Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, p. 49

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Articles for Sale *A1 MATTRESS Factory Direct. Delivery available. All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & `Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, end-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020 905-681-9496, 905-563-6903. Free Articles MAGAZINES, CONSU MER Reports, 45 older issues, nice condition. Free. 905-332-0413 Medical/Health Needs IC ocalW ork !ca FOR LOCRL JOBS Careers Careers Careers YOUR BEST SOURCE Em ploym ent H alton Jo b Fair VICTORY MOBILITY Scooter Pride Victory 10 DX. Immaculate condi tion, very lightly used, stored indoors. Incl. cup holder, flag, basket, rear view mirror and charger. Price: $950. firm. Phone 905-689-8209. The Hamilton Spectator, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has a current opening for a Wedeesday, June 28,2017 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2441 Lakeshore Rd.W., Qakville (Inside the Bronre Villane Mall) The event is open to the public - tell yonr friends about it. Admission and parking are free. Come prepared, dress for success and bring copies o f yonr resume. For list of employers attending the jo b fair, visit halton.ca/em ploym enthalton Full-Time District Service Representative The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that all distribution products in their assigned geographic area are delivered in a timely and appropriate manner. This includes working closely with the carrier force and recruiting new carriers to ensure all routes are covered. You will be required to respond to customer concerns in a professional and timely manner while providing superior customer service. WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR · Completion of Secondary Education or equivalent · Superior customer service · Solid organizational and time management skills · Sound computer skills and fluent of Microsoft applications · Excellent verbal and written communication skills · Ability to work within a fast-paced, team oriented environment · Responsible, self-motivated and able to function with minimal supervision · Physical activity - walking, lifting up to 60Ibs · Reliable vehicle and valid driver's license required · Must be able to work varying 8 hour shifts, Monday thru Saturday. For more Information and if you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume no later than June 15, 2017 to https://careersen-metroland.icims.com Job # 2017-2656 OUR AODA COMMITMENT BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Install Furniture $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or RATTAN FURNITURE set Paul at 905-849-4847. and two piece leather couch set. Six piece rat We won't be undersold! tan set. Two swivel chairs. Glass coffee ta ble. Two end tables and a couch which is a pull out bed. Recently recov ered. Excellent condition. Green leather love seat CARPET and matching three seatI have several er sofa. Excellent condi 1000 yds. Of new tion. Asking $500.00 for Stainmaster and each set. In Dorset Park, 100% nylon carpet. Milton or best offer. Will do living room & 416-200-1275 CARPET! Ontario ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT Please contact us, as soon as possible, if you have any accessibility needs at Halton Region events or meetings. --GUITARS NEW--1 from $99. Over 20,000 musical items in stock Absolute Music 945 DOWNSIZING, INLAID Upper James St. Hamil dining table, 78 x 48 ton. call 905-318-7447 inches plus 1 leaf, 4 www.absolutemusic.ca brown leather side \ chairs, 2 arm chairs. Cars $1,200, Beige downfilled Sofa $500. 1997 TOYOTA Corolla 905-537-5300 LE, 200,000km, no-work G R A N D M O T H E R required, safety emis CLOCK. Antique. 7'2" tall sion done Feb 2017, new Mint condition. call tires, brakes, exhaust 289-337-1186 and battery, fractured MOVING SALE, furni hip for selling, $1600, ture, tools, drafting ta- Oakville, 289-772-9933 ble/chair, other chairs, garden items, etc, 2000 HONDA Civic CX, $1995, certified and 905-632-0263. etested, 173,000km, 5 MOVING SALE, Wash- speed, 3-door hatch er/dryer set, $375 . Dry back, Michelin tires, sil er, electric, full size ver, 905-466-8027 $175. Washer, full size (Steve) $225. All excellent con dition. Call 2006 PONTIAC G6 se 289-337-1328 dan. Excellent condition, PARK BENCH Ends, Vin a/c, automatic, cruise, tage cast steel black power brakes, windows, powder coat finish. Circa keyless entry, mainte 1920's for $300. Circa nance records available, 121700kms, certified 1940's for $200 $5395. call Call 905-635-4720 905-844-8648 PORTABLE PHONES, VTech, plus 2 handsets 2010 MALIBU, LT Plati with ans. machine, $30. num, GM warranty Panasonic portable plus transferable (until June 3 handsets with ans. 2017), 2 sets tires In machine, talking caller cluding rims, certified ID, new, $50. and e-tested, mint condi 905-639-2300 tion, $8,500, 129,000 Km Call 289-337-5742 -SPOTLESSWOMEN'S 7-speed 2014 Manhattan Auto Parts & Smoothie bicycle. Accessories 3 lights, mirror, carrier basket and helmet. TIRES: Radial Tires, (4) Reason: Balance lost. on rims, size 205-55r16 $150. each. Call $250. Paid $515. 519-731-2170. 905-634-4156 hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Musical Instruments Power Boating Canada and RV Lifestyle requires an experienced Event Coordinator with an excellent personality and a team player. Must have excellent computer skills in Excel and Word, etc. Excellent organizational skills are definitely required for the position. Please email your resume to: nmueller@taylorpublishinggroup.com EVENT COORDINATOR Health C are/ Medical Restaurants/ Hospitality Restaurants/ Hospitality Steve 905-633-8192 * * JOB FAIR * * needed to perform stress tests, stress echo, and holter monitor hook-ups. Send resume to: reception.mcc@ gm ail.com Exp'd Cardiology ist fc/EARL & ^ IN E Retirement We are seeking customer-focused and caring individuals for: Metroland is committed to accessibility in employment and to ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for candidates, including persons with disabilities. In compliance with AODA, Metroland will endeavour to provide accommodation to persons with disabilities in the recruitment process upon request. If you are selected for an interview and you require accommodation due to a disability during the recruitment process, please notify the hiring manager upon scheduling your interview. Drivers GET HIRED ON THE SPOT!! fo r the 2017 RBC Canadian Open taking place at the Glen Abbey Seeking Experienced Servers, Food Runners, Cooks & Supervisors Apply in person on: Optometrist Office seeking individual to complement our Oakville team. Approx 20hrs PT days/ evenings. Email ccv@ OakvilleCentreForVision FT and PT HOUSEKEEPERS THURS. JUNE 22, & MON. JULY 10 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Location: Sheridan College Oakville 407 Iroquois Shore Rd., Rm A12 L o ca te d D ow ntow n B u rlin gto n at 390 P e arl S tree t To sta rt im m ediately! P le ase fo rw ard y ou r resu m e to: info@ pearlandpineretirem ent.com Or drop o ff at C oncierge Technical/Skilled Trades ^ Technical/Skilled Trades Physician's Busy Oakville family practice seeks amiable person to escort patients to exam rooms. Takes weights and heights, sterilizes equipment etc. Physically active position-fast paced. Permanent 2 days/wk plus vacation coverage. Will train. E-mail cover letter with resume to: recruitstaff65 @gmail.com Salon & Spa BRANTHAVEN is seeking to fill the follow ing position at their Grimsby, Milton and Oakville sites: HOMES Fin ish Technician/ H andym an Successful applicants must have min. 3 yrs job related experience. Duties include drywall patching, paint t/up, minor repairs, prep and complete PDI. Applicants must be dependable, possess their own tools, have a positive attitude, w ork w ith minimal supervision and be self-starters. To Apply: E-mail: careers@branthaven.com Or Fax: Randy McGuire @ 905-333-1720 Union w ages and benefits apply Dental Dental SUMMIT FOOD SERVICE Mississauga Terminal 4 days per week, Evening shifts, Competitive wages & benefits, Home daily, no Sunday deliveries, clean & highly maintained equipment. Provide customer deliveries and pick-ups. Hand bombing required. Drivers@summit. colabor.com General Help WANTED AZ Delivery DRIVERS www .signatureserve.com Bring your Resume, SIN, Photo ID & Certifications LA B O U R E R S / PIP ELA YER S WANTED for Sewer & Watermain crews. U nion w ag es and fu lltim e y ea r round em p lo ym en t. Please email resume to jb am b rick @ v arc o n c o n s tru c tio n .c o m o r fa x to 9 05 -7 61 -0 18 2 We To book your classified ad call Certified Dental Assistant, FT. Oakville. No evenings or weekends. Email: colourgreen24@ gmail.com Front Desk Administrator to join our Oakville orthodontic office. Email your resume to resumemanager2017 @gmail.com if you are interested. Portuguese Bakery looking for an experienced Baker to join our growing team in the Oak P ark area . Must be able to work weekends. 289 725 0338 Baker lo o k in g fo r a m ature w ith p rio r sales & custom er service e xperience. M e rc h a n d isin g e xp e rie n ce an asset. A b le to w o rk w e e ke n d s /w e e k d a y s . Computer literate w ith positive attitude. Salesperson a re F/T or P/T, for busy Burl. Salon. Call Ralph: 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -1 6 6 2 Teaching Opportunities Hair Stylist Salary Range: $50K - $75K Minim um 6 years related experience. Experienced in general workshop techniques with ability to read and interpret engineering drawings; Expert in the use of all power hand tools to be able to instruct others; Experienced in tubing installation, automatic welded and low leakage fittings; Familiar with machines (lathe, milling, drilling, power saw, etc.) and workshop safety. Familiar with: Welding inspection/ performance; Typical instrumentation and controls; Helium leak and pressure testing; Vacuum technology and high cleanliness; Manufacturing of high quality equipment under strict QA program; Preparation of CAD Drawings. Please respond by email to: sam.k@tyne-engineering.com S e n io r M e c h a n ic a l T e c h n ic ia n · Shinglers Exp. 5 -i0 y r s . Exp. 5 -1 0 yrs LO ST & FOUND Please email resume to: e la @ le m o n w o o d .co m 905.632.4440 G\assifi@c/$ in Oakville. Resume to: klaudiasmusicstudio @gmail.com Phone: 289-242-1517 Technical/Skilled Trades Violin Teacher · Sub Crews · Residential Roofing Sales Your Best Source For Local Jobs Localwork.ca WORK find us online at www.insidehalton.com or email classifieds@metroland.com Exp. min. 5 - 10 yrs. 6 4 7 -7 4 6 -3 3 0 2 email: info@ roofsonhomes.com Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 email: classifed@ metrolandwest.com 905.632.4440 for house framing. Call 289-489-2581 Carpenter

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