w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, July 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 | 4 L E X U S O F O A K V IL L E .C A EXPERIENCE AMAZI NG Damoffjumps in to do CPR by Marta Marychuk Oakville Beaver Staff Pam Damoff, MP for Oakville North-Burlington, is urging more people to learn first aid and CPR after responding to a medical crisis on Sunday "You never plan for an emergency" she said. Damoff was having breakfast with her sister when somebody in the restaurant yelled -- call 911, my dad is choking. "Time seemed to stand still," she said. "It happened so fast." She said the man was quite elderly and appeared to be choking. Damoff spoke to a first responder from Halton emergency services at police headquarters, who gave her guidance. Damoff got the man on to a hard surface and started heart compressions. "He wasn' t breathing and was starting to turn blue," said Damoff. "His heart beat had stopped." Halton Region paramedics arrived immediately and resuscitated the man, who was MP Pam Damoff taken to hospital. Oakville Fire also responded. "They are such heroes," said Damoff. "They're incredible." Damoff learned first aid and CPR years ago - but was still able to be the "first link" in providing emergency first aid until 911 arrived on scene. After her experience on Sunday, Damoff said she and her staff would be taking first aid and CPR training from St. John Ambulance. "More people need to know first aid and CPR," she added. Shortly after Halton Region paramedics responded, Halton Regional Police Service Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) arrived and spoke to everyone in the restaurant, including Damoff. They told Damoff and her sister to go for a walk -- and that' s what they did. The COAST team provides Halton residents 16 and older who are experiencing a mental health crisis with immediate outreach and support. The team is made up of health-care workers and Halton police officers trained in mental health and crisis intervention, and is funded by the Canadian Mental Health Association of Halton and by the Ontario Ministry of Health. "I was really pleased with the focus on mental heath," added Damoff. Ironically, Damoff was in the same restaurant a few months ago with her son Fraser, 27, when a young child started choking on a hard candy. Fortunately, Damoff said Fraser, a former lifeguard, used the Heimlich manoeuvre -- and saved the child. LEASEA « Beaver www.insideHALTON.com 2017 R X 3 5 0 i FOR $279 BI-WEEKLY INCLUDING F SPORT CREDIT OF UP TO $2000 Representative lease example based on a 2017 RX 350 sfx `A on a 39 month term at an annual rate of 1.9% and Complete Lexus Price of $58,073. Bi-weekly lease paym ent is $279 with $5,430 down paym ent or equivalent trade in, $0 security deposit and first bi-weekly lease payment due at lease inception. Total o f 84 bi-weekly lease payments required during the lease term. Total lease obligation is $29,046. 52,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.20/km for excess kilometres. Com plete Lexus Price includes freight/PDI ($2,045), Dealer fees, EHFTires ($16.50), EHF Filters($1),A /C charge($100 ),andO M V IC Fee ($10).Taxes, license, registration (ifapplicable) and insurance are extra. Offers are subject to change or cancellation w ithout notice. Offers expire on July 31st unless extended or revised. See your Lexus of Oakville for com plete details. Sp o t l ig h t He a l t h Be a v e r Tr a il s 6 Ar t s 33 Sp o r t s 44 Cl a s s if ie d 35 37 41 A shleyF u rn itu re, P harm asave, M etro , H olla n dP arkG a rd en , 3 for1 G lasses, M & MM eats, H om eH a rd w a re, A thletic L o cker, Lastm an' sB adB o y, R ona, H atch Sum m er B reak, R eal C anadian Superstore, N oF rills, F o o dB asics, Sw iss C halet, d ell, M u ti K itchen andB ath, P rom obiz Solutions, B randsaver, H om eL ifestyle, H ealthyP lanet, Shoppers D ru gM a rt, L o w es, Sm art Source, H om eO utfitters, F o rtin o s, T h eB rick, L L sten U pC anada, B oudair, H udson' sB ayC o ., JY SKB ed&B ath, L o ngo' s, B ayer-C oppertone, L in en C hest, L eon' sF u rn itu re, C anadianT ire , R exall P harm aP lus, M cK esson, Sobeys, B est B u y, H om eD epot, F resh C o ,C a nadianT ire , W alm art, M onasteryB akery For home delivery & customer service call 905-631-6095, 5300 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEw suBscRipTiONs call 905-631-6095 or subscribe online at www.oakvillebeaver.com *All flyers not necessarily delivered to all homes LEXUSOF OAKVILLE 1453 N O R TH SERVICE R O A D , W EST O A K V ILLE , O N L6M 2W 2 PIC-A-DELI ^ W e e k ly Specials: Thursday Nights: Domestic Pint & 1 lb of Wings $ 9 9 9 Daily special: Large 3 item Pizza- $ 9 9 9 Dine In & Pick up only Featuring Best M ontreal Smoked Sandwiches All Day Breakfast. Hours: Monday - Saturday 7 am -1 am Closed Sundays. 905.847.8400 · 1.866.LEXUS.66 670 Fourth Line ( 905) 339-1905