w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, Au gust 17, 2017 |12 All S tar Gala gaining m om entum , but needs boost by Nathan Howes Special to the Beaver Oakville resident James Montague wants to take the All Star Awards Gala to the next level, in the hope that more people will get recognition for their contributions. The ceremony, which celebrates the talents and contributions of those in the comm unity with a developmental challenge, came to fruition several years ago after Montague and his friends created an event similar to the Oscars, with som e modifications. The first ceremony was held at M ontague's house, but as the event became popular, the next two were at the Holiday Inn-Oakville -- drawing in 32 and 80 people, respectively By 2015, the event drew 200 people. The Oakville event planner and Special Olympian wants to make the gala even bigger. "Our focus is trying to bring the gala to people who haven't heard of it before. I'v e spoken to a lot of parents and they just can't believe this is what I do -- award people Our focus is trying to bring the gala to people who haven't heard of it before. I've spoken to a lot of parents and they just can't believe this is what I do - award people for what they do in their day-to-day lives. w All Star Gala organizer James Montague O Thursdays 1:00 - 6:30 pm P E Saturdays 10:30 am - 1:30 pm N Sundays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm \ 0 IIP Homei M Ukrainian FOODfV a ll p r e p a r e d a n d e a s y to w a r m up James Montague | submitted photo Terrace TaKe-aw ay for what they do in their dayto-day lives," said Montague. "Because w e're integrating the Halton (school) boards this year, it will recognize students at the school level. We want to make sure this gala is know n in the Oakville com m unity" This year's gala, the sixth to date, takes place Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Holiday InnOakville, 590 Argus Rd., where Montague works. see A ll on p.20 Does your financial advisor know your life goals? Marc Nutford Financial Advisor 9 0 5 .3 3 7 .1 4 0 0 e x t. 116 2387 Trafalgar Road Unit; e2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-822-2023 w w w .e d w a rdj ones. co m / m a rc-n utford M em ber - Canadian Investor Protection Fund orders@terracetakeaway.ca · www.terracetakeaway.ca St. Joseph's Ukrainian C a tholic Church 300 River Oaks Blvd. East (at Trafalgar) Oakville ON Edwardjones M AKING SENSE OF INVESTING A Changemaker's promise is unbreakable. When you make your promise to sign up, fundraise or donate to the Canadian Cancer Society CIBC Run for the Cure, you too can proudly paint your pinky and help make breast cancer beatable. Find out more about becoming a Changemaker at CIBCRUNFORTHECURE.COM. CHANGETHE SIGN UP. DONATE. BE A CHANGEMAKER. O ctober 1,2017 CIBC RUN CURE H ® C a n a d ian ^ Cancer l ' Society The CIBC R u n fo rth e Cure, d a ffo d il and p ink rib b o n ellipse a re tra d e m a rk s o fth e Canadian CancerSociety. The CIBC logo is a registered tra d e m a rk o fC IB C .