Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, p. 16

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 16 Humane Society thrift shop an experiment for the non-profit organization continued from p.x This was the only way the animal-care group could open a store, Millan said, noting cost of rent has been "significantly reduced" because it' s evenly distributed. "We approached it together and asked... it allowed us to share the space. We built a wall in between us. We share access and we share utilities," said Millan. Local entrepreneurs Helena Thompson and Nicky Lawson are co-owners of A Chocolate Lab. Their new chocolate making facility produces handmade chocolate treats that are their claim to fame. A Chocolate Lab handles custom personal and corporate orders for all occasions. Being a production kitchen there is no storefront, but the public is welcome to stop by to view displays. The Humane Society and A Chocolate Lab, both new to retail sales, approached the owners of the Pinegrove Plaza with a proposal to share the storefront location. The sharing of the facility permitted the two groups to test their retail ideas while sharing the expenses. "At this time, it allows us to (operate) at an entry level," said Millan. The Oakville Humane's board of directors has been mulling the idea of opening a thrift store for a number of years, she said, noting other Halton-based animal-care groups have done the same. Millan noted the OMHS is looking for volunteers to help run the store, which requires at least two people at any given time. Currently, it has five or six, enough for the organization to manage, but it can always use more assistance. Hours for the thrift store are Tuesday-Friday from noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 511 Pinegrove Rd. It is open to accepting donations from 1-4 Tuesday through Saturday. The grand opening will take place Saturday, June 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 905-845-1551 ext. 201 or visit http://omhs.ca/thrift-store/. The time was right "For us, it was a matter of saying, `Is the time right for us now, if we find the right spot?'" said Millan. "It's just another way to bring in money. Our community garage sales were so successful and people were calling us all winter asking when the next one is." A test case for both Millan said the OMHS store will be run as a "test case" for the next year, to see how successful it is, and if so, it could lead to OMHS opening a bigger space on its own. halton.ca (j 311 in Ynulffllft s t fA H a lt o n REG IO N NOTICE OF ROAD CLO SU RE Feedermain Construction from Dorval Drive to Davis Road Pumping Station Town of Oakville Community safety and well-being in Halton - provide your input Halton Region, the Halton Regional Police Service and the Police Services Board recently partnered to develop a Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for Halton. The goal of the plan is to strengthen how we collaborate to support vulnerable populations and ensure safe and healthy communities. Public consultation sessions on Community Safety & Well-Being in Halton: A Plan for Collaboration and Action will be held at the following locations: · Tuesday, June 20,9 to 11 a.m., Burlington Lions Club (Lions Hall), 471 Pearl Street, Burlington · Tuesday, June 20,6 to 8 p.m., Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre (Black BoxTheatre), 2302 Bridge Road, Oakville · Tuesday, June 27,10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Gellert Community Centre (Kinsmen Hall B), 10241 8 Line, Georgetown · Wednesday, July 12,6 to 8 p.m., Milton Sports Centre (Optimist Room), 605 Santa Maria Boulevard, Milton To register to attend a meeting, review the draft plan or complete an online survey about the plan, please visit halton.ca/safetyandwell-being or call 311. H a lto n is m a k in g it e a sie r to b e a ctiv e a n d sa fe th is su m m e r Halton residents enjoy a high quality of life that includes safe and active communities.Through the ActiveTransportation Master Plan, Halton Region has built approximately 190 kilometres of new on-road exclusive bike lanes and paved shoulders along Regional Gary Carr roads for you to safely bike, roll or stroll to enjoy active summer Regional Chair fun! Take advantage of our active transportation network to visit local attractions, shops and restaurants or to explore Halton's waterfront parks, cycling trails and green spaces this summer. To plan your fun and active summer day in Halton, visit halton.ca/tourism. M e e t i n g s a t H a lto n R e g io n , 1151 B r o n t e R d ., O a k v ille , L 6M 3L1 As part of ongoing construction work on Speers Road, crews will be working at night to install a feedermain at the intersection of Speers Road and Dorval Drive (Regional Road 17). Dorval Drive (Regional Road 17) between Wyecroft Road and Speers Road will be closed to traffic to complete this work. The work is scheduled to take place nightly starting on Sunday, June 18,2017 to Thursday, June 22, 2017 between the hours of 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Access to local businesses will be maintained at all times. .Building Contract Number: Project Manager: W-2998-16 Joe Proietti 905-825-6000 ext. 7613 joe.proietti@halton.ca f CONSTRUCTION. > a Better Halton Visit h a lto n .c a /m e e tin g s for full schedule. Ju ly 4 Ju ly 5 9 :3 0 a.m . 9 :3 0 a.m . H ealth & Social S erv ice s C ttee. P lan n ing & Public W orks C tte e. J u ly 5 J u ly 1 2 1:30 p.m . A d m in istration & F inance C ttee. 9 :3 0 a.m . R egional Council Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings.

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