w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, July 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 | 1 2 Cadets take on leadership roles a t Base Borden by Brad Pritchard Metroland Media The moment a young man from Oakville has been working toward for the past six years has finally came to fruition. Alexander Samaha, 18, marched with pride and purpose across the parade square after hearing his name announced over the loudspeaker that he had been chosen to lead 2,000 cadets from across Ontario who will be training this summer at the Blackdown Cadet Training Centre at Base Borden. Samaha, along with about a dozen other staff cadets, were promoted to various leadership roles during the staff cadet appointment parade held July 7. For Samaha, it was quite a surprise, but a pleasant one. He came out on top after undergoing a gruelling week of assessments to test his skills and leadership capabilities. "I did my best, and I felt I did well, and I was rewarded for my hard work," he said. The ceremony also saw the appointment of his second-in-command Sarah Deckert, an 18-year-old from N ew Liskeard who was promoted to drill sergeant major, and the company sergeant majors (army) and squadron warrant officers (air force). Jacob Amond, 17, who hails from Midland, is looking forward to stepping into a new role About a dozen youths from across Ontario were promoted to various leadership positions during the staff cadet appointment parade at the Blackdown Cadet Training Centre at Base Borden. Alexander Samaha, 18, from Oakville, was promoted to the highest rank of regiment sergeant major. | Brad Pritchard/Metroland as a squadron warrant officer to lead about 90 cadets. Amond, who joined cadets when he was 12 and plays with the highland pipes and drums band, was a little surprised by the news. "I didn' t think I would get it, but it' s going to be a good experience," he said. Public affairs officer Lt. Stephen La Salle said the cadets who present the best leadership abilities are the ones chosen for these positions. "Let' s say we have a 12-year-old coming in for a two week program. We want that cadet to be able to look up to that head cadet at the top and say, `I want to be like that person'," he said. Ottawa resident Eunice Kabasele, 18, felt "incredible" to be promoted to company sergeant major for the sports and fitness unit. She' s undergone quite the transformation since joining the program six years ago. "I was very rude, with lots of attitude," she said. "I still (have) the attitude, but I feel cadets gave me a sense of discipline, optimism, perseverance and determination for sure, and it' s built on my leadership and communications skills." The newly-appointed staff cadets will hit the ground running when the rest of the cadets arrive this weekend. The trainees have a busy schedule ahead of them, starting with a two-week introductory course called general training, where they are exposed to life at the camp and also the different programs, like music, drill and ceremonial classes, expedition training and more. After that, they come back for more training the next summer for three weeks so they can focus on an area of interest. Following more training, they can then come serve as staff cadets. "All of the training is free," La Salle said. "The cadet program pays for all their transportation, participation in programs, as well, they may end up receiving a training bonus." OSC FALL/WINTER INDOOR PROGRAMS REG ISTRATIO N IS NOW OPEN FOR: Y O U T H IN D O O R H O U S E L E A G U E S O C C E R H SOCCER IS N 'T JUST FO R THE SUM M ER! AGES U4 - U 18 O P E N D E V E L O P M E N T P R O G R A dD ^ B ^ h H H AN O PPO RTUNITY FO R PLAYERS AGES U6 - U 12 TO FURTHER DEVELOP TH EIR SOCCER SKILLS L I 'L OSCARS A FUN PHYSICAL LITERACY PR O G R A M FO RTH EYO UNG EST PLAYERS IN SPO R T FO R PARTICIPANTS 2 YEARS OF AGE (B O R N IN 2 0 1 5 ) B R E A K IN G B A R R IE R S P R O G R A M A SOCCER PR O G R A M FO R PARTICIPANTS AGES U6 - U 15 W ITH INTELLECTUAL AND/O R PHYSICAL DISABILITIES j \ / / ~ DON'T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR OSC'S 2017 SUMMER FUN CAMPS! LIM ITED SPACES AVAILABLE FOR NEXT WEEK! FOR MORE IN FO V IS IT W W W .0AKVILLES0CCER.CA