The Halton Regional Police Service answers your questions as they relate to traffic, crime and community policing. by Staff S g t Craig Platt M odified m ufflersand blacked-out tail lights: what arethe rules? 21 |Thursd ay Au gust 17, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |w w w HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE QUESTION: Is it illegal to have a modified muf fler on a vehicle for the purpose of making excessive noise? If so, what are the police doing to control the noise problem? My house is close to Guelph Line and Upper Middle Road and every night sounds like the Toronto Indy. Is it possible to report vehicles that I come across with modified mufflers? regional municipality, Halton This question con police continue to dedicate re cerns illegal car modi sources and design initiatives fications. People who to bolster community safety and well-being across spray-paint out their tail our region. Awareness of emerging trends and con lights or have excessive cerns is an important part of the response and de ly loud mufflers never sign process, and our communities play a key role seem to get enforced. by bringing concerns to our attention. Tail lights spray-painted Officers assigned to front-line patrol duties, and black are very hard to those in specialized Traffic units, vigorously enforce see in bad weather out traffic laws, including improper modifications. side the city where there On July 21, HRPS and several other Greater To are no street lights. Loud ronto Area (GTA) police services, in collaboration mufflers are obnoxious with the Ministry of Transportation, participated in Staff Sgt. Craig Platt when you're trying to Project ERASE across Milton, Halton Hills, Oakville sleep. What's allowed and Burlington. This joint-agency initiative was de and how do police enforce this? signed to combat street racing and typically identi fies vehicles with modifications as well. This project ANSWER: Traffic safety continues to be identi led to more than 100 charges being laid, numerous fied as a community concern and a priority for the vehicle inspections, along with vehicle seizures and Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS). With Hal driver's licence suspensions. Project ERASE is a ton region retaining its distinction as Canada's safest reoccurring multi-agency effort, hosted in jurisdic aska tions across the GTA. and vehicles are removed from the roadway to ad The Highway Traffic Act provides direction dress the unlawful or unsafe alterations, and return about vehicle modifications for vehicle owners and the vehicle to legal standards. operators, including restrictions and consequences Thank you for your questions and we look for for breaching those sections of the Act. It can be a ward to working further with our communities. breach of the Highway Traffic Act to improperly In addition to our online reporting options, please modify a motor vehicle, including lighting systems remember that if you observe a vehicle being op and mufflers. Officers routinely encounter such erated dangerously or in an unsafe manner, let us vehicles and take steps to ensure noise levels and know. Road safety is a shared responsibility; · · · visibility issues are addressed. Offences include Unnecessary Noise and Failure to Display Red Have a questionforpolice? Visit wwwinsidehalton. Light to Rear. Also, under certain circumstances, com and click on the Ask a Cop link on the top rightpolice officers may conduct a vehicle inspection to hand side of the homepage to submit a question for ensure compliance if modifications are observed. this monthly feature, which is published monthly in In some situations, licence plate seizures do occur print and online. =rove.CQ · · f ly e r s , c o u p o n s , s h o p p in g lis t s . Shop Smart S a ve m o re o n y o u r w e e k ly g r o c e r y b ill ALL YOU C A N EAT L U N C HO RD IN N E R ORDER A SUSHI BOAT FOR YOUR NEXT BACKYARD PARTY! ·/ 9 L9B1Z3 C lo th in g & A c c e s s o r HAPPY \r W alm art metro L* Download the Free Mobile App -- w A N D R O ID A P P ON EE/H K Google-play 280 North Service Road W. @ Dorval 905-338-6228 w w w .a u g u s t8 .c a 10% OFF Dinner only. Cash o n ly & with this ad. Learn more at obile