Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Oct 2000, Classified, C5

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Wednesday, October 4, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 TO PLACE AN AD CALL houses for sale THIS stunning three b e d room W aterdow n hom e with double garage/ceram ics/upgrades th ro u g h o u t/ two fu ll ba th s/tw o half baths, alarm system , CA / CV. three alm ost-new a p pliances. fre sh ly painted inside/out. W ill not last at $207,900 To view , call (905)690-4142____________ SPACIOUS 12 year old 4+1 bedroom. 2.5 baths. S.E. Burlington Approx. 2250 sq. ft. Quiet street, sunken family room w ith gas fire place. mam floor laundry. 4pee ensuite bathroom, par tially finished basement, dou ble car garage $259,900. 905-308-6996 for appoint ment. NO AGENTS! _ BURLING TO N- E xce lle n t condition, 2.452sq ft.. 4 large bedroom s, m aste r bedroom w ith ensu ite . walk-in clo set, m ain flo o r laundry & family. 2.5 baths, double car garage with in terlocking drivew ay. $274,900. 905-332-4297 _ SOUTH Burlington, Nelson/ Tuck area. 3-bedroom bun galow. main and separate entrance to basement, new furnace, hardw ood floors, large lot. prim e pro p e rty. Asking $179,900. No agents please. 639-6563 or 637-0328 BRANTFORD $19 9,90 0. large custom built split. 4bedrooms, 3 baths, dining room with fireplace, main floor family room (519) 7593597______________________ 6.7% Mtg. Bronte Creek, brand new 4-bedroom . 2.5 baths. 55' lot. $259,900. Call 905-799-2030 C lassified 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: TheO akville Beaver BONUS! All classified ads appear @ jjakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Circulation: 845-9742 ETO1 Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 ` Help Wanted 500-599 Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 Burlington Towers The H o te l A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED LU XU R Y a tn tc ^ L m n ^ CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P r o sp e c t S t. · 632-2601 rG re a t Pumpkin C hallenger 1 Haunted Forest, Corn Maze, Straw Maze ·F urnished D esig n e r A p artm en ts 1 F ully E q u ip p ed K itchens ' M agn ificen t In d oor P ool 1 Sauna & F itn ess C entre 3 Bedrooms · 3 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties L im ite d FREE ADMISSION Until frost: Apples, Red Raspberries. P.Y.O. Flowers, Hot Buttered Sweet Corn, School Tours H ere is an o p p o rtu n ity to jo in a d yn a m ic, fa s t g ro w in g orga n izatio n , to a ssist in its d e v e lo p m e n t a n d co n tin u te d g ro w th . W e are w orld le a d e rs in th e m a n u fa c tu re o f lig h t-w e ig h t p o w e r tra n s m is s io n & c o n v e y o r b e ltin g , a n d re q u ire sm a rt a n d ta le n te d p e o p le fo r the po s itio n s of: 1285 Ontario St. Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam-5pm www.ontim.com · btowers@lara.on.ca C E N TR A L O akville, selfcontained 1 -bedroom apart m ent. p riva te en tra n c e , parking. $650/mo. inclusive. A vailable Im m ediate Nonsmoker. (905)845-3756. 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm 1302 items under $100. 312 articles wanted PING Pong table, collapsible, net. paddles. Fine condition. $99 Will deliver. (905)8497681______________________ STOVE, GE. M edallio n. $100. Very good condition. Phone 331-5917___________ W INE dem ijohn, (set of 4) $100. 631-0506 or 336-3524 3-Bdrm 2-Level WANTED All-China. Silver. C ry s ta l, cam era/ audio equ ipm ent, sew ing m a ch in e s ... D o ulton. M oorcroft.Q uilts. Glass. W atch es. dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_____________ PA IN TIN G S , A n tiques W anted: Furniture. Glass. China. Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radio s. Estates purchased. Karl (905)681 -- 6939-Burlington.____________ W ANTED large com puter work s ta tio n , prefer solid wood. Call 825-3800 ANTIQUES Wanted: dining rooms. bedroom suites, indi vidual pieces including religi ous articles, lamps, silver. china, etc (905)639-3639 Playground, & Animal Corral Name the new Kid! $1.00 Off P.Y.O. Field Pumpkin with this advertisement. Take Trafalgar or Hwy #25 north past Hwy #401. Drive westI from Trafalgar on Sideroad #10. #1C Drive east from Hwy 25.________________ FR E EHay Rides. PRODUCTION & FIELD SERVICE PERSONNEL S u cce ssfu l ca n d id a te s w ill p o s s e s s stro n g in te rp e rso n a l, co m m u n i c a tio n a n d co m p u te r skills, a te ch n ica l e d u ca tio n (C .E .T . o r e qu iva l e n t; C o m m u n ity C o lle g e d ip lo m a ) a n d a m e c h a n ic a l a p titu d e . P lea se re ply w ith re su m e to: Townhomes 2418 Glenwood School D r. Burlington ANDREW S S C E N IC A C R E S MILTON (9 0 5 ) 878-5807 w w w .A n d re w sS ce n icA cre s.co m Waterdown 50 & 75 John St. W. Large 1 .2 .3 Bdrms * All Renovated * New appliances, etc Walk to everything * Util. incl. from $695 Mr. M arty Ahearn P roduction Manager Habasit Canada Lim ited 2278 Speers Road Oakville, O ntario L6L 2X8 FAX: (905)-825-2612 NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. Call 6 3 9 - 9 2 1 2 O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Bedroom to w n h o u s e s ava ila b le Nov. 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. (905)876-3336 BURLINGTON large 3-bed room. Bluefield Dr., fridge, sto ve , la u n d ry , parkin g . $92 5 /m o n th p lus u tilitie s . N o vem b er 1st 905 -31 58363.______________________ S10/MONTH extends your local calling area. Talk for e v e r... w h enever! Share savings w ith reverse c a ll ing. Ability Tel. since 1994. (905)842-3738. (905)6318202______________________ 1000`S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)6392200______________________ Peel Halton Dufferin Training Board Inc. Executive Director MARKETING ASSISTANT National Franchisor in Oakville seeks individual with exceptional written & verbal communication skills. Highly organized and able to mulit-task. Desktop publishing with 3-5 years work experi ence in Marketing. Please lax resume & salary expectations to 905-847-6255 or email jlamb@mollymaid.ca AFP Wealth Management, Oakville Branch, requires The Peel Halton Dufferin Training Board (PHDTB) is one of 25 Local Boards established across Ontario, the PHDTB is an autonomous, notfor-profit corporation governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the PHDTB addresses training and adjustment issues in Peel, Halton and Dufferin. PHDTB seeks the services of an individual on a full-time contract basis to ensure its program s and services are implemented within approved plans, budgets and deadlines in response to the training needs of the PHD community. Working under the direction of the board of Directors, you will plan, organize and direct the day-to-day activities that promote the mandate of the PHDTB, including environmental scanning and annual area plans, the executive director is responsible for the development of cooperative working relationships between the board and com m unity at large. To qualify for this position, you should ideally have an undergraduate degree or equivalent, recent m anagement experience, demonstrated ability to deal effectively and cooperatively with ail levels of staff, the public and governm ent agencies. Planning, tim e management, excellent written and verbal com m unication skills are essential; experience work__________ ing w ith a not-for-profit Board would be an asset.__________ (905) 690-4454 (905) 689-1647 EX E C U TIV E fu rn is h e d 1bedroom. Residential garden s e ttin g , c e n tra l O a k v ille . Separate entrance, parking, near bus route, fireplace, ful ly equipped. Immediate. Call e ve n in g s 6pm -8pm , (905)849-9971_____________ DO W NTO W N B u rlin g to n . 1.2&3 Bdrm Apts Available O ct./N ov. Freshly painted, some with new kitchen cabi netry! Well maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping. H o spital. Lake! C all (905) 637-0321___________________ 1-B E D R O O M S u ites am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in lu xu ry b u ild in g clo s e to B u rlington Mall. C all ` The Pnncess*. (905)639-8009 LARGE 1-bedroom + den in sm all, clean building near lake, (B ro n te ). N o v .1st. $1100/mo. inclusive. Parking included. (905)827-9153 S P A C IO U S 1 bed roo m basement apartment, seperate entrance, monitored se curity system, large kitchen/ fa m ily room . C /vac, A/C fndge and stove. No laundry. No pets. N on-sm oker, s in gles only please, available immediately or Nov. 1 $795. inclusive (905)849-8451 12 year old home. (River Oaks) B R O N T E -O N -T H E -LA K E : im m aculate, 1-bdrm , s in gle executive, all inclusive: cable, parking, brand new a p p lia n ce s. $ 1 .2 5 0 ./mo. Evenings (905)827-2266 ONE bdrm apartment avail able N o v.1st. B u rlin g to n Brant Str. area Heat, hy dro. A/C. cable, parking in cluded. Mature single nonsm oker. No pets $6 5 0 ./ mo. C all 6 3 9 -5 3 9 8 leave message.__________________ ONE bed roo m base m en t apartment (Burlington East) private drive entrance, hydro, heat, cable, fridge & stove, w a s h e r/d ry e r. c/a . c/v. Adults preferred, non smok ing. im m edia te. $780/m o. (905)634-2539_____________ SOUTH Burlington. 1-bedroom. W alking distance to dow ntow n. $67 5/m o. plus utilities. Nov. 1st. (905)5772537.______________________ B U R LIN G T O N T ow ers Large 2 bedroom, available for 3-4 month sublet. Indoor pool, sauna, exercise room. Approx. $1010/month. 333 8812 ____________ BU RLING TO N Downtown, spacious new ly deco rated 2-b e d ro o m apt. Clean q u ie t b u ild in g . A v a ila b le Nov. 1st. $75 6/m o. (905)336-6690. I apartments condos for sale firewood 2YEAR old Whirlpool refnge ra to r and stove. W hite. G U AR AN TEE D dry 100% Mint condition. $1500. 829hardw ood. ` O ntario's la r 0105______________________ gest F irew ood reta il. M arc's 3SEATER sofa, teal green Q ua lity Firew ood. (905)-257-6366_____________ & plum. Moving, must sell. Excellent condition. $300 K f / | l pets, supplies obo 333-6286______________ 7PC. white bedroom suite Suitable girl 6-14 yrs. $450. 905-827-6196_____________ A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e . 2 door; S tove; M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 A D M IR A L Stove & re frig erator- Olive, good c ond i tion $100. each obo. Call _________ (905)634-2267 A L L new 100% genuine leather sofa, loveseat. chair still packaged. Cost $8,500. Sell $3,500.416-746-0995 A N TIQ U E , s o lid w alnut coffee and end tables, ex c e lle n t c o n d itio n $300. M atching couch and chair $200. L ig h tw e ig h t w h e e lc h a ir $30 0.. folding walker and washroom aids. $40, (905)336-1669.________ A P P LIA N C E S - Kenm ore w a sher/ dryer. GE Stove, all White. $100.each OBO. 338-3535__________________ BED, Queen black iron ca nopy. orthopedic mattress/ box. s till packa ged. Cost $1200. Sacrifice. $525. Can deliver. 416-741-7557 _____ BEDROOM set. 8-pce cherryw ood. 4 -p o s te r sle igh, chest, trid re s s e r, m irro r, nightstands. all dovetail, new. still packaged. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3,500. (905)5674042 __________________ BEDS, King pillowtop or dou ble orthopedic mattress set. new in plastic Cost $1500. Sacrifice (King $625) (Double $375.) Can deliver. 416-7417557______________________ BEDS, New- Com plete: D ouble. $220; Q ueen. $240. Complete with frame. Free D e live ry. C all (905)681-9496_____________ CA R P ET. I have sev e ra l 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for S349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902_____________ DININGROOM suite- pecan, table (3 extensions), fitted cover. 8 caneback chairs, hutch, b u ffe t, s id eboard. S3.000. obo 842-1710 D IN IN G R O O M . 14-pce cherrywood. double pedestal table. C hippendale chairs, b u ffe t, hutch, server, all dovetail. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. (905)567-9459_____________ DININGROOM- Italian pro v in c ia l. 35yrs. old. Good condition. Best offer. 6316262______________________ FRANKLIN stove- Must sell this week. 2 burners, ask ing $450. Excellent condi tio n ; a lso oven. $200., kitchen cabinets, best offer. 905-845-2977 FREE E s tim a te s ... Got w obbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair springs? S o ft foam ? T ired lo oking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furniture repairs and custom wood refinishing. 9-9 daily. (905)632-9090 HO TTU B Rentals W e e kend / W eekly R ates. In cludes delivery, installation, pick-up . etc. D rake Spa R e nta ls Inc.. (905)6337763______________________ O AK china cabinet & side b o a rd - circa 1800 s. claw feet, original brass fittings. $2,000/set, obo. 2 burgun dy side chairs. $100/ each. 9 x 12 wool rugs. $500. Maple antique dining table. $250. (905)469-4331 PAVING stones 24* x 30` 16 free to take away. 6345060______________________ PIAN O - u p rig h t grande. Young C hang, model U121. Polished brown wal nut. $3,500. 905-842-3645 after 6pm QUEEN pine bed & m a t tre s s . $32 5., w h ite crib, change tab le , $100.. Peg Perego stroller. $75. 6 3 4 8167______________________ RUST le ather sofa- brand newS till packaged. $750.; Teak bookshelf $50. 6 3 2 - 7 1 7 9 ______________ SNOW T ire s - 1 5 \ 4 bolt p a tte rn steel w heels + Bridgestone Bltzzak Tires = $800. (905)337-2462 SOLID wood with light ma ple fin is h , c rib , m attress, d re s s e r & c h a n g e a b le . SI 500. 827-8665___________ SUPER Special. Save up to 30% on decorator fabrics! Pay no GST! Love your fu rn itu re ... hate y our c o lours? Sofa & matching chair from $788. Loveseats from $448 C h airs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior Dis counts. Fields Quality Cus tom U p ho ls te rin g . 9-9, (905)632-9090 DALMATIAN cross Beagle, fem ale. 18wks. old. w hite/ black dots, very friendly, all shots to date $225. 3 3 1 9398 __________________ r n i l l cars for sale ACCOUNT E X E C U TIV E S specializing in mutual funds and/or life insurance products. Call Melanie (905) 849-8666 RARE Find! 140 0.s q .ft D ram atic 1 flo o r plan w / palladium windows, french doors to deck. Gas F/P. 3 bedroom. 2 baths. 5 a p pliances. Freshly painted. 5.9% assumable m ortgage available. Burlington. 9059 2 1 - 8 4 9 5 _________ WE specialize in Condomini um Sales & R entals. C all Linda Davies Real Estate Ltd.. Realtor. (905)333-4347 NEW R enovations- 3-bedroom tow nh ouse m a is o nettes. 1 parking. November. Starting $900./mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)3199104 C a ll C la s s ifie d 6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 o r F a x 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 A P P L E B Y / New St. N ear GO s ta tio n on bus route. K itc h e n / la undry fac ilitie s . $39 5/m o. N o n-sm oker. 905-637-7485.______________ W A L K E R ' S /N E W - $ 47 5/ mo. Parking, cable, laundry/ kitchen privileges included. Responsible working adult. Oct 1. first/last. (905)3333895; (905)510-3895. ROOM, some meals includ ed. Use of house, pool. Q u ie t fem ale p re fe rre d . Non-smoker On bus route. SlOO/week Phone 331-1678 after 4:30pm ROOM ava ila b le - parking, nea r GO. Run o f House. $55 0 /m o n th +phone. call Roger after 6pm 905-8498337______________________ BURLINGTON, Francis Rd Private master bedroom, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. S400./mo. 6 3 2 4694.______________________ BURLINGTON. Francis Rd. Private master bedroom, well furnished, use of all facilities, free cable. $400./mo. 6 3 2 4694______________________ STUDENTS: 2 rooms avail able near Sheridan. Share fa c ilitie s . $325 in clusive. Tom (9 0 5 )-6 1 5-7769 or 416-953-9772. DOWNTOWN O akville. 2bedroom. 2 bathroom. 5 ap p lia n c e s . und erg roun d parking rec room $1400 in c lu s iv e . Dec. 1. Paul 842-0675 m K . L 1 accommodation NORTH Glen Abbey- Nov. 1st. No pets. Non- smoker. Own bathroom, parking. Call Liz (905)469-6066 after 6pm W ATERDOW N. R esponsi ble person to share large country home. First & last. Flexible possession (905) 690-9988__________________ BU SIN E S S p ro fe s s io n a l. m id -3 0 's. s in g le , nonsmoker. male, to share your North B u rlington/ O akville hom e. R e fe re n ce s. 905338-9191__________________ P R O F E S S IO N A L fem ale seeks same to share con do. N B u rlin g to n . C/A. washer & dryer, dishwash er. $ 45 0-5 50 + u tilitie s . Available Nov. 1st. Refer ences required. 9 0 5 -3 3 6 9904 __________________ B U R LIN G T O N : share 2bed roo m apa rtm e nt, suit working non-smoker. 25-40. Neat, responsible. Nov. 1st. $575 + parking. 632-1524, AVAILABLE 2 storey home 5 m inutes from Burlington. P riv a te bed roo m , bath & s ittin g room . A ll u tilitie s . $600/mo. female preferred. No pets. 905-690-3318 1986 C A D ILLA C 5L Fleetw ood, d a rk m e ta llic blue, beautiful car and re cently used as wedding car fo r bride. $3000 obo. Call (905)842-1808 after 6pm 1997 Nissan Altima- black, w e ll-m a in ta in e d , clean, loaded, sunroof/ CD, recent tires, certified. $12,000. Call Rob 905^827-0930_________ 1989 Dodge Colt- August2000 E -tested. Needs some attention. Runs daily Good on gas. $350. 905631-0863__________________ 1991 Ford Tempo. 4-dr. air. automatic. AM-FM cassette. 105.000 kms Certified. Ete ste d A sking $2,250. 634-4923._________________ 1996 VILLAG ER LS fu lly loaded including leather. CD changer, top condition, cer tified. $13,900 338-5433 1990 Jetta Flair. Red. 256K. A/C. autom atic, sunroof. Recent: brakes, tires, cata lytic convertor. Good condi tion. $2,850/as is. (905)2576345. after 6pm 1999 Saturn SL-1. 7232Km. Automatic, blue. 4 door. A ir. Am /Fm C a s sette. Like new. one own er. G reat buy. 905-8258897 after 6pm 1997 Honda C ivic EX. black, auto, air. cruise, pw/ pdlocks. AM/FM stereo cassette. Excellent condi tio n , 67.200 km s. Asking $14,700. (905)465-2836 1996 GMC Pickup. 1500 Sidestep with Tonneau cov er. Automatic. 8 cyl. loaded with all options. 115.000km. $15,500. Phone (905)-8784586. ask for Peter 1989 Corolla. 4-door. auto, air. cruise, tape, well main tained, good condition new tires 194K, $3600. 332-3517 1995 Nissan P a thfind er, tan. exc e lle n t c ond ition, leather interior, fully load ed. im m acula te. D ealer serviced. Phone included. 99K. highw a y driven . $17 ,500 . P riva te 3 3 2 7949______________________ 1994 Lexus GS. black, gold trim , le ath er in terio r, fully loaded. Immaculate. Deal er s erviced , highw ay d r i ven. $23,500. Private 332-7949_________________ 1995 M azda M X3- e x c e l lent condition. Black. Au tom a tic. sound system . 95.000km. Take over paymentO-B.O. 905-339-0147 1997 Buick Riviera, all op tions except moon roof. 60.000K . c e rtifie d . 6349114 or 336-392)__________ 1997 Amethyst Chrysler In tre p id - 47K. Polyguard W heels/ Chipguard. P ris tine condition Single retir ee owner. $14,000. 6391803______________________ 1998 Saturn SC15 speed- Air. c ruise, pow er windows, tilt, alarm, keyless entry. AM /FM /C D A sking $12,000. 849-7669 _______ EXECUTIVE owned & op erated 1996 Intrepid- Fully loaded, platinum silver, all m aintenance, v e rifia b le & certified. $10,500. Please ca ll 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -4 4 2 0 after 6pm to view. 1999 P ontiac S u n fire -- Assume rem aining 2yrs of 3yr lease. Green. 2-door, m oonroof; lots of options. Take advantage GM em ployee d iscount. $20 6./ mos. Excellent condition. $500. down OBO. must sell. 1 -800-526-4858-ext.4999, 631-0384 _____________ 1989 Dodge Shadow, blue. 180K. $1,000. obo. Phone 631-5218_________________ ; 1992 Thu nderbird- E x c e l le n t running c ond ition. $4,400- OBO as is. 33631 leave message________ W* [ I u j cars wanted WANTED: Dead or Alive. 7 days - 24 hrs. C all 8764594, (905)467-9484, Milton OFFICE space a p p ro x im ately 960 sq. ft. $736/ month, in cluding property taxes and w ater. Q EW / Trafalgar (905)849-3521 P E flF O R E X Please forward your resume by Monday, October 16,2000 Hiring Committee, PHDTB 33 City Centre Drive Suite 546 Mississauaga, ON. L5B 2N5 E-mail: phdtrain@interlog.com Controller Perforex is a rapidly growing, entrepreneurial consulting lirm that has gained an outstanding repu tation for delivering sustained improvements to our clients. With staff spread out from Quebec City to San Francisco and growth as fast as we can handle it, there is a lot of excitement. Perforex is looking for someone who's comfortable handling all aspects of a company's financial life, tram the mundane to the exciting. We need a doer, to take what we have and build what we need. We otter an environment where there is no bureaucra cy, where the controller is the accounting depadment. So if you're ready to be the tinancial leader at a com pany close to home, then contact us today and throw away that GO transit pass. H O U S E C LE A N E R req u ire d to jo in our team. Paid training Hourly wage Own ca r an asset Days only. (No students please.) (905)336-1489 LOOKING tor a few good people to join our team on a full or part time basis Call for interview between 8am- 6pm. High Class Car Wash 849-1450_________________ HELP wanted at *A` horse show bam. Mon. to Fn. from 8am - 12pm to clean stalls and other misc jobs One full time and one part time position Please call (905)827-2234 or (905)-466-442l. BUSY Courier company in B u rlington needs Drivers with vans for local deliver ies. A pply @ 3329 M ain way Drive . Units A & B or fax 905-335-9544. Also re quire a nig h tp e rso n for warehouse duties between 4pro-midnight______________ * 1 4 1 · : ; 2359 LAKESHO RE. Bronte, approx. 900 sq. ft. + basem ent, -customer parking in front. High v is ib ility. P o ssession plus lease negotiable 827-3571 HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE A n o rg a n iz a tio n p ro v id in g sh e lte r fo r a b u se d w o m e n a n d th e ir ch ild re n re qu ire T R A N S IT IO N A L SU PPO R T COUNSELLO RS ( 2) T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te s m u s t p o s s e s s a w a rm , g e n u in e p e rs o n a lity ; e x p e rie n c e in c a s e m a n a g e m e n t a n d c o u n s e llin g . T h e c a n d id a te s m u s t h a v e k n o w le d g e a b o u t v io le n c e a g a in s t w o m e n a n d its im p a c t on w o m e n a nd ch ild re n , g o o d g ra s p o f th e c o m m u n ity re s o u rc e s a n d a d v o c a c y skills . E x p e rie n ce w ith th e F a m ly C o u rt sy s te m is an asset. C a n d id a te s m u st h a v e a c a r a n d be fa m ilia r w ith th e H a lto n R e g io n . P o s itio n s a re a v a ila b le in M ilto n (1) a n d B u rlin g to n (1). P o s t s e c o n d a ry e d u c a tio n in S o c ia l W o rk w ith e lig ib ility fo r c e rtific a tio n w ith th e C o l le g e o f S o c ia l W o rk a n d S o c ia l S e rv ic e s W o rk e rs is re q u ire d . F o rw a rd re s u m e s b y O c to b e r 15 to: WORK from hom e parttime! Potential fulltim e in come possible. Training pro vided. Toll free pre- recorded message. 1-877-253-2605 Come See the Difference at 505 Locust St 1&2Bdrms from $875 * Wall-to-wall carpet * All Suites A/C ' * Convenient location downtown Burlington near all amenities. 511 Guelph Line 1&2Bdrm s- Dec.lst 277 Lakeshore Road East, Suite 403 Oakville, Ontario L6J1H9 Ph 905-339-3222 ext 25 Fax 905-339-3223 E-mail: khannan@pertorex.com For more information please visit our websiteatwww.perforex.com Tel: (905) 333-9008 C A N A D IA N A .Q uiet, w ell maintained lakefronObutldmg Very spacious 1&3-bedrooms available December 5220 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905)632-5486____________ OAKVILLE: Bachelor base ment. separate entrance. Near Sheridan College/ GO. No smoking/ pets. $650+. Immediate.905-815-1727 O A K V ILL E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Drive: 2-bedroom, Nov. 1st. 3-bedroom . O c t.1st.; (905)844-9006; 205 Queen Mary Drive: 3-bedroom , O ct.1st; U tilities included (905)844-9670_____________ G EORGIAN A p artm ents. Oct./Nov. 1.2&3 Bedrooms. Heat/ hydro included. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm__________________ 1,243 Bedroom Suites avail able. QEW/ Trafalgar. Road Indoor pool. From $875/mo. (905)844-1106_____________ / / / / / / / / / / C A FE T Y C A R J? NEW CAREER? T h is C o u ld Be Y o u r A n s w e r The p e rso n w e are se e kin g d oes n o t need s p e c ific q u a lific a tio n s b u t ra th e r be able to dem onstrate a stable history w ith a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. This is a full tim e position. W orking fro m o ur B u rlin g to n o ffic e th e in d iv id u a l's ro le is to to ta lly m anage and se rv ic e a base of lon g esta b lish ed c lie n ts by phone. The a b ility to develop new business is also im portant. SafetyCare is an award w inning w orld leader in the grow th area of W orkplace Health and Safety w ith o p p o rtu n itie s fo r in d iv id u a ls to achieve success under the um brella of a safe, secure and sucessful international company. We offer a basic salary, plus com m issions and h e a lth b e n e fits , w ith p o te n tia l f i r s t y e a r earnings of $30,000.-$40,000. If you are interested in a career change, please call Ed Aasm an to discuss th is opp o rtu n ity in more detail telephone: (905) 631-6070 Theresa Greer, Executive Director Halton Women s Place 2025 Guelph Line, Suite 223 Burlington, ON L7P 4X4 Fax: 905-332-1155 Email:tgreer@haltonwomensplace.com No telephone inquiries please Only those selected tor an interview will be contacted NEW faces needed for Fall/ W inter work. M/F. All ages, all sizes fo r fa sh io n / hair shows/ catalog work/ TV ex tras S20-90/hr. (905) 3365455. >Y tY jY tY MATURE SALES HELP (or children's retail lurniture store on the Oak/Miss border. 2-3 days/wk (incls. .1 weekend day). Good starting wage & perks' W ill train Fax resume to (905)828-7155 GENERAL help required for S h ipping Dept, in w ood w orking shop Heavy lift ing. S9./hr Call Larry 905336-1296. Shipway Stairs. 1795 Ironstone Drive. Bur lington. SPACIO US a du lt-livin g in North Oakvilie. Immediate. 2+ 1 bedroom . 1.5 baths, fireplace. $1550 inclusive. 905-337-0858 I houses for rent STO P L o o k in g ! Need a home to rent in the $1500S3000 range? C a ll me! (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -1 7 0 6 . E x t.70. Kathy Murray. Sales Repre sentative. Active Properties Inc. EAST O akville. 4-bedroom 2 -s to re y . C /A . w a lk -o u t deck, fe n c e d y a rd , e a t-in k itch e n , d e s ira b le fa m ily n e ig h b o u rh o o d . $15 00/ mo.+; Also, cozy bachelor base m en t, la undry, s e p a rate entrance, kitchen, bath. $55 0/m o. + . O ct.1 5 th (905)849-7818_____________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy. or cre a tiv e fina n cin g ava ila b le to fa c ilita te p u r chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan. Assoc. B ro k e r. (9 05)6395258 Re/M ax E scarpm ent Realty Inc., Realtor O A K V IL L E - 3 bedroom , family room, finished base ment broadloomed; 2 bath rooms plus ensuite/ jacuzzi in m aster. 2 car garage. 3 appliances. 2 F/P. Nov. 1st. $1.800./+utilities. A/C 905271-1212__________________ TY A N D A G A E xe cutive 4bedroom with den. double garage. 2 fireplaces, all ap pliances. Jacuzzi, lawn sprin kler system. Available end of October. $ 2 l0 0 /m o . Refer ences N o n-sm okers. (905)333-5506, Ext. 50 B R IC K B u ngalow . 3 B e d room s.available now Close to R ebecca St. $1,100. (905)825-2901 ^ condom inium s for rent a n ew w o rld at w o rk Adecccr Looking for fle x ib le , reliab le em ployees to fill 20 openings in M il. & Oak. Excellent potential lor fulltime hire. Production & Assembly Workers $9-12 Forklift Drivers Universal Cert, an asset. $13-15 Safety boots & reliable transportation required. PERMANENT POSITIONS: 3 Warehouse Supervisors 34K in the transportation industry. Accounting Manager 45-58K. Burlington Engineering background preferred. Bilingual Inside Sales 35K. Word & Excel Bilingual Customer Service. 34K Word & Excel, 2 years order desk exp. OFFICE POSITIONS Various long & short term temporary assignments: Accounting Data Entry Reception File Clerks 6 mo. exp. & computer skills rqr'd. (Word, Excel) APPLY AT THE BURLINGTON OFFICE ONLY A d e c c o Em ploym ent Services Lim ited 5 0 0 0 N ew S tre e t, B u rlin g to n Tel: (905) 634-4445 · Fax:(905)634-0011 DRIVER FULLTIME. With G Lie. Abletodr.ivestd. & auto transmission. Able to lilt 50 lbs. Must have good driving record. Will consider car & driver lor local deliveries, both Oakville and Burlington branch Call: John 845-2118 or Alex 637-2727 Halton Auto Electric NEED some extra money? Part tim e help required by w ell e sta b lish e d home cle a n in g com pany. M/F welcome. Call The House Cleaning Angels. Deborah (905)842-3672.____________ V A LU E V illage requires p a rt-tim e Sales C lerks & tem p ora ry fu ll-tim e po si tions. A pply in person: 2340 Fatrview St. or via fax 905-631-6894_____________ H U SB AN D / W ife team re q u ire d for lo ca l ja n ito ria l se rvice M ust be e xp e ri enced. have transportation and be bondable. (905) 8420840 <*& *& <* UPGRADED 1&2 Bdrm Apts with scenic views available at two prime downtown Burling ton lo cations. B e au tifu l grounds Professionally man aged 478 Pearl St. (905) 632-1643; 477 Elizabeth St.. (905)634-9374_____________ O A K V ILLE : 190 K err, at Rebecca Renovated, large suites. Walk to everything. 142 bedrooms from $795. (905)845-1777_____________ DECEMBER 1ST 2-bedroom $975. 1.5 baths. Lakeshore/ Appleby. 639-3301_________ BURLINGTON: 2-bedroom apartment in low rise. Im maculate. No pets $650 inclusive Novem ber 1st. 637-0944_________________ FRESHLY Decorated: 243 B e droom s- som e 2-le ve l! Oct./Nov. Low-rise building. Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. (Bur lington). 1440 Tyandaga Park Dr (9 05)336-0015 ; 1460 Tyandaga Park Dr. (905)336-0016;_____________ O AKVILLE Place Area- 2bedroom. sm all b u ild in g , near all am enities. $91 5/ mo. Oct. 1st. Heat, hot wa ter. parking included (905)847-1138._________________ DOWNTOWN B u rlington, bachelor, immediate. $547 inclusive. 1 parking, fridge, stove, heat, hydro 335-7929 leave mesage LAKEFRONT B u rlington! Large clean 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available Nov/ Dec. 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd. Call (905)681-8938.________ 2-BE DRO O M A p a rt m ents $790 (U tilitie s in cluded). 2386 New St at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 BLUE Mountain. New. large, luxury 3-bedroom condo on Monterra Golf Course and at the fo o t o f Ski R esort. Sleeps 8. Fully equipped. Ja cuzzi. 2-1/2 baths. Seasonal or short-term rental. Family or responsible adults pre ferred. Special Thanksgiving W eekend Rate! (9 0 5 )3 3 6 2290 506 professional 50 6 professional CONDO PROPERTY MANAGER A s th e larg e st a nd fa ste st g ro w in g c o n d o m in iu m m a n a g e m e n t c o m p a n y in th is a rea. G re e n w in M a n a g e m e n t is a g a in e x p a n d in g a nd w e a re lo o kin g fo r an e xp e rie n ce d a nd p ro a ctive in d ivid u a l to m a n a g e a p o rtfo lio of c o n d o m in iu m clie n ts in th e B u rlin g to n / H am ilto n area. Fax your resum e to Jim Bezem er G reenwin M anagem ent @ 5 4 7-5 080 general help wanted general help wanted G REAT m otorhom e- 1978 C la s s -C , 28ft. ` Ita s c a ' , lo aded, back bunks. A/C. E x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . C all after 5pm 690-6275 ICllVJ items under $100. 4-PC E liv in g ro o m suite, beige tweed. Colonial style $100. 634-9372___________ C O LU M B IA Bugaboo Bomber ski jacket- Ladies XL. Purple blue with pink, includes fleece. $85.OBO 905-637-2700______________ DOG crate. Furrari 350. up to 50lbs. Excellent condition. $100. 336-7009 eve. DR YER- M cC lary heavy duty. 4yrs. old. asking $100. obo. 634-1558 510 510 LAKESHORE PLACE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE N O W H IR IN G P/T Cooks, Servers Receptionists, Housekeepers Rn/RPN's and HCA/PSW 's Dispatcher Representative We are currently seeking qualilied individuals who have a solid knowledge in Customer Service ^nd Microsoft skills. Working knowledge ol Microsoft Ollice. e-mail, phone etiquette and great organiza tional skills are a must, A great personality, willing to work weekends and shift llexibility are essential traits in obtaining employment with Cancable. Please send resume & references via e-mail to: resume@cancable.com PLEASE FAX RESUME TO (905)-333-3103 Shift Supervisor & Asst. Mechanic F/T. Training provided Bowling exp an assel. Call Ruby or Rob (905)681-2727 or drop ott resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Rd PR O D UC TIO N M achine O perators- required by Burlington manufacturer 2 -s h ifts - E xp erience an asset. Send resum e to Nixon Integrated Machining D esigns Ltd.. 3291 M am w ay. - Unit 5 & 6. Burlington. L7M 1A6 O A K V IL L E 3-bedroom tow nhouse. 4 a pp lia nces, broadloom. garage, finished basement, near schools and transportation. $1,250/mo. Oct. 31. 905-270-2693. LARGE 3-bedroom, Nov. 1st From $ 1 1 2 9 ./m o . (+ u tili ties). 5 appliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 3-B E D R O O M Dec 1st $900. Appliances, finished base m en t, garage . 1.5 b a th s, clo s e to highw ay. 332-3684 EXOTIC cow hide used for w a ll han ging or area carpet. $100.827-2677 FUTON and sta n d - S50. 847-3482__________________ GRACO Open top 3 speed baby sw ing. $75. used 5 weeks. 332-6002___________ G RAC O Pack *n Go p la y pen- b a re ly used S70. 332-6002__________________ H E W LETT P ackard Desk Jet 722C in k je t colour printer. $75. (905)510-5646 1998 FORD W indstar GL. low m ileage 63K, cham pagne. A/C. pow er lo cks. C e rtifie d . M int. $16,800. 469-6451 IN T E R V IE W E R S Wanted by National Market Research Company. Travel time, expenses paid No sales. Part time only. Good starting rate. Vehicle necessary. Caring People Needed!!! Animal Hospital now hiring for: A L L P O S IT IO N S W ANTED- garage or s u it able dry space for w in te r storage of small car 905891-1856 Evenings/weekends required. Excellent interpersonal skills, fluent English essential. Experience an asset. Call Faye o r Darry l at 519-631-6075 Full Time & Part Time Days, Afternoons, Eveninigs & Weekends. Willing to train. Fax to: (905)822-6528 or (905)257-1929

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