o H 1^ t --I O CM t-- t-- C O N C R E TE Irimmings Ltd. EXPOSED AGGREGATE (P eb b le) I I Call: 289-293-0661 email: mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Update "Connected to your Community" GO tu O < fi? "O DC L U CD Forw ard announcements o f non-profit local events fo r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z 1; em ail mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver com or call 289-293-0661. Free. 5520 for information. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 Kick start your jo b search with employment specialist Peter Lesser, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Good will - The Amity Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257 8856. Free exercise/health program fo r seniors, at Oakville Seventh-Day Adventist Church Tues days, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., until September at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. E. Call 416 900-3931 or 289-300-0392. Oakville Cruze Night, 6-9 p.m., Tuesdays to Sept. 19, Dorval Drive and North Service Road at Boston Pizza. Antiques, hot rods, classics and sports cars. Nostalgic music, door prizes, and 50/50. Proceeds to local charities. Free. Visit www.oakvillelions.org. mi.I.ITIN L U < o E c DRIVEWAYS FRENCH CURBS PATIOS STEPS WALKWAYS GARAGE FLOORS uality At Its Best! C a ll F e r n a n d o FREE ESTIM ATES ~ r ~ ro .c g < S ) o re a m 905- 844-5518 1- 888- 944-5518 S tart collecting pledges now fo r Oakville Seventh-day Adventist Church fund-raising 10K Walk-a-thon to be held Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017. Registration 9:30 a.m. at Trinity United Church, 1250 McCraney St. E. All welcome to participate. Pick up pledge form at Trinity United Church Tuesdays between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For informa tion, call 416-900-3931 or 289-300-0392. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 Chicken W ings, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 114, 36 Upper Middle Rd., $1/wing with carrots, celery and dip, 4:30 p.m. Fish Fry, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 486, 79 Jones St., Bronte, $10, 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free 7:30-11:30 p.m. All welcome. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 O akville-M ississauga Prostate Cancer Sup port Group meets third Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m. at Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House, 2545 Sixth Line. Free. Call 905-691-5100 or walter.eadie@cogeco.ca. You get just one funeral. Make it the one you want. You are unique. Y our life is unlike a n y other. B y pre -p la n n in g y o u r final a rra n g e m e n ts now, you ca n c h o o s e th e o p tio n s th a t re fle c t h o w yo u w a n t to be rem em bered. W hat's m ore, you can save th o u s a n d s o f do lla rs and p ro te c t fam ily fro m u n c e rta in ty a b o u t y o u r w ishes. wrf Testar SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 K err V illage Handm ade and Vintage M ar ket, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., parking lot on Kerr Street at Westside Drive. Admission is free. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 Codependent N o More, the Women' s Centre, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Free. Register at 905-847-5520. Networking Club with job developer Carolyn McCleister 10-11:45 a.m. at Goodwill - The Ami ty Group, Oakville Career Centre, 2387 Trafalgar Rd., Unit B5. Free. Call 905-257-8856. MONDAY, AUGUST 14 Employment Legal Clinic, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free guidance and advice. First come, first serve. Women only. Call 905-847-5520. Coffee and Conversation at the Women's Cen tre, Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Call 905-847- Executor'sHandbook Th & L ^ A tto rn e y Take th e first step: A sk us about your FREE Planning Kit! 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -1 1 0 0 Q Look for us on Facebook glenoaks.ca irLo & W jL//V G ca.com TH IS W EEK'S Family Owned. Proudly Canadian. THANKYOU OAKVILLE FOR ONCE AGAIN NOMINATING US ONE OF THE BEST! SERVICING THE O A K W jf! COM M UNITY FOR OVER 2 0 YEARS! BEST QUALITY. BEST SERVICE. BEST PRICES! by Arbor Memorial Arbor MemorialInc. Glen Oaks Funeral Home &Cemetery COAFO RT 3164 Ninth Line (403 & Dundas St.), Miss./Oakville, ON 1/2 PRICE Any Carpet Style B erb er · Tw is t A A A Mention Promo Code Oakville Beaver Plush · Shag All Commercial and Residential Textured B erb er Installed with Underpad $ ^2 . 9 9 sq.ft. 1500 sq.ft, limit DiSPOSAL SERVICES and receive 10% OFF the Price of Your BIN RENTAL* O f f 10% » m m 5' X 8 ' STARTING AT Serving Oakville, Burlington, Milton & Mississauga 586 Third Line, Oakville 9 9 FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ONLY: ?F lo o W r / ,//I/O 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -8 6 8 6 www.aaadisposal.org ca.co m OPEN SUNDAYS M nddm 1921 SUPERSTORE TRAFALGAR VILLAGEi (across fromO ak villeG oStation) Oakville 9 0 5 .8 4 9 .4 4 7 2 228 KING ST. E. Hamilton 905-546-1921