9 | Friday August 18, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Youth seriously hurt in fall off bike A 17-year-old boy was taken to Oakville Trafal gar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) with serious in juries Wednesday night (Aug. 16) following an accident at the skateboard facility at Shell Park. The Oakville Fire Department and Halton EMS were called to the Lakeshore Road West park around 8 p.m., after receiving reports a youth at the facility had fallen off his bike and struck his head. Deputy Fire Chief Paul Boissonneault said the boy was not wearing a helmet. "The patient was conscious, but not fully alert and was complaining of head pain," said Boissonneault. "We tried to immobilize the patient until EMS arrived on the scene." Halton Director of Paramedic Services Greg Sage said the individual was taken to hospital with serious injuries. His current condition is unknown. The Oakville Fire Department is reminding those who participate in skateboarding, scootering, BMX biking, or similar activities to wear the recommended safety equipment. "Helmets provide a safety facet that should not be ignored," said Boissonneault. "We would always recommend that all safety equipment be utilized when accessing any of the parks." OSCB OAKVILLE SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL BALLET ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE t YangAccounting.ca CPA IR S N E W feU YY@YangAccounting.ca C R A R e -A sse ssm e n t O v e rd u e T a x R e tu r n , A p p e a ls T a x T re a ty f o r C a n a d ia n Experienced Professional Services for Individual Business & Corporation (647) 989-1276 Y in g (K im berley) Y an g 11-1155 North Service U W ,O akville (289) 291-3924 18th Floor, 2 St, ClairAve. W , Toronto (647) 255-8049 B alle t a t its B est C o m e a n d e x p e rie n c e th e w orld of b allet. W e h a v e b e e n te a c h in g classical a n d co n tem p o ra ry ballet in the Oakville a re a for over 50 years. R ecreational & Professional Training Programs Ballet Pointe C o n te m p o ra ry / M o d ern C h a ra c te r / Folk D a n c e Body Conditioning Pas D e Deux Boys' a n d M en 's Classes 260 Robinson Street, O akville p. 905 302 Je te (5383) e. o akvilleb allet@ g m ail.co m oakviH ebaN et.co m 2 0 1 7 / 1 8 R e g is t r a tio n R e g is tr a tio nH o u r s : A u g u s t 14-19 &21-26 M o n W e d 10a m- 2 p m T h u r s 5 -8 p m F r iS a t 10am-2 p m A u g u s t 28-31 M o n T h u r s 10a m- 2 p m S c h o o lw ill b ec lo s e dS e p te m b e r 1-4 S e p te m b e r5-9 T u e s W e d 10a m- 2:00 T h u r s 5 -8 p m F r iS a t 10a m- 2 p m Classes c o m m e n c e : M o n d a y S e p te m b e r 1 1 ,2 0 1 7