3 h O CM Every week w e showcase topics about local youths. h -~ SEND US YOUR NEWS: C D "CS DC LU LU % O Q LU If you are a youth and you have a story or photo to share, we'll do our best to publish it on this page. Email it to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver. com, along with your name and a brief paragraph about why you want to share it with our readers. £ < o 1Canada Rocks 150! a t River Oaks Students at River Oaks Public School held their fourth annual lip sync competition, with this year's having a special Canada Rocks 150 theme. Above, students All the gymnasium, ready to rock Canada 150, including, in front, from left, Evan Hayward, 11, Samantha Shortt, 12, Sydney McDonald, 12, Chloe Van Belle, 13, and Rayna Padda, 12. At right, top, members of Canadian Eh? performing on stage. Below, left, Julia Dann, 7, entertains as Julia's Band. Right, Reese Upwood, 12, (dressed as a cow) and Hannah Koster, 12, rock out as part of the group, The McQueens. At bottom, Evan Hayward, 11, was first to perform as Ev-man. | Graham P aine/M etroland MADE IN CANADA FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR 35 YEARS BUILDING FINE ART INTO YO UR HOME. K I T C H E N S AND BATH M A N U FA C T U R E RSH O W R O O M q q c 5 7 3 2311 1 1 1 Brockley D r., Hamilton, Ontario * * w Visit our showroom online @ www.laurentidekitchens.ca Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm, Saturday 10am-3pm, Sunday & Evenings by appt. only