B B Q h O CN W I T H F L Y N N For m ore news, visit insidehalton.com 'H 4->> if) < CD TD >> if) 1 -- oc LU LU SZ 1 5 0 B IR T H D A Y < o q c o -t--1 CD J= E o CD g c £ ·EURO TOP D O U B L E M A T T R E S S ........ $399 $ 3 4 9 SINGLE M ATTR ESS Q U E E N M A T T R E S S ............$449 ____________________ Reg. $700________________ K IN G M A T T R E S S .................$549 £ ·TIGHTTOP D o u B L E M A T T R E S S ........ $499 $ 3 9 9 S i n g l e M ATTRESS Q u e e n M A T T R E S S ........... $549 ____________________ Reg. $750______________ K IN G M A T T R E S S .................$799 Ontario Labour Minister and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn held his 15th annual Community Barbecue Thursday, Aug. 10 in Bronte, where he has a Community Constituency Office. Pictured, Flynn helps Girls Inc. volunteer Anna Serafini, 19, serve fries from neighbouring Sammy's Famous Old-Fashion Chip Wagon to visitors during the event. | | Graham Paine/Metroland ADVERTORIAL Hear better without anyone knowing you're wearing hearing aids. Denying signs of hearing loss and not actively seeking a solution is largely attributed to the stigma that's associated with wearing hearing aids. But what many don't know is that hearing aid technology has come a long way. Gone are the outdated, uncomfortable and noticeably clunky hearing aids. Now, there are solutions that can be customized to the individual wearing them and some are so discreet no one will even know Phonak Virto'B - Titanium hearing aids: only you will know you're wearing them! Connect H earing YOUR HEARING PROFESSIONALS )N ALS Not being able to fully engage in a social situation can be frustrating. Especially when it means missing parts o f a lively conversation because there are too m any com peting background noises. Asking som eone to have to repeat themselves becomes embarrassing, and w ithdraw ing from social you're wearing them. situations becom es a m ethod o f coping. But for many, coping is a way of prolonging the need for hearing aids because they don't want to give in to showing their age. Fortunately, today's hearing aid technologies offer the best o f both worlds: fully engage in social situations without anyone knowing you're wearing hearing aids. You can look as young as you feel and remain the life of the party - hearing with ease and confidence. Take the Virto B-Titanium hearing aids for example, they are designed to help understand speech even in a group conversation or when there's competing background noise. Plus, they're the smallest custom hearing aid from leading manufacturer Phonak. Durable and strong, the sleek shell contains the best technology and is discreet for those who don't want to show their age. Connect Hearing wants to help you back into the conversation. Register for a professional hearing test today. There's absolutely no cost or commitment. Call 1.888.408.7377 or visit connecthearing.ca/titanium. Hearing well means not show ing yo u r age (or yo u r hearing aids). With hearing aids this powerful and discreet, no one will even know you're wearing them. It starts at Connect Hearing. 1.888.408.7377 connecthearing.ca/titanium * R EFER R ED PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE Rewards VAC, WCB, WSIB, WorkSafeBC, ADP & ODSP accepted. *Free hearing tests only applicable fo r clients over 50 years o f age and no fees or purchase are necessary. *Based on national physician referrals over the tenure o fth e corporation's Canadian business operations compared to th e disclosed referral count of leading competitors. **C ertain conditions apply to the Price Match Guarantee. Seeclinicfordetails. ®C A A,CAAlogoandCAARewardstrademarksownedby,and use is authorized by,the Canadian Automobile Association. Registered underthe College ofSpeech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC.