3 | Friday A u g u s t 1 1 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .in s id e h a lto n .c o m Senior cautioned a fte r girl, 8 , was slapped in grocery store Halton police say they have identified the suspect in an alleged assault on a child at a No Frills grocery store in Oakville. In a media release issued Wednesday Aug. 9, police say the suspect, a 77-year-old Oakville woman, was located and cautioned for the incident due to her diminished capabilities. There were no injuries to the victim as a result of the incident. "Police would like to thank residents and media partners for their assistance in identifying the person," police said in the release. A mother was shopping with her four children at the No Frills grocery store on Cross Avenue Tuesday, Aug. 8 when a woman allegedly slapped her eight-year-old daughter. The female suspect fled the store after being confronted by the girl's mother. A IR E O N E M A D N E S S S A L E ! H IG H E F F IC IE N C Y F U R N A C E & C E N T R A L A I R PACKAGE INCLUDES: 95.5 % High Efficiency Gas Furnace High Efficiency Central A ir R410A Refrigerant 10 Year Factory W arranty Limited Time Offer *Call for details CENTRAL AIR OR FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL CENTAL AIR OR FURNACE CLEANING BOOK YOURS TODAY! Call for details Cornwall Animal Hospital break-in I-- Halton police are investigat ing following a break-in to an Oakville animal hospital, last week. On Wednesday, Aug. 2, just before midnight, a suspect ap proached the Cornwall Animal Hospital at 1495 Cornwall Rd. and smashed the business' front glass door with a hammer, says co-owner Dr. Pawan Kutlehria. The intruder stole approxi mately $250 from the reception area and then attempted to go further into the facility, but failed to get through another locked door. The individual then fled the area, but not before being re corded by a surveillance camera. The suspect is described as 6-foot, 250 pounds. He wore a baseball cap, lightcoloured hoodie, and shorts. Damage from the break-in is estimated to be approximately $4,000 to $5,000. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Oakville Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext. 2216 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). 9 LOCATiONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER OAKViLLE (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -4 9 9 8 Farewell foot pain O u r foot care starts w ith education. We treat all foot issues so you can live w ithout pain & improve mobility. B est C h iro p o d ist / C lin ic / O rth o tic s p ro vid er sin ce 2004 · W e p u t care & se rv ice first! ^ 905 6321414 9 728 Burloak (South of the QEW) G O T W R IN K L E S ? VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ; ;; h , OAKVILLE UNITED TAXI 7 DAYS A WEEK % A ir p o r t & O u t-o f-T o w n S e r v i c e H r^F B fa · · www.oakvilleunitedtaxi.com If y o u o r s o m e o n e y o u k n o w h a v e fro w n lin e s b e tw e e n th e e y e b r o w s a n d a re 1 8 y e a r s o f a g e o r o ld e r. To v o lu n te e r c o n ta c t w w w .d e rm e tics.ca / clin ica l-re se a rch / T h e B o a rd C e rtifie d D e rm a to lo g is ts a t D e rm e tic s a re c u rr e n tly s e e k in g m e n a n d w o m e n to p a r tic ip a te in a c lin ic a l re s e a rc h s tu d y u tiliz in g an in v e s tig a tio n a l p r o d u c t fo r fr o w n lin e s A $ Q u a lifie d p a rtic ip a n ts w ill receive: Examination by a Board Certified Cosmetic Derm atologist All study related products and exam ination at no cost Com pensation for travel A To volunteer contact www.dermetics.ca/clinical-research/ OAKVILLE TO TORONTO PEARSON AIRPORT STARTING FROM ONLY $45. CALL US FOR DETAILS. 5