chair' s position P olitician will now have to face public election fo r post B y P a u l M r t c h is o n SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Joyce Savoline said she's thrilled about running a campaign that could cost up to $90,000, in order to keep the job she managed to win during the 1997 race by spending nothing. For the first time since Halton Region was formed, voters will elect the Halton Regional chair in November, instead of it being decided by elected councillors. In a speech from the backyard of her modest home in Burlington's Palmer community Tuesday morn ing, Savoline announced she'll seek the job she's held since 1994. The candidate sounded genuine ly pleased about the changed process, despite having to cam paign for voters in Burlington, (S ee `Savoline' page A2) Men attacked in foiling robbery Police urge public to call 911 instead of playing hero In the wake of Sunday's assault on two residents who investigated a gas station break-in, Halton Regional Police are reminding everyone to call 911 first, if a crime is in progress. In the meantime, officers are hunting for three men in connection with the attempted robbery of the Noco gas bar at Lakeshore Road and Mississaga Street. According to Sgt. Frank Phillips, the incident began around 12:45 a.m. when a concerned area resident heard glass breaking at the station. He investigated and confronted three males attempting to break in. The suspects turned on the man and assaulted him. A male neighbour and his wife came to the victim's aid but one of the suspects struck the second neighbour and threatened his wife. The three thieves then ran off and although police were then summoned, the suspects were not located. The two men who were assaulted suffered minor injuries. The first suspect is described as a white male with a swarthy complexion, 5' 10" to 6' with no shirt. (See `Suspects' page A2) Photo by Peter C. McCusker Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline, with husband Ron in the background, made it official yesterday that she's seeking to retain her position as the first Chair to be elected at large. P o lice s ta tio n n o place to 'm o o n ' an officer An Oakville man has been charged in connection with an incident last week dur ing which a police officer was `mooned'. According to Halton Regional Police, the occurrence took place around 4 a.m. on July 26th when a small group of males entered the station on W hite Oaks Boulevard to inquire about their friend who had been arrested earlier that night. Things got out of hand and the officer on the desk, Const. Jodi Richmond, asked the group to leave. One male swore at the offi cer and challenged her to catch him, then pulled down his pants and mooned her. The suspect then fled on foot but was captured minutes later by Const. Rafal Skwarka. Michael Van Vliet of Goodson Crescent has been charged with perform ing an indecent act and will appear in courf Aug. 29th. RIDE officers ready for holiday weekend Motorists should note that Halton Regional Police RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) officers will be on the streets this holiday week end to help keep roadways safe. "Let's make this a weekend of good times and happy memories and not one of tragedy," says Sgt. Bill Cota of the Regional Traffic Unit. The program - being held in con junction with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Halton - will feature spotchecks in municipalities throughout the region from Aug. 5th7th. These will be conducted at various times, day and night, in various loca tions. B ruce H o o d to referee d isp u betw een airlin es & tra vellers Form er Oakville businessm an and NHL referee, Bruce Hood, has been named the first Air Travel Com plaints C om m issioner by Transport M inister David Collenette. Hood will also be a Member of the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) that is overseeing the restruc turing of Canada's airline industry. It will be Hood's job to review any complaint about a problem that has not been resolved to the satis faction of the travelling consumer. He will have the authority to obtain any document, record or material that will help resolve the complaint. The Commissioner will also medi ate or arrange for the mediation of a solution to the dispute. And as a member of the CTA, he will have all the resources and powers of the Agency at his disposal. Hood recently retired as the owner/operator of a travel agency business in Oakville and Milton and has held senior positions at the Association of Canadian Travel Agents. Prior to launching his business. Hood was a National Hockey League referee for more than 20 years. He has been involved in many professional and community-based organizations and associations, including the Travel Industry Council of Ontario, the M ajor Lacrosse League, the Special Olympics and the Commission for Fair Play. The Air Travel C om plaints Commissioner must provide a pub lic report to the government at least twice a year. His report will set out the number and nature of complaints that were filed, including the air car riers involved, how these com plaints were dealt with, and any sys temic problems that were observed. This inform ation will also be included in the CTA's annual reports. Collenette also appointed an Local man on G4S Board o f Directors An Oakville man has been elected to the Halton Children's Aid Society Board of Directors. Peter Heimler is the only local citi zen representative on the 12-person board that also includes Oakville Town Councillor Kurt Franklin. The election took place at the Society's 86th Annual Meeting last month. Other directors represent Burlington, Milton and Halton Hills. The meeting also recognized the 30-year contribution by volunteer and community activist, Catherine Walsh. She was made a life member of the Society for her activism on behalf of vulnerable children. Board President Troy Lassau said the Society was in excellent financial shape and debt-free, in part thanks to a $115,000 donation to the Society from The Children's Aid Foundation. Retiring from the board are Ben Mulder and Finbarr O'Donoghue. Bruce Hood: named Air Travel Complaints Commissioner Independent Transition Observer on Airline Restructuring and a ViceC hair of the C anadian Transportation Agency, with special responsibilities in the area of travel complaints. today's paper E d ito ria ls J& Focus...... ........................ B 1 E n te rta in m e n t ,B 6 Automotive.................... *i* > m ,01 S p o rts .......... ......... . C 8 Te a mSports.......................D 1 Classified......................... C 5 Special Supplements Woman shares Lotto win Josee Leroux-Reid of Oakville was 1 of 31 St. Joseph's Hospital workers in Hamilton to share the $139,630 sec ond prize in the July 29th Lotto 6/49 draw. The win came with a Quick Pick. Photo by Barrie Erskine Percy the peacock tries to stay dry on the second level of the barn at Spruce Lane Farm while still keeping a close eye on the farmyard Sunday at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Percy will soon be joined by two female peahens to keep him compa ny. Lucky Percy. PERFECT PERCH: H o m ed e liv e r y :Z e lle r s ,C a n a d ia nT ir e P a r tia ld e liv e r y :H e rb a lM a g ic ,T h eB a y , C a s h w a y ,E n n is d a reInteriors, G u a rd ia nD ru g s , H o p e d a leV id e o ,H e v yH o m e ,B la c k 'sC a m e ra C a n a d ia n Publica tions M ail P rodu ct A g re e m e n t #43 5 -2 01 19 Day Deluxe Cruise - Tour of South America Join CHFI's Don Daynard on is first retirement cruise. Escorted by Jim & Martha Jackson departing March 1, 2001 Sights include Argentina, Chile, Unjguay, Falkland Islands, Cape Horn, glaciers o n Beagle Channel and m uch more ED NORWEGIAN'^ " c""" l'" r u is e s Priced from $^ . F8, taxes charges RETIREMENT PLANNING SPECIALISTS Free C o n s u l t a t io n 8 4 2 -2 1 0 0 P e t e r G . V Sfcesan M J L .V C M , M U R . 905-338-2077 · 635 Fourth