Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jun 2017, p. 4

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, June 1 5 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 HARDWOOD FLOORS M ILTO N 9 0 5 -8 7 6 -7 6 7 1 Toll Free 1.866.414 miltonhardwood.co Correction A C anada 150 M etroland m em ory that w as published in the May 25 edition of the Oakville Beaver contained incorrect inform ation. The War M easures Act w as used controversially during both the F irst and Second World Wars. The 1970s crisis w as the only time the act w as invoked for a dom estic crisis to limit civil liberties during peace time. The Oakville Beaver regrets the error and any inconvenience it m ay have caused. i W e ' a r e c e le b r a t in g C a n a d a 's^ ^ W B W p l 5 0 tn B ir t h d a y e a r ly w it h th e s e s a le s ! SPECIA LIZIN G IN : Sales, Installation andStairs pre-finished / Engineered Hand Scraped / Wire Brushed Sanding and Refinishing Builders / Contractors tC a n .M a p ie ^ T 74" .$3 T7 9 M K s m W ir e B r u s h e d ^ ^ U /4 a $4 .y693 while quantities last 53 Steeles Ave. E. Milton, On F o rm o ren ew s, v isito ak v illeb eav er.co m Good Food. Good . lS k ! TREATYOUR FATHERTOAHAPPY an BREAKFAST/LUNCH ! OAKVILLE'S PREMIER RETIREMENT RESIDENCE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 AM -3 PM W e 'r e i n y o u r n e i g h b o r h o o t Off dundas st. (#5 Hwy) between meadowridge dr. & eighth Line - shoppes on dundas plaza 2501 Prince Michael Drive, Oakville L6 H 0 E9 905.257.5126 ·www.sunnysidegriM.com H EA TIN G & C O O LIN G A IR E O N E It's all about C o m f o r t Don't sweat itand be confident knowing you are in good hands. A IR EO N Efactorytrained and licensed expertswill complete your installation in 1 day and provide same day emergency service. Large Patio Suites 24 Hour Supervision Planned Activities 3 Meals A Day Daily Maid And Laundry Service Quiet Suburban Setting Adjacent To Mall S e rv in g th e O a k v ille c o m m u n ity s in c e 1 9 8 7 , V is ta m e re w a s d e s ig n e d w ith th e a c tiv e s e n io r in m in d . W e o ffe r a w o rry fre e life s ty le w ith a c o m m u n ity fe e l. Call to schedule a FREE No Obligation visit with our Energy M anagem ent Experts Trusted by 120,000 Homeowners like you since 1990 Carrier Award Winners of2013,2014,2015 and 2016 (905) 849-4998 Open your senses t o w h a t o t h e r s h a v e e x p e r ie n c e d . PLUM 'S FOQI SHOP iS NOW OPEN! W e s e r v e f re s h b r e a k f a s t & lu n c h e s d a ily T a k e -o u t o n ly until 2 :0 0 , M o n d a y - F r id a y We offer full se rv ic e corporate catering For more information 9 0 5 . 847.1413 w w w .vistam ere.ca 447 S p e e r s R d , unit 9 · 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -7 1 1 0 380 Sherin Dr., Oakville (near Third Line & Rebecca) w w w .p lu m c a t e r in g .c a

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