Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, p. 52

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www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 15, 2017 | 52 news C O GRADUATIONS I O b it u a r ie s Congratulations to Jacob Orlandi I O b it u a r ie s I O b it u a r ie s O ctober 7, 1937 - June 8, 2017 Peacefully, a fte r a b rie f illness, surro u n d e d by his loving fam ily, Fred le ft th is earth to jo in his beloved w ife Sue. He w ill be deeply missed by his th re e children, Leslie Post (Tom O verend), Glen Post (C atherine La Rocque) and Alissa Post (Stephane Claveau). His seven a d o rin g g ra n d ch ild re n , H ailey and Greg O verend, G abrielle, A lexandra and Isabelle Post, Sophie and Tristan Claveau, w ill alw ays rem em ber G randpa fo r his fu n n y jokes, zany p e rso n a lity and w a rm th . V ery dear b ro th e r o f John Post (Louise), b ro th e r-in -la w to Paul B agot, and uncle to Rose M arie, Patrick, Lynne and V icki. Special frie n d to his c o m panion, Doris C ow an. Fred had a long and distin g u ish e d career w ith Em pire M a intenance Industries, b e g in n in g in M o n tre a l and re tirin g as President o f O n ta rio and W est. Fred b ro u g h t o u t th e best in everyone w ith his positive o u tlo o k and boundless energy. He was re n o w n fo r te llin g stories loosely based on actual events and his love o f adve n tu re . Fred im p a rte d to his fa m ily th e im p o rta nce o f love and fa m ily values. He w ill be g re a tly missed by his fa m ily and his abundance o f friends. C rem ation has ta k e n place. A t Fred's request, a c e le b ra tio n o f life w ill be held in O akville, O n ta rio th is fa ll. In lieu o f flo w e rs , please d o n a te to th e Brain T um our F o u ndation o f Canada o r O varian Cancer Canada. POST, Fred George for graduating from the University of Waterloo School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability on June 13, 2017 with a Bachelor's Degree of Environmental Studies, a Minor in Geography and Environmental M anagement, and a Diploma in Ecological Restoration and Rehabilitation. W e are so p ro u d o f y o u ! Love, M om , Dad and P hillip. N o nno and Nonna and D idi are all so p ro u d as w e ll (Baki is s m ilin g d o w n fro m Heaven) Also, m any c o n g ra tu la tio n s fro m y o u r aunts, uncles and cousins. BUCHANAN, Dora (nee Toye) Peacefully Friday, June 2, 2017, in her 90 th year. Preceded by her husband D onald Buchanan, survived by her b ro th e r Jack Toye, her ch ild ren Bruce, H eather, R o b e rt (Janedy Paltingca Buchanan), A n d re w , Jane (D re w Frizzell), her g ra n d ch ild re n Tom and Sasha, nieces and nephew s and d ear frie n d s M a ry M cK in n on and Tatiana Bezan. R em em bered fo r her re m a rka b le poise and hum our, Dora w as q u ic k w ith a jo ke , d a rin g on th e ski tra ils, discerning a b o u t her w in e , and d e lig h te d in th e com pany o f her fa m ily and frie n d s. She w ill be missed and co n tin u e s to inspire us to cherish one ano th e r. W e w o u ld like to th a n k her caregivers fo r th e ir care and com passion. W e in v ite you to a tte n d a c e le b ra tio n o f Dora's life on A u g u s t 27, 2017 fro m 1:00 - 4:00 p.m . a t JAC's Bistro, 379 Kerr S treet, O a kville , ON. CANNON, Lillian Rosalie February 15, 1938 - June 6, 2017 It is w ith g re a t sadness th e fa m ily announces th e passing o f Lillian. Lillian passed aw ay a t O akville Tra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H ospital on June 6, 2017 a t th e age o f 79. Lillian was a d e vo te d and lovin g w ife o f Douglas C annon fo r 58 years. Loving m o th e r o f Douglas (late C hristina), Lynette, and A lan (Susan). Proud and lo vin g g ra n d m o th e r to Ryan (C aitlin), Candice (Todd), Eddie, Joesph and Jenna. Proud and loving Doe (G ra n d m o th e r) to C am eron (Katie), G a re tt (Shauna), M adison (Cam eron), Jordyn and Nicholas. G re a t G ra n d m o th e r to H unter, Ella, Jacqueline, Vanessa and Shi. Dear sister to Lynn (Joe), Lorraine (late G eorge), B rian-1989 (late Cheryl), M a rth a (Tim), M ark-2016 (Donna). Lillian w ill alw ays be rem em bered fo r her lo vin g d e v o tio n to her fa m ily and her large caring heart. As per Lillian's w ishes cre m a tio n has ta k e n place. A C e lebration o f Life w ill ta ke place a t a la te r date. For those w h o w ish to give a d o n a tio n in m em ory o f Lillian, please consider th e C anadian Cancer Society. O nline condolences m ay be m ade at w w w .sm ith s fh .co m Celebrating an Anniversary? Post your announcement in tne Burlington Post or Oakville Beaver. lif e news.ca births, birthdays, engagements, marriages, anniversaries, retirements,obituaries & in memoriams Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an I n Memoriam in the classifieds. C all 905 -6 32 -4 4 40 iemailclassified@metrolandwest.com. Congratulations! rn % GRADUATION NOTICES D U o ff x BRANT STREET CHAPEL When placing a Double Notice (4.10" 3.5") in our Lifenews Section. Beaver. The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. metrolandmedia Connected to your community

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