Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, July 19, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 T he Oakville B eaver Classified houses for sale BEAUTIFUL Just Built Oakville detached home, Dundas & 8th Line, close to major highways, 1848 sq. ft, 3-bdrms, fire pla ce , up grades. Must See! Call days (416)785-1771, ext. 314, evenings (416)2363029. Open house. Sat/Sun 2-4. Asking $255,000. SOUTH Burlington Bunga low, Close to Nelson/ Tuck School, large separate en trance to lower level, (HairSalon at Moment). Suit able for Doctor, Lawyer, Chiropractor, Hairdresser. Asking $215,000. call 905639-6563 _____________ ANCASTER- Walk to most amenities, 2 storey, 4 bed rooms, 3.5 baths. 60'x115\ 3300 sq.ft. $340,000 (905)648-2382 BONUS! A ll classified ads appear @ ««wOakvillebeaver.com The site your com m unity clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 MON. - FRL 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. ·Real Estate 100-165 ' Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 ·A u to 400-465 ' Help Wanted 500-599 ·Announcements 600-675 ·Services 700-800 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) F o> ,ra cy L / v-w p / cu CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking C o n v e n ie n t ly lo c a te d n e a r s c h o o ls a n d B u r li n g to n M a ll A r e a Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted L o fts » Studios »1-Bdrm »1-Bdrm+Den *2-Bdrm · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 lull baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances. A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access MOVIE collection, ultimate on DVD 8 VHS. Oscar win ners from 1927-1999. Ne gotiable price. (905)8292609.____________________ MOVING: 26' Sanyo Terra Tech m onitor TV, $300.; 10,000 BTU horizontal air conditioner, $200.; 14' Fibreform Mermaid boat, tra ile r, 55HP Evinrude, perfect condition. $2400. (905)632-1074___________ PORTLAND Cement for postholes, retaining walls etc. 90lb bags $2.50each, approx 500bags. We need to Remove from a no stor age area a.s.a.p. Days 905-827-6358. cell 905330-7078________________ SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacement foam for cushions. R esidential/ com m ercial. Fields U pholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090__________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your furniture... hate your co lours? Sofa 8 matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. C hairs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 THE Waterbed G allery Store Closing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600. 1997 Toyota 4-Runner LE 4WD. leather, loaded. 90K, certified. $26,500. Butch 19-4809________________ The BEHAVIOUR INSTITUTE is now hiring facilitators to work1-on-1 with children with autism. Flex. hours.Competitive wages. Must have: B.A. or B.SC. (or enrolled) in psychology; exp. working with children; initiative; enthusiasm; flexibility. Transportation an asset. Fax resume; W *K u l motorcycles 1984 Honda 750 Shadow, new tires + 1983 Honda 750 Shadow parts bike. $2300/obo. 689-5816 HONDA CB750-A, 1976. 3575 actual miles, a clas sic, certified , $3,900. (905)842-1851. B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Shelter Canadian Properties Limited NEW 3 Bedroom Townhouse available Sept 1st,4 appliances. 3rd Line/Upper Middle Rd. Close to amenities. 827-9584___________ LARGE 3-bedroom , Sept. 1st. From $1129./mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070__________ O A K V IL L E - 344 Bed rooms available Sept. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 BRAND New 3-bedroom, 2 baths. Backs on park. Oak ville, easy access to 403/ QEW. Credit check, refer ences. Aug.16th. $1550/ mo. 844-7038____________ 3-BEDROOMS, garage. 5 appliances, 1-1/2 baths. Brock/ Lakeshore, Oakville. A vailable August 1st. $1275/mo.+ utilities. (905) 803-9267 The Centre's personalized instruction in this nursing assistant program is the difference! We are committed to your success! · S m a ll C la s s S iz e s ! · P ra c tic a l tra in in g ! · W o rk p la c e m e n ts g e t y o u in th e d o o r to jo b s ! j ly j items under $100. T a lle s t Building | rentals ENTERTAINMENT centre black, 42width x40high. $50. Call 633-9714 FISHER Price car seat, $50. 338-1147___________ FREE 'Camp' Firewood. You must remove. Phone 681-1431,_______________ FREE shed - 6ft X 8ft, alu minum, you pick up. (905)844-8867,___________ FRIDGE, Kenmore almond, 15 cu ft.. $100. Call 6320786.___________________ GOLF Clubs- 5 piece junior set. in good condition, $50. Can separate. (905)318-0985___________ IBM Selectric type writer, $25. (905)319-9600 L-SHAPED kitchen counter top, powder blue, approx 21/2'wx3'x12', never used, Builders error, $100. OBO. 905-336-1739____________ LARGE dog loo $60 . 3381147____________________ LOVESEAT cream with stripes, excellent condition $100; (905)335-9952 MICROWAVE, mahoghany 17* wide x12' deep. excel lent condition, $50. 6 33 9714,___________________ NEON ' Miller* beer sign, $90., 338-1147__________ PANASONIC electronic type writer, portable, $50. 319-9600_______________ SINGLE bed: like new. $50. (905)631-5315 or (905)632-4058___________ SOFA bed. Queen sizebronze plush. $100. 6328238____________________ SOFABED, blue/ pink floral. 55' widex 32' deep, excel lent condition, $100. 6339714___________________ STOVE, Kenmore. almond, ' Sears Best' $100. 6 3 2 0786.___________________ TIFFANY light fixtures, (2). Hunter Green 8 white. $75/ pair. 335-2622___________ VITAMASTER Exercise Bike. New. $80. (905)6340894.___________________ VITAM ASTER Manual Treadm ill. New. $100. (905)634-0894. PINEDALE Estates. 1196 squ.ft. 2-bdrm condo. C/A, 4 appliances, pool, security, etc. Mint condition. $170,000. Immediate. Call (905)389-3674___________ WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda Da vies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333-4347, 827-7728 ' W out-of-town LAKEFRONT beachhouse near Dunnville, picturesque location with sandy beach, com pletely upgraded, 3 bdrms, 3 piece bath, full basement, beautifully land scaped, original pine floors throughout. $169,000. Call (905)562-3271.___________ ST. Pete's. Florida. Mobile home 55 & over, fully fur nished 2-bedroom s, 1.5 bathroom s $15,500US (905)634-4073. LOOKING for an Executive R ental in the $1500 to (at 30 Speers Rd.) $5000 range? We can help! Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Several to choose from. 1Bdrm fro m $779*1 (905)847-5095, E xt.70. 2Bdrm fro m $87.9.* Kathy Murray. Salesperson. Active P roperties Inc. Spacious and well main (Broker)_________________ tained highrise. Most ACCOMMODATION newly decorated! Some rentals available to stud with lake view. ents from $200 & up.Single Liz: (905) 845-9502 & double occupancy avail "(2 % disc, included) able plus meal plan. Must be student. September 1st. (905)523-7794___________ C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, well m aintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1&2-bedroom s available EAST Oakville 2 bedroom, Septem ber. 5220 Lakeparking. A/C, laundry. Suit shore Rd.. B urlington. Professional single/couple. (905)632-5486__________ Non-smokers, $1,500/inelusive. (905)337-8426 BEAUTIFUL, Newly Ren ovated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents. Some with lake views! Refurbished, P restigious B urlington Highrise. Immediate. From $875./mo (905)637-6701 QUIET Adult b uilding in central Burlington- 2 bed room. August 1st. $960/ mo. 634-0697____________ FRESHLY D ecorated 2 Bedrooms available Sept./ Oct. Low-rise building. Gar den like se ttin g . P rivate landscaped patios. Tyandaga Terrace, Burtington. 336-0016____________ OAKVILLE. QEW/ Trafal gar. 2-bedroom from 5879/ mo. 3-bedroom $959./mo Parking included. W ell m aintained building. (905)339-2028.___________ FULLY furnished basement apartment near Sheridan College. Non-smoker pre ferred. $650/mo. Available immediately. (905)339-5113 BU RLIN G TO N B rant/ Prospect. 2-bdrm. Bright, newly renovated, H ard wood, blinds. Parking, laundry. $ 830./mo, Sept. 1st. (905)-336-7207 BU RLIN G TO N - G uelph/ New St., one bedroom , freshly painted, new kitch en, well maintained quiet building. Walk to shopping/ Senior centre. $800/mon. 905-825-9765____________ MOUNTAINSIDE Dr.. Bur lington. Main flo o r 2bedroom apartment. $750/ mo.+ hydro + one parking, Sharon. (905)639-8894 OAKVILLE-QEW/ Winston C hurchill, Executive. 2bedroom , jacu zzi, F/P, laundry, garage, +2 parking. No pets/ smokers. Sept. 1st. $ 1 ,000/m onth 905-8295656____________________ NEAR Burloak- 3-bedroom, ground floor, 4 appliances, parking. $825/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. (905)632-5690.___________ OLD O akville- B eautiful building, very quiet, step out to shops, lots of seniors. Bachelor $725./mo. 1-bed room from $925./m o.; 2bedroom from $ 1l25/m o. Call (905)845-8254. leave message O A K V IL LE - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated. 2&3-Bedroom. New appliances, windows. From $895./mo. (905)844-5474____________ OAKVILLE East, 392 Pine Ave. Renovated. Near GO, Downtown. 2-Bedroom s, from $895./mo. Available Aug. 1st. (905)337-0910. 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 3 Bedroom avai lable Sept. 1st. From $995/mo, (905)632-0129 B U R LIN G T O N . P ark-like setting. Prestigious area near Tyandaga Golf Course. 2-bedroom apar tm ent a vailable S e p t.1st U tilitie s and appliances included. (905)335-3001 1 I * 1 " J for rent 1-BDRM condo $875. plus utilities. CLeaver/ Walkers area Days (905)332-3343, evenings (905)319-8959 SOUTH B urlington Spacious 1-bed/oom . 6 a ppliances. balcony, underground parking, pool, se curity. No pets. No sm oking. $850./m o. in clusive. Sept. 1st. L.Davis R E. Ltd., (905)333-4347 NORTH Burlington- attrac tive almost new executive condominium townhouse. C/a, dishwasher, gas fire place. 3-bedrooms, 2/1/2 baths. Walking distance to shopping plaza, schools, park. $l325/mo. -futilities. August 1st. Non-smoker. No pets References. 319-2176 TOWN Square, Oakville Luxury 2-bdrm condo. 6 ap pliances. all inclusive. 1 parking. Available Sept. 1st. 337-9071________________ f houses for rent in O a kville ! Say You S a w the ad in ... Th e B urlin gto n Post. Classified Gets Results!! careers · 95% o f our spring grads are w o rkin g in 1 the health care field! (905) 570-0778 C o u rse B eg in s S ept. 11, 20 0 0 3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 o r 8 7 8 -1 240 W W W .th e ce n tre .o n .C 8 The Centre Skills D ev elop m en ts T rotting T o Place Your Classified Ad Call 632-4440, 337-5610 or Fax 632-8165 505 careers 505 careers 505 AIG LIFE OF CANADA Due to our rapid nationwide growth and expansion, we have a need to recruit several quality individuals to fill key growth positions in the following areas. FRANCIS Rd Shared kitchen, bath, living room. $350/mo.1st 4 last. Parking & cable included. (905)6811715, evenings UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. Large room in townhouse, near bus, walk to Sheridan College. 905-845-8693 6TH Line/ Upper Middleroom (non-smoker) parking. 905-257-6178________ A beautiful furnished room. Kitchen facilities, parking. No smoking. Walker's Line/ Fairview. First/ last. 3333540. WANTED All-China. Silver, C rystal, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing m a chines ... Doulton, Moorcro ft.Q u ilts. Glass. Watches, dolls, paintings, collectibles, estates John/T racy-905-331-2477 CORNFLOWER glass wanted- pastel colours pre ferred. Serving pieces 8 stemware. Call collect (905)648-6109. ________ PAINTINGS, Antiques Wanted: Furniture. Glass, China, Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington.__________ WE are looking for a large outdoor play centre in good condition. Our dad can dis mantle. Please call (905)826-0611.___________ MODERN office for rent 1,500 sq.ft. Speers/ Third Line. O akville. C all Joe Luyk, (905)845-7597. 1163 sq.ft, for lease. South Service Rd between Walk ers/ Guelph Line. For fur ther information, 632-7557. B U R LIN G TO N - Imme diately a v a ila b le - Office Space for sublease in a high demand area. QEW at Walker's Line. 1606 sq.ft with 6 private offices. For more information call Kathy at (905)634-7736._________ BURUNGTON- retail & of fice spaces. David Johnson. Assoc. Broker. Re/Max Garden City R ealty Inc. 333-3500________________ OAKVILLE DowntownLakeshore/ Trafalgar area in attractive Mews. Office/ retail/ commercial units for lease. Various sizes. Con tact. 905-337-7135 or 416923-6345 ~i----------------------------------DOWNTOWN Oakville for lease. A vailable im m ed iately. $550/mo. Call Forbes 416-420-3952 or (905)8429275_________ ACCOUNTING ACTUARIAL AGENCY COMPENSATION CLAIMS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY OWNER SERVICES UNDERWRITING/NEW BUSINESS Locations: Toronto and Burlington Exceptional opportunities with an exceptional company. All positions feature competitive salary ranges, excellent benefits, and unlimited future career growth potential. To explore these opportunities further, please submit your resumes, stating salary expectations, in confidence to: Susan Howe-Walsh Human Resources Administrator AIG LIFE OF CANADA 145 Wellington Street West Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T4 (Fax: (416) 596-4156) I shared accommodation BRONTE townhouse to share with busy non-smok ing fem ale. Walking dis tance to all amenities with town and GO buses at end of driveway. $450/mo. all inclusive. (905)875-5656 am or (905)827-5850 pm. MATURE, non-sm oking male to share beautiful Riv er Oaks home. U pstairs bedroom, full house privi leges. Immediate. $500./ mo. 905-257-1428._______ SHARE 3-bedroom house 'with professional male. All am enities. Non-sm oker. P arking. $550/m o. in c l usive. College Park. 905842-9895_______________ BURLINGTONlarge house, 4 level, 2 fireplaces, private bathroom 6 parking, heated swimming pool, Ja cuzzi bath. a/c. Profession al male. $600+ half utilities. Immediate. (905)516-9041 EXECUTIVE Neat Freak to share 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath tow nhouse with same. Burl/Oak $490/mo. inclusive. 905-333-3115_______ BRANT Hills (Burlington)Master bedroom with full ensuite 6 walk-in. Country setting in house with nice family. $500/inclusive. 3318799 or 842-7428_________ | C f / ll pets, supplies OAKVILLE 3 bedroom, up graded kitchen. 5 applianc es. F/P. large backyard, ga rage. fished basement, con venient location. $1,425 -f utilities Sept. 1 (905)849-1162 OAKVILLE house. $1700/ mo. 3 bedroom. 2.5 baths. C/A. 5 appliances, available Sept 1 (905)842-1774, OLDE Oakville. 149 Dunn St beautiful, modernized 1840 home. 3-bdrms. large p ark-like lot, $2150/mo. utilities included. (905)2573973.____________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Assoc. Broker. (905)6395258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor________ NORTH east Oakville, over 3100 sq. ft.. 2 storey, 4 bed room. 3 baths, main floor den. family/ laundry. Avail able im m ediately. (905)637-0880.___________ FREE to good home: 2 rab bits, Netherlands Lop Ear 8 Dwarf rabbit. 2 cages. 2 wa ter bottles. Call (905)6339357 ________________ W *I l l l I cars for sale help wanted 1999 LANOS Daewoo. Great value for college or university student. No down payment. Just take over 36 month lease. $264.001/m onth. Call (905)842-6751____________ 1994 PONTIAC Grand AM V6. 174k, excellent condi tion, no rust, emission passed. W ill certify $77,150/obo. 1989 Olds Delta 88 also for sale call (905)828-5635 or (905)4650445____________________ 1990 Lincoln- loaded, certi fied $3600 Call (905) 689-4301________________ 1994 Ford Aerostar, 5 pas senger. air, regularly main tained, excellent condition, 140K. $7,000. (905)6810050____________________ 1989 Mercury Grand Mar quis- 174K, original engine runs on sythetic oil. Load ed. excellent condition. Must be driven to appreci ate. Won't Last. Asking $3,900. Certified- environ ment tested. 1116 Rebecca St. 338-0042 Bill__________ 1986 OLDSMOBILE Re gency (98) runs well, ex cellent condition, p/trunk. p/ seats, p/windows, air, certi fied. em ission-tested. $2800. 335-8888 (Dennis). 1992 Buick R oadm aster original owner, powe equipped, immaculate con dition. safety/ emission cer tifie d . Private. $8900. (905)845-0346.__________ 1993 Ford Topaz GS Grand Sport auto., cold air. low kilom eters, emerald green/ silver, showroom condition, ' looks & drives like new' . $4950. certified, & emission certificate. Oakville 845-5277.____________ 1993 Mazda Miata. black/ black, 148,000 kms. 5speed. hard top. great con dition. $9,500./ o.b.o. Call (905)844-0490.__________ 1989 Corsica, 6 cyl., rebuilt motor, m inor rust, as is. $1,200. (905)634-2901. 1992 Volkswagen J e tta black, a/c. sun-roof. 250.000km, 1 owner, non smoking. Excellent cond ition. Asking $4400. (905) 637-5475_______________ 1989 Pontiac 6000 LE wagon. PL. PS, cruise. 177K, excellent condition. Best Offer. 681-7474 1992 PONTIAC Grand Prix 115K., excellent condition, new: brakes, battery, alter nator. Pioneer CD stereo. Certified. $6300. 689-3100 leave message.___________ 1992 Chev. Cavalier- New brakes, tires, water pump, head gasket. Must sell 169K, $3,000. 637-9745 1988 Toyota Celica, 2-L. standard, to be sold as is. $1000. Phone 681-9809. 1987 Volkswagon Jetta Diesel- Great running con dition. Good commuter car, call 847-5873____________ 1986 Honda Accord, 212,000kms. Passed emis sions test in 1999, automat ic. runs good. Selling as is. Best offer. Call 632-7019. help wanted Junior Accountant St. Law rence C em ent Inc. is presently looking to hire a Junior Accountant to w ork in a fast paced environm ent. The ideal candidate should have a Com m unity C ollege education and be enrolled in the 1st o r 2nd y e a r of a d e s ig n ated A cco u ntin g program , with the equivalent experience, be o rg a n ize d , s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l skills, and com puter literate, with em phases on Excel. If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward your resum e to: M M K E L iy : CHANGE TO WIN 2000 NEON: a i S E R V IC E S cm OFFICE space approx im ately 960 sq. ft. $^36/m onth, including property taxes and water. QEW/Trafalgar (905)8493521 $10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for ever.... whenever! Share savings with reverse call ing. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)6318202____________________ APPLIAN C ES fridge. $75. 2 stoves $75/$65. washer $50, dryer $50. Eric (905) 337-1448 Wed nesday/ Thursday or (905) 469-4600 after Thursday AP P LIA N C E S - fridge. 2 door; Stove; Maytag au tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)-637-6328 BABY Grand Piano- Ma hogany. Excellent condition. $2,450.905-227-9458 BEAUTIFUL teak wall unit, teak diningroom set- buffet, hutch, 6 chairs. Teak coffee 8 end tables, pictures 8 carpet. 8 2 5 8002____________________ BEDS, New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496____________________ BUNKBED Forest Green steal. Single top bed, double lower bed. Folds into sofa, asking $150. Call (905) 829-9840 CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster 8 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom 8 hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad 8 installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 COTTAGE specials- wind ows. doors, toilets, vanities, tiles, mir/ors, fum- (sofa's, dressers, bedends 8 frams), A/C, tables/ Chairs 8 lots of other stuff. Great deals! Reuse Centre, 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F12-8pm;$at-9-5pm; Sun12-4pm. CHINA Johnson Bros., ` Snowflake' . 8-place set ting, extra pieces, excellent condition, $200 firm. 6347543.___________________ DINNING Suite (Maple). 7pc, Velvet sofa. Wall unit, Large m icrowave, Teak double bed suite. (905)827-0945.___________ DININGROOM set. rattan, unique base, washed white, 4 swivel chairs, 52' bevelled glass top. $1000. (905)468-8911 (Niagaraon-the-Lake)_____________ DREAMSCREENS- The re tractable screen door disap pears when not in use. From $299. Tax Included. (905)469-1744___________ FREE E stim ates... Got wobbly chairs...w eak springs... tired looking wood finishes? We do it all! Cus tom wood refinishing/ furni ture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 6329090____________________ KAUFMAN sofa/ end tables, decorator loveseats, 4 ' Roxton' tables, swival rocker, misc items. All in A1 condition. 333-3818, 639-5656________________ KING bed- pillow-top, or thopedic m attress, box spring and frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)971-1777. KITCHEN cabinetsApprox. 20ft. Excellent condition- Pantry, Micro shelves, lazy susan, pull out pan doors. $1,900. 333-3818 H U G E JOB F A IR !! Fortune 500 Companies in Oakville now hiring for the following positions: ($10.00 - $16.00/hour) · Senior Adm inistrative Assistants · Data Entry Operators PET Food and Pet Supply Franchise store for sale, ex cellent business opportunity in busy O akville m all Iqcatton. (905)827-8886 WORK from home parttime! Potential full-time in come possible! Training provided. T oll free pre recorded message: Bur lington. 1-877-573-0671; Ojakville. 1-877-223-2873 LUXURY 2 bedroom apartrWents newly renovated, 1100 sq.ft & up. Features 4 appliances with parking $950 & up. July 1st. (905)523-7794___________ LUXURY apartm ents in downtown H am ilton, smarting at $850./m o. 1 bedrooms, available July. A/C, fridge. stove, dishwasher. security, exercise room, above/ un derground parking. Quiet, clean, newly renovated. CaH 905-523-7794,________ WANTED by male Sheridan student in Police Founda tions Course accomodation in- house/ apartment. August/Sept.1st. Prefer shar ing with other students. Call 905-632-9360________ BRIGHT one bedroom basement apartm ent in Central Burlington. Parking, laundry, cable, heat & hydro. All inclusive, $765/mo. Immediate (905) 385-5219________________ BRONTE-ON-THE-LAKE: immaculate', 1-bdrm, sin gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new appliances $950./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266. DOWNTOWN Oakville. 1bedroom, available August 1st. $825/mo.+. Call Forbes 416-420-3952. (905)8429275____________________ 2-BEDROOM 'Apartments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm 639-5761 GEORGIAN Apartments. July/Aug/Sept. 1.2&3 Bed rooms. H eat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm BURLINGTON Lakeshore. near Burloak. 1-bedroom, facing lake, great view. July/ Aug. $875/mo.+ parking. (905)639-3301___ BURLINGTON. 383 St. Paul Street: 2-bedroom , from $749./mo. Includes heat, hydro, parking. For appointm ent. 634-6903. Well-maintained by Jordan & Gersel_________________ Downtown B urlington 1 2 & 3 Bdrm Apts Available Sentemher Freshly painted with new kitchen cabinetry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shop ping, Hospital & Lake! Call (905) 637-0321 ROEDEAN Co-op 350 Kerr St. accepting applications for waiting list for 2-bedroom $763/mo.; 3-bedroom $871 /mo. (905)842-8901 142-Bedroom Suites among refined tenants in luxury buildings close to Burlington Mall. Call "The P rince ss' , 639-8009 or "The Regency* 681-8115. NORTHSHORE Towers. 2Bedroom availa ble Oct. Utilities included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane, 9am7pm. 681-1307* Burl. TWO bedroom basement apartm ent a vaila ble A u gust 1st, 1 spot parking, laundry, couple or single call (905) 339-3895._______ 1 ,2 4 3 Bedroom Suites available. QEW/ Trafalgar Road. Indoor pool. From $850/mo. (905)844-1106 FALGARWOOD/ 8th Line. EXECUTIVE 4-bedroom, 23-bedroom townhome. 1/2 baths. 5 appliances. C/ Looking for 2 nonA, 2-car garage, woodsmokers. Sept. 1st. $384/ burning fire pla ce , h ard mo. inclusive. (905)847wood 6 carpet, landscaped 1213 evgs. lot with gazebo, playhouse and deck, $1650/mo.+ utili ties. Available August 1st. Active Management, (905) 333-5506, Ext.50. COTTAGE Call wanted- by pro (906) 333-1706, Ext.29 for fessional family, week off details on other executive August 26th, to sleep 6. All rentals amenities required. (905) 827-0437 OAKVILLE. See and fall in love! Exceptional tenants needed for exceptional Glen Abbey executive STARCRAFT hardtop, townhom e. N early 2200 sleeps 5. sink, stove, ice sq.ft. $1995/mo. +utilities. box, excellent condition. (905)659-7046.___________ $1650.00 obo. Call (905)827-4949 S.E. Burlington bungalow. 3+2 bedrooms. 2 baths. 2 gas F/P, 5 appliances. C/A, above ground pool. 3 Ref HALIBUR TO N Cottage erences required. $1,500/ a vailable August/ Sept mon ^utilities. Aug.21st. Clean lake, kitchen, dining/ 905-637-0903____________ living room, 3-bedrooms, bathroom w/tub, electric f ; T r l housesitter heat. 705-489-3554; wwwgeocities.com/HeartHOUSESITTER: Mature land/Oaks/7941 professional couple b et ween houses (construction B C il T l I market basket delay) R eferences. W ill housesit 6 mo. (Oct-Apr.) (905)639-3621 RASPBERRIES- Frootogo has Pick your own and ready picked Raspberries. Call Crop report 689-1652 k St. Lawrence Cement Inc., Human Resources Department 2391 Lakeshore Rd.W. Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K1 · Office Clerks · Receptionists · General Labourers · Warehouse Workers · Forklift Operators 510 general help wanted 510 general help wanted Must have excellent Communication skills CUSTOMER SERVICE · E x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills · E x p e rie n c e a n a s s e t · W o r d a n d E x c e l re q u ir e d · D e ta il o r ie n te d W e o f f e r a h ig h e n e r g y , t e a m - o r i e n t e d e n v ir o n m e n t, c o m p e titiv e w a g e s , e x c e lle n t b e n e fits , c o n t in u o u s tr a in in g and d e v e lo p m e n t a n d u n lim it e d c a re e r o p p o r tu n itie s . I n t e r e s t e d a p p lic a n t s s h o u ld s e n d t h e ir r e s u m e s , v ia M a il, F a x o r e - m a il: A tte n tio n : B o n n ie B u r to n Visit our Job Fair on Thursday, July 20,2000 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Burlington Mall 777 Guelph Line h Line/Fairview) e Bay entrance W - or call 1 - 8 8 8 - G 0 - 4 - K E L L Y 1 888 464-5355 - $100 SION UP BONUS...AFTER 80 HOURS WORKED: © Canadian Linen and Uniform Service Driver/ Production E nthusiastic, m echa n ically incline d person fu ll-tim e fo r d elive rie s p ic k -u p s and to apprentice in all aspects of chocolate business. Ideal candidate w ill have class "D " license, be com pe ten t in m in o r repairs and a b le / w illin g to learn q u ic k ly . S e n d / fax resum e to: 891 P ro g re s s C o u rt, O a k v ille , O N L 6 L 6K 1 F a x: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -9 1 8 2 E -m a il: b o n n ie .s te w a r t@ c d n u n ifo r m s .o r g W alker's Chocolates, 4391 H arvester R d ., Burlington L7L 4X1 3 33-2859 S U N W E A ' Ft { | V J Items under $100. NEW R enovations- 263bedroom townhouse maiso nettes. 1 parking. mid-Aug/ Sept. Starting $775/mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104 ARM ADILLO restaurantembroidered shirt, light/dark blue. Short sleeve. $6. 3366335____________________ AIR cond itio ne r - 6,000 BTU. good condition Asking $100. (905)825-0870. BEDROOM s e t- white French Provincial, headboard 8 foot board, good condition, $75. 336-6335 BRASS daybed includes mattress. Excellent condition. $100. 336-6335 H E A D B O A R D - Colonial style, twin, solid wood, good condition. $45. 336-6335 AQUARIUM- with accesso ries. Plus more. $45. Call for details 631-5314_______ AQUARIUMS (2) 10 8 15 gal., heater, sand, filter, cover. $20. 844-7756 BEDROOM set. white French P ro vin cia l- good condition, night stand, $100. 336-6335__________ B IK E - CCM jun io r, 18 speed, mint condition. $50. 632-8108________________ BU NKBED, blue metal frame, good condition, $100. Call 639-7504. CHILD'S dolphin pool float with sunshade. Non-inflatable, $25. 632-8238 DESK- white, suitable for child or youth. $25 (905)335-9952___________ ELECTRAHOME Concord Console organ with bench. $100. (905)634-9942 EXPERT SEWERS For c o n tra c t p ie c e w o rk req u ire d A leading Canadian manufacturer of UV protective sportswear is seeking experienced sewers adept al high-quality workmanship. Mass production tech nique is an asset. Command of the English language is important. Own transportation is necessary. Tim H o rto n 's Now h irin g n COUNTER HELP POSITIONS · Day Shift- 6am-2pm · Afternoons- 2pm-10pm · Night Shift- 10pm-6am 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418 Glen wood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. EARLY MQRNINC PRIVER Sat/Sun & holidays, $8./hr to start, paid training Call 1-800-565-0585 for an app't *You will need to bring us a sample of your work. > EARLY MORNING DRIVER Monday to Friday, $8./hr to start, paid training Apply in person 2316 Royal Windsor Dr. at Ford Dr- Oakville or phone/fax 338-1966 W ithington Transportation Inc. Call 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 SHERIDAN College- 4 bed room. 1 1/2 baths, patio, finished basement. Sept. 1st or earlier. (416)-4108322, prepconfirmation® netscape.net_____________ BU RLIN G TO N : 2-be d room from $915.60/mo.+ utilities, Aug. 1st; 3-bedroom from $1029/mo.+ utilities. Aug. 1st. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. 333-1190. BURLINGTON N orth: 1bdrm basem ent, fridge, stove, parking. Single nonsmoker. First/ last. August 1st $500>no. (906)335-1086. BURLINGTON - Luxury 3 8 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 ap pliances. 1300 6 1600 Sq. Ft. plus basement, fenced backyard. $1100. 6 $1200. plus utilities, parking, $40. (905)639-0950. ^ WANTED "A Z " Com pany D rive rs · · · · · · 2yrs. over the road experience U.S. experience Pay up to 0.45/mi. Good benefits Average 3000 m i./w k Pleasant working atmosphere THE OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT is looking for Part Time Student Help · Computer knowledge an asset · Knowledge of General Office Duties Required send or fax resume Attention Charlene @ (905) 845-3824 Call 905-337-2812 or 877-853-9649 W *[ l u l cars wanted SPACIOUS new 2-bedroom apartments. Available now. Plush carpeting, quality fin ishing. Appliances, heat, parking included. $975/mo. 1BEDROOM basement Convenient QEW/ Guelph apartment. Inspected by fire Line area. (905)637-7789. departm ent. Third Line/ Bridge. N on-smoking. UPGRADED 162 Bdrm $675/mo. including utilities. Apts w ith scenic view s 825-2429. ________ availa ble at two prime 2- BEDROOM, upper level downtown Burlington loc of historic downtown Oak ations. Beautiful grounds. Professionally managed. ville home. Private en 478 Pearl St. (905)632trance. parking, all a p 1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. pliances & utilities. $1200/ (905)634-9374 mo. ^05)257-3973. WANTED Dead or Alive. 7 days - 24- hrs. Call (905)876-4594, (905)4679484. Milton. I trucks for sale 1994 Nissan Pick-up- 4cyl., auto. Will certify & emission test. Asking $4500/obo. (905)844-4997___________ 1993 Dodge Van- Uncerti fied. Asking $900. OBO. Days 905-827-6358. cell 905-330-7078 T 1 B U R L IN G T O N P O S T R E Q U IR E S A D U L T CARRIERS to deliver the Burlington Post door-to-door in Aldershot Gas allowance. W A N TED A D U L T C A R R IE R S T o d e liv e r T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r d o o r to d o o r . W e d n e s d a y F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y . V e h ic le r e q u ir e d . C a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 9 7 4 2 Leave M essage Please call 632-0588 Bob Ext. 264 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER --------- i ---------------- *--

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