Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, Ad wrap 1

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THURSDAY JUNE 15, 2017 d e a l e r in v o ic e pricing --------------------------------- H Y U N D A I O lO A K V IL L E s d em o clearance +1 SALE! Over 25 Demo Deals in-stock! (22>H YunD ni o f B o h k v ille I 2 5 0 0 S o u th S e r v ic e Rd W 905.845.7791 w w w .hyundaiofoakville.ca $ 1 .0 0 CO N N ECTED TO YO U R COM M UNITY INSIDEHALTON.COM 56 pages DEALER INVOICE P R IC IN G "The Dealer Price is the same as My Price?!" o n - r ^ 'e + c c ^ 2017 Santa Fe Sport Ultim ate Stock #117692* HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE's DEMO CLEARANCE SALE! Dealer is paid a fee included in the m anufacturer for each vehicle sold* S e e Y o u rln v o ic e .c a A lso , get for 84 m onths!* on select models 0% FOR STOCK #117692 D E A LE R IN V O IC E + H Y U N D A I O F O A K V IL L E D EM O CLEARANCE A D JU STM EN T Santa Fe Sport = $ 8 , 7 0 0 Price adjustm ent image may differfrom caravaila D ealers m ay ch arg e ad ditional fe e s fo r ad m in istratio n Over 25 in-stock demo deals available! < 0 > H Y u rm m hyundaicanada.com of up to $499. Charges may vary by dealer. SEE D EALER FOR D ETAILS. hyurdfii of o m c v i L U 2 5 0 0 S o u th S e rv ic e R oad W . · PROUDLYSERVING ^403 7J « OAKVILLE FOR OVER YEA R S! CD § S? 3 r+ HYUNDAI OF OAKVILLE CD 9 0 5 .8 4 5 .7 7 9 1 · w w w .h y u n d a io fo a k v ille .c a CL 73 Wyecroft Rd. ®/TM The Hyundai names, logos, productnam es,featurenam es, imagesandslogans are trademarks owned by HyundaiAutoCanadaCorp.All othertradem arksarethepropertyoftheirrespective owners. *Thecustom erpricesarethosereflectedonthedea lerinvoicefrom HyundaiAutoCanadaCorp.Thedealer invo icepriceincludes aholdbackam ountforwhichthedealer issubsequentlyre imbursed by HyundaiAutoCanada Corp.QDealer InvoicePrice adjustmentsare calculatedagainstthevehicle'sstartingprice. Price adjustments of$5,000 availableonfinance andcash purchaseonlyof in stock 2017Santa FeSport2.0Ttrims.Price adjustmentsappliedbefore taxes. Offercannotbe combined or used in conjunctionw ithany other availableoffers O ffer is non-transferable and cannotbeassigned. Novehicletrade-in required tFinance offers availab le O .A.C .from Hyunda iFinancia lS ervicesbasedonthe2017Santa Fe Sport U ltim atem odelw ithanannual finance rate of0% .W eek lypaym entsare$267for36m onths. $0downpaym entrequired.Trade-invaluem aybeappliedto downpaym ent amount .Cashpriceis$41,637.Cost of borrowing is$0 .Finance offers include Deliveryand Destinationcharge of$1,905, leviesandall applicab lecharges(excluding HST; GST/ PST). Finance offers exc lude reg istration, insurance, PPSA, licensefees, and dealer admin. Fees of up to $499. Feesmayvarybydealer. Price of model shown: 2017 Santa Fe Sport 2.0T Ultimate is $46,637. Price includes Delivery and Destination charge of $1,905, levies and all applicable charges (excluding HST; GST/PST). Prices exclude reg istration, insurance, PPSA, licensefees and dealer admin. fees of up to $499. Fees mayvarybydealer. *tQ ^O ffe rs availab lefor a lim itedtim e and subjectto change or cancellation w ithout notice. Dea lermaysell for less. Inventory is limited, dealer order maybe required. V isit www.hyundaicanada com orsee dealerfor complete details. f t Hyundai's Comprehensive Lim ited W arrantycoverage covers m ostvehicle components against defects in workmanship undernormal use and maintenance conditions.

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